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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Talk about the word 'hangry' in 6 minutes - YouTube

Talk about the word 'hangry' in 6 minutes - YouTube

Neil: Hello. I'm Neil.

Dan: Hello. I'm Dan. Neil, aren't you going

to say the 'welcome to 6 Minute English' bit?

Neil: Hmmm maybe. How's your mood

today, Dan? Feeling happy?

Dan: Oh yes, very happy. I've just had

lunch. What about you?

Neil: Well, to be honest, I haven't had the

chance to eat yet and it's making me a bit


Dan: Why haven't you eaten?

Neil: Well, I was doing some research for

today's topic which is all about feeling

angry when you are hungry. You know

what I'm talking about?

Dan: Oh yes, we're talking about being

‘hangry'. It's quite a new word, isn't it?

A combination

of hungry and angry.

Neil: Yes, hangry is our topic. But before

we learn more about it, here's today's

quiz. English has quite a few words which

are made by joining two

different words together

like ‘hangry', for example: brunch, motel,

Brexit. What do we call these words? Are they…

a) Suitcase words

b) Portmanteau words, or

c) Backpack words

Dan: Well, I think I know this one, so I'll

keep the answer to myself - don't want to

give away any spoilers. What I do want to

know is if hanger is a real thing – or is

it just something that's been made up by

grumpy people, like you?

Neil: Let's hear from Sophie Medlin, who

is a lecturer in nutrition and dietetics at

King's College London. Is hangar a real

thing and where does the word come from?

Sophie Medlin: We've long recognised

that hunger leads to irritability - in science.

But the wonderful world of social media

has merged the two words for us

and now we know

it as hanger.

Neil: So, is hangar a real thing and where

does she say the word comes from?

Dan: According to Medlin it is a real thing.

She says that science has recognised that

hunger leads to irritability. Irritability

is a noun which means being easily annoyed,

not in a good mood.

Neil: And she says that it was the

wonderful world of social media that

joined the two

words together. She used the verb merge.

Merge, meaning join together.

Dan: I know social media is responsible

for many things, but the word hangry actually

appeared in the 1990s – so a little before

the arrival of social media. But it's certainly

true that social media has made it more prominent.

Neil: Me, right now, hashtag hangry!

Let's listen to that clip again.

Sophie Medlin: We've long recognised

that hunger leads to irritability - in science.

But the wonderful world of social media

has merged the two words for us and

now we know it as hanger.

Neil: So now we know that hangar is a

real thing, let's learn a bit more about it.

Why does it happen? Why do we get

angry when we are hungry?

Here's Sophie Medlin again.

Sophie Medlin: As the blood sugars drop,

we increase our cortisol and adrenalin – so

our kind of fight or flight hormones – and

those have an impact on our brain and the

neuropeptides – the things that control

our brain, the chemicals in our brain, the

ones the trigger for hunger are the same

ones that trigger for anger and also for rage and

impulsive type behaviours. So that's why

you get that sort of same response.

Neil: So it's all to do with blood sugar,

isn't it?

Dan: Yes, it seems so. When we are

hungry the level of sugar in our

blood is lower and

this causes an increase in particular

hormones. Hormones are the

chemicals we make in our

bodies that control certain biological

and psychological functions.

Neil: The hormones released when we are

hungry are the same as our

fight or flight hormones.

They are the hormones that the body

uses to prepare us to either

fight or run away from

a dangerous situation.

Dan: When these hormones are

increased, it can cause anger and rage.

Rage is another

word for being very angry.

Neil: And when we are angry we can

behave impulsively. Impulsive

behaviour is when we

do things without thinking, without

considering the consequences.

Dan: So when we are hungry, the same

emotions can run through us.

We can be angry and make

poor decisions. And that is hanger.

Neil: Which brings us nicely to our quiz

question. What do we call words, like

hanger, that are

made by joining two different words

together? Now you said you knew the

answer Dan?

Dan: I did!

Neil: What was it?

Dan: Portmanteau words.

Neil: And you are absolutely correct.

The answer is portmanteau words.

Congratulations if you knew that.

Dan: I did.

Neil: Alright then smarty pants. No need

to boast!

Dan: I can see that you're

still a bit hangry Neil.

Neil: Yes, I'm hungry and that is making

me angry! But I think I can hold on to get

through a review of the rest

of today's vocabulary.

Dan: Well, we also had the noun irritability,

meaning getting annoyed very easily, just


Neil: Don't, just don't. Or I might just

merge my fist with your face.

Dan: Ouch. Yes, merge meaning join

different things together. I can see your

fight or flight

hormones are kicking in. Those

chemicals in the body that prepare us

for aggression or escape.

Neil: I haven't quite reached rage yet.

This was another of our words, rage,

and it means a state of being

very, very angry.

Dan: Our last word was impulsive.

This is an adjective to describe

when we do things

without really thinking about them.

We just do them without any control and

without thinking

about the consequences.

Neil: Now I'm off, I'm starving.

I've got to eat before I do

something impulsive.

That is it for this programme.

For more, find us on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and our

YouTube pages, and of course our

website bbclearningenglish.com,

where you can find all kinds

of other programmes

and videos and activities

to help you improve your English.

Thank you for joining us and


Dan: Bye!

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Talk about the word 'hangry' in 6 minutes - YouTube ||||Hungry and angry||| ||||faminto e irritado||| ||||głodny i zły||| In 6 Minuten über das Wort "hungrig" sprechen - YouTube Parler du mot "faim" en 6 minutes - YouTube 6分でわかる「ハングリー」という言葉について語る - YouTube Porozmawiaj o słowie "głodny" w 6 minut - YouTube Falar sobre a palavra "hangry" em 6 minutos - YouTube Расскажите о слове "hangry" за 6 минут - YouTube 'Hangry' kelimesi hakkında 6 dakikada konuşun - YouTube 在 6 分钟内谈论“hangry”这个词 - YouTube

Neil: Hello. I'm Neil.

Dan: Hello. I'm Dan. Neil, aren't you going |||||не ти|| ダン:こんにちは。ダンです。ニール、行きませんか

to say the 'welcome to 6 Minute English' bit? |||Ласкаво просимо|||англійська| 「6分英語へようこそ」ビットと言うには?

Neil: Hmmm maybe. How's your mood |||||nastrój

today, Dan? Feeling happy?

Dan: Oh yes, very happy. I've just had

lunch. What about you?

Neil: Well, to be honest, I haven't had the

chance to eat yet and it's making me a bit

grumpy. Irritable or moody. похмурий zrzędliwy

Dan: Why haven't you eaten? 丹:你为什么还没吃饭?

Neil: Well, I was doing some research for ||||||pesquisa|

today's topic which is all about feeling

angry when you are hungry. You know ||||hungry|| irritado quando faminto||||com fome|| 饥饿时会生气。你知道

what I'm talking about?

Dan: Oh yes, we're talking about being

‘hangry'. It's quite a new word, isn't it? hungry and angry||||||| голодний і сердитий|||||||

A combination

of hungry and angry.

Neil: Yes, hangry is our topic. But before

we learn more about it, here's today's

quiz. English has quite a few words which

are made by joining two

different words together

like ‘hangry', for example: brunch, motel, |||||motel ||||бранч|мotel |głodny i zły|||brunch|motel

Brexit. What do we call these words? Are they… Brexit|||||||| Брексіт||||||||

a) Suitcase words |Polysemous terms| |валіза| |walizka| a) Słowa walizka

b) Portmanteau words, or |Blended words|| |Portmanteau||

c) Backpack words |Knapsack terms| |plecak|

Dan: Well, I think I know this one, so I'll Dan: No, myslím, že tohle znám, takže já

keep the answer to myself - don't want to nechat si odpověď pro sebe - nechci.

give away any spoilers. What I do want to |||spoilers||||| |||spoilers||||| |||спойлери||||| |||spoilery informacje||||| prozradit spoilery. Co ale chci 不要剧透。我真正想做的

know is if hanger is a real thing – or is |||cabide|||||| |||wieszak|||||| vědět, jestli je věšák skutečná věc - nebo je 知道的是,衣架是否是真实存在的——或者

it just something that's been made up by je to jen něco, co si vymyslel někdo jiný. 这只是

grumpy people, like you? nevrlí lidé, jako jste vy?

Neil: Let's hear from Sophie Medlin, who

is a lecturer in nutrition and dietetics at ||||nutrition||dietetics| ||wykładowca||żywienie||dietetyka| ||лектор||||дієтологія| ||||nutrição|||

King's College London. Is hangar a real ||||hangar|| ||||hangar real|| królewskiego||||hangar|| 伦敦国王学院。机库是真正的

thing and where does the word come from?

Sophie Medlin: We've long recognised Sophie Medlin:我们早就认识到

that hunger leads to irritability - in science. |hunger|||agitation|| |a fome|||irritabilidade|| |głód|||drażliwość|| ||||дратівливість|| 饥饿会导致烦躁——这是科学事实。

But the wonderful world of social media 但社交媒体的精彩世界

has merged the two words for us |combined||||| |об'єднано||||| |połączył||||| |unido||||| 私たちのために2つの言葉をマージしました

and now we know

it as hanger. ||it as hanger ||cabide de roupa ||wieszak 它作为衣架。

Neil: So, is hangar a real thing and where |||hangar|||||

does she say the word comes from?

Dan: According to Medlin it is a real thing. ダン:メドリンによれば、それは本物です。

She says that science has recognised that

hunger leads to irritability. Irritability

is a noun which means being easily annoyed, |||||||irritated |||||||zirytowany 簡単にイライラすることを意味する名詞です、

not in a good mood.

Neil: And she says that it was the

wonderful world of social media that

joined the two

words together. She used the verb merge. ||||||fundir ||||||łączyć

Merge, meaning join together. об'єднати||| Połącz|||

Dan: I know social media is responsible

for many things, but the word hangry actually ||||||hungry and angry|

appeared in the 1990s – so a little before

the arrival of social media. But it's certainly |przybycie||||||

true that social media has made it more prominent. ||||||||more widely known ||||||||помітнішим ||||||||bardziej widoczne 确实,社交媒体使得这一现象变得更加突出。

Neil: Me, right now, hashtag hangry! ||||hashtag| ||||hasztag| Neil: Já, právě teď, hashtag hangry!

Let's listen to that clip again. 让我们再听一遍那个片段。

Sophie Medlin: We've long recognised

that hunger leads to irritability - in science. ||||irritability||scientific research ||||drażliwość||

But the wonderful world of social media

has merged the two words for us and

now we know it as hanger. |||||hanger |||||wieszak

Neil: So now we know that hangar is a ||||||aircraft storage building|| ||||||hangar||

real thing, let's learn a bit more about it.

Why does it happen? Why do we get

angry when we are hungry?

Here's Sophie Medlin again.

Sophie Medlin: As the blood sugars drop, ||||||diminuem ||||krew||spada Sophie Medlin: Wraz ze spadkiem poziomu cukru we krwi, Sophie Medlin:随着血糖下降,

we increase our cortisol and adrenalin – so |||cortisol||adrenaline| |||cortisol||adrenalina| |збільшуємо||||| |||kortyzol||adrenalina|

our kind of fight or flight hormones – and |||response||response|| naše hormony typu "bojuj nebo uteč" - a 我们的战斗或逃跑激素——以及

those have an impact on our brain and the

neuropeptides – the things that control neuropeptídeos|||| neuropeptydy|te||| нейропептиди||||

our brain, the chemicals in our brain, the

ones the trigger for hunger are the same ||gatilho||||| ||bodźce||głód||| ty, které jsou spouštěčem hladu, jsou stejné

ones that trigger for anger and also for rage and ||||||||raiva| ||||gniew||||wściekłość|

impulsive type behaviours. So that's why ||zachowania||| comportamentos impulsivos||||| імпульсивний тип поведінки||||| impulzivní chování. To je důvod, proč

you get that sort of same response. dostanete stejnou odpověď.

Neil: So it's all to do with blood sugar, |||||||krew| Neil: Takže to všechno souvisí s hladinou cukru v krvi, 尼尔:所以这都和血糖有关,

isn't it?

Dan: Yes, it seems so. When we are |||wydaje się||||

hungry the level of sugar in our

blood is lower and krew|||

this causes an increase in particular to způsobuje zvýšení zejména

hormones. Hormones are the 激素。激素是

chemicals we make in our

bodies that control certain biological ||||biological

and psychological functions. |心理的|

Neil: The hormones released when we are |||set free||| Neil: Hormony, které se uvolňují, když jsme

hungry are the same as our hungry||||| hladové jsou stejné jako naše

fight or flight hormones. |||hormony walki lub ucieczki hormony boje nebo útěku.

They are the hormones that the body 它们是身体产生的激素

uses to prepare us to either používá k tomu, aby nás připravil buď na

fight or run away from

a dangerous situation.

Dan: When these hormones are

increased, it can cause anger and rage. ||||anger||fury ||||||fúria ||||gniew|| ||||||гнів

Rage is another raiva||

word for being very angry. ||||furioso ||||wściekły

Neil: And when we are angry we can

behave impulsively. Impulsive act|| |impulsywnie|

behaviour is when we

do things without thinking, without ||||bez

considering the consequences. biorąc pod uwagę|| zvažování důsledků.

Dan: So when we are hungry, the same

emotions can run through us. |||através de| 情绪可以贯穿我们整个生命。

We can be angry and make

poor decisions. And that is hanger. |||||desculpa kiepski||||| špatná rozhodnutí. A to je věšák.

Neil: Which brings us nicely to our quiz ||||ładnie||| Neil: Tím se dostáváme k našemu kvízu.

question. What do we call words, like

hanger, that are

made by joining two different words

together? Now you said you knew the

answer Dan?

Dan: I did!

Neil: What was it?

Dan: Portmanteau words. |blended words| |поросль| |słowo portmanteau|

Neil: And you are absolutely correct.

The answer is portmanteau words. |||palavras-valise|

Congratulations if you knew that.

Dan: I did.

Neil: Alright then smarty pants. No need |||smart person|pants|| |||sabe-tudo||| |||mądralo|mądralo|Nie ma potrzeby| |||розумник|штанці|| Neil: Tak dobře, chytráku. Není třeba. ニール:よし、それならスマートパンツ。必要なし Neil: W porządku, mądralo. Nie trzeba 尼尔:好吧,聪明人。没必要

to boast! |Show off |chwalić się

Dan: I can see that you're

still a bit hangry Neil. |||hungry and angry|

Neil: Yes, I'm hungry and that is making

me angry! But I think I can hold on to get

through a review of the rest prostřednictvím přehledu ostatních

of today's vocabulary.

Dan: Well, we also had the noun irritability, |||||||irritability

meaning getting annoyed very easily, just


Neil: Don't, just don't. Or I might just

merge my fist with your face. ||punch||| ||pięść||| fundir|||||

Dan: Ouch. Yes, merge meaning join |Ai||||

different things together. I can see your

fight or flight

hormones are kicking in. Those ||działają|| hormony začínají pracovat. Tyto

chemicals in the body that prepare us

for aggression or escape. |aggression|| |agresja||ucieczka k agresi nebo útěku.

Neil: I haven't quite reached rage yet. ||||alcançado|raiva| |||dość|osiągnąłem|| 尼尔:我还没有完全达到愤怒的程度。

This was another of our words, rage,

and it means a state of being

very, very angry.

Dan: Our last word was impulsive.

This is an adjective to describe

when we do things

without really thinking about them.

We just do them without any control and

without thinking

about the consequences.

Neil: Now I'm off, I'm starving. Neil's departure|||||

I've got to eat before I do I have||||||

something impulsive.

That is it for this programme.

For more, find us on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and our

YouTube pages, and of course our

website bbclearningenglish.com,

where you can find all kinds де|||||

of other programmes of||

and videos and activities i||| 以及視頻和活動

to help you improve your English.

Thank you for joining us and


Dan: Bye!