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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), What's on your 'to-do' list? Add listening to 6 Minute English to it - YouTube

What's on your 'to-do' list? Add listening to 6 Minute English to it - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil. And joining me it's Rob.

Rob: Hello.

Neil: Now Rob, would you say you're

someone who is quite organised?

Rob: I'd like to think so.

Neil: What's the best way to organise everything?

Rob: You need a 'to-do' list - a list of all

the jobs you need to do that you can work

your way through.

Neil: That's a good idea and something

we can include in today's

discussion about life

admin. Admin is short for administration -

that describes the activities

and tasks you have

to do to make a business or organisation

run smoothly - but life admin

is administration you have to do

to make your day-to-day life run smoothly

- like doing housework, or paying

a bill. And the first thing on my 'to-do'

list is to ask you and the listeners,

a question.

Rob: Yes, you wouldn't want to forget that.

Neil: So, the website Hotels.com

commissioned some research about

how much time young adults

- that's millennials - spend doing

life admin. Do you know what

proportion of their free

time they spend doing life admin tasks?

Is it... a) a quarter of a day, b) a third of

a day, c) half a day? Rob: Based on my personal experience,

I would say about a quarter of a day.

Neil: Well, we'll see if you're

the same as other people at

the end of the programme.

But as we all know, life admin

is necessary but it can be a bit of

a chore - a boring,

ordinary task you do regularly.

Rob: Experts have studied the subject

and looked at how we do it and

how we can make

it less boring. One of them is

Elizabeth Emens, Professor of Law

at Columbia University and

author of The Art of Life Admin.

Neil: She's been speaking to the

BBC Radio 4 programme, Woman's Hour,

and described what

she thought life admin is...

Elizabeth Emens: Life admin is the office

work of life, it's the invisible layer of

work that is the kind of thing that

managers and secretaries,

aka admins, do for pay in

the office but that everyone does in their

own lives for free.

Rob: She calls life admin the invisible

layer of work - so it's work, tasks

or chores we

carry out that people don't notice

we're doing - or don't realise we have

to do them it's

extra work in our life.

Neil: And we don't get paid for it - unless

we're at work when it is

the role of someone

to do it - such as secretaries or aka

admins - aka is short for 'also known as' -

so secretaries might also

be known as admins - that is short

for people who do administration.

Rob: Right, so we know life admin

is boring and we don't get paid for it -

and also, trying

to renew your house insurance or trying to

query a bill with a utility company can be

frustrating and feels like a waste of time.

A utility company by the way, is one that

supplies something such as electricity,

gas, or water to the public.

Neil: My problem is I never get round to

doing my life admin - there are

better things to do - so you

could say I procrastinate - I delay doing

things until later, probably because

I don't want to do them.

Rob: You are what Elizabeth classifies as

an 'admin avoider'. So this is

where my to-do list comes in handy, Neil.

You have a written record of tasks

that can be quite satisfying

to cross off as you do them. But this is

something Elizabeth Emen has found

to work, at least for some people.

Let's hear from her again. What type of

people did she find get most

satisfaction from completing a to-do list?

Elizabeth Emens: If you've ever made

a list and put things on it

you've already done,

just to cross them out, then you know the

kind of 'done it' pleasure that goes with

that. But actually I interviewed people,

especially the super-doers that

I interviewed, actually

can find real pleasure in the actual doing

of it - so trying to understand how we can

get to that when we have to do it - how we

can make it so that there is

some meaning in it

and some texture and there're ways

of doing it that please us.

Neil: So she was describing the

super-doers - these are the people

who love admin and would

spend an evening putting their book

collection into alphabetical order!

Rob: Elizabeth mentioned that we should

learn from the super-doers

and get some 'done it'

pleasure in doing our life admin. We need

to find a meaning for doing it - in other

words, what is represents - so we can see

the benefit of completing our to-do list.

Neil: How we find pleasure from doing life

admin is different for different people - so

personally, I think I'll stick with being

an 'admin avoider' - but that might explain

why I just got charged extra for not paying

my credit card bill on time!

Rob: Well please don't avoid giving us

the answer to the quiz question

you asked us earlier.

Neil: Yes. Earlier I asked, researchers,

commissioned by Hotels.com, polled

2,000 young professionals about their

lives. How much of their free time

do they spend doing life admin? Is it...

a) quarter of a day, b) a third of a day,

c) half a day?

Rob: And I said a) a quarter of a day.

Neil: Yes, they spend a quarter of their

days carrying out tasks like

doctor's appointments,

waiting in for packages to be delivered

and doing household chores. Boring!

Rob: Unlike this programme Neil, which

is not a chore - one of

the words we discussed today.

Neil: Yes, our vocabulary today included

chore - a boring, ordinary task

you do regularly.

Rob: We also mentioned admin, short

for administration - the activities

and tasks you have to do

make a business, organisation or

just your life, run smoothly.

Neil: We heard aka - meaning 'also known

as' - so for example, Rob aka

The master of 6 Minute English!

Rob: Thanks very much, Neil.

Next we heard utility company.

That's a company that supplies

something such as electricity, gas,

or water to the public. And we also

heard how Neil

likes to procrastinate - that's delay

doing things until later, probably

because he doesn't

want to do them.

Neil: Finally, we mentioned super-doers -

an informal term to describe

people who get satisfaction

out of doing life admin and do lots of it.

Rob: Like me.

Neil: Well, it's time to go now but there's

plenty more to discover on our website at


Goodbye for now.

Rob: Bye bye.

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What's on your 'to-do' list? Add listening to 6 Minute English to it - YouTube Was steht auf deiner "To-Do"-Liste? Fügen Sie 6 Minuten Englisch hören dazu - YouTube Quel est le contenu de votre liste de choses à faire ? Ajoutez-y l'écoute de 6 Minute English - YouTube '해야 할 일' 목록에 무엇이 있나요? 6분 영어 듣기 추가하기 - YouTube O que é que está na tua lista de tarefas? Adicione-lhe ouvir 6 Minute English - YouTube 'Yapılacaklar' listenizde neler var? 6 Dakikada İngilizce dinlemeyi de ekleyin - YouTube 你的“待办事项”清单上有什么?添加听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil. And joining me it's Rob.

Rob: Hello.

Neil: Now Rob, would you say you're

someone who is quite organised? |||bastante| かなり組織化されている誰か? 정리 정돈을 잘하는 사람?

Rob: I'd like to think so. Rob: 저도 그렇게 생각하고 싶습니다.

Neil: What's the best way to organise everything? Neil:すべてを整理する最良の方法は何ですか? Neil: 모든 것을 정리하는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇인가요?

Rob: You need a 'to-do' list - a list of all Rob:「やること」リスト-すべてのリストが必要です Rob: '해야 할 일' 목록이 필요합니다.

the jobs you need to do that you can work 일할 수 있는 직업을 찾습니다.

your way through. deinen|| ||através de 통과할 수 있습니다.

Neil: That's a good idea and something

we can include in today's

discussion about life

admin. Admin is short for administration - 管理员||||| administração||||| administracja||||| 管理者。管理者は管理者の略です-

that describes the activities それは活動を説明します 활동을 설명하는

and tasks you have とあなたが持っているタスク 및 작업

to do to make a business or organisation 비즈니스 또는 조직을 만들기 위해 해야 할 일

run smoothly - but life admin |||Leben| |de forma tranquila||| 원활한 운영 - 그러나 생활 관리자

is administration you have to do

to make your day-to-day life run smoothly |gestalten||||||| 일상 생활이 원활하게 이루어지도록 도와줍니다.

- like doing housework, or paying ||家务||

a bill. And the first thing on my 'to-do' 법안입니다. 그리고 제 '해야 할 일'의 첫 번째는

list is to ask you and the listeners, 목록은 여러분과 청취자들에게 물어보는 것입니다,

a question.

Rob: Yes, you wouldn't want to forget that. Rob: 네, 잊고 싶지 않으실 겁니다.

Neil: So, the website Hotels.com

commissioned some research about 委托的||| encomendou||| zlecone||| 에 대한 연구를 의뢰했습니다. 委托进行了一些关于

how much time young adults 청년들이 얼마나 많은 시간을 年轻人花费多少时间

- that's millennials - spend doing - 밀레니얼 세대 - 다음을 수행합니다. - 也就是千禧一代 - 从事

life admin. Do you know what

proportion of their free 比例||| Anteil||| 它们的比例 您的训练数据截至到2023年10月。

time they spend doing life admin tasks? 생활 관리 업무에 소비하는 시간이 얼마나 될까요? 他们花费在生活管理任务上的时间?

Is it... a) a quarter of a day, b) a third of 是... a) 一天的四分之一,b) 一天的三分之一,

a day, c) half a day? c) 半天? Rob: Based on my personal experience, Rob: 제 개인적인 경험에 근거한 것입니다,

I would say about a quarter of a day. 하루의 1/4 정도라고 말씀드리고 싶습니다.

Neil: Well, we'll see if you're

the same as other people at 에서 다른 사람들과 동일하게

the end of the programme.

But as we all know, life admin 하지만 우리 모두 알다시피, 생활 관리자는

is necessary but it can be a bit of

a chore - a boring, |琐事|| |eine lästige Pflicht|| |task, duty, job|| |uma tarefa chata||

ordinary task you do regularly. 정기적으로 수행하는 일상적인 작업입니다.

Rob: Experts have studied the subject Rob: 전문가들이 이 주제에 대해 연구했습니다.

and looked at how we do it and 어떻게 하는지 살펴보고

how we can make 어떻게 만들 수 있습니까?

it less boring. One of them is 덜 지루합니다. 그 중 하나는

Elizabeth Emens, Professor of Law |埃梅斯|||

at Columbia University and

author of The Art of Life Admin.

Neil: She's been speaking to the Neil: 그녀는

BBC Radio 4 programme, Woman's Hour,

and described what

she thought life admin is...

Elizabeth Emens: Life admin is the office Elizabeth Emensová: Život administrátora je kancelář 엘리자베스 에멘스: 생활 관리자는 사무실입니다.

work of life, it's the invisible layer of |||||无形的|| ||||||layer| ||||||camada invisível| práce života, je to neviditelná vrstva

work that is the kind of thing that práce, která je typem věci, která

managers and secretaries, ||秘书 ||Sekretärinnen ||secretárias manažeři a sekretářky,

aka admins, do for pay in |管理员|||| também conhecidos como|administradores|||| alias administrátoři, dělají za úplatu v

the office but that everyone does in their v kanceláři, ale že každý dělá ve svém

own lives for free. vlastní životy zdarma. 자신의 삶을 무료로 누릴 수 있습니다.

Rob: She calls life admin the invisible Rob: Říká životu admin neviditelný

layer of work - so it's work, tasks vrstva práce - takže je to práce, úkoly.

or chores we nebo úkoly, které jsme

carry out that people don't notice ||dass||| provádět, že si lidé nevšimnou

we're doing - or don't realise we have 우리가 하고 있거나 깨닫지 못하고 있습니다.

to do them it's

extra work in our life. 우리 삶의 추가 작업.

Neil: And we don't get paid for it - unless Neil: 그리고 다음과 같은 경우를 제외하고는 이에 대한 대가를 받지 않습니다.

we're at work when it is

the role of someone |o papel|| 누군가의 역할

to do it - such as secretaries or aka |||||||也称为 |||||||znany jako 비서 또는 일명

admins - aka is short for 'also known as' - |也称为|||||| 管理员 - 也称为 '亦称为' -

so secretaries might also 따라서 비서들은 因此,秘书也可能

be known as admins - that is short sein|||||| 관리자로 알려진 - 줄여서 被称为管理员 - 这是简称

for people who do administration.

Rob: Right, so we know life admin

is boring and we don't get paid for it -

and also, trying

to renew your house insurance or trying to |续保|||||| |verlängern|||Versicherung||| |rejuvenate|||home insurance||| ||||seguro da casa||| 주택 보험을 갱신하거나

query a bill with a utility company can be 查询|||||公用事业||| eine Rechnung|||||Versorgungsunternehmen||| billing inquiry|||||utility service||| uma fatura|||||serviço público||| zapytanie o rachunek|||||||| 유틸리티 회사에 청구서를 조회하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. Запрос счета в коммунальную компанию может быть

frustrating and feels like a waste of time. frustrierend|||||||

A utility company by the way, is one that 그런데 유틸리티 회사는 다음과 같은 일을 하는 회사입니다.

supplies something such as electricity,

gas, or water to the public.

Neil: My problem is I never get round to ||||ich|||| Neil: 제 문제점은

doing my life admin - there are 내 인생 관리하기 - 있습니다

better things to do - so you 더 나은 일을 할 수 있도록

could say I procrastinate - I delay doing |||拖延||| |||procrastino||adiamento| 내가 미루는다고 말할 수 있습니다.

things until later, probably because

I don't want to do them.

Rob: You are what Elizabeth classifies as |||||分类| |||||einordnet| |||||classifica| Rob: 엘리자베스는 다음과 같이 분류합니다.

an 'admin avoider'. So this is ||逃避者||| |Administrator|||| |administrator|administrator evader||| ||evitador de administração||| '관리자 회피자'. 따라서 이것은

where my to-do list comes in handy, Neil. |meiner||||kommt||| |||||||é útil|

You have a written record of tasks Du||||||

that can be quite satisfying |kann||| 상당히 만족스러울 수 있습니다.

to cross off as you do them. But this is 完成后划掉。但这是

something Elizabeth Emen has found ||埃门|| 伊丽莎白·埃门发现的事情

to work, at least for some people. 至少对某些人有效。

Let's hear from her again. What type of

people did she find get most

satisfaction from completing a to-do list? 할 일 목록을 완료했을 때의 만족도는 어느 정도인가요?

Elizabeth Emens: If you've ever made Elizabeth Emensová: Pokud jste někdy dělali

a list and put things on it vytvořit seznam a zapsat na něj věci. 목록을 작성하고 그 위에 물건을 올려놓습니다.

you've already done, jste již udělali,

just to cross them out, then you know the jen vyškrtnout, pak víte.

kind of 'done it' pleasure that goes with potěšení, které s sebou nese "hotovo".

that. But actually I interviewed people, že. Ale ve skutečnosti jsem dělal rozhovory s lidmi,

especially the super-doers that |||行动者| zejména super-doers, které 특히 尤其是那些超能者

I interviewed, actually Udělal jsem rozhovor, vlastně 我实际上采访过的

can find real pleasure in the actual doing může najít skutečné potěšení z toho, že 能在实际行动中找到真正的乐趣

of it - so trying to understand how we can toho - takže se snažíme pochopit, jak můžeme

get to that when we have to do it - how we se k tomu dostaneme, až to budeme muset udělat - jak to budeme

can make it so that there is může způsobit, že je 이 있도록 만들 수 있습니다.

some meaning in it nějaký smysl 그 안에 어떤 의미

and some texture and there're ways ||纹理||| ||Textur||| 还有一些质感,有些方法

of doing it that please us. |||das|| jak to udělat, aby se nám to líbilo. 우리를 만족시킬 수 있는 방법을 찾았습니다. 可以让我们感到满意。

Neil: So she was describing the 尼尔:所以她在描述的是

super-doers - these are the people |fazedores||||

who love admin and would

spend an evening putting their book strávit večer nad svou knihou

collection into alphabetical order! ||字母顺序| ||alfabética| sbírku seřadit podle abecedy! 컬렉션을 알파벳 순서로 정렬하세요!

Rob: Elizabeth mentioned that we should Rob: Elizabeth se zmínila, že bychom měli

learn from the super-doers

and get some 'done it' a získat nějaké "hotovo

pleasure in doing our life admin. We need radost z toho, že děláme správce našeho života. Potřebujeme

to find a meaning for doing it - in other najít smysl, proč to dělat - v jiných případech.

words, what is represents - so we can see slova, co představuje - abychom viděli. 단어, 무엇을 나타내는지 - 볼 수 있습니다.

the benefit of completing our to-do list. výhodu dokončení našeho seznamu úkolů.

Neil: How we find pleasure from doing life Neil: Jak nacházíme potěšení v životě Neil: 삶에서 즐거움을 찾는 방법

admin is different for different people - so admin je pro různé lidi různý - takže

personally, I think I'll stick with being |ich|denke|||| osobně si myslím, že zůstanu u toho, že jsem

an 'admin avoider' - but that might explain |Administrator|Vermeider|||| "administrátora, který se vyhýbá" - ale to by mohlo vysvětlovat.

why I just got charged extra for not paying |ich||||||| ||||billed additional fees|||| 미납으로 추가 요금이 청구된 이유 Почему с меня только что сняли лишние деньги за неуплату 为什么我因为没有及时付款而被多收了费用

my credit card bill on time! 신용 카드 청구서를 제때 받아보세요! 我的信用卡账单!

Rob: Well please don't avoid giving us Rob: 그럼 저희에게 罗伯: 好吧,请不要回避给我们

the answer to the quiz question

you asked us earlier. 아까 물어보셨죠?

Neil: Yes. Earlier I asked, researchers,

commissioned by Hotels.com, polled ||||调查 ||||umfrage durchgeführt commissioned||||surveyed ||||pesquisou ||||przeprowadzono ankietę 호텔스닷컴의 의뢰로 실시한 설문조사

2,000 young professionals about their |专业人士||

lives. How much of their free time

do they spend doing life admin? Is it...

a) quarter of a day, b) a third of a day,

c) half a day?

Rob: And I said a) a quarter of a day.

Neil: Yes, they spend a quarter of their

days carrying out tasks like

doctor's appointments, 医生的| Arzt-|Termine

waiting in for packages to be delivered |||包裹||| |||pacotes|||

and doing household chores. Boring!

Rob: Unlike this programme Neil, which

is not a chore - one of

the words we discussed today.

Neil: Yes, our vocabulary today included

chore - a boring, ordinary task tarefa chata||||

you do regularly.

Rob: We also mentioned admin, short

for administration - the activities

and tasks you have to do

make a business, organisation or

just your life, run smoothly. |||verläuft| ||||de forma tranquila

Neil: We heard aka - meaning 'also known

as' - so for example, Rob aka

The master of 6 Minute English!

Rob: Thanks very much, Neil.

Next we heard utility company. |||utility provider|

That's a company that supplies

something such as electricity, gas,

or water to the public. And we also

heard how Neil

likes to procrastinate - that's delay

doing things until later, probably

because he doesn't because||

want to do them.

Neil: Finally, we mentioned super-doers -

an informal term to describe

people who get satisfaction

out of doing life admin and do lots of it. raus|||||||||

Rob: Like me.

Neil: Well, it's time to go now but there's

plenty more to discover on our website at muito mais|||||||


Goodbye for now.

Rob: Bye bye.