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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Bone idle: The English We Speak - YouTube

Bone idle: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei and... excuse me please...

Rob, can we have your attention please!

Rob: Err, oh alright then... hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, could you take your feet off the table please!

Rob: Oh, alright then. There you go...

Feifei, do I have to present this programme today?

Feifei: Why, what's wrong?

Rob: Well, I've done so much work already

and according to my watch, I should be having

a coffee break now.

Feifei: Really! Rob's being lazy because he

was out late last night.

Rob, there is a phrase to describe your condition.

Rob: Oh yes. Overworked? Energetic?

Feifei: No - the opposite. It's bone idle -

literally, you are idle right through to

your bones. In other words, you are very lazy!

Rob: It's a great phrase Feifei but that doesn't

describe me. Look I've just moved my little finger.

Feifei: Ha ha! I think we had better hear some more

examples while you move the rest of your body.

Examples: The doctor has told my brother

to do more exercise,

but he won't do it, he's bone idle.

You're bone idle - you've been at home all day

and you're still in your pyjamas!

My boyfriend's bone idle -

he won't even get off the sofa to answer the phone.

Feifei: So the phrase 'bone idle' means very lazy -

like Rob! Hey Rob, I hear it's Dan's birthday

today and he's brought a cake in for us all to share.

Rob: Cake! I love cake - great, come on let's get some

before it all eaten.

Feifei: Ah, you're moving now -

but you're not going anywhere

until you've finished this programme.

Rob: Come on then, tell me what to say.

Feifei: Just read this script.

Rob: OK let me see. Hold on, the script says

that you're about to say 'it's not Dan's birthday,

it's a joke.'

Feifei: Sorry Rob, it is a joke -

but it did stop you from being bone idle!

Rob: Right, that's it. I'm not going to do

anymore work for the rest of the day.

Feifei: No change there.

Rob, I've got a new name for you.

Rob: What's that?

Feifei: Lazy bones.

Rob: You're cruel.

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye-bye.

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Bone idle: The English We Speak - YouTube 懒骨头|懒惰至极||||| |faul||||| |怠惰||||| Bone idle: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Bone idle: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Bone idle : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Bone idle: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube ボーン・アイドル:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Bone idle: The English We Speak - YouTube Bone idle: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Bone idle: The English We Speak - YouTube Bone idle: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Бездіяльність кісток: англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 骨头闲置:我们说的英语 - YouTube 骨頭閒置:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei and... excuse me please...

Rob, can we have your attention please!

Rob: Err, oh alright then... hello, I'm Rob.

Feifei: Rob, could you take your feet off the table please!

Rob: Oh, alright then. There you go... ||||There|| Rob: Oh, na dann ist ja gut. Da hast du's... 羅布:哦,那好吧。就這樣吧...

Feifei, do I have to present this programme today? |要||||||| Feifei, muss ich dieses Programm heute präsentieren? 菲菲,我今天有必要介绍这个节目吗?

Feifei: Why, what's wrong? Feifei: Warum, was ist los?

Rob: Well, I've done so much work already

and according to my watch, I should be having und laut meiner Uhr sollte ich jetzt

a coffee break now.

Feifei: Really! Rob's being lazy because he ||Rob||||

was out late last night. 是|||| 昨晚很晚才出去。

Rob, there is a phrase to describe your condition. ||||||||状况 Rob,有一句话可以描述你的情况。

Rob: Oh yes. Overworked? Energetic? |||overworked|精力充沛 ||||元気な

Feifei: No - the opposite. It's bone idle -

literally, you are idle right through to 简直|you||闲着|一直|| |||||todo el tiempo| im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, Sie sind untätig bis zum 文字通り、あなたはアイドルで

your bones. In other words, you are very lazy! Ihre Knochen. Mit anderen Worten: Sie sind sehr faul!

Rob: It's a great phrase Feifei but that doesn't

describe me. Look I've just moved my little finger.

Feifei: Ha ha! I think we had better hear some more Feifei: Ha ha! Ich denke, wir sollten noch etwas mehr hören.

examples while you move the rest of your body.

Examples: The doctor has told my brother

to do more exercise, |||多做运动

but he won't do it, he's bone idle.

You're bone idle - you've been at home all day Du bist untätig - du warst den ganzen Tag zu Hause

and you're still in your pyjamas! |||||睡衣里 und du bist noch im Pyjama!

My boyfriend's bone idle - |Freund's|| Der Knochen meines Freundes ist untätig -

he won't even get off the sofa to answer the phone. er steht nicht einmal vom Sofa auf, um ans Telefon zu gehen.

Feifei: So the phrase 'bone idle' means very lazy -

like Rob! Hey Rob, I hear it's Dan's birthday

today and he's brought a cake in for us all to share. ||él ha|traído||||||||

Rob: Cake! I love cake - great, come on let's get some

before it all eaten. |it||

Feifei: Ah, you're moving now -

but you're not going anywhere

until you've finished this programme.

Rob: Come on then, tell me what to say.

Feifei: Just read this script.

Rob: OK let me see. Hold on, the script says |||||Hold||||

that you're about to say 'it's not Dan's birthday, dass du gleich sagen wirst: "Dan hat nicht Geburtstag,

it's a joke.' Das ist ein Witz.'

Feifei: Sorry Rob, it is a joke - |||è una battuta|||

but it did stop you from being bone idle!

Rob: Right, that's it. I'm not going to do

anymore work for the rest of the day.

Feifei: No change there.

Rob, I've got a new name for you.

Rob: What's that?

Feifei: Lazy bones.

Rob: You're cruel. ||残忍的 Rob: Du bist grausam.

Feifei: Bye. Feifei: Tschüss.

Rob: Bye-bye. Rob: Auf Wiedersehen.