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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about learning a foreign language in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Learn to talk about learning a foreign language in 6 minutes! - YouTube

Rob: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English -

the show that brings you an interesting

topic, authentic listening practice

and vocabulary to help you improve your

language skills. I'm Rob...

Neil: Watashi no namae wa Neil desu.

And that means 'my name's Neil'.

Rob: So Neil, here's a question for you -

can you speak any languages

other than English of course? I think you can!

Neil: Un poco de español

that means a little bit of Spanish.

Some Japanese, which I tried at the beginning

and also a bit of Czech language

Dobrý den. Jak se máš?

Rob: Very impressive. So what tips can you give

for learning to speak another language?

Neil: Well, practise, practise, practise -

and don't be afraid of making mistakes

as I no doubt have.

Rob: Of course. Well my aim this year is to master

the Spanish language.

Master means to learn thoroughly.

Neil: Muy bien! Well you're not alone.

A survey by the British Council found

learning a language is a new year's resolution

for about one in five Britons in 2018.

So learning Spanish is a good start Rob

but do you know approximately

how many languages there are in the world altogether?

Are there... a) 70, b) 700 or c) 7,000

Rob: Well I know there are many but surely not 7,000

so I'm going to say b) 700 -

but don't expect me to learn all of them.

Neil: I won't Rob. But I will give you the answer later.

So, we all know learning another

language is a good thing -

it brings us many benefits.

Rob: Yes, we can communicate with people

from other countries and when we're travelling

we can understand what signs and notices say.

So we don't get lost.

Neil: That's right - but many scientists also

believe that knowledge of another language

can boost your brainpower. A study of monolingual

and bilingual speakers suggests speaking

two languages can help slow down

the brain's decline with age.

Rob: All good reasons. But Neil,

learning another language is hard.

It would take me years and years to become

fluent in say, Mandarin - by fluent I mean

speak very well, without difficulty.

Neil: Well this depends on your mother tongue.

In general, the closer the second language

is to the learner's native tongue and culture

in terms of vocabulary, sounds or sentence structure -

the easier it will be to learn.

Rob: But whatever the language, there is so much

vocabulary to learn - you know, thousands

and thousands of words.

Neil: Maybe not Rob. Professor Stuart Webb,

a linguist from the University of Western Ontario,

may be able to help you. He spoke to

BBC Radio 4's More or Less programme

and explained that you don't need to do that...

Professor Stuart Webb: For language learners

in a foreign language setting - so for example

if you were learning French in Britain

or English in Japan,

students may often really struggle to learn more than

2,000, 3,000 words after many years of study.

So for example, there was study in Taiwan recently

that showed that after nine years of study

about half of the students had still failed to learn

the most frequent 1,000 words.

Now they knew lower frequency words

but they hadn't mastered those most important words.

Neil: So Rob, don't waste your time trying to learn

every single word. Professor Webb spoke there

about research that showed students

knew lower frequency words

but weren't learning enough high frequency words.

Rob: Right, and frequency here means the number

of times something happens - so the important

words to learn are the high frequency ones -

and how many are there exactly?

Neil: Here's Professor Stuart Webb again...

Professor Stuart Webb: For example, with English,

I would suggest if you learn the 800 most frequent

lemmas - which is a word and its inflections -

that will account for about 75 per cent of all of the

English language. So that learning those 800 words

first will provide the foundation for which you may be

able to learn the lower frequency words.

Rob: Fascinating stuff. And good to know

I just need to learn about 800 words -

or what he calls lemmas.

Neil: Yes a lemma is the simplest form

or base form of a word. And the inflection here

refers to how the base word is changed

according to its use in a sentence.

Knowing these things give you a foundation -

that's the basics from which you language learning

will develop. Simple!

Rob: Thank goodness I am learning just one

new language!

Neil: But how many languages could you potentially

be learning Rob? Earlier I asked you, approximately

how many languages there are in the world altogether?

Are there... a) 70, b) 700, c) 7,000

Rob: And I said 700. Was I right?

Neil: No Rob, you were wrong. There are around

7,000 recognised languages in the world

but UNESCO has identified 2,500 languages

which it claims are at risk of extinction.

Rob: A sobering thought Neil.

Now shall we remind ourselves of some of the English

vocabulary we've heard today. Starting with master.

Neil: To master a new skill, in this context,

means to learn thoroughly or learn well.

"Rob hopes to master Spanish

before he starts a new job in Madrid."

Rob: Really? That's news to me Neil!

But it would be good to be fluent in Spanish -

or any language

- or to speak it fluently - that's speaking it

very well and without difficulty.

Neil: Now our next word was frequency.

Here we are referring to high and low frequency words -

so it means how often they occur.

Examples of a high frequency word are

''it', 'the' and 'and'.

Rob: And our next word is inflections.

These are the changes to the basic form of words

according to their function in a sentence.

Such as adding an 's' to the end of a word

to make it plural.

Neil: And don't forget lemma which is

the simplest form or base form of a word before

an inflection is added.

Rob: And finally foundation which means the

basics your learning grows from.

Neil: That just leaves me to remind you

that you can learn English with us

at bbclearningenglish.com.

That's it for today's 6 Minute English.

We hope you enjoyed it. Bye for now.

Na shledanou! Hasta luego! Ja-ne!

Rob: And in English, goodbye.

Neil: Goodbye.

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Learn to talk about learning a foreign language in 6 minutes! - YouTube ||||||non-native|||| Lerne in 6 Minuten, über das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache zu sprechen! - YouTube Learn to talk about learning a foreign language in 6 minutes! - YouTube ¡Aprende a hablar sobre el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera en 6 minutos! - YouTube Apprendre à parler de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère en 6 minutes ! - YouTube Imparate a parlare dell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera in 6 minuti! - YouTube 6分間で学ぶ外国語学習の話術- YouTube 6분 만에 외국어 학습에 대해 이야기하는 법을 배워보세요! - YouTube Išmokite kalbėti apie užsienio kalbos mokymąsi per 6 minutes! - "YouTube Naucz się mówić o nauce języka obcego w 6 minut! - YouTube Aprender a falar sobre a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira em 6 minutos! - YouTube Научитесь говорить об изучении иностранного языка за 6 минут! - YouTube Yabancı dil öğrenmek hakkında konuşmayı 6 dakikada öğrenin! - YouTube 6分钟学会谈论学习外语! - YouTube 6分鐘學會談學習外語! - Youtube

Rob: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English - Host or Presenter|||||| |Привіт і ласкаво просимо|||||

the show that brings you an interesting |||getirir|||ilginç نمایشی که برای شما جالب به ارمغان می آورد

topic, authentic listening practice Real-world audio|genuine|| موضوع، تمرین گوش دادن معتبر

and vocabulary to help you improve your و واژگانی که به شما کمک می کند تا خود را بهبود ببخشید

language skills. I'm Rob... توانایی های زبانی. من راب هستم... языковые навыки. Я Роб ...

Neil: Watashi no namae wa Neil desu. Neil|I am||name|is||is |мене звати||ім'я|||це є نیل: واتاشی نو نامه و نیل دسو. Нил: Watashi no namae wa Neil desu.

And that means 'my name's Neil'. و این به معنای "اسم من نیل است". И это означает «меня зовут Нил».

Rob: So Neil, here's a question for you - راب: پس نیل، اینجا یک سوال از شماست -

can you speak any languages ||||diller

other than English of course? I think you can! ||||Kurs||düşünüyorum||

Neil: Un poco de español |A little|a little||A little Spanish ||трохи||

that means a little bit of Spanish.

Some Japanese, which I tried at the beginning

and also a bit of Czech language |||||Czech language|

Dobrý den. Jak se máš? Good||how|yourself|are you Добрий||як||маєшся

Rob: Very impressive. So what tips can you give ||remarkably good||||||

for learning to speak another language?

Neil: Well, practise, practise, practise - Neil||repeatedly rehearse skills||

and don't be afraid of making mistakes

as I no doubt have. |||without a doubt| как и я, без сомнения.

Rob: Of course. Well my aim this year is to master |||||goal|||||become proficient in |||||objetivo||||| ||||||||||obvladati روب : بالطبع. حسنًا، هدفي هذا العام هو الإتقان

the Spanish language.

Master means to learn thoroughly. ||||gründlich ||||completely ||||completamente ||||de forma completa

Neil: Muy bien! Well you're not alone. |Very|very well|||| ||дуже добре||||

A survey by the British Council found |A study|||British Council|British organization| |sondaggio|||||

learning a language is a new year's resolution ||||||new year’s|goal |||||||рішення 学习一门语言是新年决心

for about one in five Britons in 2018. |||||people in Britain| |||||britannici| |||||британців| |||||os britânicos|

So learning Spanish is a good start Rob ||||||початок|

but do you know approximately ||||ungefähr ||||about ||||aproximadamente

how many languages there are in the world altogether? ||||||||in total ||||||||загалом 世界上一共有多少种语言?

Are there... a) 70, b) 700 or c) 7,000 |||||7,000

Rob: Well I know there are many but surely not 7,000 ||||||||sicuramente|

so I'm going to say b) 700 -

but don't expect me to learn all of them. ||anticipate|||||| 但别指望我能学会所有这些。

Neil: I won't Rob. But I will give you the answer later.

So, we all know learning another

language is a good thing -

it brings us many benefits. ||||advantages

Rob: Yes, we can communicate with people

from other countries and when we're travelling ||||||on trips

we can understand what signs and notices say. ||||symbols or indicators||written announcements| ||||||оголошення|

So we don't get lost. ||||perdidos

Neil: That's right - but many scientists also |||||researchers|

believe that knowledge of another language ||language proficiency|||

can boost your brainpower. A study of monolingual |enhance||mental capacity||||single-language speaker |||розумові здібності|||| |aumentar||capacidade cerebral|||| může zvýšit vaši mozkovou kapacitu. Studie jednojazyčných 可以提高你的智力。一项关于单语者的研究

and bilingual speakers suggests speaking |two languages||indicates| |bilingue||| a dvojjazyční mluvčí navrhují mluvit

two languages can help slow down dva jazyky mohou pomoci zpomalit

the brain's decline with age. ||Rückgang|| ||cognitive deterioration|| úbytek mozku s věkem.

Rob: All good reasons. But Neil, |All good reasons||||

learning another language is hard. |one more||| ||||difícil

It would take me years and years to become 我需要很多年才能成为

fluent in say, Mandarin - by fluent I mean |||Mandarin Chinese||||

speak very well, without difficulty.

Neil: Well this depends on your mother tongue. |||||||language |||||||língua materna

In general, the closer the second language |||mais próxima||| 一般而言,第二语言越接近

is to the learner's native tongue and culture |||||língua nativa|| |||учня||||

in terms of vocabulary, sounds or sentence structure - z hlediska slovní zásoby, zvuků nebo struktury věty -

the easier it will be to learn.

Rob: But whatever the language, there is so much

vocabulary to learn - you know, thousands

and thousands of words.

Neil: Maybe not Rob. Professor Stuart Webb, |||||Professor Stuart Webb| |||||Стюарт|Вебб

a linguist from the University of Western Ontario, |||||||Університет Західного Онтаріо

may be able to help you. He spoke to

BBC Radio 4's More or Less programme BBC Radio 4 的《More or Less》节目

and explained that you don't need to do that...

Professor Stuart Webb: For language learners

in a foreign language setting - so for example ||||contexto linguístico||| ||||іншомовне середовище||| v cizojazyčném prostředí - tedy například

if you were learning French in Britain

or English in Japan,

students may often really struggle to learn more than ||||faticare|||| ||||lutar|||| ||||боротися|||| studenti mohou mít často skutečný problém naučit se více než

2,000, 3,000 words after many years of study. 经过多年的学习,已经写了2000、3000个词。

So for example, there was study in Taiwan recently Tak například na Tchaj-wanu byla nedávno provedena studie.

that showed that after nine years of study które wykazały, że po dziewięciu latach badań

about half of the students had still failed to learn přibližně polovina studentů se stále nedokázala naučit 大约一半的学生仍然没有学到

the most frequent 1,000 words. ||most common| 最常见的 1,000 个单词。

Now they knew lower frequency words |||palavras de menor frequência|| 现在他们知道了低频词

but they hadn't mastered those most important words. |||dominado|||| Но они не овладели этими самыми важными словами. 但他们还没有掌握那些最重要的词汇。

Neil: So Rob, don't waste your time trying to learn

every single word. Professor Webb spoke there

about research that showed students

knew lower frequency words |palavras de menor frequência|| znał słowa o niższej częstotliwości

but weren't learning enough high frequency words. |were not|||||

Rob: Right, and frequency here means the number |||number of times||||

of times something happens - so the important

words to learn are the high frequency ones -

and how many are there exactly? 到底有多少个?

Neil: Here's Professor Stuart Webb again...

Professor Stuart Webb: For example, with English,

I would suggest if you learn the 800 most frequent

lemmas - which is a word and its inflections - Lemmata|||||||Flexion Word forms|||||||word forms lemmas|||||||flexões леми|||||||відмінки lemmata - což je slovo a jeho skloňování - lemmas - czyli słowo i jego odmiany - леммы - что такое слово и его склонения -.

that will account for about 75 per cent of all of the které budou představovat přibližně 75 procent všech

English language. So that learning those 800 words

first will provide the foundation for which you may be ||bereitstellen||Grundlage||||| ||||basis||||| ||||fundamento||||| nejprve poskytne základy, pro které můžete být

able to learn the lower frequency words.

Rob: Fascinating stuff. And good to know |Interesting||||| |fascinante||||| |Захоплююче||||| Rob: Fascinující. A je dobré vědět. Rob: Fascynujące rzeczy. I dobrze wiedzieć Rob:很有趣。很高兴知道

I just need to learn about 800 words -

or what he calls lemmas. ||||lemmas (1) |||chama|

Neil: Yes a lemma is the simplest form |||forma básica|||| |||lemat|||| |||лема||||

or base form of a word. And the inflection here ||||||||flexão verbal| ||||||||odmiana| ||||||||відмінювання| nebo základní tvar slova. A skloňování zde

refers to how the base word is changed

according to its use in a sentence.

Knowing these things give you a foundation -

that's the basics from which you language learning ||основи||||| to jsou základy, ze kterých se učíte jazyky.

will develop. Simple! |desenvolverá|

Rob: Thank goodness I am learning just one ||graças|||||

new language!

Neil: But how many languages could you potentially |||||||potencialmente Neil: Ale kolik jazyků bys mohl potenciálně používat?

be learning Rob? Earlier I asked you, approximately |||||||aproximadamente

how many languages there are in the world altogether? ||||||||in totale

Are there... a) 70, b) 700, c) 7,000

Rob: And I said 700. Was I right?

Neil: No Rob, you were wrong. There are around

7,000 recognised languages in the world acknowledged|||| reconhecidas|as línguas||| 7 000 uznávaných jazyků na světě

but UNESCO has identified 2,500 languages |United Nations Educational Scientific|||

which it claims are at risk of extinction. ||afferma||||| ||afirmações||||| |||||||izumrtja kterým podle ní hrozí vyhynutí. które, jak twierdzi, są zagrożone wyginięciem.

Rob: A sobering thought Neil. ||Serious and unsettling|idea| ||reflexiva|pensamento sério| ||ernüchternder Gedanke|| ||pensiero che fa riflettere|| ||отрезвлююча думка|| ||zaskrblju|| ||trzeźwiąca|| Rob: Střízlivá myšlenka, Neile.

Now shall we remind ourselves of some of the English

vocabulary we've heard today. Starting with master. slovní zásoba, kterou jsme dnes slyšeli. Začínáme slovem master.

Neil: To master a new skill, in this context,

means to learn thoroughly or learn well. |||gründlich||| |||completely||| |||de forma completa||| znamená důkladně nebo dobře se učit.

"Rob hopes to master Spanish "Rob doufá, že zvládne španělštinu

before he starts a new job in Madrid."

Rob: Really? That's news to me Neil!

But it would be good to be fluent in Spanish - Ale bylo by dobré umět plynule španělsky - 但如果能说一口流利的西班牙语就更好了——

or any language

- or to speak it fluently - that's speaking it

very well and without difficulty.

Neil: Now our next word was frequency.

Here we are referring to high and low frequency words - |||beziehen||||||

so it means how often they occur. ||||||vorkommen ||||||happen or appear ||||||трапляються tedy jak často se vyskytují.

Examples of a high frequency word are

''it', 'the' and 'and'.

Rob: And our next word is inflections. ||||||відмінювання Rob: A dalším slovem je skloňování.

These are the changes to the basic form of words

according to their function in a sentence. 根据其在句子中的作用。

Such as adding an 's' to the end of a word ||adicionando||||||||

to make it plural. |||Make plural 複数形にします。 使其成为复数。

Neil: And don't forget lemma which is ||||lemat||

the simplest form or base form of a word before

an inflection is added. 添加了词形变化。

Rob: And finally foundation which means the Rob|||base concept|||

basics your learning grows from. základy, ze kterých vaše učení vyrůstá.

Neil: That just leaves me to remind you |||leaves|||| Neil: Takže mi zbývá jen připomenout. Neil:那我就提醒你一下吧。

that you can learn English with us

at bbclearningenglish.com.

That's it for today's 6 Minute English.

We hope you enjoyed it. Bye for now.

Na shledanou! Hasta luego! Ja-ne! До побачення!|До побачення!||До зустрічі||Па-па!

Rob: And in English, goodbye. Роб||||

Neil: Goodbye.