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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - YouTube

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil. And welcome to

6 Minute English, where we vigorously discuss

a new topic and six related items of vocabulary.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob. Today we're discussing

vigorous exercise – and whether adults take

enough of it! Vigorous means using a lot of

energy to do something.

Neil: So how many steps do you do in a day, Rob?

Rob: How many steps? How should I know, Neil?

– It would be pretty hard to count them all.

Neil: Oh, come on! You can track steps on your phone!

I do ten thousand a day – which

is the magic number for keeping fit

and healthy, apparently.

Rob: Not if you saunter, Neil, surely? Sauntering

from the sofa to the fridge and back – Or

from the house to the car.

Neil: Well I never saunter, Rob. Saunter means

to walk slowly. And you'd have to make a

lot of trips to the fridge to clock up ten

thousand steps. To get some vigorous exercise,

you need to get out and about

– round the park at a brisk pace…

Rob: Brisk means quick and energetic – the

opposite of sauntering. OK, well, perhaps

you can you tell me, Neil, how many people

aged between 40 and 60 do less than ten minutes

brisk walking every month? Is

it… a) 4%,

b)14% or c) 40%?

Neil: I'm going to say… 4% because ten

minutes is such a short amount of time!

Rob: Indeed. Now, I've got another question for you, Neil.

Why is exercise so important?

Because it sounds pretty boring – counting steps,

going to the gym, running on a machine.

Neil: Well, when you exercise, you stimulate

the body's natural repair system. Your body

will actually stay younger if you exercise!

Rob: That sounds good.

Neil: Exercise also lowers your risk of developing illnesses

such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Rob: Hmm. I'm getting a bit worried now,

Neil. But I don't have enough time to do

a thousand steps every day… I'm far too busy!

Neil: Well, Rob. Now might be a good time

to listen to Julia Bradbury. She's a TV

presenter and outdoor walking enthusiast who

will explain how she builds walking into her

busy life.

Julia Bradbury: I will walk to meetings instead of

catching a bus, or getting a taxi or a car – into

meetings. And I will also, if I can't build

that into my working day, if it's a day

when I haven't got meetings and I'm

maybe at home with the kids, I will take the time

– I will take my kids out with the

buggy and I will definitely do 30-40 minutes

at least everyday. Going to the park, going

to the shops, picking up my

things up en route, and really sort of building

it into my life. Taking the stairs and not

taking lifts, all of these kinds of little

decisions can incrementally build up to create

more walking time in your


Rob: So if you build something in to your

day – or your life – you include it from

the beginning.

Neil: And Julia Bradbury has built walking into her day.

Even though she's very busy

too, Rob! You should learn from her!

Rob: So she walks instead of driving or taking the bus.

And takes the stairs instead of the

lift. I could do those things.

Neil: You could indeed – before you know it,

you'd be doing ten thousand steps – because

the amount of walking you do in a day builds


Rob: Incrementally means gradually

increasing in size. OK, well, before I think that over,

perhaps I could tell you the answer to today's

quiz question?

Neil: OK. You asked me: How many people aged between 40 and 60

do less than ten minutes brisk

walking every month? The options were:

a) 4%, b) 14% or c) 40%?

Rob: And you said 4%. But I'm afraid it's

actually 40%. And that's according to the

Government body Public Health England here

in the UK.

Neil: Oh dear, that's a lot more people

than I expected. But it isn't that surprising

– people in all age groups are leading more

sedentary lifestyles these days. Our job is

very sedentary – which means it

involves a lot of sitting and not much exercise!

Rob: Well, I might just run on the spot while

we go over the new vocabulary we've learned


Neil: Good plan. First up we heard ‘vigorous'

– which means using a lot of energy to do


Rob: OK. “I am running vigorously on the


Neil: Great example! And good to see you taking

some vigorous exercise! Number two – ‘saunter'

– means to walk slowly in a relaxed way.

“When I saw Rob, I sauntered over to say


Rob: Hi Neil. Number three – ‘brisk'

means quick and energetic.

Neil: “It's important to take some brisk

exercise every day.”

Rob: Yes! And I'm beginning to realise that

might be true.

Neil: Yep! I think you've done enough jogging

for today, Rob. You've probably done about

a hundred steps.

Rob: Is that all? OK, number four – if you

‘build something into something' – you

include it from the beginning.

Neil: “It's important to build regular

exercise into your daily routine.”

Rob: Very good advice. Number five is ‘incrementally'

which means gradually increasing in size.

Neil: Incremental is the adjective. “The

company has been making incremental changes

to its pay structure.”

Rob: Does that mean we're getting a pay rise?

Neil: I doubt it! And finally, number six – ‘sedentary' means sitting a lot and

not taking much exercise. For example, “It's

bad for your health to lead such a sedentary


Rob: Duly noted, Neil! Well, it's time to

go now. But if today's show has inspired

you to step out and take more exercise, please

let us know by visiting our Twitter, Facebook

and YouTube pages and telling

us about it!

Neil: Goodbye!

Rob: Bye bye!

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Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - YouTube ||||Übung||| ||||運動||| Lernen Sie in 6 Minuten über Sport zu sprechen - YouTube Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - YouTube Aprende a hablar de ejercicio en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprendre à parler d'exercice en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparare a parlare di esercizio fisico in 6 minuti - YouTube 6分間で運動について学ぶ - YouTube 6분 만에 운동에 대해 이야기하는 법 배우기 - YouTube Išmokite kalbėti apie pratimus per 6 minutes - "YouTube Naucz się mówić o ćwiczeniach w 6 minut - YouTube Aprender a falar sobre exercício em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить о физических упражнениях за 6 минут - YouTube Egzersiz hakkında konuşmayı 6 dakikada öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про фізичні вправи за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论运动 - YouTube 6 分鐘學會談運動 - YouTube

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil. And welcome to Neil|||||| |こんにちは|||||

6 Minute English, where we vigorously discuss ||||энергично| ||||avec vigueur| ||||vigorously| ||||熱烈地| ||||energisch|diskutieren ||||열정적으로| ||||sôi nổi| ||||活発に|議論する 6 Minuten Englisch, wo wir heftig diskutieren 6 دقیقه انگلیسی، که در آن به شدت بحث می کنیم 6 Minute English, kjer intenzivno razpravljamo o 6 Minute English, burada hararetle tartışıyoruz 6分钟英语,热烈讨论

a new topic and six related items of vocabulary. |||||liés||| ||Thema|||verwandten|Begriffe||Wortschatz ein neues Thema und sechs verwandte Vokabeln. novo temo in šest povezanih besednih zvez.

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob. Today we're discussing ロブ|||||||議論している

vigorous exercise – and whether adults take |||si|les adultes|pratiquent intense|||if|| |tập thể dục||liệu|| intensives|intensive Übung||ob|Erwachsene| 격렬한||||| 劇烈運動||||成年人|進行 活発な|||かどうか|大人| kräftige Übung – und ob Erwachsene nehmen l'exercice physique vigoureux - et si les adultes prennent 격렬한 운동 - 그리고 성인의 경우 энергичные упражнения – и принимают ли взрослые intenzivno telesno vadbo - in ali odrasli jemljejo 剧烈运动——以及成年人是否

enough of it! Vigorous means using a lot of 夠了!|||||||| assez de|de|cela||signifie|||| |||energisch||||| 十分|||||||| |||năng lượng||||| يكفي منه! النشط يعني استخدام الكثير من genug davon! Kräftig bedeutet, viel zu verbrauchen بس است! قوی یعنی استفاده زیاد از Vigoureux signifie que l'on utilise beaucoup d'énergie. хватит! Энергичный означает использование большого количества dovolj! Energičen pomeni, da uporabljate veliko Досить! Енергійний означає використовувати багато 够了!剧烈意味着使用大量的

energy to do something. Energie||| エネルギー||| Energie, um etwas zu tun.

Neil: So how many steps do you do in a day, Rob? ||||étapes||||||| Neil: Wie viele Schritte machst du an einem Tag, Rob? نیل: پس چند قدم در روز انجام می دهی، راب؟ Ніл: Скільки кроків ти робиш за день, Робе? 尼尔:那么罗布,你一天走多少步?

Rob: How many steps? How should I know, Neil? ||||多少|||| ||||comment|devrais-je||| |||||どうすれば||| Rob: Wie viele Schritte? Wie soll ich das wissen, Neil? Rob : Combien d'étapes ? Comment le saurais-je, Neil ? Роб: Скільки кроків? Звідки мені знати, Ніле? 罗布:有多少步?尼尔,我怎么知道?

– It would be pretty hard to count them all. |||assez|||les compter|| ||||難しい||数える|| - سيكون من الصعب عدهم جميعًا. – Es wäre ziemlich schwierig, sie alle zu zählen. - Пересчитать их всех было бы довольно сложно. - Težko bi jih bilo prešteti. - Було б досить складно порахувати їх усіх. – 很难全部数清。

Neil: Oh, come on! You can track steps on your phone! ||||||追蹤|||| ||||||suivre|||| ||||||Schritte verfolgen|||| |おい|おい||||追跡する||||電話 Neil: Ach, komm schon! Sie können Schritte verfolgen نیل: اوه، بیا! شما می توانید مراحل را در تلفن خود پیگیری کنید! Neil: Oh, daj no! Korake lahko spremljate na svojem telefonu! Ніл: Та годі тобі! Ти можеш відстежувати кроки на своєму телефоні!

I do ten thousand a day – which |||dix mille||| |||Tausend||| |||千||| Naredim deset tisoč na dan - kar

is the magic number for keeping fit |||||保持健康| |||||rester|en forme ||||||fit bleiben ||魔法|||維持する|健康を保つ |||||mantenerse| магическое число для поддержания формы je čarobno število za ohranjanje dobre telesne pripravljenosti 是保持健康的神奇数字

and healthy, apparently. |khỏe mạnh| ||und anscheinend gesund. ||apparently |健康な|どうやら ||по-видимому и здоров, судя по всему. in zdravo, očitno.

Rob: Not if you saunter, Neil, surely? Sauntering ||||прогуливаться||конечно же| ||||flâner||n'est-ce pas|Flâner ||||Walk leisurely|||sauntering ||||漫步|||漫步 ||||schlendern||sicherlich|schlendernd |||||||산책하기 ||||paseas|||paseando ||||đi bộ thong th||chắc chắn|đi bộ thong th ||||ぶらぶら歩く||確かに|ぶらぶら歩く ||||spacerować||| روب: ليس إذا كنت تتجول يا نيل، بالتأكيد؟ المشي Rob: Sicher nicht, wenn du schlenderst, Neil? Flanieren راب: اگر غوغا می کنی، نیل، حتما؟ سایش Rob: うんざりするなら違うよ、ニール、確かに?徘徊 Роб: Нет, Нил, конечно, если ты прогуливаешься? Sauntering Rob: Ne, če se sprehajaš, Neil, zagotovo ne? Sprehajanje Ні, якщо ти будеш прогулюватися, Ніле, звісно. Прогулюватися

from the sofa to the fridge and back – Or |||||冰箱||| ||Sofa|zur||Kühlschrank||| ||ソファ|||冷蔵庫||| od kavča do hladilnika in nazaj - ali 从沙发到冰箱再返回——或者

from the house to the car. ||家|||車 od hiše do avtomobila.

Neil: Well I never saunter, Rob. Saunter means ||||Stroll leisurely||| ||||산책하다||| نيل: حسنًا ، أنا لم أذهب أبدًا يا روب. Saunter يعني Neil: Nun, ich schlendere nie herum, Rob. Flanieren bedeutet نیل: خوب من هرگز غوطه ور نمی شوم، راب. سانتر یعنی Neil: Jaz nikoli ne hodim, Rob. Hoditi pomeni

to walk slowly. And you'd have to make a ||ゆっくり||あなたは|||| langsam zu gehen. Und Sie müssten eine machen آهسته راه رفتن و شما باید یک hoditi počasi. In morali bi narediti

lot of trips to the fridge to clock up ten ||很多次去冰箱|||||累積|| |||||Kühlschrank|||auf summieren| ||往復|||||記録する|| ||chuyến đi||||||| الكثير من الرحلات إلى الثلاجة حتى تصل إلى العاشرة hodně cest do lednice, abyste se dostali na deset hodin. viele Ausflüge zum Kühlschrank bis zehn Uhr سفرهای زیادی به یخچال تا ساعت ده много поездок к холодильнику, чтобы часы работали до десяти veliko obiskov hladilnika, da bi si privoščili deset 多次前往冰箱,累计十

thousand steps. To get some vigorous exercise, |||||tập thể dục mạnh| |||||kräftig| ألف خطوة. للحصول على بعض التمارين القوية ، tisíc kroků. Chcete-li si intenzivně zacvičit, tausend Schritte. Um sich kräftig zu bewegen, هزار قدم برای انجام تمرینات شدید، tisoč korakov. Za intenzivno vadbo,

you need to get out and about |||rauskommen||| se morate odpraviti ven. вам потрібно вийти на вулицю 你需要出去走走

– round the park at a brisk pace… ||||||в быстром темпе |||||quick and energetic| |||||輕快的| |||||flott| |||||nhanh nhẹn|tốc độ nhanh 公園を回る||公園|||活発な|ペース |||||żywym tempie| – جولة في الحديقة بوتيرة سريعة… – im flotten Tempo durch den Park… - обойти парк в быстром темпе... - s hitrim tempom obhodite park... – 快步绕着公园走一圈……

Rob: Brisk means quick and energetic – the |Quick and energetic||||| |||||充滿活力的| |schnell und energisch||||schnell und energisch| |활기찬||||| |||速い||活発な| |rápido y enérgico||||| روب: بريسك تعني السرعة والحيوية - ملف Rob: Brisk bedeutet schnell und energisch – das راب: تند به معنای سریع و پرانرژی است Rob: Brisk pomeni hiter in energičen -

opposite of sauntering. OK, well, perhaps ||漫步的反义词||| ||schlendern||| |||||perhaps 反対|||||おそらく ||paseando|||quizás Gegenteil von schlendern. Okay, vielleicht برعکس سونتر کردن باشه، خب، شاید

you can you tell me, Neil, how many people ||||||||人 Kannst du mir sagen, Neil, wie viele Menschen mi lahko poveš, Neil, koliko ljudi

aged between 40 and 60 do less than ten minutes 年齡介於|之間|||||| Alter||||||| 40歳から60歳|の間|||少なくとも|10分未満|| de entre 40 y 60 años||||||| im Alter zwischen 40 und 60 weniger als zehn Minuten med 40. in 60. letom starosti manj kot deset minut.

brisk walking every month? Is zügiges Gehen||||ist es |||毎月| المشي السريع كل شهر؟ هو zügiges Gehen jeden Monat machen? Ist پیاده روی سریع هر ماه؟ است vsak mesec živahno hojo? Ali je

it… a) 4%,

b)14% or c) 40%?

Neil: I'm going to say… 4% because ten ||行く||||

minutes is such a short amount of time! ||so|||Menge|| ||そんな|||量|| Minuten ist so eine kurze Zeit! دقیقه زمان بسیار کوتاهی است! minut je tako kratek čas!

Rob: Indeed. Now, I've got another question for you, Neil. |thật vậy|||||||| |In der Tat.|||||||| |Indeed|||||||| |||私は|持っている|もう一つの|||| Rob: Res. Zdaj imam še eno vprašanje zate, Neil. Роб: Дійсно. Тепер у мене є ще одне питання до тебе, Ніле.

Why is exercise so important? ||Bewegung|| なぜ|||| für dich Neil. Warum ist Bewegung so wichtig? چرا ورزش اینقدر مهم است؟ Чому фізичні вправи так важливі?

Because it sounds pretty boring – counting steps, |||khá|nhàm chán|đếm bước chân| |||||Schritte zählen| ||||退屈な|数える| |||||подсчёт шагов| لأنه يبدو مملاً جدًا – عد الخطوات، Weil es ziemlich langweilig klingt – Zählen Ker se sliši precej dolgočasno - štetje korakov,

going to the gym, running on a machine. |||Fitnessstudio||||Gerät |||ジム|ランニング||| шаги, походы в спортзал, бег на тренажере.

Neil: Well, when you exercise, you stimulate ||||||stimulieren ||||||刺激する نيل: حسنًا، عندما تمارس الرياضة، فإنك تحفز

the body's natural repair system. Your body |||восстановление организма||| |des Körpers||Reparatur||| |体の|自然の|修復システム|システム||体 |||hệ thống sửa chữa||| سیستم ترمیم طبیعی بدن بدن تو

will actually stay younger if you exercise! |thực sự||trẻ hơn||| |tatsächlich||jünger||| will|実際に|保つ|若い||| wird tatsächlich jünger bleiben, wenn Sie trainieren!

Rob: That sounds good. راب: به نظر خوب می رسد.

Neil: Exercise also lowers your risk of developing illnesses |||снижает||||развития|заболевания |||senkt|||||Krankheiten ||また|下げる||リスク||発症する|病気 |||||riesgo||desarrollar enfermedades|enfermedades |||giảm|||||bệnh tật نيل: ممارسة الرياضة تقلل أيضًا من خطر الإصابة بالأمراض Neil: Bewegung senkt auch Ihr Entwicklungsrisiko Neil: Vadba zmanjšuje tudi tveganje za nastanek bolezni

such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. |||болезнь|рак||диабет ||||cancer||diabetes ||tim mạch|bệnh|||tiểu đường ||||||Diabetes ||||||당뇨병 ||心臓|病気|がん||糖尿病 Krankheiten wie Herzkrankheiten, Krebs und Diabetes.

Rob: Hmm. I'm getting a bit worried now, |||||hơi|| |うーん|||||心配| Rob: Hm. Ich mache mir jetzt etwas Sorgen, راب: هوم. الان دارم کمی نگرانم Rob: Hmm. Zdaj me že malo skrbi, Роб: Хм. Я починаю трохи хвилюватися,

Neil. But I don't have enough time to do |||||đủ||| Neil. Aber ich habe nicht genug Zeit dafür Neil. Toda nimam dovolj časa, da bi

a thousand steps every day… I'm far too busy! ||||||quá|quá| ||||||||忙しい ألف خطوة كل يوم... أنا مشغول جدًا! jeden Tag tausend Schritte… Ich bin viel zu beschäftigt! тысячу шагов каждый день... Я слишком занят! tisoč korakov vsak dan... sem preveč zaposlen! 每天一千步……我太忙了!

Neil: Well, Rob. Now might be a good time ||||könnte|||| Neil: Nun, Rob. Jetzt könnte ein guter Zeitpunkt sein

to listen to Julia Bradbury. She's a TV |||Джулию Брадбери|Джулию Брэдбери||| |||ジュリア|ブラッドベリー|彼女は||テレビ Julia Bradbury zu hören. Sie ist ein Fernseher برای گوش دادن به جولیا بردبری او یک تلویزیون است

presenter and outdoor walking enthusiast who ведущий и любитель прогулок||на открытом воздухе||| Moderator und Outdoor-Enthusiast||||Outdoor-Wanderliebhaber| プレゼンター||アウトドア||愛好者| người thuyết||đi bộ ngoài trời||người đam mê| مقدم وعشاق المشي في الهواء الطلق Moderator und Outdoor-Walking-Enthusiast, der مجری و علاقمند به پیاده روی در فضای باز که voditelj in navdušenec nad hojo na prostem, ki

will explain how she builds walking into her ||||xây dựng||| |説明する||彼女|構築||彼女の中に|彼女の سوف تشرح كيف تبني المشي فيها bo razložila, kako v svoj

busy life. živahno življenje.

Julia Bradbury: I will walk to meetings instead of |||||||stattdessen| ||||||会議|代わりに| Julia Bradbury: Na sestanke bom hodila peš namesto

catching a bus, or getting a taxi or a car – into поймать|||||||||| einen Bus erwischen|||||||||| 捕まえる||バス||||タクシー|||| bắt xe|||||||||| ركوب الحافلة، أو ركوب سيارة أجرة أو سيارة - إلى

meetings. And I will also, if I can't build |||||||できない|構築 ||||||||construir Sitzungen. Und das werde ich auch, wenn ich nicht bauen kann sestanki. In tudi jaz bom, če ne bom mogel zgraditi

that into my working day, if it's a day |||作業||||| v moj delovni dan, če je to dan

when I haven't got meetings and I'm ||持っていない|||| ko nimam sestankov in sem 当我没有会议的时候

maybe at home with the kids, I will take the time ||家|||子供たち||||| morda doma z otroki, si bom vzel čas

– I will take my kids out with the – 我会带我的孩子出去

buggy and I will definitely do 30-40 minutes глючный|||||| stroller|||||| 小型越野车|||||| Kinderwagen||||auf jeden Fall|| 버기와 함께|||||| xe đẩy|||||| バギー|||||| problemático|||||| buggy in jaz bova vsekakor naredila 30-40 minut

at least everyday. Going to the park, going |mindestens|||||| |少なくとも|毎日|||||

to the shops, picking up my ||Läden||| ||店||| إلى المحلات التجارية، والتقاط بلدي do obchodů, vyzvednout si zu den Geschäften, Abholung meiner по магазинам, забирая

things up en route, and really sort of building |||trên đường||||| ||auf|auf dem Weg||||| ||の|道中|||||構築 الأشياء في الطريق ، ونوعًا من البناء حقًا věci na cestě a skutečně budování Dinge auf dem Weg und wirklich eine Art Gebäude 物事は途中で、実際には建物のようなものです вещи в пути, и действительно своего рода здание stvari na poti in res nekakšno gradnjo 一路上,

it into my life. Taking the stairs and not ||||||Treppen steigen|| ||||取り入れる||階段|| ||||||las escaleras|| do mého života. Chodit po schodech a ne в свою жизнь. Подниматься по лестнице и не 进入我的生活。走楼梯而不

taking lifts, all of these kinds of little |Aufzüge|||||| |エレベーター||||種類||小さな |ascensores|||||| jemanje dvigal, vse te vrste majhnih 乘坐电梯,所有这些小事

decisions can incrementally build up to create ||gradually|||| ||dần dần|||| Entscheidungen||schrittweise|||| ||점진적으로|||| ||in modo incrementale|||| ||徐々に||||作成する ||stopniowo|||| يمكن أن تتراكم القرارات بشكل تدريجي لخلقها Entscheidungen können inkrementell aufgebaut werden, um zu erschaffen

more walking time in your もっと||||


Rob: So if you build something in to your روب: لذلك إذا قمت ببناء شيء ما في الخاص بك Rob: Also, wenn du etwas in deine einbaust Rob: Torej, če nekaj vgradite v svoj

day – or your life – you include it from |||||schließt es ein|| |||||含む|| اليوم - أو حياتك - التي تدخلها منها Tag – oder Ihr Leben – Sie schließen es ein dan - ali svoje življenje - vključite iz

the beginning. |始まり der Anfang. na začetku.

Neil: And Julia Bradbury has built walking into her day. |||||作り込んだ|||| نيل: وقد قامت جوليا برادبري ببناء المشي في يومها. Ніл: А Джулія Бредбері вписала ходьбу в свій час.

Even though she's very busy |obwohl||| |けれども|||

too, Rob! You should learn from her!

Rob: So she walks instead of driving or taking the bus. |||geht|||Auto fahren|||| |||歩く|||運転|||| Роб: Значит, она ходит вместо того, чтобы водить или брать Роб: Тож вона ходить пішки, а не їздить на машині чи автобусі.

And takes the stairs instead of the ||||anstatt der|| |階段を使う|||||

lift. I could do those things. Heben||||| 持ち上げる||できる||| dvigalo. Te stvari lahko naredim.

Neil: You could indeed – before you know it, |||tatsächlich|||| Neil: Res bi lahko - preden se boste tega zavedali,

you'd be doing ten thousand steps – because bi naredili deset tisoč korakov - ker 你会走一万步——因为

the amount of walking you do in a day builds |Menge|||||||| množství chůze, které za den vykonáte, se zvyšuje.

incrementally. 逐步地 Schrittweise. postupně.

Rob: Incrementally means gradually |||dần dần |Schrittweise||schrittweise |||徐々に Rob: Inkrementálně znamená postupně Rob: Inkrementell bedeutet schrittweise

increasing in size. OK, well, before I think that over, zunehmend||Größe||||||| 大きくなる||サイズの増加||||||| زيادة في الحجم. حسنًا، حسنًا، قبل أن أفكر في ذلك، se zvětšuje. Dobře, než si to promyslím, an Größe zunehmen. Okay, bevor ich darüber nachdenke,

perhaps I could tell you the answer to today's

quiz question? クイズ|

Neil: OK. You asked me: How many people aged between 40 and 60 |||聞いた|||||||

do less than ten minutes brisk |||||schnell القيام بأقل من عشر دقائق سريعة 10분 이내로 빠르게 걷기 делать менее десяти минут бодрым шагом

walking every month? The options were: ||||選択肢|

a) 4%, b) 14% or c) 40%?

Rob: And you said 4%. But I'm afraid it's ||||||e sợ rằng| ||||||fürchte| ||||||temo que| روب: وقلت 4٪. لكني أخشى أن يكون كذلك

actually 40%. And that's according to the |||laut|| |||によれば||

Government body Public Health England here Behörde||||| 政府機関||公衆|健康|イングランド|ここ

in the UK. ||イギリス

Neil: Oh dear, that's a lot more people |Ôi|||||| |Ach je|||||| ||親愛なる||||| Neil: Oh je, das sind viel mehr Leute

than I expected. But it isn't that surprising ||mong đợi||||| ||erwartet|||||überraschend ||期待した|||||驚くべき als ich erwartet habe. Aber es ist nicht so überraschend kot sem pričakoval. Ampak to ni tako presenetljivo

– people in all age groups are leading more |||Altersgruppen|||| |||年齢|グループ||主導している| – Menschen in allen Altersgruppen führen mehr - ljudje v vseh starostnih skupinah vodijo več

sedentary lifestyles these days. Our job is 久坐|||||| sitzend|sitzende Lebensweise||||| inactive|||||| 座りがちな|ライフスタイル||||仕事| lối sống ít vận|||||| sitzende Lebensweise heutzutage. Unsere Aufgabe ist 요즘은 앉아서 생활하는 사람들이 많습니다. 우리의 임무는 sedentarnega načina življenja v današnjem času. Naše delo je

very sedentary – which means it rất|||| |inactive lifestyle||| |매우 앉아있는||| sehr sesshaft – was bedeutet es

involves a lot of sitting and not much exercise! bao gồm||nhiều|||||| 含む||||座っている|||たくさんの| beinhaltet viel Sitzen und wenig Bewegung! 는 앉아있는 시간이 많고 운동량이 많지 않습니다!

Rob: Well, I might just run on the spot while ||||||||Stelle| ||||||계속해서||| |||||その場で走る|||その場で|while ||||||||the spot| ||||||||in place| روب: حسنًا، ربما أركض على الفور Rob: No, já bych mohl běžet na místě, zatímco Rob: Nun, ich könnte einfach auf der Stelle rennen Rob: 글쎄요, 저는 그 자리에서 바로 달려가서

we go over the new vocabulary we've learned ||überprüfen||||| |||||词汇|| ||||||私たちが| wir gehen die neuen Vokabeln durch, die wir gelernt haben 새로 배운 어휘를 복습합니다.


Neil: Good plan. First up we heard ‘vigorous' |||||||energisch ||計画||||聞いた|

– which means using a lot of energy to do


Rob: OK. “I am running vigorously on the |||私は|走っている|活発に|| Rob: 좋아요. "저는 지금 Роб: Хорошо. "Я энергично бегу на Роб: Гаразд. "Я енергійно бігаю на

spot!” điểm ¡spot 자리!" место!"

Neil: Great example! And good to see you taking |素晴らしい||||||| نيل: مثال رائع! ومن الجيد أن أراك تأخذ 닐: 좋은 예입니다! 그리고

some vigorous exercise! Number two – ‘saunter' |||||spazieren gehen بعض التمارين القوية! رقم اثنين - "Saunter" 격렬한 운동! 두 번째 - '사우나'

– means to walk slowly in a relaxed way. ||||||リラックスした| - 는 편안한 자세로 천천히 걷는다는 뜻입니다.

“When I saw Rob, I sauntered over to say ||sah||Ich|schlenderte hinüber||| |||||천천히 걸어갔다||| ||見た|||のんびり歩いた||| |||||walked casually||| 「ロブを見たとき、私はぶらぶらしてこう言いました。 "Когда я увидела Роба, я подошла к нему, чтобы сказать.


Rob: Hi Neil. Number three – ‘brisk' |こんにちは||||

means quick and energetic.

Neil: “It's important to take some brisk Neil: "활발한 활동을 하는 것이 중요합니다.

exercise every day.”

Rob: Yes! And I'm beginning to realise that |||||beginne zu|| |はい|||||| Rob: 네! 그리고 저는 다음과 같은 사실을 깨닫기 시작했습니다.

might be true.

Neil: Yep! I think you've done enough jogging |||||||chạy bộ |||||||Joggen |はい||||やった||ジョギング Neil: Ja! Ich denke, du hast genug gejoggt 닐: 네! 조깅은 충분히 하신 것 같네요.

for today, Rob. You've probably done about für|||||| ||||おそらく|| für heute, Rob. Sie haben wahrscheinlich ungefähr getan

a hundred steps. |hundert|Schritte |百|

Rob: Is that all? OK, number four – if you ||||||四||

‘build something into something' – you Incorporate into you|||| 'etwas in etwas einbauen' – du '무언가를 무언가로 만들다' - 당신 'встроить что-то во что-то' - вы

include it from the beginning. bao gồm|||| إدراجه من البداية. 처음부터 포함하세요. включіть його з самого початку.

Neil: “It's important to build regular |||||regelmäßig |||||定期的な

exercise into your daily routine.” ||||Routine einfügen |||毎日の|ルーチン

Rob: Very good advice. Number five is ‘incrementally' ||||số||| |||||||Step by step |||助言|||| Rob: Sehr guter Rat. Nummer fünf ist „inkrementell“ Rob: 아주 좋은 조언입니다. 다섯 번째는 '점진적으로'입니다.

which means gradually increasing in size. ||постепенно увеличиваясь|увеличивающий|| ||allmählich||| مما يعني زيادة حجمها تدريجياً. was bedeutet, dass er allmählich an Größe zunimmt.

Neil: Incremental is the adjective. “The |tăng dần|||| |inkrementell||der|inkrementell| |Gradual increase.|||| |점진적인|||| |段階的な|||| Neil: Przyrostowy to przymiotnik. "The

company has been making incremental changes ||||schrittweise| ||||Gradual| 会社||してきた|行っている|段階的な| Das Unternehmen hat inkrementelle Änderungen vorgenommen 会社は段階的な変更を行ってきました 회사는 점진적인 변화를 거듭하고 있습니다.

to its pay structure.” ||給与|構造 إلى هيكل الأجور الخاص بها." zu seiner Gehaltsstruktur.“ 급여 구조에 변화를 가져올 것입니다."

Rob: Does that mean we're getting a pay rise? |||意味する|||||昇給 روب: هل هذا يعني أننا نحصل على زيادة في الأجور؟ Rob: Znamená to, že nám zvýší plat? Rob: Bedeutet das, dass wir bezahlt werden? Rob: 급여가 인상된다는 뜻인가요? Роб: Значит ли это, что нам платят? Роб: Чи означає це, що нам підвищать зарплату?

Neil: I doubt it! And finally, number six ||疑う|||最後に|| рост? Нил: Сомневаюсь! И, наконец, номер шесть – ‘sedentary' means sitting a lot and sitzend||||| – «сидячий» означает много сидячий и

not taking much exercise. For example, “It's

bad for your health to lead such a sedentary |||||dẫn đến||| 健康に悪い|||||導く||| schlecht für Ihre Gesundheit, eine solche Sesshaftigkeit zu führen 이렇게 앉아서 생활하는 것은 건강에 좋지 않습니다.

lifestyle.” ライフスタイル Lebensstil."

Rob: Duly noted, Neil! Well, it's time to |Ordnungsgemäß|zur Kenntnis genommen||||| |Properly|||||| |しっかりと|承知しました||||| روب: لاحظت على النحو الواجب، نيل! حسنا، حان الوقت ل Rob: Richtig zur Kenntnis genommen, Neil! Nun, es ist an der Zeit Rob: 잘 알겠습니다, 닐! 자, 이제

go now. But if today's show has inspired |||||||truyền cảm h |||||||inspiriert |||||||触発された

you to step out and take more exercise, please ||外に出る|||||| عليك الخروج وممارسة المزيد من التمارين، من فضلك

let us know by visiting our Twitter, Facebook allow||||||| 知らせてください||||訪問して|||

and YouTube pages and telling

us about it!

Neil: Goodbye!

Rob: Bye bye! Rob||