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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about mobile phone upgrades in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about mobile phone upgrades in 6 minutes - YouTube

Catherine: Hello and welcome to Six Minute English!

I'm Catherine

Rob: And I'm Rob - and today we bring you a techy topic

along with six up-to-date vocabulary items.

Catherine: And today's techy topic is smartphones.

So Rob, can you tell me which age group

have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate

over the last five years here in the UK?

Is it... a) 15-35 year olds, b) 35-55 year olds

or c) 55-75 year olds?

Rob: It's got to be the youngsters.

It's got to be the 15-35 year olds.

Catherine: Oh well we'll see whether you got that right

or wrong later on in the show.

Now Rob, a question: how old is your smartphone?

Rob: OK mine, I bought it a couple of years ago.

Catherine: And are you happy with it?

Rob: Yes, I am. It works just fine -

it does everything I need it to do.

Catherine: So you're not worried about not having

the latest model?

Rob: Not at all. My phone works really well -

it has all the functionality I need.

And I'm not convinced that the latest model offers

any more than the one I've got, to be honest.

Catherine: Functionality refers to the range of functions

a computer or other electronic device can perform.

So, let's listen now to Andrew Orlowski,

from the tech news website The Register.

He explains why people are holding onto

their phones longer - instead of rushing

out to buy the latest model of phone.

Andrew Orlowski: What's happened is that prices

have gone up at the high end. And it's kind of a cycle

where people hang onto their phones for longer,

therefore manufacturers charge more.

Then people hang onto them longer to justify

that higher purchase.

Rob: So big brand names like iPhone and Samsung

make phones at the high end of the market -

- meaning the expensive ones. So once people

have bought a handset, they hang on to it!

If you hang onto something, you keep it.

I've been hanging onto my phone for a couple of years -

and am hoping I won't need to change it

for another year or so, at least.

Catherine: But what happens is, if people aren't

replacing their phones, the phone manufacturers

don't make a big enough profit.

So they start charging more...

Rob: ...and this, in turn, makes people hang even longer!

So that's why Andrew Orlowski calls it a cycle -

that's where one event leads to another, and then

often repeats itself.

Catherine: So where will the cycle end?

Rob: Good question! Let's listen to Andrew again, talking

about where he thinks the smartphone

market is heading.

Andrew Orlowski: I think it's a very mature market now.

And you have to compare, say, a £900

Galaxy Note or a £1000 iPhone with a spectacular

TV you can... a 49 inch TV you can get for £450.

It no longer has that kind of must-have lustre

that it might have had 4 or 5 years ago.

Catherine: What does 'mature' mean, Rob?

Rob: Mature means fully-grown - we're mature adults

for example, Catherine! And in a business context,

a mature market is where supply is equal to demand.

Catherine: And if something has 'must-have lustre'?

What's that?

Rob: A must-have item is something you feel

you must have. And lustre means shine.

Catherine: I love shiny new things,

especially when it's a nice piece of new tech.

But £1000 is a lot of money for a phone.

A spectacular 49-inch TV for only £450 sounds like

a bargain though! My TV only has a small screen.

Rob: Stop there, Catherine! It's time for the answer

to today's question.

Catherine: OK: Which age group have been buying

smartphones at the fastest rate over the last

five years here in the UK? Is it... a) 15-35 year olds,

b) 35-55 year olds, or c) 55-75year olds?

Rob: I said 15-35 year olds.

Catherine: And you were absolutely wrong, I'm afraid, Rob! The answer is 55-75 year olds! Although

research also highlighted that this age group tended to

use their smartphones less than younger people.

The study was based on a sample of 1,163 people

questioned between May and June in 2017.

Rob: Interesting. OK, I think it's time we looked back

at the words we learned today.

Our first word is 'functionality' - which refers to

the range of functions a computer

of other electronic device can perform.

Catherine: 'These two computers are similar in terms of

both their price and functionality.'

Rob: Good example Catherine. Number two - if you

hang on to something, you keep it. For example,

'You should hang onto your old TV, Catherine.

There's nothing wrong with a 30 inch screen!'

Catherine: Thanks for the advice, Rob. And our next

word is 'cycle' - that's where one event leads to another,

and then often repeats itself.

For example, 'I'm in a bad cycle of going to bed late,

and then oversleeping in the morning.'

Rob: You need to sort yourself out, Catherine!

You're spending too much time on social media

- and all that blue-screen time makes it very

hard to fall asleep. The last thing you need

is a bigger TV!

Catherine: You're probably right. OK - the adjective

'mature' means fully grown or fully developed

Here's an example of the verb form - 'My investments

have matured and they're worth a lot of money now!'

Rob: Right moving on, a 'must-have item' is something

you feel you must have! For example, 'Check out the

latest must-have tech bargains on our website!'

Catherine: ...like a huge TV. And finally, 'lustre' -

which means shine.

Rob: For example, 'I polished my brass doorknob

until it shone with a pleasing lustre.'

Catherine: OK before Rob heads off to polish his

doorknob, and I nip out to buy a big new television

please remember to check out our Facebook, Twitter,

and YouTube pages.

Rob/Catherine: Bye!

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Learn to talk about mobile phone upgrades in 6 minutes - YouTube 學習|||關於|||||| ||discussion|mobile phone upgrades|||||| ||||||アップグレード||| Lernen Sie in 6 Minuten über Handy-Upgrades zu sprechen - YouTube Aprende a hablar de actualizaciones de teléfonos móviles en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprendre à parler des mises à jour des téléphones portables en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparate a parlare di aggiornamenti dei telefoni cellulari in 6 minuti - YouTube 携帯電話のアップグレードについて6分で学ぶ - YouTube 6분 만에 휴대폰 업그레이드에 대해 알아보는 방법 - YouTube Naucz się rozmawiać o aktualizacjach telefonów komórkowych w 6 minut - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre actualizações de telemóveis em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить о модернизации мобильных телефонов за 6 минут - YouTube Cep telefonu yükseltmeleri hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про оновлення мобільних телефонів за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟学会聊手机升级 - YouTube 6 分鐘學會聊手機升級 - YouTube

Catherine: Hello and welcome to Six Minute English! ||||||minute segment|

I'm Catherine

Rob: And I'm Rob - and today we bring you a techy topic ||||||||||technology-related|Tech discussion |||||||帶來|||科技的|科技主題 ||||||||||technisches Thema| ||||||||||技术性的| ||||||||||công nghệ| ||||||||||テクノロジーな| ||||||||||techniczny| ロブ: そして私はロブです - そして今日は技術的な話題をお届けします Rob: A ja jestem Rob - a dziś przedstawiamy temat techniczny Роб: А я Роб - і сьогодні ми пропонуємо вам технічну тему 罗布:我是罗布 - 今天我们为您带来一个科技话题 羅伯:我是羅伯,今天我們將為您帶來一個科技話題

along with six up-to-date vocabulary items. ||||||詞彙|項目 6개의 최신 어휘 항목과 함께 말이죠. а также шесть актуальных словарных статей. разом із шістьма сучасними словниками. 以及六个最新的词汇项目。 以及六個最新的詞彙項目。

Catherine: And today's techy topic is smartphones. |||technology-related||| Catherine: Und das heutige Tech-Thema sind Smartphones. Катерина: І сьогоднішня технічна тема - це смартфони. 凯瑟琳:今天的科技话题是智能手机。 凱瑟琳:今天的科技話題是智能手機。

So Rob, can you tell me which age group |羅伯||||||| Also Rob, kannst du mir sagen welche Altersgruppe Отже, Робе, чи можеш ти сказати мені, яка вікова група 那麼 Rob,你能告訴我哪一個年齡組

have been buying smartphones at the fastest rate ||||||最快| تم شراء الهواتف الذكية بأسرع سعر nejrychleji kupují chytré telefony. haben Smartphones am schnellsten gekauft покупают смартфоны самыми быстрыми темпами купують смартфони найшвидшими темпами 在過去五年中以最快的速度購買智能手機

over the last five years here in the UK? ||||||||英國 w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat w Wielkiej Brytanii? за останні п'ять років тут, у Великобританії? 在英國嗎?

Is it... a) 15-35 year olds, b) 35-55 year olds

or c) 55-75 year olds?

Rob: It's got to be the youngsters. ||||||thế hệ trẻ Rob: Es müssen die Jugendlichen sein. ロブ:それは若者でなければなりません。 Rob: 젊은이들 때문이겠죠. Роб: Це має бути молодь.

It's got to be the 15-35 year olds. Es müssen die 15- bis 35-Jährigen sein. Це мають бути люди віком від 15 до 35 років.

Catherine: Oh well we'll see whether you got that right |||||liệu|||| كاثرين: حسنًا ، سنرى ما إذا كنت قد حصلت على هذا الحق Catherine: Na ja, wir werden sehen, ob Sie das richtig verstanden haben 캐서린 그 말이 맞는지 두고 볼게요. Кетрін: Ну що ж, подивимося, чи правильно ви це зрозуміли.

or wrong later on in the show. 또는 나중에 틀릴 수도 있습니다. або помилятися пізніше в шоу.

Now Rob, a question: how old is your smartphone? 이제 Rob, 질문이 있습니다. 스마트폰은 얼마나 오래되었나요?

Rob: OK mine, I bought it a couple of years ago. Rob: حسنًا ، لقد اشتريتها منذ عامين. Rob: OK meins, ich habe es vor ein paar Jahren gekauft. ロブ:わかりました。数年前に購入しました。 Роб: Гаразд, мій, я купив його пару років тому.

Catherine: And are you happy with it? Catherine: Und bist du damit zufrieden?

Rob: Yes, I am. It works just fine - Rob: Ja, das bin ich. Es funktioniert ganz gut - Rob: 네, 맞아요. 잘 작동합니다. Роб: Так, це так. Це працює просто чудово -

it does everything I need it to do. es macht alles was ich brauche. それは私がそれをするのに必要なすべてをします。 필요한 모든 작업을 수행합니다. він робить все, що мені потрібно.

Catherine: So you're not worried about not having كاثرين: إذن أنت لست قلقًا بشأن عدم امتلاكك Catherine: Du machst dir also keine Sorgen, es nicht zu haben 캐서린 그래서 당신은 걱정하지 않습니다.

the latest model? أحدث طراز؟ 最新モデル?

Rob: Not at all. My phone works really well - Rob: Überhaupt nicht. Mein Telefon funktioniert wirklich gut - Rob: 전혀 그렇지 않습니다. 제 휴대폰은 정말 잘 작동합니다. Роб: Вовсе нет. Мой телефон работает очень хорошо.

it has all the functionality I need. ||||функциональные возможности|| ||||chức năng|| それは私が必要とするすべての機能を備えています。 필요한 모든 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.

And I'm not convinced that the latest model offers |||thuyết phục|||mới nhất|| |||überzeugt||||| ولست مقتنعًا أن أحدث طراز يقدم Und ich bin nicht davon überzeugt, dass das neueste Modell bietet و من متقاعد نشده ام که آخرین مدل ارائه می دهد 그리고 최신 모델이 다음과 같은 기능을 제공한다고 확신하지 못합니다. И я не уверен, что последняя модель предлагает

any more than the one I've got, to be honest. أي أكثر مما لدي ، لأكون صادقًا víc než ten, který mám já, abych byl upřímný. nicht mehr als die, die ich habe, um ehrlich zu sein. 솔직히 말해서 제가 가진 것보다 더 좋은 건 없습니다.

Catherine: Functionality refers to the range of functions ||относится к|||диапазон функций||функции ||指します||||| ||đề cập đến||||| كاثرين: تشير الوظيفة إلى مجموعة من الوظائف Catherine: Funkčnost se týká rozsahu funkcí Catherine: Funktionalität bezieht sich auf den Funktionsumfang 캐서린 기능은 기능의 범위를 의미합니다.

a computer or other electronic device can perform. |||||||выполнять функции |||||デバイス|| počítač nebo jiné elektronické zařízení. ein Computer oder ein anderes elektronisches Gerät ausführen kann. 컴퓨터 또는 기타 전자 장치가 수행할 수 있는 작업입니다.

So, let's listen now to Andrew Orlowski, ||||||Орловский ||||||Andrew Orlowski ||||||オルロフスキー

from the tech news website The Register. ||技術||||レジスター من موقع The Register الخاص بأخبار التكنولوجيا. z technologického zpravodajského webu The Register. 기술 뉴스 웹사이트 더 레지스터의 기사

He explains why people are holding onto ||||||an festhalten Vysvětluje, proč se lidé drží او توضیح می‌دهد که چرا مردم به آن دست نگه می‌دارند Wyjaśnia, dlaczego ludzie trzymają się

their phones longer - instead of rushing |||||vội vàng |電話||||急いで هواتفهم لفترة أطول - بدلاً من التسرع ihre Telefone länger - statt zu hetzen تلفن های آنها طولانی تر - به جای عجله ich telefony dłużej - zamiast się spieszyć

out to buy the latest model of phone. في الخارج لشراء أحدث طراز من الهاتف. aus, um das neueste Telefonmodell zu kaufen. برای خرید جدیدترین مدل گوشی. kupić najnowszy model telefonu.

Andrew Orlowski: What's happened is that prices Andrew Orlowski: Stalo se to, že ceny Andrew Orlowski: Was passiert ist, sind diese Preise 앤드류 올로우스키: 일어난 일은 가격 Andrew Orlowski: Stało się tak, że ceny Andrew Orlowski:现在的情况是价格

have gone up at the high end. And it's kind of a cycle vzrostly na horní hranici. A je to takový cyklus sind am oberen Ende aufgestiegen. Und es ist eine Art Kreislauf 의 가격이 상승했습니다. 이는 일종의 사이클입니다. wzrosły na wysokim końcu. Jest to swego rodzaju cykl выросли в верхней части. И это своего рода цикл 已经上涨到了最高点。这是一个循环

where people hang onto their phones for longer, حيث يتمسك الناس بهواتفهم لفترة أطول ، kde lidé drží své telefony déle, wo Menschen länger an ihren Telefonen hängen, gdzie ludzie dłużej trzymają swoje telefony, где люди дольше держат свои телефоны, 人们使用手机的时间更长,

therefore manufacturers charge more. ||tính phí| as a result||| |製造業者|| لذلك يتقاضى المصنعون رسومًا أكثر. proto si výrobci účtují více. Daher berechnen die Hersteller mehr. 따라서 제조업체는 더 많은 비용을 청구합니다. dlatego producenci pobierają wyższe opłaty. Поэтому производители устанавливают более высокие цены. 因此制造商收取更高的价格。

Then people hang onto them longer to justify |||||||biện minh |||||||validate their value |||||||正当化する ثم يتمسك الناس بها لفترة أطول لتبرير ذلك Lidé se jich pak drží déle, aby ospravedlnili Dann hängen die Leute länger daran, um sich zu rechtfertigen Wtedy ludzie trzymają się ich dłużej, aby usprawiedliwić Тогда люди держатся за них дольше, чтобы оправдать 然后人们会坚持更长时间以证明其合理性

that higher purchase. |cao hơn|mua hàng ||購入 هذا الشراء الأعلى. tento vyšší nákup. dass höhere Kauf. 더 많은 구매를 유도합니다. ten wyższy zakup. что более высокая покупка.

Rob: So big brand names like iPhone and Samsung ||||||||Самсунг ||||||||サムスン

make phones at the high end of the market - ||で||高級な|高級||| vyrábět telefony na špičkovém trhu - 高価格帯の市場で電話を作る - 하이엔드 시장에서 휴대폰을 만듭니다. produkują telefony z najwyższej półki - 生产高端手机——

- meaning the expensive ones. So once people - tedy ty drahé. Takže jakmile lidé - Gemeint sind die teuren. Also einmal Leute - つまり高額なものです。だから人々が

have bought a handset, they hang on to it! |||mobile phone||||| |||手機||||| |||Mobiltelefon||||| |||telefon komórkowy||||| |||điện thoại||||| |||ハンドセット||||| |||teléfono móvil||||| اشتروا سماعة ، فإنهم يتمسكون به! si koupili telefon, drží se ho! haben ein Mobilteil gekauft, bleiben sie dran! ハンドセットを購入すると、それを手放さないのです! 휴대폰을 구입한 사람들은 휴대폰에 매달려 있습니다! kupili słuchawkę, trzymają się jej! купив телефон, они держатся за него! 买了手机,就一直保留着它!

If you hang onto something, you keep it. إذا تمسكت بشيء ما ، فستحتفظ به. Pokud se něčeho držíte, nechte si to. 如果你坚持某件事,你就保住了它。

I've been hanging onto my phone for a couple of years - Tôi đã||||||||một vài||một vài năm Ich hänge seit ein paar Jahren an meinem Telefon -

and am hoping I won't need to change it und hoffe, dass ich es nicht ändern muss 변경할 필요가 없기를 바랍니다. 希望我不需要改变它

for another year or so, at least. ||||||ít nhất mindestens für ein weiteres Jahr oder so. もう一年かそこら。 적어도 1년 정도는 더 있어야 합니다.

Catherine: But what happens is, if people aren't

replacing their phones, the phone manufacturers замена|||||производители телефонов Swapping out||||| thay thế||||| 휴대폰 교체, 휴대폰 제조업체 wymieniając swoje telefony, producenci telefonów

don't make a big enough profit. |||||利益 keinen ausreichend großen Gewinn machen. 수익이 충분히 크지 않습니다. 赚取的利润不够大。

So they start charging more... |||charging| Začnou si tedy účtovat více... Also fangen sie an, mehr zu verlangen ... Поэтому они начинают брать больше...

Rob: ...and this, in turn, makes people hang even longer! Rob: ...a to zase způsobuje, že lidé visí ještě déle! Rob: ...und das wiederum lässt die Leute noch länger hängen! Rob: ...그리고 이것은 사람들이 더 오래 매달리게 만듭니다! 罗布:……而这反过来又会让人们挂得更久!

So that's why Andrew Orlowski calls it a cycle - Proto Andrew Orlowski říká, že jde o cyklus -

that's where one event leads to another, and then kde jedna událost vede k druhé, a pak... da führt ein Ereignis zum anderen, und dann 하나의 이벤트가 다른 이벤트로 이어지는 곳입니다. Tam jedno wydarzenie prowadzi do drugiego, a potem

often repeats itself. se často opakuje. wiederholt sich oft. 는 종종 반복됩니다.

Catherine: So where will the cycle end? كاثرين: إذن أين ستنتهي الدورة؟ Catherine: Kde tedy cyklus skončí?

Rob: Good question! Let's listen to Andrew again, talking

about where he thinks the smartphone о том, где, по его мнению, находится смартфон

market is heading. ||đi về ||向かっている ||направление рынка ||走向 السوق يتجه. trh směřuje. Markt ist unterwegs. 시장이 향하고 있습니다. zmierza rynek. рынок движется. 市场走向。

Andrew Orlowski: I think it's a very mature market now. |||||||成熟|| |||||||成熟した|| |||||||trưởng thành|| أندرو أورلوسكي: أعتقد أنه سوق ناضج جدًا الآن. Andrew Orlowski: Myslím, že je to již velmi vyspělý trh. Andrew Orlowski: Ich denke, es ist jetzt ein sehr reifer Markt.

And you have to compare, say, a £900 ||||сравнить|| ||||so sánh|| وعليك أن تقارن ، على سبيل المثال ، 900 جنيه إسترليني A musíte porovnat například cenu 900 liber. Und Sie müssen vergleichen, sagen wir, 900 £ 그리고 예를 들어 900파운드짜리

Galaxy Note or a £1000 iPhone with a spectacular |||||||màn hình tuyệt đẹp Galaxy Note nebo iPhone za 1000 liber s velkolepým 갤럭시 노트 또는 1,000파운드짜리 아이폰과 함께 멋진

TV you can... a 49 inch TV you can get for £450. ||||дюймовый||||| Telewizor można... 49-calowy telewizor można kupić za 450 funtów.

It no longer has that kind of must-have lustre |||||||||desirable appeal |không còn|||đó|||||sự hấp dẫn |||||||||Glanz |||||||||光彩 |||||||||輝き |||||||||blask Už nemá takový lesk, jaký musí mít. Es hat nicht mehr diesen unverzichtbaren Glanz 더 이상 꼭 필요한 광택이 없습니다. Nie ma już tego rodzaju obowiązkowego blasku Она больше не имеет того блеска, который должен быть. 它不再具有那种必不可少的光彩

that it might have had 4 or 5 years ago. die es vielleicht vor 4 oder 5 Jahren hatte. 4~5년 전에는 없었을지도 모릅니다. 四五年前可能就已经有了。

Catherine: What does 'mature' mean, Rob? Catherine: Co znamená "zralý", Robe?

Rob: Mature means fully-grown - we're mature adults Rob: Dospělý znamená plně dospělý - jsme dospělí. Rob: Reif bedeutet ausgewachsen – wir sind reife Erwachsene

for example, Catherine! And in a business context,

a mature market is where supply is equal to demand. |||||предложение||равен||спрос |||||||gleich||Nachfrage |||||||bằng|| السوق الناضج هو حيث يكون العرض مساوياً للطلب. vyspělý trh je takový, kde se nabídka rovná poptávce. In einem reifen Markt entspricht das Angebot der Nachfrage. 成熟した市場では、供給と需要が等しくなります。 성숙한 시장은 공급이 수요와 같아지는 곳입니다. Зрелый рынок - это рынок, на котором предложение равно спросу. 成熟的市场是供给与需求相等的。

Catherine: And if something has 'must-have lustre'? |||||||光沢 كاترين: وإذا كان هناك شيء "لا بد أن يكون له بريق"؟ Catherine: A když má něco "povinný lesk"? Catherine: Und wenn etwas „Must-Have-Glanz“ hat?

What's that?

Rob: A must-have item is something you feel Rob: Povinná výbava je něco, co cítíte.

you must have. And lustre means shine. ||||||блеск ||||brillo|| ||||||sáng bóng musíte mít. A lesk znamená lesk.

Catherine: I love shiny new things, |||блестящие|| |||sáng bóng||

especially when it's a nice piece of new tech. خاصة عندما تكون قطعة رائعة من التكنولوجيا الجديدة. vor allem, wenn es sich um ein schönes Stück neuer Technologie handelt.

But £1000 is a lot of money for a phone. 하지만 1,000파운드는 휴대폰을 구입하기에는 큰 돈입니다.

A spectacular 49-inch TV for only £450 sounds like Velkolepý 49palcový televizor za pouhých 450 liber zní jako Ein spektakulärer 49-Zoll-Fernseher für nur 450 £ klingt wie 450파운드에 불과한 멋진 49인치 TV는 다음과 같이 들립니다.

a bargain though! My TV only has a small screen. |món hời|||||||| |great deal|||||||| |お買い得|||||||| výhodná koupě! Moje televize má jen malou obrazovku. trotzdem ein Schnäppchen! Mein Fernseher hat nur einen kleinen Bildschirm. 真是便宜!我的电视屏幕很小。

Rob: Stop there, Catherine! It's time for the answer 롭: 거기서 멈춰요, 캐서린! 이제 대답할 시간입니다.

to today's question.

Catherine: OK: Which age group have been buying Кэтрин: ХОРОШО: Какая возрастная группа покупала

smartphones at the fastest rate over the last chytrých telefonů nejrychleji za poslední roky. смартфонов самыми быстрыми темпами за последние

five years here in the UK? Is it... a) 15-35 year olds,

b) 35-55 year olds, or c) 55-75year olds?

Rob: I said 15-35 year olds.

Catherine: And you were absolutely wrong, Catherine: Und Sie haben sich absolut geirrt, I'm afraid, Rob! The answer is 55-75 year olds! Although |e ngại|||||||mặc dù 미안해요, 롭! 정답은 55~75세입니다! 비록

research also highlighted that this age group tended to |||||||tendenziell| |||||||was inclined to| |||||||傾向があった| أبرز البحث أيضًا أن هذه الفئة العمرية تميل إلى výzkum také zdůraznil, že tato věková skupina má tendenci Untersuchungen haben auch gezeigt, dass diese Altersgruppe dazu neigt 연구에 따르면 이 연령대는 다음과 같은 경향이 있다고 합니다. 研究还强调,这个年龄段的人往往

use their smartphones less than younger people. verwenden ihr Smartphone weniger als jüngere Menschen. 젊은 층보다 스마트폰 사용량이 적습니다. 与年轻人相比,他们使用智能手机的次数较少。

The study was based on a sample of 1,163 people Studie vycházela ze vzorku 1163 osob. 이 연구는 1,163명의 표본을 대상으로 진행되었습니다. 该研究基于 1,163 人的样本

questioned between May and June in 2017. 2017년 5월과 6월 사이에 설문조사를 실시했습니다.

Rob: Interesting. OK, I think it's time we looked back Rob:有意思。好吧,我想是时候回顾一下了

at the words we learned today.

Our first word is 'functionality' - which refers to ||||functionality|||

the range of functions a computer نطاق وظائف الكمبيوتر

of other electronic device can perform. من الأجهزة الإلكترونية الأخرى يمكن أن تؤدي.

Catherine: 'These two computers are similar in terms of |||||||về mặt| |||コンピュータ||||| Catherine: "Tyto dva počítače jsou si podobné z hlediska 캐서린: '이 두 대의 컴퓨터는 다음과 같은 측면에서 비슷합니다.

both their price and functionality.' jejich cena i funkčnost.

Rob: Good example Catherine. Number two - if you

hang on to something, you keep it. For example, když se něčeho držíte, necháváte si to. Například, держаться за что-то, сохранять это. Например,

'You should hang onto your old TV, Catherine. ||держать||||| »Du solltest deinen alten Fernseher behalten, Catherine.

There's nothing wrong with a 30 inch screen!' An einem 30-Zoll-Bildschirm ist nichts auszusetzen!' '30인치 화면도 문제없어요!' Нет ничего плохого в 30-дюймовом экране!

Catherine: Thanks for the advice, Rob. And our next Catherine: Danke für den Rat, Rob. Und unsere nächste

word is 'cycle' - that's where one event leads to another, ||Zyklus||||||| ||Chain reaction||||||| 하나의 이벤트가 다른 이벤트로 이어지는 '사이클'이라는 단어가 있습니다,

and then often repeats itself.

For example, 'I'm in a bad cycle of going to bed late, 예를 들어, '나는 늦게 잠자리에 드는 나쁜 습관을 가지고 있습니다, 例如,“我陷入了晚睡的恶性循环,

and then oversleeping in the morning.' ||проспать утром||| ||sleeping too late||| ||寝過ごす||| ||ngủ quên|||

Rob: You need to sort yourself out, Catherine! ||||get organized||| Rob: Musíš se dát do pořádku, Catherine! Rob: Du musst dich selbst sortieren, Catherine! 롭: 정신 차려요, 캐서린! Rob: Precisas de te organizar, Catherine! Тебе нужно разобраться в себе, Кэтрин! 罗布:凯瑟琳,你需要整理一下自己!

You're spending too much time on social media |проводишь||||||

- and all that blue-screen time makes it very - und all diese Blue-Screen-Zeit macht es sehr - 而蓝屏时间太长使得

hard to fall asleep. The last thing you need schwer einzuschlafen. Das Letzte, was Sie brauchen 잠들기 어렵습니다. 마지막으로 필요한 것

is a bigger TV!

Catherine: You're probably right. OK - the adjective 캐서린 네 말이 맞을 거야. OK - 형용사

'mature' means fully grown or fully developed |означает||||| "zralý" znamená plně dospělý nebo vyvinutý

Here's an example of the verb form - 'My investments ||пример|||||| ||||||||inwestycje Zde je příklad slovesného tvaru - "My investments". در اینجا مثالی از شکل فعل آمده است - 'سرمایه گذاری های من

have matured and they're worth a lot of money now!' |trưởng thành|||đáng giá||||| gereift sind||||||||| |成熟した|||||||| dozrály a mají teď velkou cenu! بالغ شده اند و اکنون ارزش پول زیادی دارند!' 성숙해져서 지금은 많은 돈을 벌고 있습니다!

Rob: Right moving on, a 'must-have item' is something ||двигаемся дальше||||||| Rob: Když se přesuneme dál, "povinná výbava" je něco. Rob: Um weiter zu machen, ein „Must-have“ ist etwas Rob: 이제 '머스트 해브 아이템'이란 무엇인가요?

you feel you must have! For example, 'Check out the cítíte, že musíte mít! Například: "Podívejte se na Sie fühlen, dass Sie haben müssen! Beispiel: „Schauen Sie sich das an 꼭 있어야 한다고 생각하시는 분들을 위해! 예를 들어, '체크 아웃

latest must-have tech bargains on our website!' ||||khuyến mãi||| ||||deals||| ||||お買い得商品||| nejnovější výhodné technické nabídky na našich webových stránkách! die neuesten Must-Have-Tech-Schnäppchen auf unserer Website!' '웹 사이트에서 최신 필수 기술 할인을 확인하세요!'

Catherine: ...like a huge TV. And finally, 'lustre' - |||khổng lồ|||| |||||||shine

which means shine. což znamená zářit.

Rob: For example, 'I polished my brass doorknob ||||отполировал||латунь|дверная ручка ||||||metallic alloy object|brass door handle ||ví dụ||đánh bóng|||tay nắm cửa ||||||bronce mezclado|manija de la puerta ||||磨いた||真鍮| |||||||klamka drzwiowa Rob: Například: "Vyleštil jsem si mosaznou kliku. Rob: 예를 들어 '황동 손잡이를 닦았습니다. Роб: Например, "Я отполировал свою латунную дверную ручку.

until it shone with a pleasing lustre.' ||сиял|||приятный| ||brillait|||| ||glowed|||| ||發光|||| ||tỏa sáng|với||hào quang dễ| ||輝いた|||心地よい| ||brilló|||| až se rozzářila příjemným leskem. bis es mit einem angenehmen Glanz glänzte.' '기분 좋은 광채로 빛날 때까지'. пока она не засияла приятным блеском".

Catherine: OK before Rob heads off to polish his |||||||đánh bóng| Catherine: Dobře, než Rob odejde leštit svůj Catherine: OK, bevor Rob losgeht, um seine zu polieren 캐서린 좋아, 롭이 자신의

doorknob, and I nip out to buy a big new television |||quickly leave||||||| |||ちょっと||||||| |||wyskoczyć||||||| kliku u dveří a já si jdu koupit novou velkou televizi. Türklinke, und ich mache mich auf den Weg, um einen großen neuen Fernseher zu kaufen 门把手,然后我就出去买了一台新的大电视

please remember to check out our Facebook, Twitter, Bitte denken Sie daran, unsere Facebook-, Twitter-,

and YouTube pages. as well as|| und YouTube-Seiten.

Rob/Catherine: Bye!