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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about retail therapy in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about retail therapy in 6 minutes - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to Six Minute English.

I'm Neil and joining me today is Dan -

who is weighed down with shopping bags and wearing

something very... strange. What's going on, Dan?

Dan: Well, I was feeling a bit miserable

so I decided to cheer myself up by going shopping!

Neil: Well that's lucky because the link between

shopping and mood is what we're looking at

in this 6 Minute English - and of course we'll be

giving you six mood and shopping-related

vocabulary items. But first, our quiz:

Online shoppers in which country spend more

per household than consumers in any other country,

according to a report from the UK Cards Association?

Is it a) The USA b) Norway c) The UK

Dan: Norway seems to come top of lots of lists,

so for that reason alone I'm going to say Norway.

Neil: We'll find out at the end of the show.

Now, Dan, you said just now that you went shopping

because you were feeling down.

Dan: That's right - I like a bit of retail therapy.

Neil: Retail therapy is a humorous expression which

means going shopping to make yourself feel better.

Dan: Oh I do that all the time.

Neil: Yes, I can see. And you're not alone.

According to some research done by the website

moneysupermarket.com, people are more likely to buy

things they'll later regret

when they're feeling sad, bored or stressed.

Dan: Well I was feeling a bit down in the dumps.

And that's a way of saying 'sad'.

Neil: Oh dear, Dan. Sorry to hear you've been down

in the dumps. I only hope you don't get a pang of regret

about your purchases when you get them home -

the research suggests that you will.

Dan: A pang is a sharp pain. We often hear it used

figuratively to talk about strong emotions like guilt,

regret and remorse. You're making me feel worse, Neil

Neil: Sorry Dan - it's all for educational purposes!

Our audience will learn from your pain!

Remorse is like regret - and there's a good expression

to describe exactly that bad feeling you get

when you realise you don't really need or want

the things that you've bought. Buyer's remorse.

Dan: OK, OK, OK enough about me. Let's hear from Sam,

Phil and Catherine from the Learning English team

to see if their mood affects the shopping choices

they make. Listen carefully. Can you hear the three

types of things they say that they buy

when they're down in the dumps?

Sam: Honestly, I tend to buy food.

Anything that will bring me comfort,

so it can be any sort of warm drink,

hot drink but also anything kind of warm and cosy -

so like a nice jumper.

Phil: Definitely, if I've had a bad day at work,

or for whatever reason or I feel terrible,

tired, I am more likely to buy something

on the way home.

Catherine: Oh when I'm feeling sad, I probably buy

a little bit of wine and often something to wear.

I find that a bit of retail therapy when I'm sad

usually does the trick at the time,

so it makes me feel better. But I do find

that when I look in my wardrobe,

the things that I bought when I was sad -

I never wear them.

Neil: Sam, Phil and Catherine there from the BBC

Learning English team talking about what kind of

things they buy when they're feeling down.

What were they?

Dan: Food, drink and clothes.

Neil: That's right. Sam mentioned she buys food,

warm drinks and a nice jumper

to keep her cosy.

That's the feeling of being warm,

comfortable and relaxed.

Dan: Catherine also mentioned drinks -

this time wine. And she also said that buying clothes

does the trick. That means achieves the result

she intended.

Neil: But what's interesting is that Catherine said

she never wears the clothes she buys

when she's feeling sad.

That's exactly what the survey found -

people regret the purchases

they make when they're sad, bored or stressed.

Dan: Sounds like a case of buyer's remorse.

Neil: It does indeed. Well, time now for the answer

to our quiz question. I asked this:

Online shoppers in which country spend more

per household than consumers in any other country,

according to a report from the UK Cards Association?

Is it: a) The USA b) Norway c) The UK

Dan: I said b) Norway.

Neil: And I'm afraid you might need to go and buy some

more stuff to cheer you up - you're wrong!

The correct answer is the UK.

Apparently UK households spent the equivalent

of £4,611, that's almost $6,000

using payment cards online in 2015.

Dan: Well, I hope they were happy when they made

those purchases or they may feel the pang of regret

I'm scared I might get after today's discussion!

Neil: Well, a good recap of the vocabulary

from this programme might do the trick.

Dan: Shall we start with the first word?

Do you ever go in for a bit of retail therapy, Neil?

Neil: Actually I try to avoid it. Especially after reading

this survey - I don't think the happiness you feel

after buying something lasts very long. In fact,

you can end up feeling down in the dumps.

Dan: Yes down in the dumps - meaning sad or unhappy.

And a pang of regret might follow once you realise

you've spent a lot of money on something

you don't really need.

Neil: A pang is a stab - used here figuratively

to mean a sharp pain used to talk about strong

emotions. And after that pang

can come buyer's remorse.

Dan: Hmm, I'm beginning to feel buyer's remorse

from this leopard skin onesie. It seemed like

such a good idea at the time.

Neil: Well it does look cozy at least, that's warm

comfortable and relaxed, so I think if that's

what you wanted, it does the trick.

Dan: Does the trick, meaning achieves

the result you wanted.

Neil: Please remember to check out our Facebook,

Twitter, and YouTube pages.

Dan/Neil: Bye!

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Learn to talk about retail therapy in 6 minutes - YouTube |||||liệu pháp mua s||| ||||Einzelhandelstherapie|||| ||||detaliczny|||| Naučte se mluvit o maloobchodní terapii za 6 minut - YouTube Lernen Sie in 6 Minuten, über Einzelhandelstherapie zu sprechen - YouTube Aprenda a hablar de terapia comercial en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprendre à parler de la thérapie par la vente au détail en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparare a parlare di retail therapy in 6 minuti - YouTube 6分間で学ぶリテールセラピーの話 - YouTube 6분 만에 리테일 테라피에 대해 이야기하는 법 배우기 - YouTube Naucz się mówić o terapii detalicznej w 6 minut - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre terapia de retalho em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить о розничной терапии за 6 минут - YouTube Perakende terapisi hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про ритейл-терапію за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论购物疗法 - YouTube 6 分鐘學會談購物療法 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to Six Minute English.

I'm Neil and joining me today is Dan - Sono Neil e oggi si unisce a me Dan... Я Ніл, і сьогодні до мене приєднався Ден -

who is weighed down with shopping bags and wearing ||背負|||||| ||burdened|||||| ||||||túi mua s||mặc من هو مثقل بأكياس التسوق ويرتديها který je obtěžkán nákupními taškami a má na sobě che è appesantito da borse della spesa e indossa 買い物袋で重くなり、服を着ている人 쇼핑백으로 무겁게 짓눌리고 który jest obciążony torbami z zakupami i ma na sobie яка обтяжена пакетами з покупками та одягом

something very... strange. What's going on, Dan? |||Có chuyện gì|đang xảy ra|| ||Unusual|||| něco velmi... zvláštního. Co se děje, Dane? щось дуже... дивне. Що відбувається, Дене?

Dan: Well, I was feeling a bit miserable |||||||very unhappy Dan: No, cítil jsem se trochu mizerně. Ден: Ну, я почувався трохи нещасним

so I decided to cheer myself up by going shopping! ||||vui vẻ||||| ||||lift my spirits||||| ||||animar||||| لذلك قررت أن أبتهج بنفسي بالذهاب للتسوق! だから、買い物に出かけて元気を出そうと思った! тож я вирішила підняти собі настрій, пішовши на шопінг!

Neil: Well that's lucky because the link between ||||||mối liên kết| Neil: Beh, è una fortuna perché il collegamento tra Ніл: Що ж, це добре, тому що зв'язок між

shopping and mood is what we're looking at ||Einkaufsstimmung||||| шопінг і настрій - ось на що ми дивимося

in this 6 Minute English - and of course we'll be

giving you six mood and shopping-related šest náladových a nákupních

vocabulary items. But first, our quiz:

Online shoppers in which country spend more 온라인 쇼핑객이 더 많이 지출하는 국가 哪个国家的网上购物者消费额更高

per household than consumers in any other country, |hộ gia đình||người tiêu dùng|||| |gospodarstwo domowe|||||| لكل أسرة من المستهلكين في أي بلد آخر ، 世帯あたりの消費者数は、他のどの国の消費者よりも多い、 다른 나라 소비자들보다 가구당 더 많이 소비합니다, na gospodarstwo domowe niż konsumenci w jakimkolwiek innym kraju, 每个家庭的消费者数量比任何其他国家的消费者都要多,

according to a report from the UK Cards Association? ||||||||Hiệp hội وفقا لتقرير من جمعية بطاقات المملكة المتحدة؟ 영국 카드 협회의 보고서에 따르면? według raportu UK Cards Association?

Is it a) The USA b) Norway c) The UK ||||||Na Uy|||

Dan: Norway seems to come top of lots of lists, Dan: Zdá se, že Norsko je na předních místech mnoha seznamů, Дэн: Норвегия занимает первые места во многих списках, Ден: Норвегія, здається, очолює багато списків,

so for that reason alone I'm going to say Norway. 그 이유만으로 노르웨이라고 답하겠습니다. тож лише з цієї причини я виберу Норвегію.

Neil: We'll find out at the end of the show. Neil : Nous le saurons à la fin de l'émission. Neil: Lo scopriremo alla fine dello spettacolo. Ніл: Ми дізнаємося в кінці шоу.

Now, Dan, you said just now that you went shopping

because you were feeling down. тому що тобі було сумно.

Dan: That's right - I like a bit of retail therapy. ||||||||mua sắm| دان: هذا صحيح - أحب القليل من العلاج بالتجزئة. Dan: 맞아요, 저는 쇼핑을 좋아합니다. Ден: Саме так - мені подобається трохи шопінг-терапії.

Neil: Retail therapy is a humorous expression which |||||幽默的|| |||||hài hước|| نيل: العلاج بالتجزئة هو تعبير مضحك Ніл: Рітейл-терапія - це гумористичний вислів, який

means going shopping to make yourself feel better. |||||bản thân bạn|| означає похід за покупками, щоб покращити своє самопочуття.

Dan: Oh I do that all the time. دن: اوه من همیشه این کار را می کنم.

Neil: Yes, I can see. And you're not alone. نیل: بله، می توانم ببینم. و تو تنها نیستی

According to some research done by the website 웹사이트의 일부 조사에 따르면 Згідно з деякими дослідженнями, проведеними сайтом

moneysupermarket.com, people are more likely to buy 錢超市||||||| financial comparison site||||||| moneysupermarket.com, lidé častěji nakupují moneysupermarket.com، مردم تمایل بیشتری به خرید دارند moneysupermarket.com에서 구매할 가능성이 더 높습니다. moneysupermarket.com, люди чаще покупают

things they'll later regret |||hối tiếc |||Feel remorse for الأشياء التي سوف يندمون عليها لاحقًا věcí, kterých budou později litovat. چیزهایی که بعدا پشیمان خواهند شد あとで後悔すること 나중에 후회할 일들 о чем они потом будут жалеть.

when they're feeling sad, bored or stressed. عندما يشعرون بالحزن أو الملل أو التوتر. když jsou smutní, znudění nebo vystresovaní. وقتی احساس غم، بی حوصلگی یا استرس می کنند. когда им грустно, скучно или они испытывают стресс.

Dan: Well I was feeling a bit down in the dumps. |||||tôi|hơi|buồn bã|trong||buồn bã ||||||||||feeling low ||||||||||dołki دان: حسنًا ، كنت أشعر بالإحباط قليلاً في المقالب. Dan: No, cítil jsem se trochu na dně. دن: خوب من کمی در زباله ها احساس ناراحتی می کردم. Dan : Eh bien, je me sentais un peu déprimé. ダン:そうだね、ちょっと落ち込んでいたんだ。 Dan: 기분이 좀 다운된 상태였어요. Дэн: Ну, я чувствовал себя немного не в своей тарелке. Ден: Ну, я почувався трохи пригніченим.

And that's a way of saying 'sad'. 그리고 그것은 '슬프다'는 표현의 한 방식입니다.

Neil: Oh dear, Dan. Sorry to hear you've been down Neil : Oh mon Dieu, Dan. Désolé d'apprendre que tu es en panne 닐: 오, 이런, 댄. 다운되셨다니 유감입니다.

in the dumps. I only hope you don't get a pang of regret ||情緒低落||||||||一陣|| ||feeling down||||||||sharp pain||feeling of remorse ||||||||||cơn đau||hối tiếc في المقالب. آمل فقط ألا تصاب بألم من الأسف na skládce. Jen doufám, že tě nepřepadne lítost. 쓰레기통에 버려졌어요. 후회하지 않기를 바랄 뿐입니다. w dołku. Mam tylko nadzieję, że nie poczujesz żalu

about your purchases when you get them home - ||buying items||||| sur vos achats lorsque vous les rapportez à la maison - 집에 도착했을 때 구매 내역에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.

the research suggests that you will. ||đề xuất||| يقترح البحث أنك ستفعل ذلك. výzkum naznačuje, že ano. تحقیقات نشان می دهد که شما می توانید. 연구 결과에 따르면 그렇게 될 것이라고 합니다.

Dan: A pang is a sharp pain. We often hear it used |||||sắc bén|||||| ||ukłucie||||||||| دان: الألم هو ألم حاد. كثيرا ما نسمع أنها تستخدم Dan : Une douleur est une douleur aiguë. On l'entend souvent utilisé 댄: 팽은 날카로운 통증입니다. 우리는 종종 이 단어를

figuratively to talk about strong emotions like guilt, hình tượng|||||||cảm giác tội metaphorically||||||| به طور مجازی در مورد احساسات قوی مانند احساس گناه صحبت کنید، 를 사용하여 죄책감과 같은 강한 감정을 비유적으로 이야기할 수 있습니다,

regret and remorse. You're making me feel worse, Neil hối tiếc||hối hận|||||| ||Guilt|||||| الندم والندم. أنت تجعلني أشعر بأنني أسوأ يا نيل 후회하고 후회하고 넌 내 기분을 더 나쁘게 만들고 있어, 닐

Neil: Sorry Dan - it's all for educational purposes! ||||||giáo dục|mục đích giáo نيل: آسف دان - كل شيء للأغراض التعليمية! Neil: Omlouvám se, Dane - vše je pro vzdělávací účely! 닐: 미안해요, 댄 - 모두 교육적인 목적입니다!

Our audience will learn from your pain! |khán giả||||| جمهورنا سيتعلم من آلامك! Naši posluchači se z vaší bolesti poučí! 시청자들은 여러분의 고통에서 배울 것입니다! Наши слушатели будут учиться на вашей боли!

Remorse is like regret - and there's a good expression Reue|||||||| Regret|||||||| Výčitky svědomí jsou jako lítost - a existuje dobrý výraz

to describe exactly that bad feeling you get

when you realise you don't really need or want

the things that you've bought. Buyer's remorse. ||||||Buyer's regret

Dan: OK, OK, OK enough about me. Let's hear from Sam, Dan: 알았어요, 알았어요, 제 얘기는 여기까지 하죠. 샘의 이야기를 들어보겠습니다,

Phil and Catherine from the Learning English team

to see if their mood affects the shopping choices ||||||||lựa chọn mua s zjistit, zda jejich nálada ovlivňuje výběr nákupů.

they make. Listen carefully. Can you hear the three |||cẩn thận|||||

types of things they say that they buy

when they're down in the dumps? |||||deprimiert عندما يكونون في المقالب؟ když jsou na dně? lorsqu'ils sont au plus bas ?

Sam: Honestly, I tend to buy food. |Thật lòng||||| Sam: Onestamente, tendo a comprare cibo. Sam: Szczerze mówiąc, mam tendencję do kupowania jedzenia.

Anything that will bring me comfort, أي شيء يجلب لي الراحة ، Qualsiasi cosa che mi porti conforto,

so it can be any sort of warm drink, لذلك يمكن أن يكون أي نوع من المشروبات الدافئة ، quindi può essere qualsiasi tipo di bevanda calda,

hot drink but also anything kind of warm and cosy - |||||||||gemütlich warm |||||||||Warm and comforting aconchegante||||||||| مشروب ساخن ولكن أيضًا أي شيء دافئ ومريح - bebida quente mas também qualquer coisa do tipo quente e aconchegante -

so like a nice jumper. ||||áo len مثل الطائر الجميل. então algo como uma boa blusa.

Phil: Definitely, if I've had a bad day at work, Phil: Com certeza, se tive um dia ruim no trabalho,

or for whatever reason or I feel terrible,

tired, I am more likely to buy something بالتعب ، من المرجح أن أشتري شيئًا ما

on the way home.

Catherine: Oh when I'm feeling sad, I probably buy ||||||quando||

a little bit of wine and often something to wear.

I find that a bit of retail therapy when I'm sad ||||một chút|||||| ||||||shopping|||| أجد هذا القليل من العلاج بالتجزئة عندما أكون حزينًا

usually does the trick at the time, |||công việc||| obvykle v danou chvíli postačí, zazwyczaj załatwia sprawę,

so it makes me feel better. But I do find

that when I look in my wardrobe, ||||||衣櫃 ||||||closet or cupboard ||||||tủ quần áo

the things that I bought when I was sad -

I never wear them. أنا لا أرتديهم أبدًا.

Neil: Sam, Phil and Catherine there from the BBC

Learning English team talking about what kind of

things they buy when they're feeling down.

What were they?

Dan: Food, drink and clothes.

Neil: That's right. Sam mentioned she buys food, ||||||買| |||Sam (name)||||

warm drinks and a nice jumper |||||áo len مشروبات دافئة وطائر جميل

to keep her cosy. لإبقائها دافئة.

That's the feeling of being warm,

comfortable and relaxed.

Dan: Catherine also mentioned drinks - Dan: Catherine se také zmínila o nápojích -

this time wine. And she also said that buying clothes tentokrát víno. A také řekla, že nákup oblečení cette fois-ci du vin. Elle a également dit que l'achat de vêtements

does the trick. That means achieves the result عمل الحيلة. هذا يعني أنه يحقق النتيجة to zvládne. To znamená, že dosáhne výsledku fait l'affaire. Cela signifie que l'on obtient le résultat

she intended. كانت تنوي. zamýšlela.

Neil: But what's interesting is that Catherine said

she never wears the clothes she buys

when she's feeling sad.

That's exactly what the survey found - Dokładnie to stwierdzono w badaniu -

people regret the purchases يندم الناس على المشتريات

they make when they're sad, bored or stressed.

Dan: Sounds like a case of buyer's remorse. |||||||regret دان: تبدو حالة ندم المشتري. Dan: To vypadá na výčitky svědomí.

Neil: It does indeed. Well, time now for the answer Neil: To ano. No, teď je čas na odpověď

to our quiz question. I asked this:

Online shoppers in which country spend more Dans quel pays les acheteurs en ligne dépensent-ils le plus ?

per household than consumers in any other country, |hộ gia đình|||||| par ménage que les consommateurs de n'importe quel autre pays, 一世帯あたりの消費者数は、他のどの国の消費者よりも多い、 na gospodarstwo domowe niż konsumenci w jakimkolwiek innym kraju,

according to a report from the UK Cards Association? وفقا لتقرير من جمعية بطاقات المملكة المتحدة؟

Is it: a) The USA b) Norway c) The UK

Dan: I said b) Norway.

Neil: And I'm afraid you might need to go and buy some

more stuff to cheer you up - you're wrong! |||lift your spirits|||| altre cose per rallegrarti - ti sbagli!

The correct answer is the UK.

Apparently UK households spent the equivalent ||hộ gia đình||| ||UK families||| على ما يبدو أنفقت الأسر في المملكة المتحدة ما يعادل

of £4,611, that's almost $6,000

using payment cards online in 2015. |thanh toán|||

Dan: Well, I hope they were happy when they made

those purchases or they may feel the pang of regret |||||||sharp emotional pain|| di quegli acquisti o possono sentire il pungolo del rimpianto

I'm scared I might get after today's discussion! |sợ hãi||||||

Neil: Well, a good recap of the vocabulary ||||tóm tắt||| ||||summary||| ||||podsumowanie||| Ніл: Що ж, гарне повторення лексики

from this programme might do the trick.

Dan: Shall we start with the first word?

Do you ever go in for a bit of retail therapy, Neil? Vous arrive-t-il de faire de la thérapie par le détail, Neil ?

Neil: Actually I try to avoid it. Especially after reading |||||stay away from||||

this survey - I don't think the happiness you feel |questionnaire|||||||

after buying something lasts very long. In fact, po zakoupení něčeho trvá velmi dlouho. Ve skutečnosti, 買ってからが長い。実際、そうだ、

you can end up feeling down in the dumps. můžete se nakonec cítit na dně. vous pouvez finir par avoir le moral dans les chaussettes.

Dan: Yes down in the dumps - meaning sad or unhappy.

And a pang of regret might follow once you realise ||||||the follow||| A když si uvědomíte, že je vám to líto, může vás to mrzet.

you've spent a lot of money on something

you don't really need.

Neil: A pang is a stab - used here figuratively |||||đâm||| |||||sharp pain||| Neil : Une douleur est un coup de couteau - utilisé ici au sens figuré Neil: Pang to ukłucie - użyte tutaj w przenośni

to mean a sharp pain used to talk about strong

emotions. And after that pang

can come buyer's remorse. |||regret

Dan: Hmm, I'm beginning to feel buyer's remorse Dan: Hmm, začínám mít výčitky svědomí.

from this leopard skin onesie. It seemed like ||da báo|da báo|bộ đồ liền||| ||||Einteiler||| ||||leopard print jumpsuit||| ||||kombinezon dziecięcy||| z tohoto trička z leopardí kůže. Vypadalo to jako

such a good idea at the time. v té době tak dobrý nápad.

Neil: Well it does look cozy at least, that's warm |||||ấm cúng|||| |||||comfortable and warm|||| نيل: حسنًا ، يبدو دافئًا على الأقل ، هذا دافئ Neil: No, vypadá to útulně, aspoň je tu teplo.

comfortable and relaxed, so I think if that's pohodlně a uvolněně, takže si myslím, že pokud je to

what you wanted, it does the trick. |||||das| that which|||||| to, co jste chtěli, splňuje svůj účel. ce que vous vouliez, il fait l'affaire.

Dan: Does the trick, meaning achieves

the result you wanted.

Neil: Please remember to check out our Facebook,

Twitter, and YouTube pages.

Dan/Neil: Bye!