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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), 6 Minute English - talking about sugar - YouTube

6 Minute English - talking about sugar - YouTube

Rob: I'm Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English

– we've got a sweet topic today, and six

tempting items of vocabulary.

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil. And we're going

to be talking about sugar – which many

of us find tempting. But how much

is too much, Rob?

Rob: I don't know, Neil, but hopefully

we'll be finding that out. I must admit though –

I have a sweet tooth – and that means I like sugary things!

Neil: Me too. But something I'm always

seeing in the news these days

is that we're eating too much sugar.

And one important factor is that

sugars are sometimes hidden

in processed foods.

Rob: Processed food is any food that

has been changed in some way –

by freezing it or putting it in tins –

or by combining foods or adding chemicals.

In fact, some of the sugars we eat

are hidden in food that we think of

as healthy. Such as yoghurts,

low fat snacks, and fruit drinks.

Neil: Do you check the information

on the back of food packets, Rob? –

To see what's in them?

Rob: Yes, I do. But it can be

very confusing – there's so much information.

And I'm not always sure how much

of a certain thing is bad.

Neil: Well, that brings me onto today's

quiz question. Can you tell me, if a food

contains 5% total sugars per 100g,

is it… a) high in sugar, b) low in sugar

or c) somewhere in the middle?

Rob: I'll say low, Neil.

Neil: OK. Well, we'll find out later.

Some food products have colour coding

on the packaging to help you understand

the information, don't they? –

red for high levels of sugar, salt

or fat – orange for medium,

and green for low.

Rob: That sounds helpful. Then you can

see at a glance what's good

or bad for you.

Neil: At a glance means with a quick look.

OK, let's listen now to BBC reporter

Rajeev Gupta interviewing a man in Chester,

in the UK. He's asking him to guess

how much sugar there is in a pot

of fat-free yoghurt.

Reporter: I've actually got a pot of yoghurt

in front of me. This says 'fat-free' on it

and it's been marketed as being

quite healthy. If I was to say how much

sugar is in here, what would you say as…

say is the quantity of the tub?

Interviewee: I'd probably think maybe

a couple of teaspoonfuls, you know,

it's quite surprising how much is sugars

in all these products, isn't there?

Reporter: Well, there's

about a third of this yoghurt pot

is actually sugar.

Interviewee: To be honest, that's

quite amazing, that.

I would never have thought a third of that

would have been sugar

just by looking at it.

And it does say it's fat-free.

Neil: So the yoghurt is fat-free,

which means it doesn't contain any fat.

And the man guessed there might be

two teaspoons of sugar in the yoghurt.

Rob: That's right. And if something

is sugar-free then it doesn't contain

any sugar. But in this case,

a third of the yoghurt's content

was sugar. That, to me, sounds like

an awful lot – even for someone

with a sweet tooth like me!

Neil: OK, well, let's listen to

Dr Gunter Kuhnle.

He's a Nutritional Biochemist at

Reading University.

Dr Gunter Kuhnle: One problem we see –

nutritionists – is sort of this focusing on

any individual foods –

at one time it was that fat

has to be avoided at all costs,

now it seems to go towards sugar

and sugar is demonised and

people link it to drugs and so on.

I think this is the wrong way forward.

Individuals, yes, you should have

a balanced diet. But it is important also

to enjoy your food and not really do this

extreme focusing on one side or

one aspect and individual nutrients.

Rob: So if you avoid something

at all costs you do everything you can

to avoid it. And demonise means

to make someone or something

seem very bad.

Neil: Dr Kuhnle thinks that

totally cutting out one type of food

like this – whether it's fat or sugar –

is wrong. He thinks we should

eat a balanced diet – and enjoy

our food.

Rob: That sounds very sensible.

Now, how about telling us the answer

to today's quiz question, Neil?

Neil: Thanks for reminding me, Rob. I asked

if food contains 5% total sugars per 100g,

is it… a) high in sugar, b) low in sugar

or c) somewhere in the middle?

You said low and you were…

right! Well done!

Rob: Thank you.

Neil: If foods contain more than 22.5% total

sugars per 100g they are classified as high.

Rob: And I guess that between 5 and 22.5%

they are somewhere in the middle.

Neil: Correct! OK, shall we go

over the words we heard today?

Rob: Yep. First up – if you have

a ‘sweet tooth' it means you like sugary things.

For example, ‘My little nephew has

a sweet tooth. He eats far too many

biscuits and sweets.'

Neil: His dentist won't be pleased!

Number two – ‘processed food' is any food that

has been changed in some way – by freezing it

or putting it in tins – or by combining

foods or adding chemicals.

Rob: For example, ‘The meat in sausages

is highly processed.'

Neil: Oh dear, I didn't know that.

I'm a big fan of sausages!

Rob: Number three – ‘at a glance' –

means with a quick look.

Neil: For example, I could tell at a glance

that I wouldn't like the food

at that restaurant.'

Rob: ‘Fat-free' means without any

fat in it. For example, ‘I bought this yoghurt

because it says fat-free on the label.'

Neil: Aha – but did you realise that

a third of it was sugar! Moving on –

If you avoid something ‘at all costs'

you do everything you can to avoid it.

For example, ‘I wanted

to win the game at all costs.'

Rob: I didn't know you were so competitive, Neil!

And finally – ‘demonise' – means to make

someone or something seem very bad.

Neil: ‘Politicians shouldn't demonise

their opponents.'

Rob: They often do though, don't they?

OK. Well, that's all we have time for on

today's show. But please check out our

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and

YouTube pages.

Neil: Join us again soon! Meanwhile,

visit our website: bbclearningenglish.com,

where you'll find guides to grammar,

exercises, videos and articles to read

and improve your English.


Rob: Bye!

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6 Minute English - talking about sugar - YouTube ||||砂糖| 6 Minuten Englisch - Gespräche über Zucker - YouTube 6 Minute English - talking about sugar - YouTube 6 Minute English - hablando de azúcar - YouTube L'anglais en 6 minutes - parler du sucre - YouTube 6 Minute English - parlare di zucchero - YouTube 6 Minute English - talking about sugar - YouTube 6분 영어 - 설탕에 대해 이야기하기 - YouTube 6 Minute English - rozmowa o cukrze - YouTube 6 Minutos de Inglês - falando de açúcar - YouTube 6 Minute English - разговор о сахаре - YouTube 6 Minute English - şeker hakkında konuşmak - YouTube 6-хвилинна англійська - говоримо про цукор - YouTube 6 分钟英语 - 谈论糖 - YouTube 6 分鐘英語 - 談論糖 - YouTube

Rob: I'm Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English

– we've got a sweet topic today, and six – wir haben heute ein süßes Thema und sechs –今日は良いトピックがあります。

tempting items of vocabulary. přitažliv||| заманчивые слова||| Irresistible||| 魅力的な||| hấp dẫn||| verlockende Vokabeln. kuszące elementy słownictwa. cazip kelime dağarcığı öğeleri. 诱人的词汇。

Neil: Hello, I'm Neil. And we're going

to be talking about sugar – which many

of us find tempting. But how much |||诱人||| منا يجدها مغرية. ولكن كم 유혹을 느낍니다. 하지만 얼마나 많은

is too much, Rob? كثير جدا يا روب؟ 太多了吗,罗布?

Rob: I don't know, Neil, but hopefully ||||||うまくいけば ロブ:わかりません、ニール、でもうまくいけば

we'll be finding that out. I must admit though – |||||||musím přiznat| |||||||thú nhận| ||調べる||||必ず|認める| سنكتشف ذلك. يجب أن أعترف - das finden wir noch heraus. Ich muss allerdings zugeben – nous le découvrirons. Je dois admettre cependant - それはこれからわかることだ。しかし、私は認めなければならない。 곧 알게 될 것입니다. 하지만 인정해야 할 것은 мы это узнаем. Должен признать.

I have a sweet tooth – and that means ||||сладкоежка||| ||||甘いもの好き||| ||||ham thích đồ ngọt||| I have a sweet tooth – and that means Я очень люблю сладкое, а это значит. Tatlıya düşkünüm - ve bu da demek oluyor ki 我喜欢吃甜食——这意味着 I like sugary things! ||甘い| Я люблю сладкое!

Neil: Me too. But something I'm always Nils: Ich auch. Aber etwas bin ich immer Neil:私もそうです。でも私はいつも

seeing in the news these days 最近のニュースで見る|||ニュース|| 最近ニュースで見る

is that we're eating too much sugar. |||食べている||| 砂糖を食べすぎているのです。

And one important factor is that |||要因|| وأحد العوامل المهمة هو ذلك そして一つの重要な要素は

sugars are sometimes hidden |||ẩn giấu 隠れた砂糖|||隠された

in processed foods. |đã chế biến| |加工された|食品 في الأطعمة المصنعة. in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln. 加工食品に含まれる。 가공식품에 함유되어 있습니다.

Rob: Processed food is any food that ||加工食品|||食品| Rob : Les aliments transformés sont des aliments qui ロブ:加工食品とは、 Роб: Переработанная пища - это любая пища, которая

has been changed in some way – ||変更された||| был каким-то образом изменен - bir şekilde değiştirildi -

by freezing it or putting it in tins – |||||||plechovkách |đông lạnh||||||hộp |||||||metal containers |冷凍|||保存する|||缶 |||||||latas B. durch Einfrieren oder Einfüllen in Dosen – 冷凍するか缶に入れる 얼리거나 통에 넣어 보관하세요. заморозив или положив в банки - 冷冻或放入罐头中——

or by combining foods or adding chemicals. ||kết hợp||||hóa chất ||組み合わせる||||化学物質 または、食品を組み合わせたり、化学物質を追加したりします。 또는 식품을 결합하거나 화학 물질을 첨가하여 만들 수 있습니다. ya da gıdaları birleştirerek veya kimyasallar ekleyerek.

In fact, some of the sugars we eat |||||||食べる 実際、私たちが食べる砂糖のいくつかは 사실, 우리가 섭취하는 당분 중 일부는 Aslında, yediğimiz şekerlerin bazıları

are hidden in food that we think of sind in Lebensmitteln versteckt, an die wir denken 私たちが考える食べ物に隠されている приховані в їжі, про яку ми думаємо

as healthy. Such as yoghurts, ||||sữa chua ||||酸奶 ||||ヨーグルト 健康的。ヨーグルトなど

low fat snacks, and fruit drinks. |ít béo|đồ ăn nhẹ||| 低|低脂肪|スナック||果物| الوجبات الخفيفة قليلة الدسم ومشروبات الفاكهة. fettarme Snacks und Fruchtgetränke. 低脂肪のスナックとフルーツドリンク。 低脂零食和果汁饮料。

Neil: Do you check the information Neil||||| Neil:情報を確認しますか

on the back of food packets, Rob? – |||||упаковки продуктов| ||||packaging information|| |||||パッケージ| |||||bao bì thực phẩm| على ظهر عبوات الطعام ، روب؟ - 食べ物の袋の裏にロブ? – 식품 봉투 뒷면에 적혀 있죠, 롭? -

To see what's in them? لنرى ماذا بداخلهم؟ 무엇이 들어 있는지 확인하시겠습니까?

Rob: Yes, I do. But it can be ロブ:はい、そうです。しかしそれは

very confusing – there's so much information. |rất khó hiểu|||| |混乱させる|||| 非常に混乱します–たくさんの情報があります。 дуже заплутано - так багато інформації.

And I'm not always sure how much そして、私はいつもどれくらいかわかりません

of a certain thing is bad. لشيء معين سيء. einer bestimmten Sache ist schlecht. あることの悪い。

Neil: Well, that brings me onto today's |||||zu| |||||to| |||持ってくる||に関して| ニール:それで、今日の 尼尔:好吧,这让我想到了今天的

quiz question. Can you tell me, if a food クイズの質問。食べ物なら教えてください 测验问题。你能告诉我,如果食物

contains 5% total sugars per 100g, has 5% sugars|||| 含む|合計||あたり|グラム 100gあたり5%の総糖分を含み、 每100克含5%总糖,

is it… a) high in sugar, b) low in sugar |||高|||||| それは…a)砂糖が多い、b)砂糖が少ない 它是… a) 含糖量高,b) 含糖量低

or c) somewhere in the middle? ||どこか|||中間 またはc)途中のどこか? 或者 c) 介于两者之间?

Rob: I'll say low, Neil. ロブ:私は低く言うつもりです、ニール。

Neil: OK. Well, we'll find out later. Neil : D'accord, nous le saurons plus tard. ニール:はい。後でわかります。 Гаразд. Що ж, дізнаємося пізніше.

Some food products have colour coding |||||mã màu ||||colour|system ||||色|色分け 一部の食品には色分けがあります 일부 식품에는 색상 코딩이 있습니다. 一些食品有颜色编码

on the packaging to help you understand ||bao bì|||| ||包装||助ける|| 理解しやすいようにパッケージに

the information, don't they? – 情報ですよね? –

red for high levels of sugar, salt أحمر لمستويات عالية من السكر والملح rot für hohen Zuckergehalt, Salz 砂糖、塩のレベルが高い場合は赤

or fat – orange for medium, または脂肪–ミディアムはオレンジ、

and green for low. |緑|| 低は緑です。

Rob: That sounds helpful. Then you can |||役に立つ||| Rob:いいですね。次にできます

see at a glance what's good |||pohledem|| |tại|một||| |||quickly see|| |||一目で|| در یک نگاه ببینید چه چیزی خوب است 一目で何が良いかを見る 一眼就看出什么好

or bad for you. またはあなたのために悪い。

Neil: At a glance means with a quick look. ||||||||見る Neil:一目でわかるのは、ひと目でわかるクイックルックです。 Neil: 한눈에 파악한다는 것은 빠르게 살펴본다는 뜻입니다.

OK, let's listen now to BBC reporter |||||BBCの|BBCの記者

Rajeev Gupta interviewing a man in Chester, ||||||thành phố Chester Rajeev Gupta interviewing||||||Chester, England ラジーブ|||||| راجيف غوبتا يجري مقابلة مع رجل في تشيستر ، Rajeev Guptaがチェスターの男性にインタビューし、

in the UK. He's asking him to guess |||||||đoán در بریتانیا. از او می خواهد که حدس بزند イギリスで。彼は推測するように求めています

how much sugar there is in a pot |||||||nádoba how||||||| چقدر شکر در یک قابلمه وجود دارد 鍋に砂糖がどれくらい入っているか 锅里有多少糖

of fat-free yoghurt. |||ヨーグルト 無脂肪ヨーグルトの。 无脂酸奶。

Reporter: I've actually got a pot of yoghurt |||có||hũ|| Reporter: Ich habe tatsächlich einen Becher Joghurt レポーター:私は実際にヨーグルトのポットを持っています 기자: 사실 요거트 한 통이 있습니다.

in front of me. This says 'fat-free' on it |私の前に|||||||| جلوی من. روی آن می‌گوید «بدون چربی». 私の目の前で。これは「無脂肪」と書いてあります

and it's been marketed as being |||được quảng bá|| |||販売されて|| und es wurde so vermarktet 그리고 그것은 다음과 같이 마케팅되었습니다.

quite healthy. If I was to say how much صحي جدا. إذا كان لي أن أقول كم docela zdravé. Kdybych měl říct, kolik とても健康的です。いくら言ったら

sugar is in here, what would you say as… je zde cukr, co byste řekli jako... 砂糖はここにあります、あなたは何と言いますか…

say is the quantity of the tub? |||количество||| |||amount|||Volume of tub |||量|||バケツ ||||||tina |||số lượng|||bồn tắm قل هي كمية البانيو؟ řekněte, jaké je množství vany? Sagen Sie, ist die Menge der Wanne? 浴槽の量は何ですか? 욕조의 양이 얼마인가요? скажите количество ванны? 请问浴缸的数量是多少?

Interviewee: I'd probably think maybe インタビュイー|私はおそらく||| Befragter: Ich würde wahrscheinlich denken, vielleicht مصاحبه شونده: احتمالا فکر می کنم شاید Intervieweur : Je pense que c'est peut-être le cas. インタビュイー:多分多分思うだろう

a couple of teaspoonfuls, you know, |||một vài thìa|| |||a few teaspoons|| |||cucchiaini|| |いくつか||ティースプーン一杯|| |||cucharaditas|| بضع ملاعق صغيرة ، كما تعلم ، ein paar Teelöffel voll, weißt du, 小さじ2杯程度です 几茶匙,你知道,

it's quite surprising how much is sugars 砂糖がどれくらいあるかは驚くべきことです

in all these products, isn't there? در همه این محصولات، اینطور نیست؟ これらすべての製品にありませんか?

Reporter: Well, there's خبرنگار: خوب، وجود دارد レポーター:まあ、あります

about a third of this yoghurt pot ||một phần ba||||hũ ||三分の一|||| このヨーグルトポットの約3分の1 이 요구르트 냄비의 약 1/3 정도 około jednej trzeciej tego pojemnika na jogurt примерно треть этой кастрюли йогурта 大约三分之一的酸奶罐

is actually sugar. 実際には砂糖です。 实际上是糖。

Interviewee: To be honest, that's |||正直に| Befragter: Um ehrlich zu sein, das ist 質問者:正直なところ、

quite amazing, that. |thật tuyệt vời| |素晴らしい| ganz erstaunlich, das. かなり驚くべきことです。

I would never have thought a third of that ||||||třetina|z| ||||考えた|||| Nikdy bych si nepomyslel, že třetina z toho من هرگز یک سوم آن را فکر نمی کردم Je n'aurais jamais imaginé un tiers de cela その3分の1は考えたことがない

would have been sugar byla cukr 砂糖だったでしょう

just by looking at it. |||vào| ||見た感じ|| jen při pohledu na to. 見ただけで。 보기만 해도 기분이 좋아집니다.

And it does say it's fat-free. ||||nó|| و می گوید که بدون چربی است. Et il est indiqué qu'il n'y a pas de matières grasses. そしてそれはそれが無脂肪であると言います。

Neil: So the yoghurt is fat-free, |||||bez tuku| ニール:ヨーグルトは無脂肪です。

which means it doesn't contain any fat. ||||含まない|| つまり、脂肪は含まれていません。

And the man guessed there might be |cái||đoán||| |||推測した||| Und der Mann vermutete, dass dies der Fall sein könnte و مرد حدس زد که ممکن است وجود داشته باشد Et l'homme a deviné qu'il pourrait y avoir そして男はそこにあるかもしれないと推測した 그리고 그 남자는 E o homem adivinhou que poderia haver

two teaspoons of sugar in the yoghurt. |thìa cà ph||||| |小さじ||||| zwei Teelöffel Zucker in den Joghurt. دو قاشق چایخوری شکر در ماست. 요거트에 설탕 2티스푼을 넣습니다. duas colheres de chá de açúcar no iogurte.

Rob: That's right. And if something ロブ:そうだね。そして何か

is sugar-free then it doesn't contain 無糖の場合は含まれていません

any sugar. But in this case, هر قندی اما در این مورد، 砂糖。しかしこの場合、

a third of the yoghurt's content |||||nội dung ||||ヨーグルトの|内容 ヨーグルトの内容の3分の1

was sugar. That, to me, sounds like

an awful lot – even for someone |rất nhiều|||| |非常に多くの|||| eine Menge – sogar für jemanden خیلی افتضاح - حتی برای کسی beaucoup - même pour quelqu'un qui 누군가에게조차 끔찍한 일입니다. 非常多——甚至对某些人来说

with a sweet tooth like me! |một|hảo ngọt||| 私のような甘い歯で!

Neil: OK, well, let's listen to ニール:わかりました、まあ、聞いてみましょう Neil: OK, cóż, posłuchajmy

Dr Gunter Kuhnle. |Dr. Gunter|Dr. Gunter Kuhnle 博士|グンター|クーンレ

He's a Nutritional Biochemist at ||питательный|Он биохимик-диетолог| ||栄養の|生化学者| ||dinh dưỡng|Nhà sinh hóa din| Er ist Ernährungsbiochemiker bei او یک بیوشیمیست تغذیه در 彼はで栄養生化学者です 他是

Reading University. リーディング| レディング大学。

Dr Gunter Kuhnle: One problem we see – Doctor|||||| Dr. Gunter Kuhnle: Ein Problem sehen wir –

nutritionists – is sort of this focusing on chuyên gia dinh|||||| 栄養士|||||集中している| Ernährungswissenschaftler – konzentriert sich irgendwie darauf nutritionnistes - c'est en quelque sorte l'accent mis sur 영양사 - 이것은 일종의 초점입니다. dietetyków - jest to swego rodzaju skupienie się na 营养学家——重点关注的是

any individual foods – |個々の| أي أغذية فردية - beliebige einzelne Lebensmittel – هر غذای فردی - 모든 개별 식품 - wszelkie indywidualne produkty spożywcze - 任何个别食物 –

at one time it was that fat einmal war es so fett il fut un temps où elle était aussi grosse 한때는 그렇게 뚱뚱했었죠 有一段时间它很胖

has to be avoided at all costs, ||||||nákladech |||избегать любой ценой||| ||||at|| |||避けられなければならない|||コスト |||tránh||| ist unbedingt zu vermeiden, باید به هر قیمتی از آن اجتناب کرد، 는 어떤 대가를 치르더라도 피해야 합니다,

now it seems to go towards sugar ||ようだ|||砂糖の方へ| nyní se zdá, že směřuje k cukru jetzt scheint es in Richtung Zucker zu gehen

and sugar is demonised and |||démonizováno| |||bị quỷ hóa| |||is demonised| |||悪者にされる| a cukr je démonizován a 糖被妖魔化了,

people link it to drugs and so on. |spojují to|||||| ||||ma túy||| |関連付ける|||薬||| lidé to spojují s drogami atd. Leute verbinden es mit Drogen und so weiter. مردم آن را به مواد مخدر و غیره مرتبط می کنند. les gens l'associent à la drogue, etc. 사람들은 이를 마약과 연관 짓기도 합니다.

I think this is the wrong way forward. ||||||cách|tiến lên |||||잘못된|way| |||||||進む方向 Myslím, že to je špatná cesta vpřed. Ich denke, das ist der falsche Weg. Je pense que ce n'est pas la bonne façon de procéder. これは間違った方向だと思う。 이것은 잘못된 방법이라고 생각합니다.

Individuals, yes, you should have các cá nhân|||| 個人|||| Jednotlivci, ano, měli byste mít Einzelpersonen, ja, das sollten Sie haben افراد، بله، شما باید داشته باشید 개인, 예, 다음이 있어야 합니다. 个人,是的,你应该

a balanced diet. But it is important also |cân bằng|chế độ ăn uống||||| |バランスの取れた|食事||||| نظام حمية متوازن. لكنها مهمة أيضًا

to enjoy your food and not really do this تا از غذای خود لذت ببرید و واقعاً این کار را نکنید cieszyć się jedzeniem i tak naprawdę tego nie robić

extreme focusing on one side or cực đoan||||| 極端な||||側|

one aspect and individual nutrients. |khía cạnh|||chất dinh dưỡng |側面|||栄養素 |аспект|||питательные вещества |方面||| jeden aspekt a jednotlivé živiny. ein Aspekt und einzelne Nährstoffe. 한 가지 측면과 개별 영양소. 一个方面和个别营养素。

Rob: So if you avoid something ||||避ける| Rob: Takže když se něčemu vyhnete

at all costs you do everything you can |||||すべてのこと|| za každou cenu uděláte vše, co je ve vašich silách. به هر قیمتی هر کاری که می توانید انجام می دهید 어떤 대가를 치르더라도 최선을 다합니다.

to avoid it. And demonise means ||||妖魔化| ||||悪魔化する| ||||gán cho quỷ| aby se jí vyhnul. A démonizovat znamená 를 피할 수 있습니다. 그리고 악마화는 다음을 의미합니다.

to make someone or something

seem very bad. 見える|| se zdají být velmi špatné. خیلی بد به نظر میرسه

Neil: Dr Kuhnle thinks that

totally cutting out one type of food 完全に||||種類|| ganz auf eine Art von Essen verzichten حذف کامل یک نوع غذا supprimer totalement un type d'aliment 한 종류의 음식을 완전히 끊기 полностью исключить один вид еды

like this – whether it's fat or sugar – ||будь то|||| ||dù là||||

is wrong. He thinks we should ||彼は||| غلط است. او فکر می کند ما باید

eat a balanced diet – and enjoy

our food.

Rob: That sounds very sensible. ||||rozumné ||||hợp lý ||||sensible = reasonable ||||合理的 Rob: Das klingt sehr vernünftig. راب: این خیلی معقول به نظر می رسد. 罗布:听起来很有道理。

Now, how about telling us the answer

to today's quiz question, Neil?

Neil: Thanks for reminding me, Rob. I asked |||напоминание|||| |||思い出させてくれて|||| |||nhắc nhở|||| نیل: ممنون که به من یادآوری کردی، راب. من پرسیدم

if food contains 5% total sugars per 100g, 식품에 100g당 총 당류가 5% 함유된 경우,

is it… a) high in sugar, b) low in sugar

or c) somewhere in the middle? یا ج) جایی در وسط؟ или в) где-то посередине?

You said low and you were…

right! Well done!

Rob: Thank you. |ありがとう| راب: ممنون.

Neil: If foods contain more than 22.5% total نیل: اگر مواد غذایی حاوی بیش از 22.5 درصد کل باشد

sugars per 100g they are classified as high. |||||классифицируются как высокие|| |||||分類される|| |||||phân loại||

Rob: And I guess that between 5 and 22.5%

they are somewhere in the middle. آنها جایی در وسط هستند. 중간 어딘가에 있습니다.

Neil: Correct! OK, shall we go |||行きましょう|| Neil : C'est exact ! OK, allons-y

over the words we heard today? ||những từ|||

Rob: Yep. First up – if you have |Yes||||| Rob: 네. 먼저, 다음이 있는 경우

a ‘sweet tooth' it means you like sugary things. |||||||ngọt ngào|

For example, ‘My little nephew has ||||甥| به عنوان مثال، «برادر کوچک من دارد

a sweet tooth. He eats far too many ||||食べる||| 단 것을 좋아합니다. 너무 많이 먹습니다. сладкоежка. Он ест слишком много

biscuits and sweets.' ビスケット||お菓子

Neil: His dentist won't be pleased! ||стоматолог|||доволен |彼の|歯医者|||喜ぶだろう |||||hài lòng Neil: Sein Zahnarzt wird nicht erfreut sein! نیل: دندانپزشک او راضی نخواهد شد! Нил: Его дантист будет недоволен! 尼尔:他的牙医不会高兴的!

Number two – ‘processed food' is any food that شماره دو - "غذای فرآوری شده" هر غذایی است که

has been changed in some way – by freezing it |||||way|||

or putting it in tins – or by combining ||||cans or containers||| 또는 통조림에 넣거나, 또는

foods or adding chemicals. 식품이나 화학 물질을 첨가하지 않습니다.

Rob: For example, ‘The meat in sausages ||||||xúc xích ||||肉||ソーセージの肉 راب: به عنوان مثال، گوشت در سوسیس Rob: 예를 들어, '소시지 속 고기

is highly processed.' |非常に| ist hochverarbeitet.' '는 고도로 처리됩니다.

Neil: Oh dear, I didn't know that. Neil: Oh je, das wusste ich nicht.

I'm a big fan of sausages! |||||sausages |||ファン||

Rob: Number three – ‘at a glance' – |||||pohled |||||quick look Rob: Nummer drei – „auf einen Blick“ – راب: شماره سه - "در یک نگاه" - ロブ:その3、「一目でわかる」。 Rob: 세 번째 - '한 눈에 보기'

means with a quick look. значит с быстрым взглядом.

Neil: For example, I could tell at a glance ||||có thể|||| نیل: به عنوان مثال، من می توانم در یک نگاه بگویم Neil: 예를 들어, 한 눈에 알아볼 수 있습니다. Нил: Например, я мог с первого взгляда сказать

that I wouldn't like the food ||好きじゃない|||

at that restaurant.' ||レストラン

Rob: ‘Fat-free' means without any

fat in it. For example, ‘I bought this yoghurt ||||||買った|| چربی موجود در آن به عنوان مثال، من این ماست را خریدم

because it says fat-free on the label.' |||grasso|||| |||||||ラベル چون روی برچسب نوشته شده بدون چربی.' 라벨에 '무지방'이라고 적혀 있으니까요.

Neil: Aha – but did you realise that |||||осознавать| |I see||||| |ああ||||| Neil: 아하 - 하지만 그 사실을 알고 계셨나요?

a third of it was sugar! Moving on – ||||||次に進む| un tiers était du sucre ! On passe à autre chose - 그 중 1/3이 설탕이었습니다! 계속 진행합니다.

If you avoid something ‘at all costs' ||steer clear of||||No matter what Pokud se něčemu vyhýbáte "za každou cenu Si vous évitez quelque chose "à tout prix '어떤 대가를 치르더라도' 무언가를 피하는 경우 如果你不惜一切代价避免某事

you do everything you can to avoid it.

For example, ‘I wanted |||欲しかった

to win the game at all costs.' |勝つ||ゲーム||| 어떤 대가를 치르더라도 게임에서 이기고 싶어요. чтобы выиграть игру любой ценой ».

Rob: I didn't know you were so competitive, Neil! |||||||соревновательный| |||||||driven to win| |||||||競争心の強い| Rob: لم أكن أعلم أنك كنت تنافسيًا جدًا ، نيل! Rob: Ich wusste nicht, dass du so konkurrenzfähig bist, Neil! 罗布:尼尔,我不知道你这么有竞争力!

And finally – ‘demonise' – means to make 마지막으로 '악마화'는 다음을 의미합니다.

someone or something seem very bad. 누군가 또는 무언가가 매우 나빠 보입니다.

Neil: ‘Politicians shouldn't demonise Neil|||vilify

their opponents.' |đối thủ của họ |rivals |対戦相手

Rob: They often do though, don't they?

OK. Well, that's all we have time for on 좋아요. 오늘은 여기까지입니다.

today's show. But please check out our

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Neil: Join us again soon! Meanwhile, |||||In the meantime |参加して|||すぐに|その間 Neil: Mach bald wieder mit! In der Zwischenzeit, Neil: 곧 다시 만나 뵙겠습니다! 그동안

visit our website: bbclearningenglish.com,

where you'll find guides to grammar, kde|||||

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Rob: Bye!