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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Digital detox: The English We Speak - YouTube

Digital detox: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil.

Feifei: Ooo. You don't sound too good, Neil.

What's up? Are you sick?

Neil: I feel sick.

Feifei: What are the symptoms?

Neil: OK, Dr Feifei. Here we go: I can't

sleep, I feel anxious all the time,

I can't concentrate on anything,

I have itchy eyes, I'm tired,

my neck hurts... I've terrible headaches.

Feifei: Ah, I know what the problem is. Do

you happen to spend a lot of time online?

Neil: Yes - all the time.

Feifei: Do you keep your phone with you

in bed, at dinner, in the toilet?

Neil: Yes, yes, yes, of course - what's this

got to do with how awful I feel?

Feifei: You need a detox.

Neil: A detox? But I haven't drunk any

alcohol for months,

I exercise every day and I only

eat organic food.

Feifei: No - you need a digital detox.

A digital detox is a period of time away

from all devices

that can connect to the internet.

Neil: I can't do that! It's impossible! It'll

get even worse! What if someone

likes my status

at 4am and I miss it!?

Feifei: Now that IS a sign you're addicted.

You really do need a digital detox. Let's

hear some examples.

My phone broke the day I went on holiday

which forced me to have a digital detox.

I felt so relaxed.

I spend all day and night on Saturdays on

social media so I need a digital detox

every Sunday or I'm too tired

to go to work on Monday.

Right. Here's the key to the safe I've

locked all my gadgets in. I'm going to do

this digital detox even if it kills me!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. And I'm

with Neil, who uses his smartphone,

tablet and laptop so much, he's

made himself ill.

Neil: And Dr Feifei here has prescribed

a strict digital detox.

Feifei: We use the word 'detox' more

generally to describe a period when you

stop doing something

harmful - like drinking too much alcohol

or eating junk food.

Neil: And so a digital detox is a break

from all electronic gadgets.

OK, well here's my phone, Feifei.

Feifei: I'll deal with that.

Neil: Oh no! I suppose it's for the best. Goodbye.

Feifei: Dr Feifei always knows best.

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Digital detox: The English We Speak - YouTube Digital Detox|Entgiftung||||| |Digital break||||| |disintossicazione digitale||||| Digitaler Entzug: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Digital detox: The English We Speak - YouTube Desintoxicación digital: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Désintoxication numérique : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Disintossicazione digitale: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube デジタル・デトックス私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 디지털 디톡스: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Skaitmeninė detoksikacija: The English We Speak - "YouTube Cyfrowy detoks: The English We Speak - YouTube Desintoxicação digital: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Цифровая детоксикация: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Dijital detoks: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Цифровий детокс: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 数字戒毒:我们说的英语 - YouTube 數位戒毒:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei(1)|||||| Feifei: Hallo und willkommen bei The English Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei. Mluvíme. Jsem Feifei. Wir sprechen miteinander. Ich bin Feifei.

Neil: And I'm Neil. Neil|||

Feifei: Ooo. You don't sound too good, Neil. |Oh je|||||| Feifei: Nezníš moc dobře, Neile. Feifei: Ooo. Du klingst nicht besonders gut, Neil. Feifei: Ooo. You don't sound too good, Neil.

What's up? Are you sick? Was ist los? Bist du krank? O que é que se passa? Estás doente?

Neil: I feel sick. Neil: Mir ist schlecht.

Feifei: What are the symptoms?

Neil: OK, Dr Feifei. Here we go: I can't Neil: Dobře, doktore Feifei. Jdeme na to: Nemůžu Neil: OK, Dr. Feifei. Jetzt geht's los: Ich kann nicht

sleep, I feel anxious all the time, |||ängstlich||| spát, cítím se stále úzkostně,

I can't concentrate on anything, ich|kann nicht|konzentrieren|| Nemohu se na nic soustředit,

I have itchy eyes, I'm tired, ||juckende||| ||irritated||| ||occhi pruriginosi||| Svědí mě oči, jsem unavená, J'ai les yeux qui piquent, je suis fatigué, Tenho comichão nos olhos, estou cansado,

my neck hurts... I've terrible headaches. |Nacken|tut weh|||Kopfschmerzen

Feifei: Ah, I know what the problem is. Do

you happen to spend a lot of time online? trávíte hodně času online? vous passez beaucoup de temps en ligne ? たまたまオンラインで過ごす時間が長かったのですか?

Neil: Yes - all the time. Neil: Ano - pořád.

Feifei: Do you keep your phone with you Feifei: Máte u sebe telefon?

in bed, at dinner, in the toilet? v posteli, při večeři, na záchodě?

Neil: Yes, yes, yes, of course - what's this Neil: Ano, ano, ano, samozřejmě - co to je?

got to do with how awful I feel? |||||schrecklich|| |do|||||| má co dělat s tím, jak hrozně se cítím? damit zu tun hat, wie schrecklich ich mich fühle? deve avere a che fare con quanto mi sento male? 私がどれほどひどい思いをしているかと関係があるのだろうか? tem a ver com o facto de me sentir horrível?

Feifei: You need a detox. ||||Entgiftung Feifei: Du brauchst eine Entgiftung. Feifei: Hai bisogno di una disintossicazione.

Neil: A detox? But I haven't drunk any ||||||getrunken| ||disintossicazione||||| Neil: Detox? Ale já jsem nic nepil. Neil: Una disintossicazione? Ma non ho bevuto niente. Neil: Uma desintoxicação? Mas eu não bebi nada

alcohol for months, Alkohol||

I exercise every day and I only Cvičím každý den a pouze Ich treibe jeden Tag Sport und ich habe nur

eat organic food. |biologisch|

Feifei: No - you need a digital detox.

A digital detox is a period of time away Цифровий детокс - це певний період часу

from all devices ||Geräte з усіх пристроїв

that can connect to the internet. які можуть підключатися до інтернету.

Neil: I can't do that! It's impossible! It'll ||||||unmöglich| Neil: To nemůžu! Je to nemožné! To je nemožné. Ніл: Я не можу цього зробити! Це неможливо! Це зашкодить

get even worse! What if someone ||schlimmer||| se ještě zhorší! Co když někdo noch schlimmer werden! Was wäre, wenn jemand encore pire ! Et si quelqu'un piorar ainda mais! E se alguém

likes my status ||Status líbí se mi můj status aime mon statut 私のステータスが好き

at 4am and I miss it!? ve čtyři ráno a já to prošvihnu!? à 4h du matin et ça me manque !? às 4 da manhã e sinto falta disso!?

Feifei: Now that IS a sign you're addicted. |||||||süchtig Feifei: To je znamení, že jste závislí. Feifei: Das IST ein Zeichen dafür, dass du süchtig bist. Feifei: Isso é um sinal de que estás viciado.

You really do need a digital detox. Let's

hear some examples.

My phone broke the day I went on holiday ||ist kaputt gegangen|||||| Telefon se mi rozbil v den, kdy jsem odjel na dovolenou. Mein Handy ging kaputt, als ich in den Urlaub fuhr

which forced me to have a digital detox. |mich zwang|||||| was mich zu einem digitalen Entzug gezwungen hat.

I felt so relaxed. |||entspannt

I spend all day and night on Saturdays on |||||||Samstag| Aos sábados, passo o dia e a noite a trabalhar

social media so I need a digital detox |Medien||||||

every Sunday or I'm too tired todos os domingos ou estou demasiado cansado

to go to work on Monday.

Right. Here's the key to the safe I've Гаразд. Ось ключ від сейфа, який у мене є.

locked all my gadgets in. I'm going to do |||Geräte||||| chiuso|||dispositivi elettronici||||| Tranquei todos os meus aparelhos. Vou fazer заблокував всі свої гаджети. Я збираюся зробити

this digital detox even if it kills me! ||||||mich umbringt| esta desintoxicação digital, mesmo que isso me mate!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English. And I'm BBC Lernen Englisch||||

with Neil, who uses his smartphone, |||||Smartphone

tablet and laptop so much, he's Tablet||Laptop|||er tablet|||||

made himself ill. sich krank gemacht||krank захворів.

Neil: And Dr Feifei here has prescribed ||||||verschrieben ||||||recommended

a strict digital detox. |strikter||

Feifei: We use the word 'detox' more Feifei: detox more|||||| Feifei: Usamos mais a palavra "desintoxicação".

generally to describe a period when you allgemein||||||

stop doing something přestat něco dělat

harmful - like drinking too much alcohol schädlich||||| Dannoso||||| škodlivé - jako pití příliš velkého množství alkoholu

or eating junk food. ||ungesunde| ||cibo spazzatura|

Neil: And so a digital detox is a break Neil: Digitální detox je přestávka.

from all electronic gadgets.

OK, well here's my phone, Feifei.

Feifei: I'll deal with that. ||damit umgehen|| Feifei : Je m'en occupe. Фейфей: Я розберуся з цим.

Neil: Oh no! I suppose it's for the best. Goodbye. ||||nehme an|||||

Feifei: Dr Feifei always knows best. Feifei: Feifei ví vždycky všechno nejlépe. Feifei : Le Dr Feifei sait toujours mieux.