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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about artificial intelligence in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about artificial intelligence in 6 minutes - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan and joining me today is Neil. Hi Neil.

Neil: Hi Dan. What's with the protective

gear and helmet?

Dan: I'm just getting ready for the inevitable

rise of the machines. That's the takeover

of the world by artificial intelligence, or

AI, which some people predict will happen.

Neil: Inevitable means cannot be avoided or

stopped. Rise of the machines? What do you mean?

Dan: It's our topic in this 6 Minute English.

We'll be talking about that, giving you

six related pieces of vocabulary and, of course,

our regular quiz question.

Neil: That's the first thing you've said

that makes any sense. What's the question?

Dan: The word ‘robot' as we use it today

was first used in a 1920's Czech play ‘Rossum's

Universal Robots'. But before this, what

was its original meaning? a) forced labour

b) metal man c) heartless thing

Neil: I will go for a) forced labour

Dan: We'll find out if you were right or

not later in the show.

Neil: OK Dan. Tell me what's going on.

Dan: I saw a news article written by BBC technology

correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones about the

recent CES technology show in Las Vegas. He

interviewed David Hanson, founder of Hanson

Robotics, who said it was his ambition to

achieve an AI that can beat humans at any

intellectual task.

Neil: Surely it's a good thing! Better AI

and robotics could take over many of the jobs

that we don't want to do, or that are so

important to get 100% right… like air traffic

control. We'd never have another plane crash.

It would be infallible because it would be

so clever.

Dan: Infallible means never failing. And that's

what bothers me. What happens when its intelligence

surpasses ours? Why should it do what

we want it to do?

Neil: To surpass something is to do or be

better than it. Dan, you've been watching

too many movies. Robots fighting humanity

is a popular theme. Guess what… humanity

often wins. And besides, we would programme

the computer to be benevolent.

Dan: Benevolent means kind and helpful. But

that's just it, once the intelligence becomes

sentient, or able to think for itself, who

knows what it will do. We humans are not exactly

perfect, you know. What happens if it decides

that it is better than us and wants us out

of the way?

Neil: Don't worry. Asimov thought of that.

Isaac Asimov was an American science fiction

writer who, among other things, wrote about

robots. He came up with three laws that every

robot would have to follow to stop it from

acting against humanity. So we're safe!

Dan: I'm not so sure. A sentient robot could

make up its own mind about how to interpret

the laws. For example, imagine if we created

an AI system to protect all of humanity.

Neil: Well, that's great! No more war. No

more murder. No more fighting.

Dan: Do you really think that humans can stop

fighting? What if the AI decides that the

only way to stop us from hurting ourselves

and each other is to control everything we

do, so it takes over to protect us. Then we

would lose our freedom to a thing that we

created that is infallible and more intelligent

than we are! That's the end, Neil!

Neil: I think that's a little far-fetched,

which means difficult to believe. I'm sure

others don't think that way.

Dan: OK. Let's hear what the Learning English

team say when I ask them if they are worried

that AI and robots could take over the world.

Phil: Well, it's possible, but unlikely.

There will come a point where our technology

will be limited – probably before real AI

is achieved.

Sam: Never in a million years. First of all

we'd programme them so that they couldn't,

and secondly we'd beat them anyway. Haven't

you ever seen a movie?

Kee: I totally think it could happen. We

only have to make a robot that's smart enough

to start thinking for itself. After that,

who knows what it might do.

Neil: A mixed bag of opinions there, Dan.

It seems you aren't alone.

Dan: Nope. But I don't exactly have an army

of support either. I guess we'll just have

to wait and see.

Neil: Speak for yourself. I've waited long

enough – for our quiz question that is.

Dan: Oh yeah! I asked you what the original

meaning of the word ‘robot' was before

it was used in its modern form. a) forced

labour b) metal man c) heartless thing

Neil: And I said a) forced labour

Dan: And you were… right!

Neil: Shall we take a look at the vocabulary then?

Dan: OK. First we had inevitable. If something

is inevitable then it cannot be avoided or

stopped. Can you think of something inevitable, Neil?

Neil: It is inevitable that one day the Sun

will stop burning. Then we had infallible,

which means never failing. Give us an example, Dan.

Dan: The vaccine for small pox is infallible.

The natural spread of that disease has been

completely stopped. After that was surpasses.

If something surpasses something else then

it becomes better than it.

Neil: Many parents across the world hope that

their children will surpass them in wealth,

status or achievement. After that we heard

benevolent, which means kind and helpful.

Name a person famous for being benevolent, Dan.

Dan: Father Christmas is a benevolent character.

After that we heard sentient. If something

is sentient, it is able to think for itself.

Neil: Indeed. Many people wonder about the

possibility of sentient life on other planets.

Finally we heard far-fetched, which means

difficult to believe. Like that far-fetched

story you told me the other day about being

late because of a dragon, Dan.

Dan: I swear it was real! It had big sharp

teeth and everything!

Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's the end

of this 6 Minute English. Don't forget to

check out our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

pages. See you next time!

Dan: Bye!

Neil: Bye.

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Learn to talk about artificial intelligence in 6 minutes - YouTube Lernen Sie in 6 Minuten über künstliche Intelligenz zu sprechen - YouTube Aprende a hablar de inteligencia artificial en 6 minutos - YouTube Apprendre à parler d'intelligence artificielle en 6 minutes - YouTube Imparare a parlare di intelligenza artificiale in 6 minuti - YouTube 6分で学ぶ人工知能の話 - YouTube Naucz się mówić o sztucznej inteligencji w 6 minut - YouTube Aprenda a falar sobre inteligência artificial em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить об искусственном интеллекте за 6 минут - YouTube Yapay zeka hakkında 6 dakikada konuşmayı öğrenin - YouTube 6 分钟学会谈论人工智能 - YouTube 6 分鐘學會談論人工智慧 - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan and joining me today is Neil. Hi Neil. |||begleitet||||||

Neil: Hi Dan. What's with the protective ||||||schützend ||||||ochronny Neil: Ahoj Dane. Co je to s tou ochranou? نیل: سلام دن. محافظ چیه 닐: 안녕하세요, 댄. 이 보호 장치는 뭐죠?

gear and helmet? Ausrüstung und Helm||Helm Equipment|| Equipaggiamento e casco|| equipamento||capacete sprzęt|| výstroj a přilbu? equipo y casco? دنده و کلاه ایمنی؟

Dan: I'm just getting ready for the inevitable |||||||unvermeidlich |||||||unavoidable outcome Dan: 피할 수 없는 상황에 대비하는 중입니다. Dan: Po prostu przygotowuję się na nieuniknione

rise of the machines. That's the takeover ||||||Übernahme ||||||presa di controllo ||||||a tomada de poder 機械の台頭。それが引き継ぎです

of the world by artificial intelligence, or ||||künstlicher|| از جهان توسط هوش مصنوعی، یا 인공지능으로 세상을 바꾸거나

AI, which some people predict will happen. ||||vorhersagen|| ||||foresee|| 일부 사람들이 예측하는 AI가 실현될 것입니다. 一些人预测人工智能将会发生。

Neil: Inevitable means cannot be avoided or |||||vermieden werden| |||||evitato| |inevitável||||| Neil: Nie można uniknąć nieuniknionego lub

stopped. Rise of the machines? What do you mean? |a ascensão||||||| 停止了。机器的崛起?你是什么意思?

Dan: It's our topic in this 6 Minute English.

We'll be talking about that, giving you

six related pieces of vocabulary and, of course, sześć powiązanych elementów słownictwa i oczywiście,

our regular quiz question.

Neil: That's the first thing you've said Neil: 첫 번째 말씀이군요.

that makes any sense. What's the question? 말이 되나요? 질문이 뭔가요?

Dan: The word ‘robot' as we use it today Dan: 오늘날 우리가 사용하는 '로봇'이라는 단어는 다음과 같습니다. Dan: Słowo "robot", którego używamy dzisiaj

was first used in a 1920's Czech play ‘Rossum's ||||||tschechisches Theaterstück||Rossums ||||||||Rossum's Universal Robots 는 1920년대 체코 연극 '로섬'에서 처음 사용되었습니다.

Universal Robots'. But before this, what 유니버설 로봇'. 하지만 그 전에

was its original meaning? a) forced labour |||||erzwungen|Zwangsarbeit ||||||Compulsory work

b) metal man c) heartless thing |Metall|||herzlos| ||||Unfeeling| ||||sem coração|

Neil: I will go for a) forced labour Neil: wybiorę a) pracę przymusową

Dan: We'll find out if you were right or Dan: 당신이 옳았는지 아니면

not later in the show.

Neil: OK Dan. Tell me what's going on. 닐: 알았어요, 댄. 무슨 일인지 말해줘요.

Dan: I saw a news article written by BBC technology

correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones about the Korrespondent Rory Cellan-Jones über||||| corrispondente Rory Cellan-Jones|||||

recent CES technology show in Las Vegas. He kürzlich|CES-Technologiemesse|||||| |Consumer Electronics Show||||||

interviewed David Hanson, founder of Hanson ||David Hanson|||

Robotics, who said it was his ambition to ||||||Ambition in the context of "Robotics, who said it was his ambition to" can be translated to "Ziel" or "Bestreben".| Robotika, který řekl, že jeho ambicí je 로봇 공학은 다음과 같은 포부를 밝혔습니다.

achieve an AI that can beat humans at any erreichen|||||||| alcançar|||||superar||| dosáhnout umělé inteligence, která dokáže porazit člověka v jakémkoli 어떤 상황에서도 인간을 이길 수 있는 AI를 달성하세요. osiągnąć sztuczną inteligencję, która może pokonać ludzi w każdym

intellectual task. intelektuální úkol.

Neil: Surely it's a good thing! Better AI |Sicuramente|||||| |certamente|||||| Neil: 당연히 좋은 일이죠! 더 나은 AI

and robotics could take over many of the jobs a robotizace by mohla převzít mnoho pracovních míst. 로봇이 많은 일자리를 대체할 수 있습니다.

that we don't want to do, or that are so

important to get 100% right… like air traffic 항공 교통과 같이 100% 정확성을 유지하는 것이 중요합니다. ważne, aby mieć 100% racji... jak ruch lotniczy

control. We'd never have another plane crash. 통제할 수 있어요 비행기 추락 사고는 다시는 일어나지 않을 겁니다.

It would be infallible because it would be |||unfehlbar|||| |||Cannot be wrong|||| |||infalível|||| 그것은 다음과 같기 때문에 오류가 없을 것입니다.

so clever. |tão inteligente Sprytne.

Dan: Infallible means never failing. And that's |Never failing, perfect|||||

what bothers me. What happens when its intelligence |stört mich|||||| |me incomoda|||||| 나를 괴롭히는 것들. 인텔리전스가 co mnie niepokoi. Co się stanie, gdy jego inteligencja Điều gì làm tôi phiền. Điều gì xảy ra khi trí thông minh của nó

surpasses ours? Why should it do what übertrifft|||||| exceeds|||||| supera|||||| ultrapassa a nossa|||||| przewyższa|||||| 私たちを超える?なぜそれは何をすべきか 우리를 능가할까요? 왜 무엇을 해야 할까요? vượt qua chúng ta? Tại sao nó phải làm gì

we want it to do? 私たちはそれをしたいですか? 우리가 원하는 것은 무엇인가요?

Neil: To surpass something is to do or be ||übertreffen|||||| ||superare|||||| ||ultrapassar algo|||||| Neil: 무언가를 뛰어넘는다는 것은 다음을 수행하거나 Neil: Przewyższyć coś to zrobić lub być

better than it. Dan, you've been watching 그것보다 더 나은 거죠 댄, 계속 보고 있었죠?

too many movies. Robots fighting humanity 영화가 너무 많아요. 인류와 싸우는 로봇 zbyt wiele filmów. Roboty walczące z ludzkością

is a popular theme. Guess what… humanity ||||Raten Sie mal|| 는 인기 있는 테마입니다. 그거 알아?.. 인류

often wins. And besides, we would programme |gewinnt oft||||| |||inoltre||| 가 이기는 경우가 많습니다. 게다가 저희는 thường thắng. Và bên cạnh đó, chúng ta sẽ lập trình

the computer to be benevolent. ||||wohlwollend ||||benevolo ||||benevolente ||||życzliwy 컴퓨터가 자비로운 존재가 되기를 바랍니다.

Dan: Benevolent means kind and helpful. But |Kind and helpful||||| Dan: Życzliwy oznacza uprzejmy i pomocny. Ale

that's just it, once the intelligence becomes それだけです、知性が変わると 그게 바로 지능이

sentient, or able to think for itself, who fühlend, denkend||||||| Self-aware entity||||||| czujący||||||| senziente, o in grado di pensare da solo, che 지각이 있거나 스스로 생각할 수 있는 사람, 즉

knows what it will do. We humans are not exactly wie, co zrobi. My, ludzie, nie jesteśmy dokładnie biết nó sẽ làm gì. Con người chúng ta không chính xác

perfect, you know. What happens if it decides 완벽합니다. 다음과 같이 결정하면 어떻게 되나요?

that it is better than us and wants us out že je lepší než my a chce, abychom odešli. że jest lepszy od nas i chce się nas pozbyć

of the way? z cesty? 道から? 길을 비켜주실래요? drogi? của con đường?

Neil: Don't worry. Asimov thought of that. |||Asimov hat's bedacht.||| |||science fiction author||| |||Asimov||| Neil: Nebojte se. Asimov na to myslel. 닐: 걱정 마세요. 아시모프도 그렇게 생각했어. Neil: Nie martw się. Asimov o tym pomyślał.

Isaac Asimov was an American science fiction Isaac Asimov był amerykańskim pisarzem science fiction Isaac Asimov là một tác phẩm khoa học viễn tưởng của Mỹ

writer who, among other things, wrote about ||unter anderem|||| 에 대해 저술한 작가입니다. pisarz, który między innymi pisał o

robots. He came up with three laws that every roboty. Přišel se třemi zákony, které platí pro každého 로봇이죠. 그는 세 가지 법칙을 제시했습니다.

robot would have to follow to stop it from robot by musel následovat, aby se zabránilo tomu. 로봇을 따라가야 합니다.

acting against humanity. So we're safe! jednání proti lidskosti. Takže jsme v bezpečí! 인류에 반하는 행동을 하지 않습니다. 그래서 우리는 안전합니다! działając przeciwko ludzkości. Więc jesteśmy bezpieczni! hành động chống lại loài người. Vậy là chúng ta an toàn rồi!

Dan: I'm not so sure. A sentient robot could ||||||sentienten||

make up its own mind about how to interpret |sich entscheiden||||||| 해석 방법에 대해 스스로 결정

the laws. For example, imagine if we created prawa. Na przykład, wyobraźmy sobie, że stworzyliśmy

an AI system to protect all of humanity. 모든 인류를 보호하는 인공지능 시스템입니다. 一个保护全人类的人工智能系统。

Neil: Well, that's great! No more war. No

more murder. No more fighting. więcej morderstw. Koniec z walką.

Dan: Do you really think that humans can stop

fighting? What if the AI decides that the

only way to stop us from hurting ourselves ||||||uns zu verletzen| ||||||ferindo-nos| 우리가 스스로를 다치게 하는 것을 막을 수 있는 유일한 방법

and each other is to control everything we 그리고 서로가 우리의 모든 것을 통제하는 것입니다. i siebie nawzajem jest kontrolowanie wszystkiego, co

do, so it takes over to protect us. Then we ||||übernimmt||||| そうすることで、私たちを守ろうとしてくれる。そして私たちは 가 우리를 보호하기 위해 대신합니다. 그러면 우리는

would lose our freedom to a thing that we 우리의 자유를 잃게 될 것입니다.

created that is infallible and more intelligent |||unfehlbar||| |||incapable of error||| 더 정확하고 더 지능적인 것을 만들었습니다.

than we are! That's the end, Neil! 우리보다 훨씬 더! 끝났어요, 닐! niż my! To koniec, Neil!

Neil: I think that's a little far-fetched, |||||||weit hergeholt |||||||unlikely or exaggerated |||||||tirata per i capelli |||||||exagerado 닐: 그건 좀 억지스러운 것 같아요,

which means difficult to believe. I'm sure

others don't think that way.

Dan: OK. Let's hear what the Learning English Dan: OK. Posłuchajmy, co mówi Learning English

team say when I ask them if they are worried |||||||||besorgt 팀원들에게 걱정되냐고 물으면 이렇게 말합니다.

that AI and robots could take over the world. 인공지능과 로봇이 세상을 장악할 수 있다고 생각했습니다.

Phil: Well, it's possible, but unlikely. |||||unwahrscheinlich |||||improvável Phil: 가능성은 있지만 가능성은 낮습니다. 菲尔:嗯,有可能,但是可能性不大。

There will come a point where our technology 私たちの技術も、いずれは 언젠가는 우리의 기술이 我们的技术终有一天会

will be limited – probably before real AI 는 실제 AI보다 제한적일 것입니다.

is achieved. |wird erreicht |é alcançado

Sam: Never in a million years. First of all Sam: 절대 안 됩니다. 우선 山姆:永远不可能。首先

we'd programme them so that they couldn't, そうならないようにプログラムするんだ、 할 수 없도록 프로그래밍할 것입니다, 我们会给它们编程,让它们不能,

and secondly we'd beat them anyway. Haven't そして第二に、我々はいずれにせよ彼らを打ち負かすだろう。まだ và thứ hai, dù sao thì chúng tôi cũng sẽ đánh bại họ. chưa

you ever seen a movie?

Kee: I totally think it could happen. We Kee: Absolutely possible|||||||

only have to make a robot that's smart enough

to start thinking for itself. After that,

who knows what it might do. 何をするかは誰にもわからない。 谁知道它会产生什么效果。

Neil: A mixed bag of opinions there, Dan. |||Mischung|||| |||variety|||| ||uma mistura|um misto|||| ニール:いろいろな意見があるね、ダン。 尼尔:丹,大家对此的看法不一。

It seems you aren't alone. 혼자가 아닌 것 같습니다. 看来你并不孤单。

Dan: Nope. But I don't exactly have an army |Nein||||||| |Não.||||||| Dan: Nein. Aber ich habe auch nicht gerade eine Armee. ダン:いや。でも、軍隊を持っているわけじゃないんだ。

of support either. I guess we'll just have von||entweder||||| Ich schätze, wir müssen uns einfach auf die Unterstützung verlassen.

to wait and see.

Neil: Speak for yourself. I've waited long

enough – for our quiz question that is.

Dan: Oh yeah! I asked you what the original

meaning of the word ‘robot' was before

it was used in its modern form. a) forced

labour b) metal man c) heartless thing

Neil: And I said a) forced labour

Dan: And you were… right!

Neil: Shall we take a look at the vocabulary then?

Dan: OK. First we had inevitable. If something |||||unvermeidlich|| |||||inevitabile||

is inevitable then it cannot be avoided or |unvermeidlich||||||

stopped. Can you think of something inevitable, Neil? ||||||unavoidable|

Neil: It is inevitable that one day the Sun 닐: 언젠가는 태양이

will stop burning. Then we had infallible, ||||||certain to succeed 타오르는 것을 멈출 것입니다. 그러면 우리는 무결점이었습니다,

which means never failing. Give us an example, Dan. 즉, 절대 실패하지 않는다는 뜻입니다. 예를 들어 보겠습니다.

Dan: The vaccine for small pox is infallible. ||Impfstoff|||Pocken||unfehlbar ||immunization for smallpox|||infectious disease|| |||||||infallibile |||||varíola|| Dan: 천연두 백신은 완전무결한 백신입니다. Dan: Thuốc chủng ngừa bệnh đậu mùa là không thể sai lầm được.

The natural spread of that disease has been ||dissemination||||| ||a propagação|||doença|| 이 질병의 자연적인 확산은 Sự lây lan tự nhiên của căn bệnh đó đã được

completely stopped. After that was surpasses. |||||übertrifft |||||superato 완전히 멈췄습니다. 그 이후에는 놀라움이 이어졌습니다. полностью прекратилась. После этого был превзойден. hoàn toàn dừng lại. Sau đó đã vượt qua.

If something surpasses something else then ||exceeds||| ||przekracza||| 어떤 것이 다른 것을 능가하는 경우 Nếu cái gì đó vượt qua cái gì khác thì

it becomes better than it. nó trở nên tốt hơn nó.

Neil: Many parents across the world hope that Neil: Nhiều bậc cha mẹ trên khắp thế giới hy vọng rằng

their children will surpass them in wealth, ||||||Reichtum |||superarão|||riqueza 그들의 자식들이 부에서 그들을 능가할 것입니다, con cái họ sẽ giàu có hơn họ,

status or achievement. After that we heard ||Leistung|||| ||realização|||| 상태 또는 업적. 그 후 다음과 같은 소식을 들었습니다.

benevolent, which means kind and helpful. wohlwollend||||| kind and helpful||||| nhân từ, có nghĩa là tốt bụng và hữu ích.

Name a person famous for being benevolent, Dan. 자비로운 사람으로 유명한 사람 한 명을 말해보세요, 댄. 说出一位以仁慈而闻名的人的名字,丹。

Dan: Father Christmas is a benevolent character. 댄: 크리스마스 할아버지는 자비로운 캐릭터입니다.

After that we heard sentient. If something ||||fühlend|| ||||aware being|| ||||świadomy siebie||

is sentient, it is able to think for itself. có tri giác, nó có thể tự suy nghĩ.

Neil: Indeed. Many people wonder about the |In der Tat||||| 닐: 맞습니다. 많은 사람들이

possibility of sentient life on other planets. 다른 행성에 지각 있는 생명체가 존재할 가능성. khả năng có sự sống có tri giác trên các hành tinh khác. 其他星球上存在智慧生命的可能性。

Finally we heard far-fetched, which means |||weit hergeholt|abgehoben|| |||distantly related|unrealistic|| |||lontano|tirato per le|| 마침내 우리는 억지스러운 소리를 들었습니다.

difficult to believe. Like that far-fetched 믿기 어렵습니다. 믿기 어려울 정도로 khó tin. Như điều xa vời ấy

story you told me the other day about being 저번에 말씀해주셨던

late because of a dragon, Dan. spät||||| 용 때문에 늦었어, 댄. 因龙丹而迟到。

Dan: I swear it was real! It had big sharp ||schwören|||||||scharf ||promise||||||| ||juro|||||||afiado Dan: 정말 진짜였어요! 크고 날카로운

teeth and everything!

Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's the end

of this 6 Minute English. Don't forget to

check out our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube 페이스북, 트위터, 유튜브에서 확인하세요.

pages. See you next time!

Dan: Bye!

Neil: Bye.