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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), A sting in the tail: The English We Speak - YouTube

A sting in the tail: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello I'm Feifei and welcome to The English

We Speak - and joining me is Rob. Rob: Hello everyone.

Feifei: So Rob, I hear you have a new a hobby?

Rob: Yes that's right - it's very exciting -

let me show you...

Feifei: Arghh! Bees! I don't like them - shut the door!

So you're new hobby is bee keeping?

Rob: Yes I'm a bee keeper - and I love it -

but there is a sting in the tail.

Feifei: Of course there's a sting in the tail -

bees sting - and it hurts, that's why I don't like bees.

Rob: They only sting when they're angry Feifei -

and anyway, when I said 'there's a sting in the tail'

I wasn't referring to the bees.

I meant something unpleasant

comes with something that is meant to be pleasurable.

Feifei: Yes, as I said - looking after bees means

you're likely to get stung.

Rob: That's true - but what I meant was bee keeping is

fun but I wasn't expecting it to cost so much money -

I had to buy all these hives

and these special protective clothes.

Feifei: Yes, you do look silly! So you're saying

bee keeping is fun but the unexpected

cost of it is the sting in the tail?

Rob: Exactly. Let's hear some examples

while I go and get some honey...

Examples: We had a great holiday

but it had a sting in the tail - when we got home

we discovered our house had been broken into.

I love her new book - the story is funny and romantic -

but there's a sting in the tail when someone dies.

Yeah, we all got a pay rise this month,

but there's a sting in the tail -

we're expected to work longer hours.

Feifei: So that's 'a sting in the tail' -

a phrase that means something unpleasant and

sometimes unexpected happens

when doing something good or fun.

Rob: OK Feifei, one of the good things about bee

keeping is you get this delicious honey

- and that's free - go on Feifei, try some.

Feifei: Hmmm honey, delicious!

Oh no, you've brought something else with you...

it's a bee!

Rob: Don't panic - I'll try to catch it... ouch! That hurt.

Feifei: Oh dear - it looks like bee keeping

has more than one sting in the tail!

Rob: Very funny!

Feifei: Bye!

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A sting in the tail: The English We Speak - YouTube |a sting|||||||| Ein Stachel im Schwanz: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Un aguijón en la cola: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Un coup d'épée dans l'eau : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Un pungiglione nella coda: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube 尾を引く刺:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Żądło w ogonie: The English We Speak - YouTube Uma picada na cauda: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Огрызок в хвосте: Английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Kuyrukta bir acı: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Жало в хвості: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 尾巴上的刺:我们说的英语 - YouTube 尾巴上的刺:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello I'm Feifei and welcome to The English

We Speak - and joining me is Rob. Rob: Hello everyone.

Feifei: So Rob, I hear you have a new a hobby? Feifei : Alors Rob, j'ai entendu dire que tu avais un nouveau hobby ?

Rob: Yes that's right - it's very exciting - Rob: Ja, das ist richtig - es ist sehr aufregend.

let me show you...

Feifei: Arghh! Bees! I don't like them - shut the door! |啊!蜜蜂!|api|||||关上门|| Feifei : Arghh ! Les abeilles ! Je ne les aime pas - fermez la porte ! 菲菲:啊啊啊!蜜蜂!我不喜欢他们——关上门!

So you're new hobby is bee keeping? |||||养蜂| |||||Bienen| Votre nouveau hobby est donc l'apiculture ? 那么你的新爱好是养蜂?

Rob: Yes I'm a bee keeper - and I love it - |||||养蜂人|||| ||||abeille|apiculteur|||| Rob: Ja, ich bin ein Imker - und ich liebe es -

but there is a sting in the tail. |||eine Falle|Stich||| mais il y a une pointe dans la queue. しかし、尻尾には刺がある。 但尾巴上有刺。

Feifei: Of course there's a sting in the tail - Feifei : Bien sûr qu'il y a un hic dans la queue -

bees sting - and it hurts, that's why I don't like bees. Bienen|||||||||| Bienen stechen - und das tut weh, deshalb mag ich keine Bienen. Les abeilles piquent - et ça fait mal, c'est pourquoi je n'aime pas les abeilles.

Rob: They only sting when they're angry Feifei - |||stechen|||| Rob: Sie stechen nur, wenn sie wütend sind, Feifei. Rob : Ils ne piquent que lorsqu'ils sont en colère Feifei - ロブ:彼らは怒っているときだけ刺すんだ。 罗布:它们只有在生气的时候才蜇人,菲菲 -

and anyway, when I said 'there's a sting in the tail' et de toute façon, quand j'ai dit "il y a un point d'interrogation dans la queue 无论如何,当我说“尾巴上有刺”时

I wasn't referring to the bees. ||маючи на увазі||| Ich habe mich nicht auf die Bienen bezogen. 我不是指蜜蜂。

I meant something unpleasant |||desagradable |||неприємне Ich meinte etwas Unangenehmes 我想说一些不愉快的事情

comes with something that is meant to be pleasurable. ||||||||agréable ||||||||enjoyable |||das|||||angenehm ||||is|that is intended||| ||||||||приємний |||||destinado|||placentero mit etwas zu tun hat, das als angenehm empfunden werden soll. vient avec quelque chose qui est censé être agréable. 快楽を目的としたものが付いてくる。

Feifei: Yes, as I said - looking after bees means

you're likely to get stung. ||||piqué(e) ||||gestochen ||||被蜇 ||||вжалений ||||刺される ||||picado vous risquez de vous faire piquer. 你可能会被蜇到。

Rob: That's true - but what I meant was bee keeping is

fun but I wasn't expecting it to cost so much money - amusant mais je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'il coûte autant d'argent -

I had to buy all these hives ||||||ruches ||||||Bienenstöcke ||||||蜂箱 ||||||вулики ||||||巣箱 ||||||colmenas J'ai dû acheter toutes ces ruches

and these special protective clothes. |||防护| |||protectrices| |||safety gear| et ces vêtements de protection spéciaux.

Feifei: Yes, you do look silly! So you're saying |||||ridículo||| Feifei: Ja, du siehst wirklich dumm aus! Du sagst also Feifei : Oui, tu as l'air ridicule ! Tu dis donc que

bee keeping is fun but the unexpected ||||||несподіванки l'apiculture est un plaisir, mais l'inattendu

cost of it is the sting in the tail? |||||piquant||| 它的代价是尾巴上的刺痛吗?

Rob: Exactly. Let's hear some examples روب: بالضبط. دعنا نسمع بعض الأمثلة

while I go and get some honey...

Examples: We had a great holiday

but it had a sting in the tail - when we got home ولكن كان لديه لدغة في الذيل - عندما وصلنا إلى المنزل mais il y avait un hic - quand nous sommes rentrés à la maison

we discovered our house had been broken into. |||house|||| اكتشفنا أن منزلنا قد اقتحم. nous avons découvert que notre maison avait été cambriolée.

I love her new book - the story is funny and romantic -

but there's a sting in the tail when someone dies. aber wenn jemand stirbt, gibt es einen Stachel im Hintern. mais la mort de quelqu'un n'est pas sans conséquences.

Yeah, we all got a pay rise this month, Oui, nous avons tous reçu une augmentation de salaire ce mois-ci, 是的,这个月我们都加薪了

but there's a sting in the tail - ||||||后续有刺

we're expected to work longer hours. ||zu||| |se espera||||

Feifei: So that's 'a sting in the tail' -

a phrase that means something unpleasant and eine Phrase, die etwas Unangenehmes bedeutet und une expression qui signifie quelque chose de désagréable et

sometimes unexpected happens manchmal passiert etwas Unerwartetes

when doing something good or fun.

Rob: OK Feifei, one of the good things about bee

keeping is you get this delicious honey |||||köstlichen|

- and that's free - go on Feifei, try some. - et c'est gratuit - allez-y Feifei, essayez-en.

Feifei: Hmmm honey, delicious!

Oh no, you've brought something else with you... Oh non, vous avez apporté quelque chose d'autre avec vous...

it's a bee!

Rob: Don't panic - I'll try to catch it... ouch! That hurt. ||惊慌失措||||接住||ai|| |Nicht|||||||||

Feifei: Oh dear - it looks like bee keeping Feifei: يا عزيزي - يبدو وكأنه حفظ النحل Feifei : Oh là là - ça ressemble à de l'élevage d'abeilles 菲菲:ミツバチを飼っているみたい

has more than one sting in the tail! ||||aguijón|||cola لديه أكثر من لسعة في الذيل! には、1つ以上の刺がある!

Rob: Very funny! Rob: Sehr lustig!

Feifei: Bye! Feifei: Tschüss!