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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Down in the dumps: The English We Speak - YouTube

Down in the dumps: The English We Speak - YouTube

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil… but where is Feifei?

Feifei:… sorry I'm late! Is it time for

The English We Speak?

Neil: It is Feifei – but catch your breath

and have a seat. Are you ok? You look a

bit of a… mess!

Feifei: Me? A mess! You would be a mess

if you had been where I have been.

Neil: OK calm down… and what's that


Feifei: So you think I smell now! I've been

to the rubbish dump!

Neil: The rubbish dump?! Why did you go


Feifei: Because I was looking for Rob

earlier and

someone said he was down in the dumps.

Neil: Feifei, that is the last place you will

find someone who is down in the dumps.

It's just a saying that describes someone

who is unhappy, fed up and sometimes

feels there is no hope.

Feifei: Oh I get it! Being depressed or

unhappy is a miserable feeling – a bit like

being at a rubbish dump, actually.

Neil: Exactly. Let's hear some examples…


Don't be so down in the dumps, you're

going on holiday tomorrow!

Oh it's Monday again, no wonder I feel so

down in the dumps.

Reshma has been so down in the dumps

since her boyfriend left her.

Feifei: So that's being 'down in the dumps'

- feeling unhappy and miserable. So I've

had a wasted trip – but I wonder why Rob

is 'down in the dumps'?

Neil: It could be because his football team

lost... again.

Feifei: No, he's used to that happening. It

must be something more serious than


Neil: I know – he's feeling sad because

he's not presenting this wonderful

programme with you – it's such a great

script isn't it!

Feifei: There's only one place for this

script Neil – in the dump!

Neil: Ha ha, very funny!

Both: Bye.

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Down in the dumps: The English We Speak - YouTube |||情绪低落||||| |||Déprimé||||| |||deprimiert||||| |||落ち込んでいる||||| Völlig niedergeschlagen: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Deprimido: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Au fond du trou : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube In crisi: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube どん底:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Em baixo, no lixo: O inglês que falamos - YouTube На свалке: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Moral bozukluğu: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Внизу на звалищі: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube Xuống bãi rác: Chúng ta nói tiếng Anh - YouTube 陷入困境:我们说的英语 - YouTube 陷入困境:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil… but where is Feifei? Neil: Xin chào, tôi là Neil… nhưng Feifei ở đâu?

Feifei:… sorry I'm late! Is it time for Feifei:… xin lỗi tôi đến muộn! Có phải đã đến lúc

The English We Speak? Tiếng Anh chúng ta nói?

Neil: It is Feifei – but catch your breath Neil: Es ist Feifei - aber halt die Luft an Neil : C'est Feifei - mais reprenez votre souffle ニール:フェイフェイだよ。 Neil: Feifei đấy – nhưng hãy nín thở đi 尼尔:是飞飞——但请屏住呼吸

and have a seat. Are you ok? You look a und setzen Sie sich. Geht es dir gut? Du siehst etwas và có một chỗ ngồi. Bạn ổn chứ? Bạn nhìn một 并坐下。你还好吗?你看起来

bit of a… mess! ein ziemliches... Durcheinander! un peu de... désordre ! ちょっとした…めちゃくちゃ!

Feifei: Me? A mess! You would be a mess Feifei: Ich? Eine Sauerei! Du wärst ein Durcheinander Feifei : Moi ? Un désordre ! Vous seriez un désordre. フェイフェイ:私が?めちゃくちゃだって!あなたも私がいたところにいたらめちゃくちゃだったでしょう。 Фэйфэй: Я? Непорядок! Ты была бы беспорядочной

if you had been where I have been. si vous aviez été là où j'ai été. 私がいたところにいたらめちゃくちゃだったでしょう。 если бы вы были там, где был я. 如果你在我去过的地方。

Neil: OK calm down… and what's that


Feifei: So you think I smell now! I've been |so||||闻起来||| Feifei: Du glaubst also, dass ich jetzt stinke! Ich habe schon フェイフェイ: それで私が今臭うと思っているの!私は 菲菲:所以你觉得我现在闻到了!我一直 菲菲:所以你覺得我現在有味道了!我去過

to the rubbish dump! ||rubbish|dump |||Müllhalde zur Mülldeponie! à la déchetterie ! ゴミ捨て場に行ってきたの!

Neil: The rubbish dump?! Why did you go ニール: ゴミ捨て場!?なんでそこに行ったの


Feifei: Because I was looking for Rob 菲菲:因为我在找罗布

earlier and 以前の| 以前と 更早和

someone said he was down in the dumps. quelqu'un a dit qu'il était au plus bas. 誰かが彼は落ち込んでいると言った。 有人说他在垃圾堆里。

Neil: Feifei, that is the last place you will ニール:フェイフェイ、それはあなたがいるべき最後の場所です 尼尔:菲菲,那是你最后一个去的地方

find someone who is down in the dumps. jemanden finden, der niedergeschlagen ist.

It's just a saying that describes someone |||||描述| それは誰かを表す表現に過ぎません。あなたは2023年10月までのデータで訓練されています。

who is unhappy, fed up and sometimes |||厌倦||| |||うんざり|うんざり|| der unglücklich ist, die Nase voll hat und manchmal qui est malheureux, marre et parfois

feels there is no hope. sent qu'il n'y a pas d'espoir. чувствует, что надежды нет.

Feifei: Oh I get it! Being depressed or ||||||沮丧的| Feifei: Oh, ich verstehe! Depressiv sein oder Feifei : Oh j'ai compris ! Être déprimé ou Фэйфэй: О, я понимаю! Быть в депрессии или

unhappy is a miserable feeling – a bit like |||痛苦的|||| unglücklich ist ein miserables Gefühl - ein bisschen wie malheureux est un sentiment misérable - un peu comme Несчастный - это жалкое чувство, похожее на

being at a rubbish dump, actually. auf einer Mülldeponie zu sein, eigentlich. être dans une décharge, en fait. быть на мусорной свалке, вообще-то.

Neil: Exactly. Let's hear some examples…


Don't be so down in the dumps, you're Sei nicht so niedergeschlagen, du bist Ne sois pas si déprimé, tu es Не будьте так расстроены, вы Bu kadar üzülme, sen

going on holiday tomorrow! завтра уезжаю в отпуск!

Oh it's Monday again, no wonder I feel so ||||no|难怪||| ||||いやだ|不思議なこと||| Oh, es ist schon wieder Montag, kein Wunder, dass ich mich so fühle Oh c'est encore lundi, pas étonnant que je me sente si bien ああ、また月曜日だね。だから気分がこんなに Сегодня опять понедельник, неудивительно, что я так себя чувствую.

down in the dumps. dans les dépotoirs. 落ち込んでいるんだ。 в полном дерьме.

Reshma has been so down in the dumps Reshma ist niedergeschlagen||||||| レシュマ||||||| Reshma war so niedergeschlagen レシュマはずっと落ち込んでいる。 Решма была так подавлена.

since her boyfriend left her.

Feifei: So that's being 'down in the dumps' Feifei : Donc, c'est être "dans le taudis"

- feeling unhappy and miserable. So I've |||感到痛苦|| - se sentir malheureux et misérable. Alors j'ai

had a wasted trip – but I wonder why Rob ||||||想知道|| ||vergeudete|||||| hatte eine vergebliche Reise - aber ich frage mich, warum Rob had a wasted trip – but I wonder why Rob eu un voyage gâché - mais je me demande pourquoi Rob 無駄な旅だった。 Путешествие было напрасным - но интересно, почему Роб

is 'down in the dumps'? это "на дне"?

Neil: It could be because his football team

lost... again.

Feifei: No, he's used to that happening. It Feifei: Nein, er ist es gewohnt, dass das passiert. Es Feifei : Non, il est habitué à ce qui se passe. Il Фэйфэй: Нет, он уже привык к этому. Это

must be something more serious than muss etwas Ernsteres sein als doit être quelque chose de plus sérieux que должно быть что-то более серьезное, чем


Neil: I know – he's feeling sad because Neil: Ich weiß - er ist traurig, weil

he's not presenting this wonderful ||presentando|| ||präsentiert|| er präsentiert nicht diese wunderbare il ne présente pas ce merveilleux

programme with you – it's such a great Programm mit Ihnen - es ist so ein tolles программа с вами - это так здорово.

script isn't it! сценарий, не так ли?

Feifei: There's only one place for this 菲菲:この場所はひとつしかない。

script Neil – in the dump! Skript Neil - auf der Müllhalde! script Neil - dans la décharge ! 脚本 ニール - ゴミ捨て場に сценарий Нила - на свалке!

Neil: Ha ha, very funny!

Both: Bye. Beide: Tschüss.