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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about the perfect Santa in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about the perfect Santa in 6 minutes - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Neil and joining me today is Dan who is

looking very jolly.

Dan: Of course I'm looking jolly – meaning

happy and smiley; it's my favourite time of

the year.

Neil: Ah yes, all that food, all those presents,

all that fun.

Dan: Forget the food and fun – Christmas

is all about the presents!

Neil: I'm not sure that's quite the spirit

– the real meaning of something.

Dan: Well, Neil, I was actually talking about

giving presents, not getting them.

Neil: Ah sorry, Dan, I misjudged you. As you

enjoy giving presents so much, I'm very pleased

to have you with me in this 6 Minute English

– Our topic… What makes the perfect Santa?

We'll have 6 items of vocabulary for you and,

of course, our quiz question. Ready?

Dan: Hit me.

Neil: OK, here we go. How many Santas

are there in the world?

a) 1,500, b) 15,000

c) 15 million

Dan: Well, I know there are a lot but 15 million

must be wrong; 1,500 seems too few, so I'll

go for 15,000.

Neil: We'll see if you're right at the end

of the programme. Dan, you seem like a strong

candidate for a job as Santa.

Ever considered it?

Dan: I'd love to! A candidate is a person competing

for a job.

Neil: And what do you think is a key part

of being Santa – or Father Christmas as

we also call him in the UK?

Dan: As you said: being jolly…

Neil: That's right. Let's listen to James Lovell,

who runs a Santa school at his company Ministry

of Fun in London. What does he say

is the key?

James Lovell : A perfect 'ho ho ho!'

is a key part of being a Father Christmas.

It's a ho ho ho! And it needs to just reinforce

the fact that you are the jolliest person

on the planet. So I like to reach down into

my tummy, tap it and with a big smile on my

face go ho ho hoooo!

Neil: The perfect ho ho ho! You need that

to reinforce the fact you are the jolliest

person in the world.

Dan: To reinforce means to make something

stronger. Ho ho ho!

Neil: Wow, Dan! You're very convincing. Are

you sure you've never done this before?

Dan: I haven't but I want to. It feels good!

Ho ho ho!

Neil: It could be the ideal career move for

you, Dan. But I bet it's not all fun.

Dan: Hmm, maybe not. I think there would be a

lot of pressure to perform. Pressure is the

feeling of worry you can get when you are

expected to deal with a difficult situation.

Neil: Yes, think of all the children you have

to impress. Pressure indeed. Let's hear from

James Lovell again, who runs a Santa school

in London.

James Lovell : Portraying Father Christmas

is not an easy job because when you're dressed

as Father Christmas, you have a huge responsibility

to recreate the magic of the real Santa in

every way. You need to look good, you need

to have lots to say and you need to be incredibly

jolly and you need to have magical eyes.

Dan: So it seems I was right: portraying Father

Christmas is not an easy job. Portraying meaning

playing the part of – like an actor does.

Neil: He says there's a huge responsibility

to recreate the magic of the real Santa. To

recreate means to make something exist again.

Dan: All those kids expecting that magical

moment – and it's all down to you as Santa!

Hmm I'm beginning to have second thoughts

about this career change…

Neil: Could you handle the pressure?

Dan: I'm not sure I could! Portraying Father

Christmas might be a challenge too far – despite

my ho ho ho!

Neil: Now it's time to find out the answer

to our quiz question. I asked how many Santas

there are in the world?

a) 1,500, b) 15,000

c) 15 million

Dan: I said b) 15,000

Neil: And you were… wrong! I'm afraid it

was a trick question – there is, of course,

only one Santa!

Dan: Ahhh that's not fair!

Neil: Sorry! Shall we have a recap of the


Dan: Yes please – that would make me

jolly again.

Neil: Jolly, meaning happy and smiley. What

makes you jolly, Dan?

Dan: Christmas of course! Now Neil, I have

to say, cheating me out of that quiz question

was really not in the spirit of 6 Minute English.

We are always nice to each other.

Neil: Ah yes, you're probably right. Spirit

here has the sense of something's real meaning.

The spirit of 6 Minute English is friendly

educational fun – not cheating your colleagues!

Dan: Glad we've got that straight. Our next

word is candidate. Until you made me think

about how hard it is to be a good Santa, I

thought I'd be a strong candidate for the


Neil: A candidate is a person competing for

a job. Next we had reinforce.

Dan: Reinforce means to make something stronger.

Repeating the vocabulary in 6 Minute English

reinforces your ability to remember it!

Neil: That's right – and it puts you under

less pressure when you're speaking English

if you have a good range of vocabulary.

Dan: Pressure is the feeling of worry you

can get when you are expected to deal with

a difficult situation – like pretending

to be Santa! Yes there's a lot of pressure

involved in portraying someone else.

Neil: Portraying, meaning playing the part

of someone – like an actor does. It can

be very difficult to get it right.

Dan: Yep, it's a real skill to be able to

recreate the look and character of another

person. Recreate meaning to make something

exist again.

Neil: Well we'll try our best to recreate

a positive learning experience for you all

next time on 6 Minute English. Until then

don't forget to check out our YouTube, Facebook,

Twitter and Instagram pages. And a happy New Year to

all of our listeners. Goodbye!

Dan: Goodbye! Ho ho ho!

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Learn to talk about the perfect Santa in 6 minutes - YouTube ||||||Father Christmas|||video platform تعلم التحدث عن سانتا المثالي في 6 دقائق - YouTube Naučte se mluvit o dokonalém Santovi za 6 minut - YouTube Lerne in 6 Minuten über den perfekten Weihnachtsmann zu sprechen - YouTube Μάθετε να μιλάτε για τον τέλειο Άγιο Βασίλη σε 6 λεπτά - YouTube Aprende a hablar del Papá Noel perfecto en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprenez à parler du Père Noël parfait en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparate a parlare del Babbo Natale perfetto in 6 minuti - YouTube 6分間で完璧なサンタについて話すことを学ぶ - YouTube 6분 안에 완벽한 산타에 대해 이야기하는 법 배우기 - YouTube Naucz się mówić o idealnym Mikołaju w 6 minut - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre o Pai Natal perfeito em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить об идеальном Санте за 6 минут - YouTube Mükemmel Noel Baba hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про ідеального Санту за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论完美的圣诞老人 - YouTube 在 6 分钟内学会谈论完美的圣诞老人 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. |||greeting phrase|||

I'm Neil and joining me today is Dan who is Я Ніл, і сьогодні до мене приєднався Ден, який

looking very jolly. ||vui vẻ ||sehr fröhlich aussehend ||wesoły ||alegre とても陽気に見えます。

Dan: Of course I'm looking jolly – meaning |||||cheerful and happy| Ден: Звичайно, я виглядаю весело - маю на увазі 丹:当然,我看起来很开心–意思是

happy and smiley; it's my favourite time of ||glücklich und lächelnd||||| щасливі та усміхнені; це мій улюблений час

the year.

Neil: Ah yes, all that food, all those presents, ||||||||quà Ніл: Так, вся ця їжа, всі ці подарунки,

all that fun.

Dan: Forget the food and fun – Christmas

is all about the presents! ||||quà

Neil: I'm not sure that's quite the spirit |||||ganz|| |||||||intended attitude 尼尔:我不确定那是什么精神

– the real meaning of something. – 某事物的真正含义。

Dan: Well, Neil, I was actually talking about

giving presents, not getting them. tặng quà|||| дарувати подарунки, а не отримувати їх. 送礼物,而不是接受礼物。

Neil: Ah sorry, Dan, I misjudged you. As you |||||đánh giá sai||| |||||Neil: Ah, sorry, Dan, ich habe dich falsch eingeschätzt.||| |||||subestimei||| |||Ден|||||

enjoy giving presents so much, I'm very pleased |||||Ich bin|| 很喜欢送礼物,我很高兴

to have you with me in this 6 Minute English

– Our topic… What makes the perfect Santa? ||||||Ông già Noel ||||||Papai Noel - Nasz temat... Co wyróżnia idealnego Świętego Mikołaja? - Наша тема... Каким должен быть идеальный Санта? – 我们的主题是……什么是完美的圣诞老人?

We'll have 6 items of vocabulary for you and,

of course, our quiz question. Ready?

Dan: Hit me. |Schlag mich.| |bate em mim| 丹:打我吧。

Neil: OK, here we go. How many Santas

are there in the world?

a) 1,500, b) 15,000

c) 15 million

Dan: Well, I know there are a lot but 15 million

must be wrong; 1,500 seems too few, so I'll

go for 15,000.

Neil: We'll see if you're right at the end

of the programme. Dan, you seem like a strong

candidate for a job as Santa. ứng viên||||| Kandidat für den Job als Weihnachtsmann||||| 圣诞老人职位的候选人。

Ever considered it? 有考虑过吗?

Dan: I'd love to! A candidate is a person competing |||||||||konkurrierend Dan: Bardzo chętnie! Kandydat to osoba biorąca udział w konkursie

for a job.

Neil: And what do you think is a key part Neil:你认为最关键的部分是什么

of being Santa – or Father Christmas as

we also call him in the UK?

Dan: As you said: being jolly… 丹:正如你所说:快乐……

Neil: That's right. Let's listen to James Lovell, |||||||James Lovell |||||||Ловелл Neil: Zgadza się. Posłuchajmy Jamesa Lovella,

who runs a Santa school at his company Ministry ||||||||Bộ 彼は会社の省でサンタ学校を運営しています 他在其公司 Ministry 开办了一所圣诞老人学校

of Fun in London. What does he say

is the key?

James Lovell : A perfect 'ho ho ho!' 詹姆斯·洛弗尔:完美的“哈哈哈哈哈!”

is a key part of being a Father Christmas.

It's a ho ho ho! And it needs to just reinforce ||||||||||verstärken ||||||||||strengthen ||||||||||reforçar

the fact that you are the jolliest person ||||||người vui vẻ nhất| |||du|||| ||||||most cheerful| ||||||a mais alegre| 你是最快乐的人

on the planet. So I like to reach down into na planetě. Proto se rád dostávám dolů 惑星上で。だから私は手を差し伸べるのが好きです na planecie. Lubię więc sięgać do 在这个星球上。所以我喜欢深入到

my tummy, tap it and with a big smile on my |bụng tôi||||||||| |Bauch||||||||| |stomach||||||||| břicho, poklepu na něj a s velkým úsměvem na tváři mój brzuch, dotknij go i z wielkim uśmiechem na mojej

face go ho ho hoooo! tvář go ho ho ho hoooo!

Neil: The perfect ho ho ho! You need that

to reinforce the fact you are the jolliest |emphasize||||||

person in the world.

Dan: To reinforce means to make something

stronger. Ho ho ho!

Neil: Wow, Dan! You're very convincing. Are ||||rất|thuyết phục| |||||überzeugend| |||||persuasive| 尼尔:哇,丹!你很有说服力。

you sure you've never done this before?

Dan: I haven't but I want to. It feels good! |Ich||||||||

Ho ho ho!

Neil: It could be the ideal career move for

you, Dan. But I bet it's not all fun. 你,丹。但我敢打赌,这不会全是乐趣。

Dan: Hmm, maybe not. I think there would be a

lot of pressure to perform. Pressure is the ||áp lực|||áp lực|| duża presja, by osiągać dobre wyniki. Presja to

feeling of worry you can get when you are uczucie zmartwienia, które może się pojawić, gdy jesteś

expected to deal with a difficult situation. se očekává, že se vypořádá s obtížnou situací. oczekiwano, że poradzi sobie z trudną sytuacją. 预计将应对困难局面。

Neil: Yes, think of all the children you have

to impress. Pressure indeed. Let's hear from ||áp lực|||| |||de fato|||

James Lovell again, who runs a Santa school |Lovell||||||

in London.

James Lovell : Portraying Father Christmas ||thể hiện|| ||Darstellen|| ||depicting||

is not an easy job because when you're dressed

as Father Christmas, you have a huge responsibility |||||||trách nhiệm lớn

to recreate the magic of the real Santa in |tái hiện||||||| |recriar||||||| لإعادة خلق سحر سانتا الحقيقي في

every way. You need to look good, you need 各方面。你需要看起来不错,你需要

to have lots to say and you need to be incredibly 有很多话要说,你需要非常

jolly and you need to have magical eyes. ||||||huyền diệu| cheerful|||||||

Dan: So it seems I was right: portraying Father

Christmas is not an easy job. Portraying meaning ||||||representando o significado|

playing the part of – like an actor does.

Neil: He says there's a huge responsibility

to recreate the magic of the real Santa. To

recreate means to make something exist again. |||||tồn tại|

Dan: All those kids expecting that magical ||||mong đợi||huyền diệu

moment – and it's all down to you as Santa! 这一刻——这一切都取决于作为圣诞老人的你!

Hmm I'm beginning to have second thoughts ||||||Zweifel 嗯,我开始重新考虑了

about this career change…

Neil: Could you handle the pressure? |||đối phó với||áp lực |||suportar||

Dan: I'm not sure I could! Portraying Father 丹:我不确定我能做到!扮演父亲

Christmas might be a challenge too far – despite |||||||mặc dù 圣诞节可能是一个过于遥远的挑战——尽管

my ho ho ho!

Neil: Now it's time to find out the answer

to our quiz question. I asked how many Santas

there are in the world?

a) 1,500, b) 15,000

c) 15 million

Dan: I said b) 15,000

Neil: And you were… wrong! I'm afraid it

was a trick question – there is, of course,

only one Santa!

Dan: Ahhh that's not fair! ||||injusto |Ааа, це не чесно!|||

Neil: Sorry! Shall we have a recap of the ||||||Zusammenfassung||


Dan: Yes please – that would make me

jolly again.

Neil: Jolly, meaning happy and smiley. What

makes you jolly, Dan?

Dan: Christmas of course! Now Neil, I have

to say, cheating me out of that quiz question ||gian lận|||||| 说,骗我答不出那道测验题

was really not in the spirit of 6 Minute English. 实在不符合六分钟英语的精神。

We are always nice to each other. |||||nhau| 我们总是彼此友善。

Neil: Ah yes, you're probably right. Spirit

here has the sense of something's real meaning. |||||cái gì đó||

The spirit of 6 Minute English is friendly

educational fun – not cheating your colleagues! |||trapaceando|| متعة تعليمية - عدم خداع زملائك!

Dan: Glad we've got that straight. Our next |||||claro|| Dan: Cieszę się, że to wyjaśniliśmy. Nasz następny 丹:很高兴我们搞清楚了这一点。我们的下一个

word is candidate. Until you made me think

about how hard it is to be a good Santa, I

thought I'd be a strong candidate for the


Neil: A candidate is a person competing for ||||||wettbewerbend|

a job. Next we had reinforce. |||||strengthen skills

Dan: Reinforce means to make something stronger.

Repeating the vocabulary in 6 Minute English

reinforces your ability to remember it! verstärkt|||||

Neil: That's right – and it puts you under

less pressure when you're speaking English

if you have a good range of vocabulary. |||||variedade||

Dan: Pressure is the feeling of worry you

can get when you are expected to deal with

a difficult situation – like pretending ||||giả vờ

to be Santa! Yes there's a lot of pressure

involved in portraying someone else.

Neil: Portraying, meaning playing the part ||||cái| |Acting as||||

of someone – like an actor does. It can ||||diễn viên|||

be very difficult to get it right.

Dan: Yep, it's a real skill to be able to

recreate the look and character of another

person. Recreate meaning to make something |Make again||||

exist again.

Neil: Well we'll try our best to recreate

a positive learning experience for you all

next time on 6 Minute English. Until then

don't forget to check out our YouTube, Facebook, Do not|||||||

Twitter and Instagram pages. And a happy New Year to

all of our listeners. Goodbye!

Dan: Goodbye! Ho ho ho!