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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Objectification: Is there really a 'perfect body'? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Objectification: Is there really a 'perfect body'? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: And in this programme we're looking

at the word objectification.

Sam: Objectification is when we reduce

people to objects.

Neil: An example of this is advertising and

the media and in particular the way

women have been shown. Impossibly

attractive and implausibly perfect models

in adverts and in movies and on TV

you are much more likely to see naked

or half-naked women than men.

Sam: Objectification can lead to issues

in society such as inequality

and discrimination.

Objectification of women is a problem but

what about the objectification of men?

Neil: Before we hear more, it's time for a

question. Today's question is: on British

TV in which decade was a completely

naked man first seen? Was it...

a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s or

c) the 1960s?

What do you think Sam?

Sam: I'm going for the 60s.

Neil: I'll give the answer later in the

programme. Now Sam, do you know the

TV programme Love Island?

Sam: Yes, it's a kind of a dating show and

all the contestants - men and women -

spend a lot of time in their swimming

costumes and they've all got perfect bodies.

Neil: Yes, that's right. It's a programme

that seems to objectify men and

women equally. But is that a bad thing?

Dr Peter Lucas is Senior Lecturer in

Philosophy at the University of Central

Lancashire. He spoke on this topic on the

BBC's Woman's Hour programme.

What does he suggest might be the

advantage of featuring men

with 'perfect' bodies?

Dr Peter Lucas: If you look at the impact

of TV series like Love Island for instance,

the producers of that programme present

that as, have described that as

being aspirational for their audience.

It's presenting role models, its presenting

models that people are supposed

to aspire to. Now many women, thinking

about the male bodies that are on display there

might think well, if it means that more

men get off to the gym,

look after themselves

physically, surely that's a good thing.

Neil: So what might be an advantage of

these highly fit athletic bodies on show?

Sam: Dr Lucas suggests that seeing

those bodies might encourage men

to go to the gym and work

hard to improve their fitness and health

and that could be a good thing.

Neil: Yes, the people in the programme

are described as role models.

A role model is someone whose

behaviour is seen as a good

example for others to copy.

Sam: I'm not sure the behaviour of the

people in Love Island makes them

good role models,

but perhaps from the point of view of

their physical fitness they

give us something to

aspire to. If you aspire to something, it's

something you can aim for, something you want

to achieve. Dr Lucas also used a related word,

aspirational. The TV series Love Island was

described as being aspirational. It shows

a lifestyle that people would like to have,

something they might aim to achieve.

Neil: But there are also dangers to

encouraging people to get to the gym.

Here's Dr Lucas again.

Dr Peter Lucas: But also it's likely to

generate higher levels of narcissism,

self-consciousness, becoming obsessive

about your appearance. It's not

particularly an attractive feature

either in men or in women and I suspect

that's impacting on men's behaviour in a

way which is detrimental in the same

sort of way that's been detrimental for

women really, for decades.

Neil: He talks about behaviour that is

detrimental, this means behaviour that

has a negative impact.

What behaviours does he say

are detrimental?

Sam: If people become obsessed by their

appearance it could lead to narcissism.

This is a condition where you spend

so much time focussing on yourself, your

own looks, your own body that

you stop caring about anyone else.

Neil: And because it's very very hard to

get that kind of body it can also lead to

people being very self-conscious.

They might become embarrassed about

their bodies and lose confidence

in themselves as a result.

Right. It's almost time to review this

week's vocabulary, but before that let's

have the answer to the quiz.

In what decade was the first naked man

seen on British TV? Was it...

a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s or

c) the 1960s? What did you say, Sam?

Sam: I said c) the 60s.

Neil: I'm afraid the revolution had come

earlier than that. The correct answer is

the 1950s.

It was a 1957 documentary called

Out of Step, part of which was filmed

at a nudist colony.

Now, time for our vocabulary.

Sam: Our first word was objectification.

This is the noun for when we

reduce a human being

to an object. We don't think of them as a

real person any more.

The verb is to objectify.

Neil: Someone whose behaviour is

a good example that others want

to copy is a role model.

Sam: When it comes to presenting

6 Minute English, you are my role model, Neil.

Neil: You're too kind, and I aspire to your

level of professionalism, Sam. To aspire to

- to aim to be, to hope to achieve.

Sam: That is related to the next word,

aspirational. This adjective is used

to describe the desire to improve parts

of you life - for example, getting a better

job or a better body. Aspirational TV

programmes or adverts show lifestyles

that people might want to be theirs.

Neil: Our next word is an adjective for

something that is bad for you, something

that has a negative effect.

The adjective is detrimental.

Sam: We heard that aspiring to the

perfect body can be detrimental

because it might lead to

narcissism. Narcissism is the term for

someone who is so obsessed with their own

body and life that they don't

care about anyone else.

Neil: Achieving that perfect body is

incredibly hard and impossible for

most real people and not achieving it

can make people overly self-conscious

- which in this situation means that they

can lose confidence in themselves.

Sam: That's all we have time for today.

Do join us next time and remember

you can find us on the website

bbclearningenglish.com. Bye bye.

Neil: Bye!

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Objectification: Is there really a 'perfect body'? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube 物化||||||||||| Idealization of bodies||||||||||| Obiektualizacja||||||||||| Objektivierung: Gibt es wirklich einen "perfekten Körper"? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube Objectivation : Existe-t-il vraiment un "corps parfait" ? Écouter 6 minutes d'anglais - YouTube Objectificação: Existe realmente um "corpo perfeito"? Oiça 6 Minute English - YouTube Объективация: Существует ли на самом деле "идеальное тело"? Слушайте 6-минутный английский - YouTube Nesneleştirme: Gerçekten 'mükemmel bir vücut' var mı? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube 客观化:真的有“完美身材”吗?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English, I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: And in this programme we're looking

at the word objectification. |||treating as object |||物のように扱うこと |||objetificação |||об'єктивація

Sam: Objectification is when we reduce |Objektivierung|||| |||||minimize |objetificação|||| Sam: Objektivizace je, když snižujeme

people to objects. ||物品 ||Transforms into objects lidí k objektům. 人们对物体的看法。

Neil: An example of this is advertising and ||||||广告宣传| ||||||publicidade| 尼尔:一个例子是广告和

the media and in particular the way 媒体,特别是方式

women have been shown. Impossibly ||||难以置信 ||||unbelievably ||||неможливо ||||impossivelmente women have been shown. Impossibly

attractive and implausibly perfect models ||unbelievably|| ||improvavelmente|| ||unplausibel|| 吸引人的||难以置信地|| привабливі||неймовірно|| ||信じがたい|| ||niewiarygodnie|| 具有吸引力且完美到不太可能的模特

in adverts and in movies and on TV |广告|||||| 在广告中、电影中和电视上

you are much more likely to see naked du||||||| |||||||without clothes |||||||nu 你更有可能看到裸体

or half-naked women than men.

Sam: Objectification can lead to issues Sam (1)|||||

in society such as inequality ||||不平等 |society|||Social disparity ||||nierówność społeczna

and discrimination. |discrimination

Objectification of women is a problem but Objectification issue||||||

what about the objectification of men?

Neil: Before we hear more, it's time for a

question. Today's question is: on British

TV in which decade was a completely

naked man first seen? Was it... 裸体||||| ||zuerst||| homem nu|||||

a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s or

c) the 1960s?

What do you think Sam?

Sam: I'm going for the 60s.

Neil: I'll give the answer later in the

programme. Now Sam, do you know the

TV programme Love Island?

Sam: Yes, it's a kind of a dating show and

all the contestants - men and women - ||参赛者们||| ||participants||| ||参加者|||

spend a lot of time in their swimming

costumes and they've all got perfect bodies. 服装|||||| ||they have|||| fantasias||||||

Neil: Yes, that's right. It's a programme

that seems to objectify men and |||objectify|| |||objetifica os homens|| |||objektivieren|| |||物化|| |||об'єктивує чоловіків|| |||男性を対象化する||

women equally. But is that a bad thing? |the same||||||

Dr Peter Lucas is Senior Lecturer in ||卢卡斯|||| ||||Senior Lecturer||

Philosophy at the University of Central Philosophy|||||

Lancashire. He spoke on this topic on the Lancashire|||||||

BBC's Woman's Hour programme.

What does he suggest might be the

advantage of featuring men ||以男性为特色| ||a inclusão de| ||z udziałem|

with 'perfect' bodies?

Dr Peter Lucas: If you look at the impact ||||||||effect ||||||||вплив

of TV series like Love Island for instance, |||||||example |||||||por exemplo 例如像《爱情岛》这样的电视系列

the producers of that programme present |制作人||||呈现 那个节目的制作人呈现的

that as, have described that as das||||| 作为,描述为

being aspirational for their audience. |有抱负的||| |anspruchsvoll||| |ambitious||| |амбіційний||| |inspirador||| быть устремленными к своей аудитории. 为他们的观众立下远大的目标。

It's presenting role models, its presenting ||role||| ||papel de modelo||| 它展示了榜样,它展示了

models that people are supposed |die||| 人们应该成为的榜样

to aspire to. Now many women, thinking |渴望||||| |strive for|||||

about the male bodies that are on display there ||male bodies|||||| 关于那里展示的男性身体

might think well, if it means that more 也许会想,如果这意味着更多的

men get off to the gym, 人去健身房,

look after themselves

physically, surely that's a good thing.

Neil: So what might be an advantage of

these highly fit athletic bodies on show? |highly|fit|fit athletic||| 这些展示出来的高度适应的运动员身体?

Sam: Dr Lucas suggests that seeing |||suggests|| 萨姆:卢卡斯博士建议,看到

those bodies might encourage men 那些身体可能会鼓励男人

to go to the gym and work

hard to improve their fitness and health ||||||health

and that could be a good thing.

Neil: Yes, the people in the programme

are described as role models.

A role model is someone whose

behaviour is seen as a good

example for others to copy.

Sam: I'm not sure the behaviour of the |||||conduct||

people in Love Island makes them

good role models,

but perhaps from the point of view of 但也许从...的角度来看

their physical fitness they 他们的身体健康状况

give us something to 给了我们一些

aspire to. If you aspire to something, it's |||du|||| hope for||||||| ||||прагнеш||| ||||aspirar a|||

something you can aim for, something you want |||目标|||| |||goal||||

to achieve. Dr Lucas also used a related word,

aspirational. The TV series Love Island was амбіційний||||||

described as being aspirational. It shows |||амбіційний||

a lifestyle that people would like to have, |desired way of living||||||

something they might aim to achieve.

Neil: But there are also dangers to

encouraging people to get to the gym. ermutigend||||||

Here's Dr Lucas again.

Dr Peter Lucas: But also it's likely to ||Dr Peter Lucas||||| ||||also|||

generate higher levels of narcissism, produce||||narcissistic traits ||||narcisismo elevado ||||Narzissmus |更高|||产生更高的自恋 ||||нарцисизм ||||自己愛

self-consciousness, becoming obsessive 自我|||强迫性的 |||obsessiv |awareness|| |свідомість||одержимим

about your appearance. It's not ||外貌||

particularly an attractive feature |||Key selling point

either in men or in women and I suspect ||||||||I believe

that's impacting on men's behaviour in a |影响着||||| |beeinflusst||||| |impacting||||| |впливаючи на||||| |impactando|||||

way which is detrimental in the same |||schädlich||| |||harmful manner||| |||有害な||| |||szkodliwy sposób||| |||шкідливий|||

sort of way that's been detrimental for

women really, for decades.

Neil: He talks about behaviour that is

detrimental, this means behaviour that Harmful or damaging||||

has a negative impact.

What behaviours does he say

are detrimental?

Sam: If people become obsessed by their ||||痴迷于|| ||||obsessed|| ||||執着する||

appearance it could lead to narcissism. |||||self-obsession

This is a condition where you spend

so much time focussing on yourself, your

own looks, your own body that |||personal||

you stop caring about anyone else. ||在乎||| du||||| ||caring for others|||

Neil: And because it's very very hard to

get that kind of body it can also lead to

people being very self-conscious. ||||self-aware Menschen, die sich sehr selbstbewusst fühlen.

They might become embarrassed about |||尴尬| |||ashamed| |||сором'язливими| eles podem ficar|||envergonhados| Sie könnten sich über ihren Körper schämen und das Vertrauen verlieren.

their bodies and lose confidence ||||confidence Ihrer Körper und das Vertrauen verlieren.

in themselves as a result. |a si mesmos||| in sich selbst als Ergebnis.

Right. It's almost time to review this Richtig. Es ist fast Zeit, diesen

week's vocabulary, but before that let's Woche Wortschatz zu überprüfen, aber bevor wir das

have the answer to the quiz.

In what decade was the first naked man ||||||nackten| ||||||nude|

seen on British TV? Was it...

a) the 1940s, b) the 1950s or

c) the 1960s? What did you say, Sam?

Sam: I said c) the 60s.

Neil: I'm afraid the revolution had come ||||革命来了||

earlier than that. The correct answer is

the 1950s.

It was a 1957 documentary called |||1957年的纪录片名为| |||Dokumentarfilm|

Out of Step, part of which was filmed |||||||gedreht ||phase||||| 《Out of Step》,其中的一部分是拍摄的

at a nudist colony. |||裸体营地 ||Nacktkolonie| ||нудистській|колонія нудистів ||nudista|

Now, time for our vocabulary.

Sam: Our first word was objectification. |||||物体化

This is the noun for when we

reduce a human being |||human

to an object. We don't think of them as a

real person any more.

The verb is to objectify.

Neil: Someone whose behaviour is

a good example that others want

to copy is a role model.

Sam: When it comes to presenting

6 Minute English, you are my role model, Neil.

Neil: You're too kind, and I aspire to your |||||ich||| ||||||尊敬します|| 尼尔:你太仁慈了,我向往你。

level of professionalism, Sam. To aspire to ||专业水平|||| ||professional conduct|||| ||професіоналізм|||прагнути|

- to aim to be, to hope to achieve.

Sam: That is related to the next word,

aspirational. This adjective is used амбіційний||||

to describe the desire to improve parts |||desejo|||

of you life - for example, getting a better

job or a better body. Aspirational TV

programmes or adverts show lifestyles ||advertisements||

that people might want to be theirs. ||||||他们的 dass|Menschen|||||

Neil: Our next word is an adjective for

something that is bad for you, something

that has a negative effect.

The adjective is detrimental. |||Harmful or damaging. |||шкідливий |||prejudicial

Sam: We heard that aspiring to the ||||渴望成为|| ||||anstreben|| ||||прагнучи до||

perfect body can be detrimental ||||harmful

because it might lead to |||levar a|

narcissism. Narcissism is the term for 自恋||||| self-love|self-absorption||||

someone who is so obsessed with their own ||||self-absorbed|||

body and life that they don't

care about anyone else.

Neil: Achieving that perfect body is

incredibly hard and impossible for 极其困难|||| extremely||||

most real people and not achieving it |||||досягнення цього|

can make people overly self-conscious kann||||| |||excessively|| |||надмірно|| |||excessivamente|a si mesmos| kann Menschen übermäßig selbstbewusst machen

- which in this situation means that they - was in dieser Situation bedeutet, dass sie

can lose confidence in themselves. das Vertrauen in sich selbst verlieren können. 他们可能会失去对自己的信心。

Sam: That's all we have time for today. Sam||||||| 山姆:今天我们的时间到此为止。

Do join us next time and remember Do|||||| verbo auxiliar|||||| приходь|||||| 下次记得加入我们

you can find us on the website

bbclearningenglish.com. Bye bye. BBC навчання англійської|||

Neil: Bye!