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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Why do young people feel so lonely? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Why do young people feel so lonely? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English,

I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: And we are sitting here in New

Broadcasting House, in the middle

of London. Would you

say, Sam, that this is an isolated place?

Sam: Oh no, not at all. Isolated means

far away from other places and people.

Neil: Does that mean then, do you think,

that you can't be lonely here, with

all these people

around and all these things to do?

Sam: Ah, good question. Can you be

lonely in a crowd? Yes, of course,

I think you can

be because being lonely isn't about

physical isolation. I think you can be

lonely anywhere

if you feel that you are disconnected from

the world around you, if you feel that no

one understands you. If you are living

happily in isolation in The Scottish

Highlands, for example,

I'm sure you could feel lonely if

you came here to London.

Neil: Well, loneliness is today's topic.

The BBC has just completed a big survey

about it which we will learn more

about shortly. But first, of course,

a question: Where is

the most isolated inhabited place on the

planet - by which I mean the

place furthest away

from anywhere else with the fewest

people living there. Is it:

a) McMurdo Station in Antarctica,

b) Siwa Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert,

or is it c) the island of Tristan da Cunha

in the South Atlantic?

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: I've got absolutely no idea, so this

is just a guess - I think it's the one in

Antarctica. I'm going to go with that.

Neil: Well, we'll have the answer later on

in the programme. Loneliness is seen as a

big problem for the mental health of the

population, so much so that

the British government has

a minister for loneliness. But which age

group suffers most from loneliness.

Here is a BBC report about the research.

James Gallagher, BBC reporter: There is a

common stereotype that loneliness

affects only the old and the isolated.

It does, but this experiment also

shows that loneliness

is felt throughout life. People aged

between 16 and 24 experience

loneliness more often and more

intensely than any other age group.

Neil: So according to the research, Sam,

which section of society is most

affected by loneliness?

Sam: This might be a surprise,

but it's 16 to 24 year olds.

Neil: I was surprised by that because like

many, I would've guessed

that it was older people.

Sam: The reporter did say that that was a

stereotype. A stereotype is nothing to do

with stereo music, but it's the noun we

use to describe a very simple

and basic judgement

of someone and their character and

personality based on their age,

nationality, profession and so on.

So a stereotype of British people

is that we can't cook, we have bad teeth,

we are very reserved and never say

what we mean.

Neil: I don't know what you mean, my

cooking is wonderful, Sam.

And the stereotype is that

old people get lonely.

Sam: Much like the stereotypes of British

people, this may be true in some cases -

I've eaten some of your home-cooked

meals remember, Neil - but it's not true

for the majority.

It is young people who feel lonely

more often and more intensely.

Intensely here means strongly.

The feeling of loneliness is stronger in

young people than older people.

Neil: The reporter goes on to give some

explanation for why young people

might be more lonely.

James Gallagher, BBC reporter: Researchers

from the University of Manchester who

analysed the data, suggested feeling

lonely may plague the young because

it's a time of identity change.

Figuring out your place in the world

and of learning to regulate emotions.

Neil: He says that feeling lonely may

plague young people, what does

he mean there?

Sam: If you are plagued by something,

it means that it troubles you, it bothers

you and not just once,

it's something that happens

continually or repeatedly.

Neil: And he says this may be because

at that age we are still figuring out

our place in the world. We are trying

to understand the world and what

we are supposed to do with our lives.

Sam: He also suggests that younger

people have not yet learned how to

regulate their emotions, which is

another way of saying

to control their emotions.

Neil: Right. Time to review this week's

vocabulary, but before that let's

have the answer to the quiz.

I asked: Where is the most isolated

inhabited place on the planet? Is it:

a) McMurdo Station in Antarctica,

b) Siwa Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert

or c) the island of Tristan da Cunha

in the South Atlantic?

What did you say, Sam?

Sam: I said a).

Neil: Well, I'm afraid to say the answer is

actually c) the island of Tristan da Cunha

in the South Atlantic. It has a population

of fewer than 300 and it's only accessible

by a 6-day voyage by ship from South Africa.

Sam: So not a popular place for

a weekend break!

Neil: Indeed not. Now it's time for a recap

of our vocabulary. The first word was

isolated, which Tristan da Cunha certainly is.

It means far away from other

place and people.

Sam: Then there was stereotype the noun

for a simplistic view of person or group

based on their nationality, age,

profession and the like.

Neil: Intensely means strongly.

Sam: Being plagued by something means

it causes you problems and difficulties.

Neil: If you are trying to figure something

out, you are trying to understand it.

Sam: And to regulate something

means to control it.

Neil: Well, sadly, that's the end of the

programme. Hopefully you won't

feel too lonely without us,

remember we are always here

on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, our App and of course

the website bbclearningenglish.com.

See you soon. Goodbye.

Sam: Bye!

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Why do young people feel so lonely? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube ||||||isolated||||| ||jovens||||solitários|||minuto||YouTube Warum fühlen sich junge Menschen so einsam? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube Pourquoi les jeunes se sentent-ils si seuls ? Écouter 6 minutes d'anglais - YouTube なぜ若者は孤独を感じるのか?6分間英語を聴く - YouTube Porque é que os jovens se sentem tão sozinhos? Ouvir 6 Minute English - YouTube Почему молодые люди чувствуют себя так одиноко? Слушайте 6-минутный английский - YouTube Gençler neden kendilerini bu kadar yalnız hissediyor? 6 Minute English'i dinleyin - YouTube 为什么年轻人会感到如此孤独?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, |Olá|Bem-vindo||| Neil: Hola. Bienvenido a 6 Minute English,

I'm Neil. |Eu sou Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam. Sam|||

Neil: And we are sitting here in New

Broadcasting House, in the middle Broadcasting House|||| em transmissão|Casa|||

of London. Would you |de Londres. Você||

say, Sam, that this is an isolated place? ||||||偏僻的|

Sam: Oh no, not at all. Isolated means ||||||孤立的| ||||||Separated or alone|

far away from other places and people.

Neil: Does that mean then, do you think,

that you can't be lonely here, with |du||||| 在这里,你不可能感到孤独,因为

all these people 周围都是这么多人

around and all these things to do? 还有这么多事情可以做呢?

Sam: Ah, good question. Can you be

lonely in a crowd? Yes, of course, isolated|in the midst||group of people||| |||multidão|||curso

I think you can I|||

be because being lonely isn't about |||estar||

physical isolation. I think you can be |物理隔离||||| tangible bodily||||||

lonely anywhere

if you feel that you are disconnected from ||||||脱节| ||||||abgekoppelt| ||||||desconectado|

the world around you, if you feel that no

one understands you. If you are living |entende|||||

happily in isolation in The Scottish |||||苏格兰的 |||||Scottish felizmente||||| felizmente aislado en The Scottish 스코틀랜드에서 고립된 채 행복하게 在苏格兰高地快乐地隔离

Highlands, for example, 高地,例如|| Hochland|| Terras Altas|| 하이랜드를 예로 들 수 있습니다, 例如,

I'm sure you could feel lonely if 我敢肯定如果你

you came here to London.

Neil: Well, loneliness is today's topic. ||孤独感||| ||solidão|||

The BBC has just completed a big survey |||||||survey |||||||pesquisa BBC에서 대규모 설문조사를 완료했습니다.

about it which we will learn more |||||sobre isso que aprenderemos mais|

about shortly. But first, of course, |em breve||||

a question: Where is

the most isolated inhabited place on the |||lived in||| |||人が住む||| |o lugar habitado mais isolado do||habitado||| 지구에서 가장 고립된 사람이 사는 곳입니다. 地球上人口最为孤立的地方 - 我指的是最远离的地方

planet - by which I mean the 地球上人口最为孤立的地方 - 我指的是最远离的地方

place furthest away |most distant| |mais distante| 가장 멀리 떨어진 장소 地球上人口最为孤立的地方 - 我指的是最远离的地方

from anywhere else with the fewest |||||最少的 |||||wenigsten ||de qualquer outro lugar com o mínimo|com||de qualquer outro lugar com o menor número 가장 적은 비용으로 다른 곳에서 从任何其他地方即可进行最少量的

people living there. Is it:

a) McMurdo Station in Antarctica, |麦克默多站|||南极洲 |McMurdo Station|station||Antarctica |Estação McMurdo na Antártida|||na Antártida

b) Siwa Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert, |西瓦绿洲||||| |Siwa|Siwa Oasis||Egypt||Desert |oásis de Siwa|oásis||do deserto ocidental do Egito|oeste|deserto

or is it c) the island of Tristan da Cunha |||||||||特里斯坦-达库尼亚 ||||a (ilha de Tristan da Cunha)|ilha||Tristan||

in the South Atlantic? |||大西洋 ||no Sul|no Atlântico Sul?

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: I've got absolutely no idea, so this

is just a guess - I think it's the one in

Antarctica. I'm going to go with that. 南极洲。就这么定了。|||||| |ich||||| Antarctica|||||| 남극 그렇게 하죠.

Neil: Well, we'll have the answer later on ||vamos||||mais tarde|

in the programme. Loneliness is seen as a |||Isolation|||| 프로그램에서 외로움은

big problem for the mental health of the |||||mental health issue|| 정신 건강에 큰 문제입니다.

population, so much so that 인구가 너무 많아서

the British government has

a minister for loneliness. But which age |孤独部长|||||

group suffers most from loneliness. |leidet|||

Here is a BBC report about the research. 이 연구에 대한 BBC 보도는 다음과 같습니다.

James Gallagher, BBC reporter: There is a |加拉格尔||||| |Gallagher||||| James|Gallagher|||||

common stereotype that loneliness |刻板印象|| frequent stereotype|||

affects only the old and the isolated. impacts|||||| 는 노약자와 고립된 사람들에게만 영향을 미칩니다.

It does, but this experiment also ||||experiment|

shows that loneliness

is felt throughout life. People aged ||贯穿||| ||ao longo de||| 在整个生命中都能感受到。

between 16 and 24 experience ||years

loneliness more often and more

intensely than any other age group. 更为强烈||||| 非常に|||||

Neil: So according to the research, Sam, |||||pesquisa|

which section of society is most |||social group|| 사회의 어느 부분이 가장

affected by loneliness? 외로움에 영향을 받나요?

Sam: This might be a surprise, |das|||| Sam: 깜짝 놀랄 일이죠,

but it's 16 to 24 year olds.

Neil: I was surprised by that because like

many, I would've guessed ||会猜| ||I would have| muitos||| 많은 사람들이

that it was older people.

Sam: The reporter did say that that was a

stereotype. A stereotype is nothing to do

with stereo music, but it's the noun we |立体声||||||

use to describe a very simple

and basic judgement ||decision-making

of someone and their character and

personality based on their age, 연령에 따른 성격을 파악할 수 있습니다,

nationality, profession and so on. 国籍,职业等|||| Nationalität||||

So a stereotype of British people

is that we can't cook, we have bad teeth, ||||prepare food|||| ||||||||dentes ruins es que no sabemos cocinar, tenemos mala dentadura,

we are very reserved and never say |||拘谨||| |||reserved||| somos muy reservados y nunca decimos 우리는 매우 내성적이며 다음과 같은 말을 하지 않습니다. 我们非常保守,从不言语

what we mean. ||significamos 무슨 뜻인지 알 수 있습니다.

Neil: I don't know what you mean, my

cooking is wonderful, Sam.

And the stereotype is that

old people get lonely. alte|||

Sam: Much like the stereotypes of British ||||Stereotypen|| Sam: 就像英国的刻板印象一样

people, this may be true in some cases - |dies||||||

I've eaten some of your home-cooked 我吃过你做的一些家常菜

meals remember, Neil - but it's not true 餐点,尼尔记住,但这并不是真的

for the majority. ||most 大多数情况下。

It is young people who feel lonely

more often and more intensely.

Intensely here means strongly. |||strongly

The feeling of loneliness is stronger in

young people than older people.

Neil: The reporter goes on to give some

explanation for why young people

might be more lonely.

James Gallagher, BBC reporter: Researchers

from the University of Manchester who

analysed the data, suggested feeling 分析了|||| analysiert|||| analyzoval data, navrhl pocit

lonely may plague the young because ||afflict||| osamělost může trápit mladé lidi, protože la soledad puede atormentar a los jóvenes porque 孤独可能困扰年轻人,因为

it's a time of identity change. ||||identity transformation| je to doba změny identity. 这是一个身份转变的时期。

Figuring out your place in the world 找出|||||| herausfinden|||||| Determining|||||| Zjistit, jaké je vaše místo ve světě 세상에서 자신의 위치 파악하기 弄清楚自己在世界中的位置

and of learning to regulate emotions. ||||调节| ||||regulieren| |possessive particle|||manage| ||||regular as emoções| a naučit se regulovat emoce. 감정을 조절하는 법을 배우게 됩니다.

Neil: He says that feeling lonely may

plague young people, what does afflict young people|||| aflige os jovens|||| trápí mladé lidi, co dělá

he mean there? Myslí tím tam? 저기를 말하는 건가요?

Sam: If you are plagued by something, ||||困扰|| Sam: Pokud vás něco trápí,

it means that it troubles you, it bothers |||es||||

you and not just once,

it's something that happens 일어나는 일입니다.

continually or repeatedly. 不断地|| ständig||

Neil: And he says this may be because ||||das|||

at that age we are still figuring out ||||||discovering| 在那个年龄,我们仍在摸索

our place in the world. We are trying 我们在世界中的位置。我们正在努力

to understand the world and what 理解这个世界和什么

we are supposed to do with our lives.

Sam: He also suggests that younger

people have not yet learned how to

regulate their emotions, which is

another way of saying

to control their emotions.

Neil: Right. Time to review this week's

vocabulary, but before that let's

have the answer to the quiz.

I asked: Where is the most isolated

inhabited place on the planet? Is it: ||||world||

a) McMurdo Station in Antarctica, ||||Antarctica

b) Siwa Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert ||desert spring||||

or c) the island of Tristan da Cunha

in the South Atlantic?

What did you say, Sam?

Sam: I said a).

Neil: Well, I'm afraid to say the answer is

actually c) the island of Tristan da Cunha

in the South Atlantic. It has a population |||大西洋南部||||

of fewer than 300 and it's only accessible ||||||easy to reach

by a 6-day voyage by ship from South Africa. |||sea journey||||| |||viagem|||||

Sam: So not a popular place for

a weekend break! ||trip

Neil: Indeed not. Now it's time for a recap

of our vocabulary. The first word was of||||||

isolated, which Tristan da Cunha certainly is. ||Tristan da Cunha|of|Cunha|| ||||isolada||

It means far away from other

place and people.

Sam: Then there was stereotype the noun

for a simplistic view of person or group ||简单化的||||| ||vereinfacht||||| ||Overly simplified perspective||||| ||simplista|||||

based on their nationality, age, |||nacionalidade|

profession and the like.

Neil: Intensely means strongly. Neil|||

Sam: Being plagued by something means ||困扰|||

it causes you problems and difficulties. es|||||

Neil: If you are trying to figure something

out, you are trying to understand it.

Sam: And to regulate something

means to control it.

Neil: Well, sadly, that's the end of the No translation needed.||sadly||||| ||infelizmente|||||

programme. Hopefully you won't program|||

feel too lonely without us,

remember we are always here lembre||||

on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, our App and of course

the website bbclearningenglish.com.

See you soon. Goodbye. Bis|||

Sam: Bye!