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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), A taste of your own medicine: The English We Speak - YouTube

A taste of your own medicine: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak.

I'm Feifei…

Neil: … and I'm Neil. Hey Feifei, it sounds

like you might have a cold?

Feifei: I think I have – sore throat, blocked

nose. I feel terrible. That's why I'm taking

this medicine.

Neil: That's probably a good idea.

Medicine is usually

good for making you feel better but how

does it taste?

Feifei: Well, it's supposed to taste of


but to be honest it's just horrible!

Neil: That's why I never take the stuff – it's

disgusting. Have you heard the phrase 'a

taste of your own medicine'?

Feifei: No. Does it mean doing something

horrible or unpleasant?

Neil: Sort of. It describes someone

receiving the

same, treatment or unpleasant

experience that

they have given to somebody else. You

know, like you're always bossing people

around and

then someone starts to boss you around?

Feifei: I don't know what you mean Neil!

Anyway, it's

quite a negative phrase.

Neil: It is. Let's hear some examples…

Our boss is so rude to us but finally

somebody has answered back and now

he's got a taste

of his own medicine.

When I meet up with my boyfriend, he's

always late so this time I'm going to give

him a taste of his own medicine and turn

up late as well.

Deepak is always rude to the teacher but

he was really offended when she gave

him a taste of his own medicine and was

rude back to him!

Feifei: So that's 'a taste of your own medicine' which

describes someone receiving the same

treatment that they have given to

somebody else.

Excuse me!

Neil: Oh dear. It sounds like you need to

take some more medicine.

Feifei: If you mean literally taking the

medicine, then

yes. But if you

mean receiving the same treatment I've

given to someone else, then no. I can't

believe you think I am always bossing

people around.

Neil: I was just giving an example of the

phrase. I would never say you were bossy.

Feifei: Good. Now why don't you go and

make me a nice

cup up of tea?

Neil: Oh, OK, sure. See you.

Feifei: And don't forget to close the door!

Neil: Yes. Sorry. I'll do that right now.

OK. See you later.

Feifei: Ah, I feel better already. Bye.

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A taste of your own medicine: The English We Speak - YouTube Eine Kostprobe Ihrer eigenen Medizin: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Prueba de tu propia medicina: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Un goût de votre propre médecine : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Un assaggio della propria medicina: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube 自分の薬を味わう:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 나만의 약 맛보기: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube O sabor do teu próprio remédio: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Вкус собственного лекарства: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Kendi ilacınızın tadına bakın: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube 尝尝你自己的药:我们说的英语 - YouTube 嚐嚐自己的藥:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak.

I'm Feifei…

Neil: … and I'm Neil. Hey Feifei, it sounds

like you might have a cold? üşütmüş olabilir misin?

Feifei: I think I have – sore throat, blocked |||||mal de gorge|| Feifei: Ich glaube, ich habe – Halsschmerzen, blockiert Feifei: Sanırım boğazım ağrıyor, tıkanmış

nose. I feel terrible. That's why I'm taking burun. Ben kötü hissediyorum. bu yüzden alıyorum

this medicine.

Neil: That's probably a good idea. Neil: Bu muhtemelen iyi bir fikir.

Medicine is usually Medizin ist in der Regel

good for making you feel better but how seni daha iyi hissettirmek için iyi ama nasıl

does it taste?

Feifei: Well, it's supposed to taste of Feifei: Nun, es soll schmecken 肥肥:まあ、それは...味がするはずです。 Feifei: Şey, tadı olması gerekiyordu

strawberries Erdbeeren

but to be honest it's just horrible! aber um ehrlich zu sein, es ist einfach schrecklich! ama dürüst olmak gerekirse bu sadece korkunç!

Neil: That's why I never take the stuff – it's Neil: Deshalb nehme ich das Zeug nie – es ist ニール:それが私がその物を決して摂取しない理由です。 Neil: Bu yüzden eşyaları asla almam - bu

disgusting. Have you heard the phrase 'a ekelerregend. Haben Sie schon einmal den Ausdruck "ein mide bulandırıcı. 'a' ifadesini duydun mu?

taste of your own medicine'? Geschmack Ihrer eigenen Medizin'?

Feifei: No. Does it mean doing something Feifei: Hayır. Bir şeyler yapmak anlamına mı geliyor?

horrible or unpleasant? schrecklich oder unangenehm?

Neil: Sort of. It describes someone

receiving the

same, treatment or unpleasant gleich, Behandlung oder unangenehm

experience that Erfahrung, die

they have given to somebody else. You

know, like you're always bossing people ||||donner des ordres| ||||mandando| 知道,就像你總是對別人發號施令一樣

around and

then someone starts to boss you around? dann fängt jemand an, dich herumzukommandieren? そのとき、誰かがあなたを威張り始めたとしたら?

Feifei: I don't know what you mean Neil!

Anyway, it's

quite a negative phrase.

Neil: It is. Let's hear some examples…

Our boss is so rude to us but finally ||||impoli||||

somebody has answered back and now 誰かが返事をした。

he's got a taste er hat geschmack

of his own medicine.

When I meet up with my boyfriend, he's

always late so this time I'm going to give

him a taste of his own medicine and turn ihm einen Vorgeschmack auf seine eigene Medizin und wiederum

up late as well. auch spät aufstehen. 夜も遅くまで起きている。

Deepak is always rude to the teacher but Deepak|||grosero|||| Deepak ist immer unhöflich zu den Lehrern, aber

he was really offended when she gave war er wirklich beleidigt, als sie ihm を贈ったとき、彼は本当に気分を害した。

him a taste of his own medicine and was 彼は自分の薬を味わった。

rude back to him!

Feifei: So that's 'a taste of your own medicine' which

describes someone receiving the same

treatment that they have given to

somebody else.

Excuse me!

Neil: Oh dear. It sounds like you need to Neil: Oh je. Es klingt, als müssten Sie

take some more medicine.

Feifei: If you mean literally taking the

medicine, then

yes. But if you

mean receiving the same treatment I've

given to someone else, then no. I can't

believe you think I am always bossing

people around.

Neil: I was just giving an example of the

phrase. I would never say you were bossy. |||||||dominant

Feifei: Good. Now why don't you go and

make me a nice

cup up of tea?

Neil: Oh, OK, sure. See you.

Feifei: And don't forget to close the door!

Neil: Yes. Sorry. I'll do that right now.

OK. See you later.

Feifei: Ah, I feel better already. Bye. Feifei: Ah, ich fühle mich schon besser. Tschüss. Feifei: ああ、もうすでに気分が良くなったわ。さようなら。