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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about computers in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about computers in 6 minutes - YouTube

Neil: Welcome to 6 Minute English, where we

bring you an intelligent topic and six related

items of vocabulary. I'm Neil.

Tim: And I'm Tim. And today we're talking

about AI - or Artificial Intelligence.

Neil: Artificial Intelligence is the ability

of machines to copy human intelligent behaviour

- for example, an intelligent machine can

learn from its own mistakes, and make decisions

based on what's happened in the past.

Tim: There's a lot of talk about AI these

days, Neil, but it's still just science fiction,

isn't it?

Neil: That's not true - AI is everywhere.

Machine thinking is in our homes, offices,

schools and hospitals. Computer algorithms

are helping us drive our cars. They're diagnosing

what's wrong with us in hospitals. They're

marking student essays. They're telling us

what to read on our smartphones.

Tim: Well, that really does sound like science fiction

- but it's happening already, you

say, Neil?

Neil: It's definitely happening, Tim. And

an algorithm, by the way, is a set of steps

a computer follows in order to solve a problem.

So can you tell me what was the name of the

computer which famously beat world chess champion

Garry Kasparov using algorithms in 1997?

Was it: a) Hal, b) Alpha 60 or c) Deep Blue?

Tim: I'll say Deep Blue. Although I'm just


Neil: Was it an educated guess, Tim?

Tim: I know a bit about chess...

Neil: An educated guess is based on knowledge

and experience and is therefore likely to

be correct. Well, we'll find out later on

how educated your guess was in this case, Tim!

Tim: Indeed. But getting back to AI and what

machines can do - are they any good at solving

real-life problems? Computers think in zeros

and ones don't they? That sounds like a pretty

limited language when it comes to life experience!

Neil: You would be surprised to what those

zeroes and ones can do, Tim. Although you're

right that AI does have its limitations at

the moment. And if something has limitations

there's a limit on what it can do or how good

it can be.

Tim: OK - well now might be a good time to

listen to Zoubin Bharhramani, Professor of

Information Engineering at the University

of Cambridge and deputy director of the Leverhulme

Centre for the Future of Intelligence. He's

talking about what limitations AI has at the


Zoubin Bharhramani: I think it's very interesting

how many of the things that we take for granted

- we humans take for granted - as being sort

of things we don't even think about like how

do we walk, how do we reach, how do we recognise

our mother. You know, all these things. When

you start to think how to implement them on

a computer, you realise that it's those things

that are incredibly difficult to get computers

to do, and that's where the current cutting edge of research is.


Neil: If we take something for granted we

don't realise how important something is.

Tim: You sometimes take me for granted,

think, Neil.

Neil: No - I never take you for granted, Tim!

You're far too important for that!

Tim: Good to hear! So things we take for granted

are doing every day tasks like walking, picking

something up, or recognising somebody. We

implement - or perform - these things without

thinking. Whereas it's cutting edge research

to try and program a machine to do them.

Neil: Cutting edge means very new and advanced.

It's interesting isn't it, that over ten years

ago a computer beat a chess grand master - but

the same computer would find it incredibly

difficult to pick up a chess piece.

Tim: I know. It's very strange. But now you've

reminded me that we need the answer to today's


Neil: Which was: What was the name of the

computer who famously beat world chess champion

Gary Kasparov in 1997? Now, you said Deep

Blue, Tim, and... that was the right answer!

Tim: You see, my educated guess was based

on knowledge and experience!

Neil: Or maybe you were just lucky. So, the

IBM supercomputer Deep Blue played against

US world chess champion Garry Kasparov in

two chess matches. The first match was played

in Philadelphia in 1996 and was won by Kasparov.

The second was played in New York City in

1997 and won by Deep Blue. The 1997 match

was the first defeat of a reigning world chess

champion by a computer under tournament conditions.

Tim: Let's go through the words we learned

today. First up was 'artificial intelligence'

or AI - the ability of machines to copy human

intelligent behaviour.

Neil: 'There are AI programs that

can write poetry.'

Tim: Do you have any examples you can recite?

Neil: Afraid I don't! Number two - an algorithm

is a set of steps a computer follows in order

to solve a problem. For example, 'Google changes

its search algorithm hundreds of times every year.'

Tim: The adjective is algorithmic - for example,

'Google has made many algorithmic changes.'

Neil: Number three - if something has 'limitations',

there's a limit on what it can do or how good

it can be. 'Our show has certain limitations

' for example, it's only six minutes long!'

Tim: That's right - there's only time to present

six vocabulary items. Short but sweet!

Neil: And very intelligent, too. OK, the next

item is 'take something for granted', which

is when we don't realise how important something is.

Tim: 'We take our smartphones for granted

these days, but before 1995 hardly anyone

owned one.'

Neil: Number five - 'to implement' means to

perform a task, or take action.

Tim: 'Neil implemented some changes to the show.'

Neil: The final item is 'cutting edge' - new

and advanced - 'This software is cutting edge.'

Tim: 'The software uses cutting edge technology.'

Neil: OK - that's all we have time for on

today's cutting edge show. But please check

out our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube

pages. Tim: Bye-bye!

Neil: Goodbye!

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Learn to talk about computers in 6 minutes - YouTube ||||コンピュータ||| Lernen Sie in 6 Minuten über Computer zu sprechen - YouTube Learn to talk about computers in 6 minutes - YouTube Aprende a hablar de informática en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprendre à parler d'informatique en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparare a parlare di computer in 6 minuti - YouTube 6分間でコンピュータについて話すことを学ぶ - YouTube 6분 만에 컴퓨터에 대해 이야기하는 방법 배우기 - YouTube Naucz się mówić o komputerach w 6 minut - YouTube Aprender a falar sobre computadores em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить о компьютерах за 6 минут - YouTube Bilgisayarlar hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про комп'ютери за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论计算机 - YouTube 在 6 分钟内学会谈论计算机 - YouTube

Neil: Welcome to 6 Minute English, where we |||||どこ| Neil: Welcome to 6 Minute English, where we نیل: به 6 دقیقه انگلیسی، جایی که ما خوش آمدید

bring you an intelligent topic and six related |||||||verwandt 持ってくる|||知的な|||| یک موضوع هوشمند و شش موضوع مرتبط را برای شما بیاورم

items of vocabulary. I'm Neil. آیتم های واژگان من نیل هستم.

Tim: And I'm Tim. And today we're talking |||||||konuşuyoruz ティム||||||| تیم: و من تیم هستم. و امروز داریم صحبت می کنیم

about AI - or Artificial Intelligence. |||nhân tạo|trí tuệ ||||Intelligenz ||||intelligence |AI||人工の| über KI - oder künstliche Intelligenz. در مورد هوش مصنوعی - یا هوش مصنوعی. על AI - או בינה מלאכותית. AI - veya Yapay Zeka hakkında.

Neil: Artificial Intelligence is the ability |||||Fähigkeit نیل: هوش مصنوعی توانایی است Neil: 인공 지능은 Neil: Yapay Zeka yetenektir

of machines to copy human intelligent behaviour |||sao chép|||hành vi ||||إنسان|ذكي| ||||||davranışını |機械|||||行動 von Maschinen, um menschliches intelligentes Verhalten zu kopieren ماشین هایی برای کپی کردن رفتار هوشمند انسان insan akıllı davranışını kopyalamak için makinelerin

- for example, an intelligent machine can |||||có thể ||||機械| - به عنوان مثال، یک ماشین هوشمند می تواند - 예를 들어, 지능형 기계는 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다.

learn from its own mistakes, and make decisions ||||間違い|||決定 از اشتباهات خود درس بگیرد و تصمیم بگیرد kendi hatalarından ders al ve karar ver

based on what's happened in the past. بر اساس آنچه در گذشته اتفاق افتاده است.

Tim: There's a lot of talk about AI these Tim: O těchto AI se hodně mluví تیم: صحبت های زیادی در مورد هوش مصنوعی وجود دارد

days, Neil, but it's still just science fiction, ||||||科学|科学小説 Tagen, Neil, aber es ist immer noch nur Science-Fiction, روزها، نیل، اما هنوز هم فقط علمی تخیلی است،

isn't it? اینطور نیست؟

Neil: That's not true - AI is everywhere. ||||||どこにでも نیل: این درست نیست - هوش مصنوعی همه جا هست.

Machine thinking is in our homes, offices, Máy móc|suy nghĩ của máy||||| |||||家庭|オフィス Maschinelles Denken ist in unseren Häusern, Büros, تفکر ماشینی در خانه ها، دفاتر ما وجود دارد، חשיבה מכונה נמצאת בבתים שלנו, במשרדים, 기계적인 사고는 우리 집과 사무실에 있습니다, O pensamento de máquina está em nossas casas, escritórios,

schools and hospitals. Computer algorithms ||||thuật toán ||||컴퓨터 알고리즘 学校||病院||アルゴリズム مدارس و بیمارستان ها الگوریتم های کامپیوتری

are helping us drive our cars. They're diagnosing |||||||tanı koyuyorlar |||||||identifying issues |||||||진단하고 있습니다 |||運転||車||診断している |||||||chẩn đoán 자동차 운전을 돕고 있습니다. 그들은 진단하고 있습니다 arabalarımızı sürmemize yardım ediyorlar. teşhis koyuyorlar

what's wrong with us in hospitals. They're |||||Krankenhäuser| ||||||They are Was ist los mit uns in Krankenhäusern. Sie sind hastanelerde ne sorunumuz var. onlar

marking student essays. They're telling us ||bài luận||| ||Essays||| 採点||エッセイ||教えている| Schülerarbeiten markieren. Sie sagen es uns 학생 에세이를 채점하고 있습니다. 학생들은 다음과 같이 말합니다.

what to read on our smartphones. |||||スマートフォン 스마트폰에서 읽을 내용

Tim: Well, that really does sound like science fiction |||||||علوم|خيال علمي |||||音||| Tim : Eh bien, ça ressemble vraiment à de la science

- but it's happening already, you |||đã xảy ra| |||بالفعل| fiction - mais cela se produit déjà, vous

say, Neil? Dis, Neil ?

Neil: It's definitely happening, Tim. And

an algorithm, by the way, is a set of steps |thuật toán|the way||||||của| |アルゴリズム||||||||手順 algoritmus, mimochodem, je sada kroků 참고로 알고리즘은 일련의 단계입니다. Nawiasem mówiąc, algorytm to zestaw kroków

a computer follows in order to solve a problem. ||||thứ tự|||| |حاسوب||||||| ||従う||||解決する||問題 počítač postupuje při řešení problému. 컴퓨터가 문제를 해결하기 위해 따라갑니다. komputer podąża w celu rozwiązania problemu. 计算机按照此方法解决问题。

So can you tell me what was the name of the ||||||||الاسم||

computer which famously beat world chess champion ||nổi tiếng|||| |||defeated||| ||有名な|||チェス|チェスチャンピオン 세계 체스 챔피언을 이긴 것으로 유명한 컴퓨터

Garry Kasparov using algorithms in 1997? |Kasparov||| ガルリ|カスパロフ||| 1997년 개리 카스파로프가 알고리즘을 사용했나요?

Was it: a) Hal, b) Alpha 60 or c) Deep Blue? |||||Alpha 60|||| |||ハル||アルファ||||ディープブルー to: a) Hal, b) Alpha 60 nebo c) Deep Blue? a)ハル、b)アルファ60、c)ディープブルー?

Tim: I'll say Deep Blue. Although I'm just |||||mặc dù|| Tim: Řeknu Deep Blue. I když jsem jen Tim: Ich würde Deep Blue sagen. Obwohl ich gerade bin

guessing. đoán mò 推測する hádání. raten.

Neil: Was it an educated guess, Tim? ||||có kiến thức|đoán| ||||informed|| ||||교육받은|| ||||教育的|推測| Neil: War es eine fundierte Vermutung, Tim? Neil: ¿Fue una conjetura, Tim? ニール:ティム、それは経験に基づく推測だったのですか? Neil: Czy to było wyedukowane przypuszczenie, Tim? Ніл: Це було обґрунтоване припущення, Тіме? 尼尔:蒂姆,这是一个有根据的猜测吗?

Tim: I know a bit about chess... ||||một chút|| 蒂姆:我对国际象棋略知一二……

Neil: An educated guess is based on knowledge ||có học thức|đoán|||| |||||مبني على|| Neil: Vzdělaný odhad vychází ze znalostí Neil: Eine fundierte Vermutung basiert auf Wissen Neil: Wykształcone przypuszczenie opiera się na wiedzy Ніл: Освічена здогадка ґрунтується на знаннях

and experience and is therefore likely to ||||deshalb|| ||||したがって|| und Erfahrung und ist daher wahrscheinlich 경험을 쌓을 수 있으므로 i doświadczenie, a zatem prawdopodobnie

be correct. Well, we'll find out later on その通りだ。まあ、それは後でわかることだ 가 맞습니다. 나중에 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

how educated your guess was in this case, Tim! |مستنير||تخمينك||||حالة| Wie gut war deine Vermutung in diesem Fall, Tim! ティム、この件に関して君の推測はどれだけ賢明だったかな? 이번 사건에서 당신의 추측이 얼마나 정확한지, 팀! 蒂姆,在这种情况下你的猜测是多么有道理!

Tim: Indeed. But getting back to AI and what |thật vậy||||||| |In der Tat||||||| 팀: 그렇죠. 하지만 다시 AI로 돌아가서

machines can do - are they any good at solving ||||||||giải quyết ||||||||lösen آلات|||||||| ||||||||解決する Maschinen können das - sind sie gut im Lösen? 기계가 할 수 있는 일 - 기계가 문제를 잘 해결할 수 있을까요? 机器能做什么 - 它们擅长解决什么问题

real-life problems? Computers think in zeros ||||||số không ||||생각하다|| ||問題||||ゼロ مشاكل الحياة الحقيقية؟ تفكر أجهزة الكمبيوتر في الأصفار 실생활 문제? 컴퓨터는 0으로 생각한다 реальные проблемы? Компьютеры мыслят нулями

and ones don't they? That sounds like a pretty ||||||||khá |||||들리네요||| والآخرين لا يفعلون ذلك؟ هذا يبدو وكأنه جميل a ty ne? To zní jako pěkný 听起来不错

limited language when it comes to life experience! محدود||||||| 限られた||||||| omezený jazyk, pokud jde o životní zkušenosti! begrenzte Sprache, wenn es um Lebenserfahrung geht! 人生経験となると、限られた言葉しか使えない! 인생 경험에 관한 한 제한된 언어! 语言有限,无法表达人生经历!

Neil: You would be surprised to what those ||驚くだろう|||||

zeroes and ones can do, Tim. Although you're số không|và|||||| ||||||على الرغم| ゼロ||||||| Nullen und Einsen sind möglich, Tim. Obwohl du es bist 0과 1도 할 수 있어요, 팀. 비록 당신이

right that AI does have its limitations at ||||||Einschränkungen| |||||||에서 ||||||制限| 인공지능에는 다음과 같은 한계가 있습니다.

the moment. And if something has limitations ||||||giới hạn 瞬間。そして、何かに制限がある場合 순간을 포착합니다. 한계가 있다면

there's a limit on what it can do or how good ||限界|||||||| それができること、またはどれだけ良いかには限界があります 할 수 있는 일이나 성능에 한계가 있습니다. 它能做什么或有多好是有限的

it can be.

Tim: OK - well now might be a good time to

listen to Zoubin Bharhramani, Professor of ||ズービン|バルハラマニ|| Hören Sie Zoubin Bharhramani, Professor für

Information Engineering at the University |Kỹ thuật||| |情報工学||| 대학의 정보 공학

of Cambridge and deputy director of the Leverhulme |||phó|||| |||Stellvertreter||||Leverhulme Trust |||deputy||||Leverhulme Vakf |ケンブリッジ||副主任|所長|||レバーハルム |||Assistant Director|||| ケンブリッジ大学副学長。 케임브리지 대학의 부총장이자 레버헐름의 부총장인

Centre for the Future of Intelligence. He's センター|||未来の知性センター|||彼は 지능의 미래를 위한 센터. 그는

talking about what limitations AI has at the 인공지능의 한계에 대해 이야기하는


Zoubin Bharhramani: I think it's very interesting |||||とても|興味深い

how many of the things that we take for granted |||||||||ممنوحة |||||||||als selbstverständlich angesehen |||||||||verdiğimiz değer |多くの|||物|||取る||与えられた |||||||||assumed as normal kolik věcí, které považujeme za samozřejmé. wie viele der Dinge, die wir für selbstverständlich halten 우리가 당연하게 여기는 것들 중 얼마나 많은 것들이 有多少我们认为理所当然的事情

- we humans take for granted - as being sort ||||đương nhiên||| |私たち人間||||のような|存在|種類 - für uns Menschen selbstverständlich - als artgerecht - que nosotros, los humanos, damos por sentado - 우리 인간이 당연하게 여기는 것들, 즉 - my, ludzie, uważamy za coś oczywistego

of things we don't even think about like how ||||さえ|||| de cosas en las que ni siquiera pensamos, como cómo 우리가 생각조차 하지 못하는 것들, 예를 들어 我们甚至没有想过的事情

do we walk, how do we reach, how do we recognise ||||||||||identify ||||||||||nhận biết ||||||||||erkennen ||||||||||tanırız ||||||||||نتعرف على ||歩く||||到達する||||認識する jak chodíme, jak dosáhneme, jak poznáváme. gehen wir, wie erreichen wir, wie erkennen wir caminamos, cómo alcanzamos, cómo reconocemos 우리는 걷고, 어떻게 도달하고, 어떻게 인식하는가?

our mother. You know, all these things. When |母さん|||すべて|||

you start to think how to implement them on ||||||thực hiện|| ||||||umsetzen|| ||||||uygulamak|| |始める|||||実装する|それら| ||||||put into action|| 你开始思考如何实现它们

a computer, you realise that it's those things |||nhận ra|||| |||anlarsın|||| |||気づく|||| ein Computer, Sie erkennen, dass es diese Dinge sind 컴퓨터라는 것을 깨닫게 됩니다.

that are incredibly difficult to get computers ||cực kỳ|||| ||son derece|||| ||信じられないほど|非常に難しい||手に入れる| které je neuvěřitelně obtížné získat počítače die sind unglaublich schwer zu bekommen Computer które są niezwykle trudne do uzyskania komputerów 很难得到电脑

to do, and that's where the current cutting edge of research is. |||||||công nghệ tiên tiến|tiên tiến||| ||||||present|leading edge|frontier||| ||||||||||البحث| ||||||現在の|最先端の|最前線||研究| a to je místo, kde je současný řezání zu tun, und das ist, wo der aktuelle Schnitt hacer, y ahí es donde está la vanguardia actual de la investigación. 현재 최첨단 연구가 이루어지고 있는 곳이기도 합니다. do zrobienia, i to jest miejsce, w którym obecne cięcie 要做,这就是当前研究的前沿所在。

. hrana výzkumu je. Rand der Forschung ist.

Neil: If we take something for granted we Neil: Pokud něco považujeme za samozřejmost, pak Neil: Wenn wir etwas für selbstverständlich halten 尼尔:如果我们认为某件事是理所当然的

don't realise how important something is. |||重要な|| si neuvědomují, jak je něco důležité. nicht erkennen, wie wichtig etwas ist. 没有意识到某些事情有多么重要。

Tim: You sometimes take me for granted, |||đánh giá thấp||đối với| ||時々|||| Tim: Někdy mě bereš jako samozřejmost, Tim: Du hältst mich manchmal für selbstverständlich, ティム:君は時々、僕を当たり前だと思っている、 Тим: Ты иногда воспринимаешь меня как должное, 蒂姆:你有时认为我是理所当然的,

think, Neil. nghĩ đi| denk nach Neil.

Neil: No - I never take you for granted, Tim! |いいえ||決して||||| Neil: Nein – ich halte dich nie für selbstverständlich, Tim! Нил: Нет - я никогда не принимаю тебя как должное, Тим! 尼尔:不——我从来没有把你视为理所当然,蒂姆!

You're far too important for that! |quá|||| |遠すぎる|とても||| Dafür bist du viel zu wichtig! 그러기엔 당신은 너무 중요해요! 你对此太重要了!

Tim: Good to hear! So things we take for granted |||聞けて嬉しい|||||| Timo: Gut zu hören! Also Dinge, die wir für selbstverständlich halten Tim: ¡Me alegro de oírlo! Cosas que damos por sentadas Tim: Dobrze to słyszeć! Rzeczy, które bierzemy za pewnik Приятно слышать! Мы принимаем все как должное. 蒂姆:很高兴听到这个消息!所以我们认为理所当然的事情

are doing every day tasks like walking, picking ||mỗi|||||hái ||||Alltagsaufgaben||| |||||||toplama |している|毎日|毎日|日常の作業||歩くこと|拾う erledigen alltägliche Aufgaben wie Gehen, Kommissionieren wykonują codzienne czynności, takie jak chodzenie, zbieranie

something up, or recognising somebody. We |||nhận ra|| |||erkennen|| |上に||認識する|誰か| etwas auszusetzen oder jemanden zu erkennen. Wir coś podnieść lub kogoś rozpoznać. My

implement - or perform - these things without ||yerine getir||| تنفيذ||||| Carry out||||| ||実行する|||なしで implementieren - oder durchführen - diese Dinge ohne wdrożyć - lub wykonać - te rzeczy bez

thinking. Whereas it's cutting edge research |trong khi|||| ||||leading-edge| |一方|||| přemýšlení. Zatímco jde o špičkový výzkum Denken. Während es Spitzenforschung ist 생각. 최첨단 연구와 달리 myślenie. Podczas gdy jest to najnowocześniejsze badanie myslenie. Zatiaľ čo ide o špičkový výskum 思考。尽管这是前沿研究

to try and program a machine to do them. |試す||プログラム||||| zu versuchen, eine Maschine dafür zu programmieren. aby spróbować zaprogramować maszynę do ich wykonania.

Neil: Cutting edge means very new and advanced. |||||||tiên tiến |||意味する||新しい||先進的な Neil: Modern bedeutet „sehr neu und fortschrittlich“. Neil: Najnowocześniejszy oznacza bardzo nowy i zaawansowany.

It's interesting isn't it, that over ten years |||||10年以上|10年以上|年 Es ist interessant, nicht wahr, das über zehn Jahre

ago a computer beat a chess grand master - but |||yendi||||| 前に||||||グランドマスター|チェスの名人| Vorher hat ein Computer einen Schachgroßmeister geschlagen - aber

the same computer would find it incredibly |同じ||||それを| derselbe Computer würde es unglaublich finden 同一台计算机会发现它令人难以置信

difficult to pick up a chess piece. ||持ち上げる||||駒 schwierig, eine Schachfigur aufzuheben. важко підібрати шахову фігуру.

Tim: I know. It's very strange. But now you've ||||rất|||| |||||奇妙|||あなたは Timo: Ich weiß. Es ist sehr seltsam. Aber jetzt hast du es

reminded me that we need the answer to today's 思い出させた||||必要がある||答え||今日の

question. 質問

Neil: Which was: What was the name of the

computer who famously beat world chess champion |誰||||| Computer, der bekanntlich den Schachweltmeister besiegte

Gary Kasparov in 1997? Now, you said Deep ゲーリー|||||言った|

Blue, Tim, and... that was the right answer!

Tim: You see, my educated guess was based ||わかる|私の|||| تيم: كما ترى ، استند تخميني المتعلم Tim: Siehst du, meine begründete Vermutung war begründet

on knowledge and experience! |||خبرة auf Wissen und Erfahrung!

Neil: Or maybe you were just lucky. So, the ||もしかしたら||だった||運が良かった||

IBM supercomputer Deep Blue played against ||عميق|أزرق|| IBM|スーパーコンピュータ|||対戦した|対して

US world chess champion Garry Kasparov in

two chess matches. The first match was played ||ván cờ||||| 二つの||試合||最初|試合|| 두 번의 체스 대결을 펼쳤습니다. 첫 번째 경기가 진행되었습니다.

in Philadelphia in 1996 and was won by Kasparov. |フィラデルフィア||||獲得された||

The second was played in New York City in |الثانية||||||| |第二|||||ニューヨーク|ニューヨーク市|

1997 and won by Deep Blue. The 1997 match

was the first defeat of a reigning world chess ||||||đương kim|| |||Niederlage|||regierenden|| |||mağlubiyet|||şampiyon olan|| |||敗北|||現役の|| |||first loss|||currently holding title|| war die erste Niederlage eines amtierenden Weltschachs była pierwszą porażką panującego światowego szachisty было первое поражение царствующей мировой шахматной

champion by a computer under tournament conditions. |||||giải đấu|điều kiện giải بطل|||||| |||||turnuva|şampiyona koş ||||大会条件下で|トーナメント|条件 Champion durch einen Computer unter Turnierbedingungen.

Tim: Let's go through the words we learned |一緒に|行こう|通して||単語||学んだ

today. First up was 'artificial intelligence' |first topic|||| ||||اصطناعي| Heute. An erster Stelle stand „Künstliche Intelligenz“

or AI - the ability of machines to copy human ||||||||بشري oder KI - die Fähigkeit von Maschinen, Menschen zu kopieren

intelligent behaviour. intelligent| |سلوك ذكي intelligentes Verhalten.

Neil: 'There are AI programs that |そこに|||プログラム|

can write poetry.' ||thơ ||compose verse ||şiir yazabilir |詩を書く|詩

Tim: Do you have any examples you can recite? ||||||||repeat ||||||||nhắc lại ||||||||rezitieren ||||||||anlatabilirsin ||||||||암송하다 |||||例を挙げて|||暗唱する Tim: Hast du irgendwelche Beispiele, die du aufzählen kannst? Tim: ¿Tiene algún ejemplo que pueda recitar?

Neil: Afraid I don't! Number two - an algorithm |Xin lỗi|||||| |残念ながら|||番号||| Neil: Obávám se, že ne! Číslo dvě - algoritmus Neil: ¡Me temo que no! Número dos - un algoritmo

is a set of steps a computer follows in order |||||||従う|| je soubor kroků, které počítač provádí, aby

to solve a problem. For example, 'Google changes ||||||グーグル|変更 para resolver un problema. Por ejemplo, "Google cambia

its search algorithm hundreds of times every year.' ||خوارزمية||||| |検索||何百||何百回も||年 svůj vyhledávací algoritmus stokrát ročně. su algoritmo de búsqueda cientos de veces al año".

Tim: The adjective is algorithmic - for example, ||||알고리즘적|| ||||algorithmisch|| ||algorithmic|||| ||algoritmik|||| ||アルゴリズム的||アルゴリズムの|| Tim: Přídavné jméno je algoritmický - například, Tim: Das Adjektiv ist algorithmisch – zum Beispiel

'Google has made many algorithmic changes.' ||||thuật toán| ||作成した||| "Google hat viele algorithmische Änderungen vorgenommen." “谷歌对算法做出了许多改变。”

Neil: Number three - if something has 'limitations', ||三つ||||

there's a limit on what it can do or how good

it can be. 'Our show has certain limitations ||||番組||特定の| es kann sein. „Unsere Show hat gewisse Einschränkungen

' for example, it's only six minutes long!' |||||دقائق| |||たった|||長さ

Tim: That's right - there's only time to present |||||||発表する

six vocabulary items. Short but sweet! |||短い||甘い šest položek slovní zásoby. Krátké, ale sladké! sechs Vokabeln. Kurz aber süß!

Neil: And very intelligent, too. OK, the next ||||أيضًا||| |||||||次に

item is 'take something for granted', which ||đánh giá thấp|||| |||||مُسَلَّم| アイテム|||||| položka je "brát něco jako samozřejmost", která item ist 'etwas für selbstverständlich nehmen', was

is when we don't realise how important something is. ist, wenn wir nicht erkennen, wie wichtig etwas ist.

Tim: 'We take our smartphones for granted ||||الهواتف الذكية|| Tim: „Wir nehmen unsere Smartphones als selbstverständlich hin 蒂姆:“我们认为智能手机是理所当然的

these days, but before 1995 hardly anyone ||||hầu như không| |||1995年以前|ほとんど誰も|誰も hoy en día, pero antes de 1995 casi nadie

owned one.' possessed| 所有した|一つ poseía uno".

Neil: Number five - 'to implement' means to ||خمسة|||| ||五|||| Neil: Nummer fünf – „umsetzen“ bedeutet „umsetzen“.

perform a task, or take action. ||タスク|||行動 provést úkol nebo akci. eine Aufgabe ausführen oder handeln.

Tim: 'Neil implemented some changes to the show.' ||implementiert||||| ||実施した|いくつかの|||| Tim: 'Neil hat einige Änderungen an der Show vorgenommen.'

Neil: The final item is 'cutting edge' - new |||||||neu ||نهائي||||| ||最終||||| Neil: Poslední položkou je "cutting edge" - nový Neil: Der letzte Punkt ist „cutting edge“ – neu Neil: Posledná položka je „špičková hrana“ – novinka

and advanced - 'This software is cutting edge.' |||State-of-the-art||| |gelişmiş||||| |||ソフトウェア||| a pokročilý - "Tento software je špičkový. und fortgeschritten - 'Diese Software ist auf dem neuesten Stand.'

Tim: 'The software uses cutting edge technology.' ||||متطورة|| |||使用する|||技術 Tim: 'Die Software verwendet modernste Technologie.' Tim: 'Softvér využíva špičkovú technológiu.'

Neil: OK - that's all we have time for on Neil: OK – das ist alles, wofür wir Zeit haben

today's cutting edge show. But please check |||||お願いだから|確認して dnešní nejmodernější přehlídka. Ale podívejte se prosím die heutige Schneideshow. Aber bitte prüfen

out our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube |||||و|يوتيوب ||インスタグラム|ツイッター|フェイスブック||

pages. Tim: Bye-bye! ||وداعًا| ページ||さようなら|

Neil: Goodbye! |さようなら