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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), FOMO: The English We Speak - YouTube

FOMO: The English We Speak - YouTube

Rob: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob...

Feifei: And hello, I'm Feifei. We're here to teach you

a real English phrase...

Rob, what's that you're holding there?

Rob: Oh this... just a ticket to see one of my

favourite rock bands in concert - The Rolling Thrones.

Feifei: Oh great - and I see you've got more

than one ticket.

Rob: Yes, that's right, a few of us

from the office are going - it's tonight!

I'm very excited.

Feifei: Oh right - Rob, it sounds fun -

maybe I could get a ticket and join you?

Rob: Why? You don't like rock music

and you always stay in and wash your

hair on a Thursday

- or so you tell me anyway.

Oh Feifei, I think you've got FOMO.

Feifei: I've got 'FOMO'? Is that bad?

Is that why you didn't invite me?

Oh dear, should I go and see a doctor?

Rob: No, don't see a doctor. FOMO is an acronym

for 'fear of missing out'.

It's a worried feeling you have that other people

are doing fun things when you are not -

you're missing out!

Feifei: Oh, we'd better hear some examples

of other people with FOMO...

Examples: I know Martha's got FOMO,

she's been moaning about not being invited to

Wang's karaoke party -

but she doesn't even like karaoke!

All my friends are going on holiday together

but I can't afford it so I've got FOMO.

There's a message on Facebook

that all the tickets to that gig are sold out

- now I have a feeling of FOMO!

Feifei: So that's FOMO - fear of missing out

- which describes a feeling you might have

when you feel other people are doing something

fun, when you are not. Well Rob, now I know

what it means, I know I haven't got it.

I just wanted to be sociable,

and have some fun with you all.

Rob: Sorry Feifei, even if you could get a ticket,

it's boys only I'm afraid.

Feifei: Oh look, I've got a message on my social

media feed... is the lead singer of your band

called Mick Dagger?

Rob: Yes, that's him - the finest rock singer

around - why?

Feifei: It says here, he's fallen down the stairs

and broken his leg.

The rock concert is cancelled!

Rob: Cancelled? Oh no.

Err, what did you say you were doing tonight?

Feifei: Washing my hair.

Rob: Any chance I could come round...

watch a movie, get a takeaway?

Feifei: Oh dear Rob. Have you got FOMO now?


Rob: Bye.

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FOMO: The English We Speak - YouTube FOMO: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube FOMO : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube FOMO: 私たちが話す英語 - YouTube FOMO: Angielski, którym mówimy - YouTube FOMO: O inglês que falamos - YouTube FOMO: английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube FOMO: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube FOMO:我们说的英语 - YouTube FOMO:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Rob: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob...

Feifei: And hello, I'm Feifei. We're here to teach you

a real English phrase...

Rob, what's that you're holding there? Rob, o que é isso que estás a segurar aí? Робе, що ти там тримаєш?

Rob: Oh this... just a ticket to see one of my

favourite rock bands in concert - The Rolling Thrones. ||musical groups||live performance|||Seats of power bandas de rock favoritas em concerto - The Rolling Thrones.

Feifei: Oh great - and I see you've got more Feifei: Oh, ótimo - e estou a ver que tem mais

than one ticket.

Rob: Yes, that's right, a few of us

from the office are going - it's tonight!

I'm very excited.

Feifei: Oh right - Rob, it sounds fun -

maybe I could get a ticket and join you? talvez eu possa arranjar um bilhete e juntar-me a vós?

Rob: Why? You don't like rock music

and you always stay in and wash your e ficas sempre em casa e lavas o teu

hair on a Thursday

- or so you tell me anyway. - pelo menos é o que me dizem.

Oh Feifei, I think you've got FOMO. Oh Feifei, acho que tens FOMO. О, Фейфей, здається, у тебе ФОМО.

Feifei: I've got 'FOMO'? Is that bad? У мене "ФОМО"? Це погано?

Is that why you didn't invite me? Тому ви мене не запросили?

Oh dear, should I go and see a doctor?

Rob: No, don't see a doctor. FOMO is an acronym |||||||||sigla Rob: Não, não vás ao médico. FOMO é um acrónimo

for 'fear of missing out'. |Angst||| por "medo de perder". через "страх щось пропустити".

It's a worried feeling you have that other people Es ist|||||||| É um sentimento de preocupação que se tem de que as outras pessoas

are doing fun things when you are not -

you're missing out! está a perder!

Feifei: Oh, we'd better hear some examples

of other people with FOMO...

Examples: I know Martha's got FOMO, |||||paura di perdersi Exemplos: Eu sei que a Martha tem FOMO,

she's been moaning about not being invited to ||lamentarsi di||||| вона скиглила, що її не запросили на

Wang's karaoke party - Караоке-вечірка у Ванга -

but she doesn't even like karaoke!

All my friends are going on holiday together

but I can't afford it so I've got FOMO. mas não tenho dinheiro para o comprar, por isso tenho FOMO. але я не можу собі цього дозволити, тому у мене є FOMO.

There's a message on Facebook

that all the tickets to that gig are sold out ||||||concerto||| que todos os bilhetes para esse concerto estão esgotados

- now I have a feeling of FOMO!

Feifei: So that's FOMO - fear of missing out

- which describes a feeling you might have

when you feel other people are doing something

fun, when you are not. Well Rob, now I know

what it means, I know I haven't got it.

I just wanted to be sociable, ||volevo|||

and have some fun with you all.

Rob: Sorry Feifei, even if you could get a ticket, Rob: Desculpa Feifei, mas mesmo que conseguisses arranjar um bilhete, Роб: Вибач, Фейфей, навіть якби ти міг дістати квиток,

it's boys only I'm afraid. Receio que seja só para rapazes. Боюся, що тільки хлопчики.

Feifei: Oh look, I've got a message on my social Фейфей: О, дивись, у мене повідомлення в соціальній мережі.

media feed... is the lead singer of your band é o vocalista da sua banda

called Mick Dagger?

Rob: Yes, that's him - the finest rock singer Rob: Sim, é ele - o melhor cantor de rock

around - why? à volta - porquê?

Feifei: It says here, he's fallen down the stairs Feifei: Diz aqui, ele caiu das escadas

and broken his leg.

The rock concert is cancelled! ||||annullato

Rob: Cancelled? Oh no.

Err, what did you say you were doing tonight?

Feifei: Washing my hair.

Rob: Any chance I could come round... Rob: Há alguma hipótese de eu poder ir aí... Роб: Є шанс, що я зможу зайти...

watch a movie, get a takeaway? ver um filme, comprar um takeaway?

Feifei: Oh dear Rob. Have you got FOMO now? Фейфей: О, Боже, Робе. У тебе тепер є ФОМО?


Rob: Bye.