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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Why are unicorns back in fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Why are unicorns back in fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello, and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Neil: Now, then, Rob, what do you

know about unicorns?

Rob: Ah, well, the unicorn is a

fantasy creature from history. In our

tradition it looks like

a white horse with a single

spiral horn coming out of its head.

Why do you ask?

Neil: Well, funnily enough, unicorns

are the topic of this programme.

Before we learn more

though, a question. What do we call

the study of legendary creatures

like the Loch Ness Monster,

Big Foot and unicorns? Is it:

a) Cryptozoology, b) Protozoology,

or c) Paleozoology?

Have you got any idea about that, Rob?

Rob: Ah, well, I know this because it was

the topic of a 6 Minute English

programme a while back, in 2008,

to be exact. So I think I'll keep

the answer to myself.

Neil: OK, well for everyone else, we'll

have the answer later

in the programme. Over the

last few years unicorns have been

popping up all over the place -

On T-shirts, in movies, as

toys and even in political conversations.

Why is this? Natalie Lawrence is a natural

historian. She appeared on the BBC's

Woman's Hour programme to discuss

the topic. Listen out for the answer

to this question: Why does she say people

used to drink out of unicorn horns?

Natalie Lawrence: Those original stories

were developed in a time when

magic actually existed

in the world. The world was still very

enchanted... the idea that the unicorn

is a very strong animal and also

that could achieve magical feats, so

unicorn horn used to be seen as

a panacea for all sorts of ills and a guard

against poison. So people used

to drink out of unicorn horn cups

to prevent themselves getting poisoned,

and I think that idea of

it being magical and having

magical powers has still

come through today.

Neil: Why did they drink from

unicorn horn cups?

Rob: Well, they were supposed to have

magical powers so people drank

from them so they wouldn't

get poisoned.

Neil: Yes, she said they could perform

magical feats. A feat is something

that is difficult to do or achieve -

like recording this programme

without making a mistake,

that's a real feat!

Rob: Well, we usually do it. It must

just be unicorn magic.

Neil: No, just the magic of editing, Rob!

Now, she also said that

unicorn horn was seen

as a panacea. What does that mean?

Rob: A panacea is another word for a cure

- something that can protect you

from illness or help you recover

if you are sick. But is all this true,

about the unicorn horn?

Neil: Well, seeing as how unicorns don't

and never have existed, it's unlikely

to be true.

She says these stories come from a time

when the world was enchanted.

This means it was a time when

people believed in magic and

the possibility of mysterious creatures

from mysterious parts of the world.

It seems as if these days people are

looking for a bit of magic, a bit

of enchantment in their lives.

The unicorn has also come to be

a term commonly used in

politics to refer to unrealistic ideas

and plans. Why is this?

Here's Natalie Lawrence again.

Natalie Lawrence: Because it's

such a potent cultural symbol at the

moment it's being deployed

in one of the most pressing issues of our

time, as well, so... and the idea of the UK

trying to be its own

special unicorn potentially...

Neil: So Rob what is she

talking about here?

Rob: Well, we are in a very complicated

time politically in the UK at the moment.

She says they are

pressing times. A term which means

something important but difficult has to

be done in a very short time.

A pressing matter is an important

one that has to be dealt with urgently.

Neil: Now, at the time of recording

our parliament can't agree

on the current pressing matter

of Brexit and each side says the other

has unicorns. There's nothing special

or magical about these unicorns -

it's a negative comment - a unicorn

is a fantasy idea - a plan that

has no chance of working,

Rob: She says unicorns are a potent

symbol - which means they are a very

strong and recognisable symbol.

Neil: And this symbol is being used, or as

she said being deployed. This is the same

word that would be used when you

send a military force somewhere.

You deploy the army in a

military conflict, and in the current

political conflict they are deploying

the word 'unicorn'!

Here's Natalie Lawrence again.

Natalie Lawrence: Because it's such

a potent cultural symbol at the moment

it's being deployed in one of the most

pressing issues of our time, as well, so...

and the idea of the UK

trying to be its own

special unicorn potentially...

Neil: Right, our pressing matter now is the

vocabulary review. Before that though, the

answer to this week's question:

What do we call the study of

legendary creatures like the

Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot

and unicorns. Is it:

a) Cryptozoology, b) Protozoology,

or c) Paleozoology? Rob, you knew the

answer to this, didn't you?

Rob: I did, yes. If you look back at

our archive to September 2008

you will find an episode

all about a) Cryptozoology.

Neil: Well done, if you got that right -

particularly if you remember that

programme! Now, vocabulary

from this programme. There was

enchanted to talk about a time

when magic was believed to be real.

Rob: A feat is something that is

very difficult to achieve and

a panacea is a cure.

Neil: Something that's potent is strong

and powerful and if you

deploy something, you

use it, you put it into operation.

Rob: And something pressing is urgent,

it needs to be done soon.

Neil: Right, that's it from us for now.

Hope you can join us again soon.

If you can't wait, you can find

bbclearningenglish on social media,

online and on our very own app.

Bye for now.

Rob: Bye bye!

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Why are unicorns back in fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube ||独角兽|||||||| ||unicorn|||||||| ||unicórnios|||||||| Proč jsou jednorožci opět v módě? Poslechněte si 6 minut angličtiny - YouTube Warum sind Einhörner wieder in Mode? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube ¿Por qué vuelven a estar de moda los unicornios? Escuchar 6 Minute English - YouTube Pourquoi les licornes reviennent-elles à la mode ? Écouter 6 minutes d'anglais - YouTube なぜユニコーンがブームなのか?6分間英語 - YouTube 유니콘이 다시 유행하는 이유는 무엇인가요? 6분 영어 듣기 - YouTube Kāpēc vienradži atkal ir modē? Klausīties 6 minūšu angļu valodā - YouTube Porque é que os unicórnios estão de novo na moda? Oiça o 6 Minute English - YouTube Tek boynuzlu atlar neden yeniden moda oldu? 6 Minute English'i dinleyin - YouTube 为什么独角兽又重新流行起来?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube 為什麼獨角獸又重新流行?聽 6 分鐘英語 - YouTube

Neil: Hello, and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob.

Neil: Now, then, Rob, what do you

know about unicorns?

Rob: Ah, well, the unicorn is a ||||独角兽|| ||||Einhorn|| ||||unicórnio||

fantasy creature from history. In our 幻想生物||||| Fantasiewesen|||||

tradition it looks like

a white horse with a single

spiral horn coming out of its head. 螺旋状|||||| |Horn||||| espiral|chifre espiralado|||||

Why do you ask?

Neil: Well, funnily enough, unicorns ||||Einhörner ||de forma engraçada||

are the topic of this programme.

Before we learn more

though, a question. What do we call 虽然||||||

the study of legendary creatures |||传奇的|

like the Loch Ness Monster, ||湖泊|| kā Lochnesa briesmonis,

Big Foot and unicorns? Is it:

a) Cryptozoology, b) Protozoology, |神秘动物学|| |Criptozoologia||Protozoologia

or c) Paleozoology? ||古动物学 ||Paleozoologia

Have you got any idea about that, Rob?

Rob: Ah, well, I know this because it was

the topic of a 6 Minute English

programme a while back, in 2008, 早在2008年的一个节目,

to be exact. So I think I'll keep ||exactly||||| 确切地说。所以我想我会把

the answer to myself. 答案留给自己。

Neil: OK, well for everyone else, we'll

have the answer later

in the programme. Over the

last few years unicorns have been

popping up all over the place - 冒出来||||| ||überall||| appearing||||| aparecendo||||| parādās visur -

On T-shirts, in movies, as

toys and even in political conversations.

Why is this? Natalie Lawrence is a natural ||||劳伦斯|||

historian. She appeared on the BBC's ||出现|||

Woman's Hour programme to discuss

the topic. Listen out for the answer

to this question: Why does she say people

used to drink out of unicorn horns? ||||||角 ||||||cornos de unicór 曾经用独角兽的角喝水?

Natalie Lawrence: Those original stories Natalie Lawrence: 那些原始故事

were developed in a time when 是在一个这样的时代发展起来的

magic actually existed

in the world. The world was still very

enchanted... the idea that the unicorn verzaubert||||| encantada|||||

is a very strong animal and also

that could achieve magical feats, so ||||壮举| ||||Wunderleistungen| ||||feitos mágicos| ||||osiągnięcia|

unicorn horn used to be seen as

a panacea for all sorts of ills and a guard |灵丹妙药|||||||| |Allheilmittel|||||||| |cure-all|||||||| ||||||chorób||| |panaceia para todos|||||males||| panaceja pret visdažādākajām slimībām un sargs.

against poison. So people used |das Gift||| |against poison||| |contra o veneno|||

to drink out of unicorn horn cups |||||horn|

to prevent themselves getting poisoned, ||||vergiftet werden ||||envenenados

and I think that idea of

it being magical and having

magical powers has still

come through today. |通过|

Neil: Why did they drink from

unicorn horn cups?

Rob: Well, they were supposed to have ||sie||||

magical powers so people drank

from them so they wouldn't

get poisoned.

Neil: Yes, she said they could perform

magical feats. A feat is something |||壮举|| |||accomplishments||

that is difficult to do or achieve -

like recording this programme

without making a mistake,

that's a real feat! |||feito notável

Rob: Well, we usually do it. It must

just be unicorn magic. ||magical creature|

Neil: No, just the magic of editing, Rob! ||||||编辑| ||||||edição| Nils: Nē, tikai rediģēšanas burvība, Robi! 尼尔:不,只是剪辑的魔力,罗布!

Now, she also said that 现在,她也说过

unicorn horn was seen 独角兽的角被看见了

as a panacea. What does that mean?

Rob: A panacea is another word for a cure ||||||||treatment, remedy, solution ||panaceia||||||cura universal Robs: "panaceja" ir cits vārds, kas apzīmē zāles.

- something that can protect you

from illness or help you recover |||Hilfe||

if you are sick. But is all this true,

about the unicorn horn?

Neil: Well, seeing as how unicorns don't

and never have existed, it's unlikely

to be true.

She says these stories come from a time

when the world was enchanted. ||||zaczarowany

This means it was a time when

people believed in magic and

the possibility of mysterious creatures

from mysterious parts of the world.

It seems as if these days people are

looking for a bit of magic, a bit

of enchantment in their lives. |魔法||| |Verzauberung||| |encantamento|||

The unicorn has also come to be

a term commonly used in

politics to refer to unrealistic ideas 不切实际的想法||||不切实际| ||||unrealistisch| ||||irrealistas|

and plans. Why is this?

Here's Natalie Lawrence again.

Natalie Lawrence: Because it's

such a potent cultural symbol at the ||强大的|||| ||mächtiges kulturelles|||| ||powerful|||| ||potente símbolo cultural||||

moment it's being deployed |||部署时 |||eingesetzt |||being launched |||wdrażany brīdī, kad tas tiek izvietots.

in one of the most pressing issues of our

time, as well, so... and the idea of the UK

trying to be its own

special unicorn potentially...

Neil: So Rob what is she

talking about here?

Rob: Well, we are in a very complicated

time politically in the UK at the moment. |politisch||||||

She says they are

pressing times. A term which means tempos difíceis||||| presēšanas laiki. Termins, kas nozīmē

something important but difficult has to

be done in a very short time.

A pressing matter is an important

one that has to be dealt with urgently. |die||||||dringend |||||handled||

Neil: Now, at the time of recording

our parliament can't agree

on the current pressing matter

of Brexit and each side says the other

has unicorns. There's nothing special

or magical about these unicorns -

it's a negative comment - a unicorn

is a fantasy idea - a plan that

has no chance of working,

Rob: She says unicorns are a potent

symbol - which means they are a very

strong and recognisable symbol. stark|||

Neil: And this symbol is being used, or as

she said being deployed. This is the same |||deslocada||||

word that would be used when you

send a military force somewhere.

You deploy the army in a Du||||| |desdobrar|||| |rozmieszczasz|||| Jūs izvietojat armiju

military conflict, and in the current

political conflict they are deploying ||||einsetzen

the word 'unicorn'!

Here's Natalie Lawrence again.

Natalie Lawrence: Because it's such Natālija Lorensa: Jo tas ir tik

a potent cultural symbol at the moment

it's being deployed in one of the most

pressing issues of our time, as well, so... 我们时代紧迫的问题,所以...

and the idea of the UK 以及英国的概念

trying to be its own 努力成为自己的

special unicorn potentially... 特殊的独角兽可能...

Neil: Right, our pressing matter now is the 尼尔:没错,我们现在急需处理的是

vocabulary review. Before that though, the 词汇复习。不过在此之前,

answer to this week's question:

What do we call the study of

legendary creatures like the

Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot Ungeheuer|Sichtungen|Ungeheuer||

and unicorns. Is it:

a) Cryptozoology, b) Protozoology,

or c) Paleozoology? Rob, you knew the

answer to this, didn't you?

Rob: I did, yes. If you look back at

our archive to September 2008 |档案||

you will find an episode

all about a) Cryptozoology.

Neil: Well done, if you got that right -

particularly if you remember that

programme! Now, vocabulary

from this programme. There was

enchanted to talk about a time encantado de|||||

when magic was believed to be real. als||||||

Rob: A feat is something that is

very difficult to achieve and

a panacea is a cure. ||||remedy for all

Neil: Something that's potent is strong

and powerful and if you

deploy something, you etwas bereitstellen||

use it, you put it into operation. ||du||||

Rob: And something pressing is urgent, |||||dringend

it needs to be done soon.

Neil: Right, that's it from us for now.

Hope you can join us again soon.

If you can't wait, you can find

bbclearningenglish on social media,

online and on our very own app. internet-based||||||

Bye for now.

Rob: Bye bye!