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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Have a pop: The English We Speak - YouTube

Have a pop: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: ...and hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, I'm having a bit of trouble with

my computer...

Rob: What, again! What's the problem

this time?

Feifei: Well, I've written the script for

this programme, but it won't save. And I

can't print it out - this computer just

does not work. Can you fix it?

Rob: Let me have a pop at it.

Feifei: A pop? Are you going to make it

explode? That's a bit extreme, Rob.

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei. If I have a pop

at something, I just mean I'll try and do

it - so I'll have a go at doing something,

like fixing your computer...

Feifei: Right! OK, Rob, have a pop then.

But just don't delete all my work.

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei, I would never do

that, would I? Let's hear some more

examples of the phrase while I sort this out...

I'm going to have a pop at doing this

online application for a passport -

apparently it's really easy.

We had a pop at making a cake but we

baked it for too long and it burnt!

Why not have a pop at yoga? I've heard it's

good for your mind, body and soul.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the phrase 'have a pop', which

means to try something. So, Rob, you've

had a pop at fixing

my computer... any luck?

Rob: Ermm, not exactly. Everything seems

to have disappeared from the screen.

Feifei: Let me look... no! You have deleted

my script. Hmm, Rob, did you know that

'have a pop' has another meaning?

Rob: Oh yeah, what's that?

Feifei: To 'have a pop' also means to

criticise or even to try and hit someone.

And I'm going to have a pop at you

for losing my script.

Rob: Hold... hold on, Feifei. If we don't

have a script, we won't know what will

happen next.

Feifei: I think the listeners know, Rob,

don't they? Bye.

Rob: Bye. Ouch!

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Have a pop: The English We Speak - YouTube Dejte si pop: The English We Speak - YouTube Have a pop: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Have a pop: The English We Speak - YouTube Tómate un refresco: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Un petit coup d'œil : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube ちょっと一杯:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 팝을 즐겨보세요: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Um pouco de pop: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Послушайте: Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Bir tane patlatın: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Have a pop: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 来一曲我们说的英语 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei... Mluvíme. Jsem Feifei...

Rob: ...and hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, I'm having a bit of trouble with Feifei: Robe, mám trochu problém s tím.

my computer...

Rob: What, again! What's the problem

this time? tentokrát?

Feifei: Well, I've written the script for Feifei: No, napsala jsem scénář pro Фейфей: Ну, я написав сценарій для

this programme, but it won't save. And I ||||non vuole||| tento program, ale neuloží se. A já цю програму, але вона не врятує. І я

can't print it out - this computer just

does not work. Can you fix it? nefunguje. Můžete to opravit?

Rob: Let me have a pop at it. |Lass|||||| Rob: Dovolte mi, abych se na to podíval.

Feifei: A pop? Are you going to make it Feifei: Pop? Chystáš se to udělat? Фейфей: Ескімо? Ти впораєшся?

explode? That's a bit extreme, Rob. esplodere||||| вибухнути? Це вже занадто, Робе.

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei. If I have a pop Rob: Neboj se, Feifei. Když budu mít pop

at something, I just mean I'll try and do v něčem, chci jen říct, že se pokusím udělat

it - so I'll have a go at doing something, tak se pokusím něco udělat,

like fixing your computer... jako je oprava počítače...

Feifei: Right! OK, Rob, have a pop then. ||in Ordnung|||||

But just don't delete all my work.

Rob: Don't worry, Feifei, I would never do

that, would I? Let's hear some more

examples of the phrase while I sort this out... приклади фрази, поки я розберуся...

I'm going to have a pop at doing this Ich werde|||||||| Я збираюся спробувати зробити це

online application for a passport - онлайн-заявка на отримання закордонного паспорта -

apparently it's really easy.

We had a pop at making a cake but we wir||||||||| Zkusili jsme si vyrobit dort, ale... Ми спробували приготувати торт, але

baked it for too long and it burnt! пекла його занадто довго, і він підгорів!

Why not have a pop at yoga? I've heard it's Warum||||||||| Proč si nezkusit jógu? Slyšela jsem, že je to Чому б не спробувати йогу? Я чула, що це

good for your mind, body and soul.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the phrase 'have a pop', which

means to try something. So, Rob, you've

had a pop at fixing se pokusil opravit

my computer... any luck?

Rob: Ermm, not exactly. Everything seems Rob: Ehm, ne tak docela. Všechno se zdá být

to have disappeared from the screen.

Feifei: Let me look... no! You have deleted

my script. Hmm, Rob, did you know that

'have a pop' has another meaning? "mít pop" má jiný význam?

Rob: Oh yeah, what's that?

Feifei: To 'have a pop' also means to Feifei: "Mít pop" také znamená.

criticise or even to try and hit someone. kritizovat nebo se dokonce snažit někoho udeřit. критикувати або навіть намагатися вдарити когось.

And I'm going to have a pop at you |ich|||||||

for losing my script. za ztrátu mého skriptu.

Rob: Hold... hold on, Feifei. If we don't Rob: Počkej... počkej, Feifei. Jestli to neuděláme

have a script, we won't know what will

happen next.

Feifei: I think the listeners know, Rob, Feifei: Myslím, že posluchači to vědí, Robe, Фейфей: Думаю, слухачі знають, Робе,

don't they? Bye. že ne? Ahoj.

Rob: Bye. Ouch!