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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Out of the loop: The English We Speak - YouTube

Out of the loop: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei and with me is Neil.

Neil: Hi there.

Feifei: Neil, what are you doing sitting down?

Neil: Presenting this programme – like we always do –

sitting in a chair.

Feifei: You clearly don't know about our new

healthy working policy – no more sitting down –

standing up is better for you!

Neil: Oh, alright then, I'll stand up if I have to.

Feifei: Oh, Neil! No drinking coffee in the studio.

Health and safety!

Obviously, you missed our meeting about the new

healthy working policy.

You are clearly out of the loop.

Neil: What?

There's a loop I have to stand in now?

Feifei: No, Neil. You missed our meeting

where we discussed the new healthy working policy,

and now you're out of the loop.

It means you don't have,

or are not aware of the knowledge

a particular group of people do have.

In other words, you've missed out on something.

Neil: Oh, I hate missing out on things.

We'd better hear some examples so I can be 'in the loop'

about this English phrase.

Examples: I've been out of the loop

since I went on holiday.

I didn't know Geeta and Bilal had got engaged!

They kept me out of the loop,

so it was a shock to discover that they were moving our

sales team to Birmingham!

Please keep me in the loop if you have

any more discussions about the building work.


Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English.

And we're hearing about the phrase 'out of the loop',

which describes not having, or not being aware of the

knowledge a particular group of people do have.

The opposite is being 'in the loop'.

But Neil, you are out of the loop.

Neil: Yes, yes, yes. You've made that clear.

I missed the meeting and I don't know about this stupid

'healthy working policy'.

Feifei: Where were you anyway?

Neil: Down at the café. You know,

having a big fry-up.

Eggs, bacon, sausages!


Feifei: So unhealthy!

That's got to stop.

Come on, Neil!

Neil: Where are we going?

Feifei: We're going for a lunchtime run

with the rest of the team.

It's part of our new healthy working policy!

Neil: Urghh!

I think I'd rather stay out of the loop from now on.

Both: Bye!

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Out of the loop: The English We Speak - YouTube ||||||||video sharing platform Außerhalb der Reihe: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Out of the loop: The English We Speak - YouTube Fuera de onda: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Hors circuit : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube 蚊帳の外:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Fora do circuito: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Не в курсе: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Döngünün dışında: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Не в курсі подій: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 跳出循环:我们说的英语 - YouTube 走出循环:我们说的英语 - YouTube 跳出循環:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei and with me is Neil. ||||||a co-host

Neil: Hi there. Person speaking: Neil|| 尼尔:你好。

Feifei: Neil, what are you doing sitting down? ||||||being seated| Feifei: Neil, was machst du denn im Sitzen? 菲菲:尼尔,你坐下来做什么?

Neil: Presenting this programme – like we always do – |Hosting|||||| 尼尔:介绍这个节目——就像我们一直做的那样——

sitting in a chair. Seated in chair.||| 坐在椅子上。

Feifei: You clearly don't know about our new Feifei(1||||||| ||obviously||||| Feifei: Du weißt offensichtlich nichts über unsere neue

healthy working policy – no more sitting down – |operating or functioning||||| Politik des gesunden Arbeitens - kein Sitzen mehr - politique de travail saine - plus de temps assis - 健康的工作政策——不再坐着——

standing up is better for you! se tenir debout est mieux pour vous ! 站起来对你更好!

Neil: Oh, alright then, I'll stand up if I have to. Neil : Oh, d'accord alors, je me lèverai si je dois. 尼尔:哦,那好吧,如果有必要,我会站起来。

Feifei: Oh, Neil! No drinking coffee in the studio. フェイフェイ:ああ、ニール! スタジオでコーヒーを飲んではいけません。 菲菲:哦,尼尔!禁止在工作室喝咖啡。

Health and safety! Santé et sécurité ! 健康と安全を考えてください! 健康和安全!

Obviously, you missed our meeting about the new Évidemment, vous avez manqué notre réunion sur la nouvelle 明らかに、新しいについての私たちの会議を見逃しました

healthy working policy. politique de travail sain. політика здорового способу життя.

You are clearly out of the loop. Vous êtes clairement hors de la boucle. Вы явно не в теме. Ви явно не в курсі. 你显然不在圈子里。

Neil: What? Neil : Quoi ?

There's a loop I have to stand in now? Muss ich jetzt in einer Schleife stehen? Il y a une boucle dans laquelle je dois me tenir maintenant ? ループの中に立たされるのか? Есть петля, в которой я должен стоять сейчас? Існує якась петля, в яку я маю потрапити? 我现在必须站在一个循环中吗?

Feifei: No, Neil. You missed our meeting

where we discussed the new healthy working policy,

and now you're out of the loop. а теперь ты не в теме. 现在你出圈了。

It means you don't have,

or are not aware of the knowledge

a particular group of people do have. 特定人群确实有。

In other words, you've missed out on something. 换句话说,你错过了一些东西。

Neil: Oh, I hate missing out on things. Neil : Oh, je déteste rater des choses. Ніл: Ненавиджу щось пропускати. 尼尔:哦,我讨厌错过一些事情。

We'd better hear some examples so I can be 'in the loop' Nous ferions mieux d'entendre quelques exemples pour que je puisse être "dans le coup" Нам краще почути кілька прикладів, щоб я був "в курсі 我们最好听听一些例子,这样我就可以“了解情况”

about this English phrase. à propos de cette expression anglaise. 关于这个英文短语。

Examples: I've been out of the loop Exemples : Je n'étais pas au courant 示例:我已经脱离循环

since I went on holiday. depuis que je suis parti en vacances. 休暇を取ってからだ。 з тих пір, як я пішов у відпустку. 自从我去度假。

I didn't know Geeta and Bilal had got engaged! Je ne savais pas que Geeta et Bilal s'étaient fiancés ! Я не знав, що Гіта і Білал заручилися! 我不知道 Geeta 和 Bilal 已经订婚了!

They kept me out of the loop, Sie haben mich nicht eingeweiht, Ils m'ont tenu à l'écart, 他们让我置身事外,

so it was a shock to discover that they were moving our Deshalb war es ein Schock, als ich erfuhr, dass sie unsere donc cela a été un choc de découvrir qu'ils déplaçaient notre тому для мене було шоком дізнатися, що вони перевозять наш 所以很震惊地发现他们正在移动我们的

sales team to Birmingham! Verkaufsteam nach Birmingham! équipe de vente à Birmingham ! команду продажів до Бірмінгему! 销售团队到伯明翰!

Please keep me in the loop if you have もし何かあれば、また知らせてほしい。

any more discussions about the building work. 关于建筑工作的更多讨论。


Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English.

And we're hearing about the phrase 'out of the loop', 我们听到了“跳出循环”这个词,

which describes not having, or not being aware of the який описує відсутність або незнання про те, що 它描述了没有或没有意识到

knowledge a particular group of people do have. la connaissance qu'un groupe particulier de personnes a. знання, які має певна група людей. 特定人群确实拥有的知识。

The opposite is being 'in the loop'. |||sein||| L'opposé est d'être 'dans le coup'. Протилежність - бути "в курсі".

But Neil, you are out of the loop. ||du||||| Mais Neil, tu es hors du coup.

Neil: Yes, yes, yes. You've made that clear. ニール:はい、はい、わかりました。それは理解しました。 尼尔:是的,是的,是的。你说得很清楚了。

I missed the meeting and I don't know about this stupid 私は会議に出席できず、この愚かな「健康な職場方針」について知りません。 我错过了会议,我不知道这个愚蠢的事

'healthy working policy'. “健康工作政策”。

Feifei: Where were you anyway? Feifei : Où étais-tu de toute façon ? 菲菲:你到底在哪里?

Neil: Down at the café. You know, Neil : Dans le café. Tu sais, 尼尔:在咖啡馆里。你懂,

having a big fry-up. en train de déguster un gros petit-déjeuner. 大炒。

Eggs, bacon, sausages! 鸡蛋、培根、香肠!


Feifei: So unhealthy!

That's got to stop. That is||| 那必须停止。

Come on, Neil!

Neil: Where are we going?

Feifei: We're going for a lunchtime run Feifei : Nous allons faire un jogging à l'heure du déjeuner

with the rest of the team. avec le reste de l'équipe. 与团队的其他成员。

It's part of our new healthy working policy! C'est une partie de notre nouvelle politique de travail sain ! 这是我们新的健康工作政策的一部分!

Neil: Urghh! 尼尔:呃!

I think I'd rather stay out of the loop from now on. ||ich würde||||||||| Je pense que je préfère rester en dehors du circuit à partir de maintenant. Я думаю, що відтепер мені краще триматися подалі від цього. 我想我宁愿从现在开始远离圈子。

Both: Bye! Tous les deux : Au revoir !