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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Why does seeing someone yawn make us yawn? - YouTube

Why does seeing someone yawn make us yawn? - YouTube

Georgina: Hello. This is 6 Minute English,

I'm Georgina.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Georgina: What do you do when you're tired, Rob?

Rob: Mm, I go to bed.

Georgina: Before that?

Rob: Erm, I clean my teeth?

Georgina: But what does your body do to

tell you you're tired?

Rob: Right, well these days I just kind of

fall asleep in front of the TV.

Georgina: Yes, but, OK – what am

I doing now?

Rob: O h yes, hang on – yes, you've set

me off - yawning, yes yawning is a sign that

we are tired! Or bored!

Georgina: Are you tired or bored now?

Rob: No, not particularly.

Georgina: So, why did you just yawn?

Rob: Well, because you did! That's the thing

about yawns. They are contagious – they

can spread from one person to another.

Georgina: And that's what we're looking

at in this programme. But first, today's

question. What biological function does yawning

have? Essentially, why do we yawn? Is it:

A: To take in more oxygen

B: To get rid of carbon dioxide from our body

C: No one really knows

What do you think, Rob?

Rob: Ah – I know this. We yawn to take in

more oxygen. I'm pretty sure that's it.

Georgina: OK. We'll see if you're correct

at the end of the programme. John Drury is

a researcher from Sussex University. On

the BBC Radio 4 series All in The Mind he spoke

about yawning and why it is contagious.

Which animal does he mention will also

catch a yawn

from its owner?

John Drury: Yawning is actually a difficult

case when it comes to

these contagious behaviours.

It is the most contagious behaviour – it's

meant to be automatic, it's something that

you can't stop. Dogs yawn when their owners

yawn, animals yawn to each other. It happens

whether you want to or not. These kind of

effects have been found for other kinds of

behaviour, so really, we were trying to push

it as far as we could and see if there is

a cognitive element to this influence behaviour.

Georgina: Which animal might yawn when its

owner does?

Rob: Dogs! Dogs can catch a yawn

from their owners.

Georgina: Yes, yawning is a very contagious

behaviour. The use of the word behaviour here

is interesting. Normally it is an uncountable

noun to describe the way we act – either

in a good or a bad way. We talk about, for

example, dogs' or children's behaviour being

good or bad.

Rob: But it's also used as an uncountable

noun when we are talking about a particular

action that, for example, an animal makes

in particular situations. These behaviours

are often not conscious, but are an automatic

response to a situation.

Georgina: And the researchers were looking

to see if there was a cognitive side to the

behaviour. Which means they are looking at

the mental process – what is happening in

the mind to make us yawn, particularly when

someone else yawns. Let's listen again

John Drury: Yawning is actually a difficult

case when it comes to these

contagious behaviours.

It is the most contagious behaviour – it's

meant to be automatic, it's something that

you can't stop. Dogs yawn when their owners

yawn, animals yawn to each other. It happens

whether you want to or not. These kinds of

effects have been found for other kinds of

behaviour, so really, we were trying to push

it as far as we could and see if there is

a cognitive element

to this influence behaviour.

Georgina: The research discovered

that contagious

yawning is connected with

our social group

and how close we feel to the people in it.

Here's John Drury again.

John Drury : So, the more that you identify

with the in-group target, the more likely

you are to copy their behaviour. What we do

when we see a behaviour is that at some level,

we are making a judgement about whether the

person exhibiting that

behaviour, whether

it's an emotion, or a scratching behaviour,

or anything, is relevant. Does

their behaviour

indicate to us how we should behave?

Georgina: So, essentially, yawning is more

contagious if we identify with the person

who yawns first. If we feel close to, and

belong in, the same group as the person who

exhibits the behaviour – the person who

does the yawning – we are likely to yawn


Rob: So, you are less likely to yawn if a

stranger yawns than if someone in your close

family or circle of friends yawns.

Georgina: Let's listen again.

John Drury: So, the more that you identify

with the in-group target, the more likely

you are to copy their behaviour. What we

do when we see a behaviour is that at some level,

we are making a judgement about

whether the person exhibiting that behaviour, whether

it's an emotion, or a scratching behaviour,

or anything, is relevant. Does their behaviour

indicate to us how we should behave?

Georgina: Right, before we review the

vocabulary, let's

have the answer to our quiz. Why do we

yawn? Is it:

A: To take in more oxygen

B: To get rid of carbon dioxide from our body

C: No one really knows

Rob, what did you say?

Rob: Well, I was pretty sure it's A - to

take in more oxygen.

Georgina: There is, in fact, no clear biological

reason for yawning that is agreed upon. So

no one really knows.

Rob: We've been talking about yawning.

The action of opening our mouths wide open and

stretching our eardrums when tired or bored.

Georgina: Yawning can also be contagious.

This means it can pass from

one person to another.

Rob: And a yawn can be described as a behaviour

– a particular kind of automatic action

in response to a particular situation.

Georgina: The word cognitive is related to

our mental processes - the way our minds work.

Rob: If you identify with a particular group

– you feel close to that group and feel

that you belong in that group.

Georgina: And finally, to exhibit a behaviour

is to actually do that particular behaviour.

And before we all start yawning, it's time

for us to go. Do join us again soon and you

can always find us online, on social media

and on the BBC Learning English app. Bye for


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Why does seeing someone yawn make us yawn? - YouTube ||||打哈欠|||| ||||bostezar|||| Warum müssen wir gähnen, wenn wir jemanden gähnen sehen? - YouTube Dlaczego widząc kogoś ziewającego, zaczynamy ziewać? - YouTube Porque é que ver alguém a bocejar nos faz bocejar? - YouTube Birinin esnediğini görmek bizi neden esnetir? - YouTube Чому, коли ми бачимо, як хтось позіхає, ми теж позіхаємо? - YouTube 为什么看到别人打哈欠我们也会打哈欠? - YouTube 為什麼看到別人打哈欠我們也會打哈欠? - Youtube

Georgina: Hello. This is 6 Minute English,

I'm Georgina.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Georgina: What do you do when you're tired, Rob?

Rob: Mm, I go to bed. |嗯(1)||||

Georgina: Before that?

Rob: Erm, I clean my teeth? |嗯||||

Georgina: But what does your body do to

tell you you're tired?

Rob: Right, well these days I just kind of

fall asleep in front of the TV.

Georgina: Yes, but, OK – what am

I doing now?

Rob: O h yes, hang on – yes, you've set

me off - yawning, yes yawning is a sign that ||打哈欠||||||

we are tired! Or bored!

Georgina: Are you tired or bored now?

Rob: No, not particularly. 罗布:不,并不是特别。

Georgina: So, why did you just yawn? 乔治娜:那么,你为什么刚才要打哈欠?

Rob: Well, because you did! That's the thing 罗布:嗯,因为你打了!这就是问题所在

about yawns. They are contagious – they ||||传染性| ||||contagious|

can spread from one person to another. |spread|||||

Georgina: And that's what we're looking

at in this programme. But first, today's

question. What biological function does yawning 问题:打哈欠有什么生物功能?

have? Essentially, why do we yawn? Is it: 从根本上说,我们为什么要打哈欠?是:

A: To take in more oxygen A:为了吸入更多氧气

B: To get rid of carbon dioxide from our body |为了|||||||| |||to get rid of||||||

C: No one really knows

What do you think, Rob?

Rob: Ah – I know this. We yawn to take in

more oxygen. I'm pretty sure that's it.

Georgina: OK. We'll see if you're correct

at the end of the programme. John Drury is |||||||德鲁里|

a researcher from Sussex University. On

the BBC Radio 4 series All in The Mind he spoke

about yawning and why it is contagious.

Which animal does he mention will also

catch a yawn

from its owner?

John Drury: Yawning is actually a difficult

case when it comes to

these contagious behaviours.

It is the most contagious behaviour – it's

meant to be automatic, it's something that

you can't stop. Dogs yawn when their owners

yawn, animals yawn to each other. It happens

whether you want to or not. These kind of

effects have been found for other kinds of

behaviour, so really, we were trying to push

it as far as we could and see if there is

a cognitive element to this influence behaviour. |cognitive|||||

Georgina: Which animal might yawn when its

owner does?

Rob: Dogs! Dogs can catch a yawn

from their owners.

Georgina: Yes, yawning is a very contagious

behaviour. The use of the word behaviour here

is interesting. Normally it is an uncountable ||||||non numerabile ||||||niepoliczalny

noun to describe the way we act – either

in a good or a bad way. We talk about, for

example, dogs' or children's behaviour being

good or bad.

Rob: But it's also used as an uncountable 罗伯:但它也用作不可数名词

noun when we are talking about a particular 当我们谈论一个特定的

action that, for example, an animal makes 例如,动物所做的动作时

in particular situations. These behaviours

are often not conscious, but are an automatic |||意识到||||

response to a situation. risposta|||

Georgina: And the researchers were looking

to see if there was a cognitive side to the ||||||cognitive|||

behaviour. Which means they are looking at

the mental process – what is happening in

the mind to make us yawn, particularly when ||||||尤其是|

someone else yawns. Let's listen again

John Drury: Yawning is actually a difficult

case when it comes to these

contagious behaviours.

It is the most contagious behaviour – it's

meant to be automatic, it's something that

you can't stop. Dogs yawn when their owners

yawn, animals yawn to each other. It happens

whether you want to or not. These kinds of

effects have been found for other kinds of

behaviour, so really, we were trying to push

it as far as we could and see if there is

a cognitive element

to this influence behaviour. ||影响|

Georgina: The research discovered

that contagious

yawning is connected with

our social group

and how close we feel to the people in it. 我们与其中的人感觉有多亲近。

Here's John Drury again. 这里再次是约翰·德鲁里。

John Drury : So, the more that you identify John Drury: Čím více se ztotožňujete. 约翰·德鲁里:所以,你越能认同

with the in-group target, the more likely s cílem ve skupině, tím větší je pravděpodobnost.

you are to copy their behaviour. What we do

when we see a behaviour is that at some level, když vidíme chování na určité úrovni,

we are making a judgement about whether the posuzujeme, zda

person exhibiting that |表现出| |exhibiting| osoba vykazující tuto

behaviour, whether

it's an emotion, or a scratching behaviour, |||||抓挠| |||||scratching| je to emoce nebo škrábání, 这是一种情感,或者是一种抓挠行为,

or anything, is relevant. Does |||相关| |||relevant| 或其他任何相关的东西。是否

their behaviour 他们的行为

indicate to us how we should behave? nám naznačit, jak se máme chovat?

Georgina: So, essentially, yawning is more

contagious if we identify with the person

who yawns first. If we feel close to, and kdo zívne jako první. Pokud se cítíme blízko a

belong in, the same group as the person who

exhibits the behaviour – the person who 表现出||||| wykazuje zachowanie|||||

does the yawning – we are likely to yawn dělá zívání - pravděpodobně zíváme.


Rob: So, you are less likely to yawn if a

stranger yawns than if someone in your close

family or circle of friends yawns.

Georgina: Let's listen again.

John Drury: So, the more that you identify

with the in-group target, the more likely

you are to copy their behaviour. What we

do when we see a behaviour is that at some level,

we are making a judgement about

whether the person exhibiting that behaviour, whether |||表现||| |||exhibiting|||

it's an emotion, or a scratching behaviour,

or anything, is relevant. Does their behaviour |||relevant|||

indicate to us how we should behave?

Georgina: Right, before we review the

vocabulary, let's

have the answer to our quiz. Why do we

yawn? Is it:

A: To take in more oxygen

B: To get rid of carbon dioxide from our body ||||||二氧化碳|||

C: No one really knows

Rob, what did you say?

Rob: Well, I was pretty sure it's A - to

take in more oxygen. přijímat více kyslíku.

Georgina: There is, in fact, no clear biological

reason for yawning that is agreed upon. So ||||||一致的| důvod zívání, na kterém se shodneme. Takže 我们达成一致的打哈欠原因。因此

no one really knows. 没有人真的知道。

Rob: We've been talking about yawning. 罗布:我们一直在讨论打哈欠。

The action of opening our mouths wide open and Otevření úst dokořán a

stretching our eardrums when tired or bored. ||耳膜|||| ||eardrums|||| protahování ušních bubínků, když jsme unavení nebo znudění.

Georgina: Yawning can also be contagious.

This means it can pass from

one person to another.

Rob: And a yawn can be described as a behaviour 罗布:打哈欠可以被描述为一种行为

– a particular kind of automatic action ——一种特定类型的自动行为

in response to a particular situation. |risposta|||| 以应对特定情况。

Georgina: The word cognitive is related to

our mental processes - the way our minds work. |心理的||||||

Rob: If you identify with a particular group

– you feel close to that group and feel

that you belong in that group.

Georgina: And finally, to exhibit a behaviour ||||展示一种行为|| ||||to exhibit||

is to actually do that particular behaviour.

And before we all start yawning, it's time

for us to go. Do join us again soon and you

can always find us online, on social media

and on the BBC Learning English app. Bye for and||||||||
