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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), How can I help the environment? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

How can I help the environment? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello. This is 6 Minute English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: Now, tell me about your teeth-cleaning routine.

Sam: OK. Well, it's pretty good, I think.

I brush twice a day and change my brush

every couple of months.

Neil: And what kind of brush do you use?

Sam: Nothing fancy, just a regular, cheap plastic one.

Neil: Oh dear!

Sam: What do you mean?

Neil: Well, imagine all the toothbrushes you've

used in your life,

from your first brush as a child,

to the one you currently have.

You do realise that probably they all still exist

in the environment somewhere.

We use them for a couple of months yet

they will last for hundreds of years.

Sam: Oh dear, and I thought I was actually quite

environmentally aware.

But that's quite shocking. I hadn't thought of that.

Neil: Well it's just one of the problems we are

facing with our use of plastics.

A marvellous invention that has given us so much.


we are beginning to realise it's causing many

long-lasting environmental problems.

More on this topic shortly, but first, a question:

Plastic has many natural variations

but where was the first artificial plastic developed?

Was it: a) England

b) Germany or

c) Switzerland

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: I'm going to have a guess at Switzerland.

Neil: OK, we'll find out if you're right

at the end of the programme.

Environmental issues are, of course,

a big story at the moment.

The topic was featured on the BBC Woman's Hour

radio programme recently.

Madeleine Murray is from an Irish organisation that

gives advice to businesses and communities

on how to operate

in an environmentally responsible way.

She was asked about what she does in her daily life

that other people could do too.

What food items does she mention?

Madeleine Murray: My personal, like, pet peeve

is multipacks and minipacks.

I buy in bulk now. I buy the biggest yoghurt I can buy.

I buy big cereal boxes. I buy big shampoo bottles.

We can decant stuff into lunch boxes and we can,

you know, refill our pasta and our rice.

Neil: So, what food does she mention, Sam?

Sam: She talked about yoghurt, cereal, pasta and rice.

Neil: And what was she saying about those foods?

Sam: She was saying that she buys the biggest

containers for those that she can

- and not just food - things like shampoo as well.

Neil: And what's the benefit of that?

Sam: Well, she says that her pet peeve is small

packs of things.

A 'pet peeve' is something that you find

particularly annoying.

She doesn't like small packs because they use a

lot of packaging for a small amount of product.

Neil: So she buys in bulk.

Buying in bulk means 'buying a lot of something'.

And if you have a lot of something like rice or pasta,

you can always transfer it to different smaller

reusable containers.

She uses the word 'decant' for this.

So that's one area where we can all be a bit more

environmentally friendly.

Another area is reusing things that are perfectly good

but which we don't need any more.

Dr Tara Shine is a colleague of Madeleine Murray

and she talked about how new parents often

buy a lot of new things for their babies,

which they then throw away when the child

gets too big or too old.

She suggests that it's better to pass these things on

- to give them to other people.

Dr Tara Shine: Pass things on.

The hand-me-down, pass-thing-on

culture is really, really important in the world of kids

and there are lots of things that can be passed down,

whether it's toys or the equipment, or the high chair,

whatever it is, all of that can be passed on

and that's really important.

It's saving someone else money.

Most of these things are in good nick

when we need to pass them on.

Neil: She used another expression for passing things

on, didn't she?

Sam: Yes, she talked about the hand-me-down culture.

When I was growing up,

I had a lot of hand-me-downs.

These were toys and clothes from my older cousins,

which saved us a lot of money

and they were then passed on to someone else.

Neil: And the thing is children grow up quickly so

often everything is in good condition.

Sam: Dr Shine used an interesting expression for

that, didn't she?

She said most of these things are 'in good nick'.

That expression means 'in good condition'.

Neil: Now, before we recycle today's vocabulary...

Sam: Oh, very good, I see what you did there!

Neil: It's time for the answer to today's question.

Where was the first artificial plastic developed?

Was it: a) England

b) Germany or

c) Switzerland?

What did you think, Sam?

Sam: I guessed Switzerland.

Neil: Well, I'm afraid, you are wrong.

The correct answer is actually, England.

Well done if you got that right.

Extra bonus points if you knew that in 1856

Alexander Parkes patented Parkesine,

the first artificial plastic.

Now, let's recap today's words and expressions.

Sam: Yes, a pet peeve is something that someone

finds particularly annoying.

Neil: Buying in bulk means 'buying many of the same

things or a large quantity of something'.

Buying in bulk is usually cheaper

and can be better environmentally.

Sam: And if you have a lot of something, you can

decant it to smaller containers, that is,

you can transfer it to those other containers

to make it easier to use. For example:

I buy huge bottles of liquid soap

and decant it into smaller dispensers

for the kitchen and bathrooms.

Neil: You can pass on clothes, toys and other kids'

stuff to family and friends.

This means 'giving them to other people to use'.

And those things can be described as 'hand-me-downs'.

Sam: But of course you'd only want to pass on

things 'in good nick', that is, 'in good condition'.

Neil: Right, that's all we have time for. We hope

you will join us again soon, though.

And you can always find us on

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,

Instagram, online and on our app.

We are BBC Learning English.

See you soon. Good-bye!

Sam: Bye!

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How can I help the environment? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Wie kann ich der Umwelt helfen? - 6 Minuten Englisch - YouTube Comment puis-je aider l'environnement ? - L'anglais en 6 minutes - YouTube Como é que posso ajudar o ambiente? - 6 Minutos de Inglês - YouTube Çevreye nasıl yardımcı olabilirim? - 6 Minute English - YouTube 我怎样才能帮助环境? - 6 分钟英语 - YouTube 我怎樣才能幫助環境? - 6 分鐘英語 - YouTube

Neil: Hello. This is 6 Minute English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: Now, tell me about your teeth-cleaning routine. ニール:では、歯磨きのルーチンについて教えてください。 尼尔:那么,告诉我你的刷牙习惯。

Sam: OK. Well, it's pretty good, I think. 萨姆:好的。我觉得还不错。

I brush twice a day and change my brush 我一天刷两次牙,并且更换我的牙刷。

every couple of months. |||a cada dois meses 数か月ごと。 每隔几个月。

Neil: And what kind of brush do you use? 尼尔:你用什么样的刷子?

Sam: Nothing fancy, just a regular, cheap plastic one. |特別なもの||||||| 山姆:没什么特别的,就是一个普通的便宜塑料刷。

Neil: Oh dear!

Sam: What do you mean?

Neil: Well, imagine all the toothbrushes you've |||||牙刷|

used in your life, あなたの人生で使用され、

from your first brush as a child,

to the one you currently have. ||||目前的| あなたが現在持っているものに。

You do realise that probably they all still exist ||意识到|||||| ||realize|||||| あなたはおそらくそれらすべてがまだ存在していることを理解しています

in the environment somewhere. どこかの環境で。

We use them for a couple of months yet |||||||meses|ainda

they will last for hundreds of years. 彼らは何百年も続くでしょう。

Sam: Oh dear, and I thought I was actually quite

environmentally aware. 环保| 環境に配| 環境に配慮しています。

But that's quite shocking. I hadn't thought of that. |||驚くべき|||||

Neil: Well it's just one of the problems we are

facing with our use of plastics.

A marvellous invention that has given us so much. |奇妙的|发明|||||| |素晴らしい|||||||


we are beginning to realise it's causing many 多くの原因となっていることに気づき始めています

long-lasting environmental problems. 持久的环境问题。

More on this topic shortly, but first, a question: 关于这个主题稍后会有更多,但首先,一个问题:

Plastic has many natural variations ||||变种 |||自然な| プラスチックには多くの自然なバリエーションがあります 塑料有许多自然变种。

but where was the first artificial plastic developed? しかし、最初の人工プラスチックはどこで開発されましたか?

Was it: a) England

b) Germany or

c) Switzerland

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: I'm going to have a guess at Switzerland. ||||する||||

Neil: OK, we'll find out if you're right

at the end of the programme.

Environmental issues are, of course,

a big story at the moment.

The topic was featured on the BBC Woman's Hour トピックはBBCの女性の時間で特集されました

radio programme recently.

Madeleine Murray is from an Irish organisation that 玛德琳||||||| マドレーヌ・マレーはアイルランドの組織から来ました

gives advice to businesses and communities

on how to operate |||操作する 操作方法について

in an environmentally responsible way. |||eco-friendly|

She was asked about what she does in her daily life 她被问到她在日常生活中做些什么

that other people could do too. 他の人もできること。 其他人也可以做到。

What food items does she mention? 她提到哪些食物项?

Madeleine Murray: My personal, like, pet peeve ||||||烦恼 ||||||イライラすること ||||||nawyk irytujący Madeleine Murrayová: Můj osobní, jako, pet peeve マドレーヌ・マレー:私の個人的な、ペットの小便

is multipacks and minipacks. |多包装|| |マルチパック||ミニパック jsou multipacky a minipacky. マルチパックとミニパックです。

I buy in bulk now. I buy the biggest yoghurt I can buy. |||大宗||||||||| ||まとめて|||||||||| ||||||compro|||||| まとめ買いです。購入できる最大のヨーグルトを購入します。

I buy big cereal boxes. I buy big shampoo bottles. ||||||||洗发水| |||cereal||||||

We can decant stuff into lunch boxes and we can, ||移し替える|||ランチ|||| ||przelać||||||| ランチボックスに物を移すことができます。 我们可以把东西倒入午餐盒里,我们可以,

you know, refill our pasta and our rice. ||再加一些||||| ||おかわり||||| 你知道,给我们的意大利面和大米补充。

Neil: So, what food does she mention, Sam? ニール:それで、彼女はサムにどんな食べ物について言及しますか? 尼尔:那么,萨姆,她提到了什么食物?

Sam: She talked about yoghurt, cereal, pasta and rice.

Neil: And what was she saying about those foods?

Sam: She was saying that she buys the biggest

containers for those that she can 容器|||||

- and not just food - things like shampoo as well.

Neil: And what's the benefit of that? ニール:そのメリットは何ですか?

Sam: Well, she says that her pet peeve is small ||||||ペット||| サム:ええと、彼女は自分のペットのうわさが小さいと言います 萨姆:嗯,她说她的忌讳是小的

packs of things. 包裹|| 一包东西。

A 'pet peeve' is something that you find ‘忌讳’是指你觉得

particularly annoying. 特别| 特に迷惑です。 特别烦人。

She doesn't like small packs because they use a 她不喜欢小包装,因为它们使用了

lot of packaging for a small amount of product. 大量的包装来装少量的产品。

Neil: So she buys in bulk.

Buying in bulk means 'buying a lot of something'. compra||||||muito|| まとめ買いは「何かをたくさん買う」ことを意味します。

And if you have a lot of something like rice or pasta,

you can always transfer it to different smaller |||移動する||||

reusable containers.

She uses the word 'decant' for this. ||||pour out||

So that's one area where we can all be a bit more |||分野||||||||

environmentally friendly. ambientalmente|

Another area is reusing things that are perfectly good |||重复使用|||||

but which we don't need any more.

Dr Tara Shine is a colleague of Madeleine Murray |||||同僚||| タラシャイン博士はマドレーヌマレーの同僚

and she talked about how new parents often

buy a lot of new things for their babies,

which they then throw away when the child 彼らはそれから子供を捨てる 他们然后在孩子

gets too big or too old. 长得太大或太老时把它扔掉。

She suggests that it's better to pass these things on 她建议把这些东西传给别人更好

- to give them to other people.

Dr Tara Shine: Pass things on. |||物事|| ||||coisas|

The hand-me-down, pass-thing-on その||||渡す|| |||passar adiante|||

culture is really, really important in the world of kids

and there are lots of things that can be passed down, 还有很多东西可以传下来,

whether it's toys or the equipment, or the high chair, ||||||||高い| おもちゃや器材、ハイチェアなど、 无论是玩具、设备还是高脚椅,

whatever it is, all of that can be passed on 何であれ||||||||| em||||||||| 无论是什么,这一切都可以传承下去

and that's really important.

It's saving someone else money.

Most of these things are in good nick |||||の中で||状態 これらの事のほとんどは良いニックにあります

when we need to pass them on.

Neil: She used another expression for passing things ニール:彼女は物事を渡すために別の表現を使用しました

on, didn't she?

Sam: Yes, she talked about the hand-me-down culture. サム:はい、彼女はお世辞の文化について話しました。

When I was growing up,

I had a lot of hand-me-downs. |||||||旧衣物 |||||手渡しの|| 私はたくさんのお付き合いがありました。

These were toys and clothes from my older cousins, ||||roupas|de||| 这些是我表哥的玩具和衣服,

which saved us a lot of money 这节省了我们很多钱,

and they were then passed on to someone else. 然后它们又传给了其他人。

Neil: And the thing is children grow up quickly so

often everything is in good condition.

Sam: Dr Shine used an interesting expression for

that, didn't she?

She said most of these things are 'in good nick'. 她说这些东西大部分 '状态很好'。

That expression means 'in good condition'. ||||em| 这个表达的意思是 '状况良好'。

Neil: Now, before we recycle today's vocabulary... ||||復習する|| 尼尔:现在,在我们回顾今天的词汇之前……

Sam: Oh, very good, I see what you did there!

Neil: It's time for the answer to today's question.

Where was the first artificial plastic developed?

Was it: a) England

b) Germany or

c) Switzerland?

What did you think, Sam?

Sam: I guessed Switzerland. サム:スイスだと思いました。

Neil: Well, I'm afraid, you are wrong.

The correct answer is actually, England.

Well done if you got that right.

Extra bonus points if you knew that in 1856

Alexander Parkes patented Parkesine, 亚历山大||| ||特許を取得した|パーケシン Alexander Parkesが特許を取得したParkesine、

the first artificial plastic.

Now, let's recap today's words and expressions. それでは、今日の言葉と表現を要約してみましょう。

Sam: Yes, a pet peeve is something that someone サム:はい。

finds particularly annoying.

Neil: Buying in bulk means 'buying many of the same Neil:まとめて購入することは、「同じものを多く購入すること」を意味します

things or a large quantity of something'. ||||amount||

Buying in bulk is usually cheaper 通常、まとめ買いの方が安い

and can be better environmentally. |pode|||

Sam: And if you have a lot of something, you can

decant it to smaller containers, that is, pour into|||||| przelać||||||

you can transfer it to those other containers

to make it easier to use. For example:

I buy huge bottles of liquid soap

and decant it into smaller dispensers |||||分配器 |||||容器

for the kitchen and bathrooms.

Neil: You can pass on clothes, toys and other kids' |||譲る||||||

stuff to family and friends.

This means 'giving them to other people to use'.

And those things can be described as 'hand-me-downs'.

Sam: But of course you'd only want to pass on

things 'in good nick', that is, 'in good condition'. em boas condições||||||||

Neil: Right, that's all we have time for. We hope

you will join us again soon, though.

And you can always find us on そして||||||

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,

Instagram, online and on our app.

We are BBC Learning English.

See you soon. Good-bye! ||||até logo

Sam: Bye!