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TED Talks, Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian

Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian

About a year ago, I asked myself a question: "Knowing what I know, why am I not a vegetarian?

After all, I'm one of the green guys. I grew up with hippie parents in a log cabin. I started a site called Treehugger. I care about this stuff. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day can increase my risk of dying by a third. Cruelty, I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat, are raised in factory farm conditions that we, hypocritically, wouldn't even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets. Environmentally, meat, amazingly, causes more emissions than all of transportation combined, cars, trains, planes, buses, boats, all of it. And beef production uses 100 times the water that most vegetables do. I also knew that I'm not alone.

We as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. So what was once the special, little side treat, now is the main, much more regular. So really, any of these angles should have been enough to go vegetarian. Yet, there I was, chk, chk,, chk, tucking into a big, old steak. So why was I stalling?

I realized that what I was being pitched was a binary solution. It was either you're a meat eater, or you're a vegetarian. And I guess I just wasn't quite ready. Imagine your last hamburger. (Laughter) So my common sense, my good intentions, were in conflict with my taste buds. And I'd commit to doing it later. And not surprisingly, later never came. Sound familiar? So I wondered, might there be a third solution?

And I thought about it. And I came up with one. And I've been doing it for the last year, and it's great. It's called weekday veg. The name says it all. Nothing with a face Monday through Friday. On the weekend, your choice. Simple. If you want to take it to the next level, remember, the major culprits, in terms of environmental damage and health, are red and processed meats. So you want to swap those out with some good, sustainably harvested fish. It's structured, so it ends up being simple to remember. And it's okay to break it here and there. After all, cutting five days a week is cutting 70 percent of your meat intake. The program has been great, weekday veg.

My footprint's smaller I'm lessening pollution. I feel better about the animals. I'm even saving money. Best of all, I'm healthier, I know that I'm going to live longer, and I've even lost a little weight. So please, ask yourselves, for your health, for your pocketbook, for the environment, for the animals, what's stopping you from giving weekday veg a shot?

After all, if all of us ate half as much meat, it would be like half of us were vegetarians. Thank you.


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Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian Graham Hill: Warum ich unter der Woche Vegetarier bin Graham Hill: Χιλ Hill: Γιατί είμαι χορτοφάγος τις καθημερινές Graham Hill: Por qué soy vegetariano entre semana Graham Hill : Pourquoi je suis végétarien en semaine グラハム・ヒル私が平日ベジタリアンである理由 Graham Hill: Dlaczego jestem wegetarianinem w dni powszednie Graham Hill: Porque é que sou vegetariano durante a semana Грэм Хилл: Почему я вегетарианец по будням Graham Hill: Neden hafta içi vejetaryenim? 格雷厄姆-希尔为什么我平日吃素 格雷厄姆-希尔为什么我平日吃素

About a year ago, I asked myself a question: "Knowing what I know, why am I not a vegetarian?

After all, I’m one of the green guys. I grew up with hippie parents in a log cabin. Ich bin mit Hippie-Eltern in einer Blockhütte aufgewachsen. I started a site called Treehugger. |||||Baumumarmender |||||defensor da natureza Ich habe eine Website namens Treehugger eingerichtet. I care about this stuff. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day can increase my risk of dying by a third. |||||simple|||||||||||| |||||bloß|||||||||||| |||||only one single|||||||||||| ||||||hambúrguer||||||||||| Ich wusste, dass der Verzehr eines einzigen Hamburgers pro Tag mein Sterberisiko um ein Drittel erhöhen kann. ハンバーガーを 1 日 1 個食べるだけで、死亡リスクが 3 分の 1 上昇することを知っていました。 Cruelty, I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat, are raised in factory farm conditions that we, hypocritically, wouldn’t even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets. |||||||||||||||||||||heuchlerisch||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||hipocritamente||||||||||| Grausamkeit, ich wusste, dass die 10 Milliarden Tiere, die wir jedes Jahr für Fleisch aufziehen, in Massentierhaltungsbedingungen aufgezogen werden, die wir heuchlerischerweise nicht einmal für unsere eigenen Katzen, Hunde und andere Haustiere in Betracht ziehen würden. 残酷さ、私たちが毎年肉用に飼育している100億頭の動物は、偽善的に、私たち自身の猫、犬、その他のペットのためにさえ考慮しない工場農場の条件で飼育されていることを知っていました. Жестокость, я знал, что 10 миллиардов животных, которые мы выращиваем каждый год для мяса, выращиваются в условиях фермерских хозяйств, которые мы, лицемерно, даже не рассматриваем для наших собственных кошек, собак и других домашних животных. 残酷,我知道我们每年饲养的100亿只肉类动物是在工厂化农场条件下饲养的,我们虚伪地甚至不考虑自己养猫,狗和其他宠物。 Environmentally, meat, amazingly, causes more emissions than all of transportation combined, cars, trains, planes, buses, boats, all of it. Unter Umweltgesichtspunkten verursacht Fleisch erstaunlicherweise mehr Emissionen als der gesamte Verkehr, also Autos, Züge, Flugzeuge, Busse, Boote, alles zusammen. And beef production uses 100 times the water that most vegetables do. また、牛肉の生産には、ほとんどの野菜の 100 倍の水が使用されます。 I also knew that I’m not alone. Ich wusste auch, dass ich nicht allein bin.

We as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. Wir als Gesellschaft essen doppelt so viel Fleisch wie in den 50er Jahren. 私たち社会は、50 年代の 2 倍の肉を食べています。 So what was once the special, little side treat, now is the main, much more regular. Was früher ein besonderer, kleiner Leckerbissen war, ist jetzt die Hauptmahlzeit, die viel regelmäßiger ist. То, что когда-то было особенным, небольшим побочным лакомством, теперь является основным, гораздо более регулярным. So really, any of these angles should have been enough to go vegetarian. 本当に、これらの角度のどれでも、菜食主義者になるのに十分だったはずです. Yet, there I was, chk, chk,, chk, tucking into a big, old steak. |||||||hineinbeißen||||| ||||chk|||saboreando||||| Und doch war ich da und aß ein großes, altes Steak. それでも、私は、chk、chk、、chk、大きな古いステーキに押し込まれました。 No entanto, lá estava eu, chk, chk,, chk, comendo um bife grande e velho. Тем не менее, я был, ЧК, ЧК, ЧК, заправляя большой, старый стейк. 但是,我在那儿塞进一块大的旧牛排里。 So why was I stalling? Warum habe ich sie also hingehalten? では、なぜ私は失速していたのでしょうか。 Então, por que eu estava protelando? Так почему я остановился? 那我为什么要拖延呢?

I realized that what I was being pitched was a binary solution. ||||||||||binaire| ||||||||||two-option| Mir wurde klar, dass man mir eine binäre Lösung vorschlug. 私が売り込んでいたのは、バイナリ ソリューションであることに気付きました。 Percebi que o que estava sendo proposto era uma solução binária. Я понял, что то, что я получил, было бинарным решением. 我意识到我被推销的是一个二元解决方案。 It was either you’re a meat eater, or you’re a vegetarian. ||||||comedora|||| Это либо вы едите мясо, либо вегетарианец. And I guess I just wasn’t quite ready. И я думаю, я просто не был готов. Imagine your last hamburger. (Laughter) So my common sense, my good intentions, were in conflict with my taste buds. ||||||||||||||taste receptors (笑い)それで、私の常識、私の善意は、私の味蕾と矛盾していました。 (Risos) Então meu bom senso, minhas boas intenções, estavam em conflito com minhas papilas gustativas. (Смех). Поэтому мой здравый смысл, мои благие намерения вступали в конфликт с моими вкусовыми рецепторами. And I’d commit to doing it later. ||promise|||| そして、私は後でそれをすることを約束します。 And not surprisingly, later never came. そして当然のことながら、その後は決して来ませんでした。 И что неудивительно, позже так и не пришло. Sound familiar? おなじみですか? So I wondered, might there be a third solution? だから私は、3番目の解決策があるのではないかと考えました. Я подумал: а может ли быть третье решение?

And I thought about it. And I came up with one. И я придумал один. And I’ve been doing it for the last year, and it’s great. It’s called weekday veg. The name says it all. Nothing with a face Monday through Friday. Ничего с лицом с понедельника по пятницу. 周一至周五,全都没脸。 On the weekend, your choice. На выходных ваш выбор. Simple. If you want to take it to the next level, remember, the major culprits, in terms of environmental damage and health, are red and processed meats. |||||||||||||Ursachen|||||||||||| |||||||||||||main offenders|||||||||||| |||||||||||||culpados|||||||||||| Wenn Sie es auf die Spitze treiben wollen, denken Sie daran, dass rote und verarbeitete Fleischsorten die Hauptverursacher von Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschäden sind. それを次のレベルに引き上げたい場合は、環境へのダメージと健康の観点から、主な原因は赤身の加工肉であることを忘れないでください。 Se você quiser levar isso para o próximo nível, lembre-se, os maiores culpados, em termos de danos ambientais e de saúde, são as carnes vermelhas e processadas. Если вы хотите поднять его на следующий уровень, помните, что основными виновниками, с точки зрения ущерба окружающей среде и здоровья, являются красное и переработанное мясо. So you want to swap those out with some good, sustainably harvested fish. Deshalb sollten Sie diese gegen guten, nachhaltig geernteten Fisch austauschen. それで、あなたはそれらをいくつかの良い、持続可能な方法で収穫された魚と交換したいと思います。 Então você quer trocá-los por alguns bons peixes colhidos de forma sustentável. It’s structured, so it ends up being simple to remember. |||||||||se souvenir 構造化されているので、覚えやすいです。 Он структурирован, поэтому его легко запомнить. And it’s okay to break it here and there. After all, cutting five days a week is cutting 70 percent of your meat intake. ||||per week||||||||| Afinal, cortar cinco dias por semana é cortar 70% da ingestão de carne. В конце концов, резка пять дней в неделю сокращает потребление мяса на 70 процентов. The program has been great, weekday veg. Программа была отличной, будни вег.

My footprint’s smaller I’m lessening pollution. |pegada|||| Mein Fußabdruck ist kleiner, ich verringere die Umweltverschmutzung. Minha pegada é menor, estou diminuindo a poluição. Мой след меньше, я уменьшаю загрязнение. I feel better about the animals. I’m even saving money. Best of all, I’m healthier, I know that I’m going to live longer, and I’ve even lost a little weight. 何よりも、私はより健康で、私は長生きすることを知っており、少し体重も減っています。 So please, ask yourselves, for your health, for your pocketbook, for the environment, for the animals, what’s stopping you from giving weekday veg a shot? |||||||||carteira||||||||||||||| だから、あなた自身、あなたの健康、あなたの手帳、環境、動物のために、平日野菜を注射するのを妨げているものは何ですか? Então, por favor, perguntem a si mesmos, pela sua saúde, pelo seu bolso, pelo meio ambiente, pelos animais, o que o impede de dar uma chance aos vegetais durante a semana? Поэтому, пожалуйста, спросите себя, о вашем здоровье, о вашем кошельке, об окружающей среде, о животных, что мешает вам сделать уик-энд в будний день?

After all, if all of us ate half as much meat, it would be like half of us were vegetarians. Thank you.
