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TED Talks, Al Gore's new thinking on the climate crisis

Al Gore's new thinking on the climate crisis

I have given the slide show that I gave here two years ago about 2,000 times.

I'm giving a short slide show this morning that I'm giving for the very first time, so -- well it's -- I don't want or need to raise the bar; I'm actually trying to lower the bar. Because I've cobbled this together to try to meet the the challenge of this session. And I was reminded by Karen Armstrong's fantastic presentation that religion really properly understood is not about belief, but about behavior. Perhaps we should say the same thing about optimism. How dare we be optimistic? Optimism is sometimes characterized as a belief, an intellectual posture. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "You must become the change you wish to see in the world." And the outcome about which we wish to be optimistic is not going to be created by the belief alone, except to the extent that the belief brings about new behavior. But the word "behavior" is also, I think, sometimes misunderstood in this context. I'm a big advocate of changing the light bulbs and buying hybrids, and Tipper and I put 33 solar panels on our house, and dug the geothermal wells, and did all of that other stuff. But, as important as it is to change the light bulbs, it is more important to change the laws. And when we change our behavior in our daily lives, we sometimes leave out the citizenship part and the democracy part. In order to be optimistic about this, we have to become incredibly active as citizens in our democracy. In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to solve the democracy crisis. And we have one. I have been trying to tell this story for a long time.

I was reminded of that recently by a woman who walked past the table I was sitting at, just staring at me as she walked past. She was in her '70s, looked like she had a kind face. I thought nothing of it until I saw from the corner of my eye she was walking from the opposite direction, also just staring at me. And so I said, "How do you do?" And she said, "You know, if you dyed your hair black, you would look just like Al Gore." (Laughter) Many years ago, when I was a young congressman, I spent an awful lot of time dealing with the challenge of nuclear arms control -- the nuclear arms race.

And the military historians taught me during that quest that military conflicts are typically put into three categories: local battles, regional or theater wars, and the rare but all-important global, world war. Strategic conflicts. And each level of conflict requires a different allocation of resources a different approach, a different organizational model. Environmental challenges fall into the same three categories, and most of what we think about are local environmental problems: air pollution, water pollution, hazardous waste dumps. But there are also regional environmental problems, like acid rain from the Midwest to the Northeast, and from Western Europe to the Arctic, and from the Midwest out the Mississippi into the dead zone of the Gulf of Mexico. And there are lots of those. But the climate crisis is the rare but all-important global, or strategic, conflict. Everything is affected. And we have to organize our response appropriately. We need a worldwide, global mobilization for renewable energy, conservation, efficiency and a global transition to a low-carbon economy. We have work to do. And we can mobilize resources and political will. But the political will has to be mobilized in order to mobilize the resources. Let me show you these slides here.

I thought I would start with the logo. What's missing here, of course, is the North Polar ice cap. Greenland remains. 28 years ago, this is what the polar ice cap -- the North Polar ice cap -- looked like at the end of the summer at the fall equinox. This last fall, I went to the Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and talked to the researchers here in Monterey at the Naval Postgraduate Laboratory. This is what's happened in the last 28 years. To put it in perspective, 2005 was the previous record. Here's what happened last fall that has really unnerved the researchers. The North Polar ice cap is the same size geographically. Doesn't look quite the same size, but it is exactly the same size as the United States, minus an area roughly equal to the state of Arizona. The amount that disappeared in 2005 was equivalent to everything east of the Mississippi. The extra amount that disappeared last fall was equivalent to this much. It comes back in the winter, but not as permanent ice: as thin ice. Vulnerable. The amount remaining could be completely gone in summer in as little as five years. That puts a lot of pressure on Greenland. Already, around the Arctic circle -- this is a famous village in Alaska. This is a town in Newfoundland. Antarctica. Latest studies from NASA. The amount of a moderate-to-severe snow melting of an area equivalent to the size of California. "They were the best of times, they were the worst of times": the most famous opening sentence in English literature. I want to share briefly a "Tale of Two Planets." Earth and Venus are exactly the same size. Earth's diameter is about 400 kilometers larger, but essentially the same size. They have exactly the same amount of carbon. But the difference is, on Earth, most of the carbon has been leeched over time out of the atmosphere, deposited in the ground as coal, oil, natural gas, etc. On Venus, most of it is in the atmosphere. The difference is that our temperature is 59 degrees on average. On Venus, it's 855. This is relevant to our current strategy of taking as much carbon out of the ground as quickly as possible and putting it into the atmosphere. It's not because Venus is slightly closer to the Sun. It's three times hotter than Mercury, which is right next to the sun. Now, briefly, here's an image you've seen as one of the only old images, but I show it because I want to briefly give you CSI: Climate. The global scientific community says, man-made global warming pollution, put into the atmosphere, thickening this, is trapping more of the outgoing infrared.

You all know that. At the last IPCC summary, the scientists wanted to say, "How certain are you?" They wanted to answer that "99 percent." The Chinese objected, and so the compromise was "more than 90 percent." Now, the skeptics say, "Oh, wait a minute, this could be variations in the -- in this energy coming in from the sun." If that were true, the stratosphere would be heated as well as the lower atmosphere, if it's more coming in. If it's more being trapped on the way out, then you would expect it to be warmer here and cooler here. Here is the lower atmosphere. Here's the stratosphere: cooler. CSI: Climate. Now, here's the good news.

68 percent of Americans now believe that human activity is responsible for global warming. 69 percent believe that the Earth is heating up in a significant way. There has been progress, but here is the key: when given a list of challenges to confront, global warming is still listed at near the bottom. What is missing is a sense of urgency. If you agree with the factual analysis, but you don't feel the sense of urgency, where does that leave you? Well, the Alliance for Climate Protection, which I head in conjunction with CurrentTV -- who did this pro-bono, did a worldwide contest to do commercials on how to communicate this. This is the winner. NBC -- I'll show all of the networks here -- the top journalists for NBC asked 956 questions in 2007 of the presidential candidates: two of them were about the climate crisis.

ABC: 844 questions, two about the climate crisis. Fox: two. CNN: two. CBS: zero. From laughs to tears. This is one of the older tobacco commercials. So here's what we're doing. This is gasoline consumption in all of these countries. And us. But it's not just the developed nations. The developing countries are now following us and accelerating their pace. And actually, their cumulative emissions this year are the equivalent to where we were in 1965. And they're catching up very dramatically. The total concentrations: by 2025, they will be essentially where where we were in 1985. If the wealthy countries were completely missing from the picture, we would still have this crisis. But we have given to the developing countries the technologies and the ways of thinking that are creating the crisis. This is in Bolivia. Over -- over thirty years. This is peak fishing in a few seconds.

The '60s. '70s. '80s. '90s. We have to stop this. And the good news is that we can. We have the technologies. We have to have a unified view of how to go about this: the struggle against poverty in the world and the challenge of cutting wealthy country emissions, all has a single, very simple solution. People say, "What's the solution?

Here it is. Put a price on carbon. We need a CO2 tax, revenue-neutral, to replace taxation on employment, which was invented by Bismark -- and some things have changed since the 19th century. In the poor world, we have to integrate the responses to poverty with the solutions to the climate crisis. Plans to fight poverty in Uganda are mooted if we do not solve the climate crisis. But responses can actually make a huge difference in the poor countries.

This is a proposal that has been talked about a lot in Europe. This was from Nature Magazine. These are concentrating solar renewable-energy plants, linked in a so-called supergrid to supply all of the electrical power to Europe, largely from developing countries. High-voltage DC currents. This is not "pie in the sky;" this can be done. We need to do it for our own economy.

The latest figures show that the old model is not working. There are a lot of great investments that you can make. If you are investing in tar sands or shale oil, then you have a portfolio that is crammed with sub-prime carbon assets. And it is based on an old model. Junkies find veins in their toes when the ones in their arms and their legs collapse. Developing tar sands and coal shale is the equivalent. Here are just a few of the investments that I personally think make sense. I have a stake in these, so I'll have a disclaimer there. But geothermal, concentrating solar, advanced photovaltaics, efficiency and conservation. You've seen this slide before, but there's a change.

The only two countries that didn't ratify -- and now there's only one. Australia had an election. And there was a campaign in Australia that involved television and Internet and radio commercials to lift the sense of urgency for the people there. And we trained 250 people to give the slide show in every town and village and city in Australia. Lot of other things contributed to it, but the new Prime Minister announced that his very first priority would be to change Australia's position on Kyoto, and he has. Now, they came to an awareness partly because of the horrible drought that they had. This is Lake Lanier. My friend Heidi Cullins said that if we gave droughts names the way we give hurricanes names, we'd call the one in the southeast now Katrina, and we would say it's headed toward Atlanta. We can't wait for the kind of draught Australia had to change our political culture. Here's more good news. The cities supporting Kyoto in the U.S. are up to 780 -- and I thought I saw one go by there, just to localize this. Which is good news. Now to close, we heard a couple of days ago about the value of making individual heroism so commonplace that it becomes banal or routine.

What we need is another hero generation. Those of us who are alive in the United States of America today especially, but also the rest of the world, have to somehow understand that history has presented us with a choice -- just as Jill Bolte Taylor was figuring out how to save her life while she was distracted by the amazing experience that she was going through. We now have a culture of distraction. But we have a planetary emergency. And we have to find a way to create, in the generation of those alive today, a sense of generational mission. I wish I could find the words to convey this. This was another hero generation that brought democracy to the planet. Another that ended slavery. And that gave women the right to vote. We can do this. Don't tell me that we don't have the capacity to do it. If we had just one week's worth of what we spend on the Iraq war, we could be well on the way to solving this challenge. We have the capacity to do it. One final point.

I'm optimistic, because I believe we have the capacity, at moments of great challenge, to set aside the causes of distraction and rise to the challenge that history is presenting to us. Sometimes I hear people respond to the disturbing facts of the climate crisis by saying, "Oh, this is so terrible. What a burden we have." I would like to ask you to re-frame that. How many generations in all of human history have had the opportunity to rise to a challenge that is worthy of our best efforts? A challenge that can pull from us more than we knew we could do? I think we ought to approach this challenge with a sense of profound joy and gratitude that we are the generation about which, a thousand years from now, philharmonic orchestras and poets and singers will celebrate by saying, they were the ones that found it within themselves to solve this crisis and lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future. Let's do that.

Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: For so many people at TED, there is deep pain that basically a design issue -- at the end of the day, a design issue on a voting form -- one bad design issue meant that your voice wasn't being heard like that in the last eight years in a position where you could make these things come true. That hurts. Al Gore: You have no idea.

(Laughter) CA: When you look at what the leading candidates in your own party are doing now -- I mean, there's -- are you excited by their plans on global warming?

AG: The answer to the question is hard for me because, on the one hand, I think that we should feel really great about the fact that the Republican nominee -- certain nominee -- John McCain, and both of the finalists for the Democratic nomination -- all three have a very different and forward-leaning position on the climate crisis. All three have offered leadership, and all three are very different from the approach taken by the current administration. And I think that all three have also been responsible in putting forward plans and proposals. But the campaign dialogue that -- as illustrated by the questions -- that was put together by the League of Conservation Voters, by the way, the analysis of all the questions -- and, by the way, the debates have all been sponsored by something that goes by the Orwellian label, "Clean Coal." Has anybody noticed that? Every single debate has been sponsored by "Clean Coal." "Now, even lower emissions! The richness and fullness of the dialogue in our democracy has not laid the basis for the kind of bold initiative that is really needed.

So they're saying the right things and they may -- whichever of them is elected -- may do the right thing, but let me tell you: when I came back from Kyoto in 1997 with a feeling of great happiness that we'd gotten that breakthrough there, and then confronted the United States Senate, only one out of 100 senators was willing to vote to confirm, to ratify that treaty. Whatever the candidates say has to be laid alongside what the people say. This challenge is part of the fabric of our whole civilization.

CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally. And now we mechanized that process. Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past. So that's why I began by saying, be optimistic in what you do, but be an active citizen Demand -- change the light bulbs, but change the laws. Change the global treaties. We have to speak up. We have to solve this democracy -- this -- We have sclerosis in our democracy. And we have to change that. Use the Internet. Go on the Internet. Connect with people. Become very active as citizens. Have a moratorium -- we shouldn't have any new coal fire generating plants that aren't able to capture and store CO2. Which means we have to quickly build these renewable sources. Now, nobody is talking on that scale. But I do believe that between now and November, it is possible. This Alliance for Climate Protection is going to launch a nationwide campaign -- grassroots mobilization, television ads, Internet ads, radio, newspaper -- with partnerships with everybody from the Girl Scouts to the hunters and fishermen. We need help.

We need help.

CA: In terms of your own personal role going forward, Al, is there something more than that you would like to be doing?

AG: I have prayed that I would be able to find the answer to that question.

What can I do? Buckminster Fuller once wrote, "If the future of all human civilization depended on me, what would I do? How would I be?" It does depend on all of us, but again, not just with the light bulbs. We, most of us here, are Americans. We have a democracy. We can change things, but we have to actively change. What's needed really is a higher level of consciousness. And that's hard to -- that's hard to create -- but it is coming. There's an old African proverb that some of you know that says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." We have to go far quickly. So we have to have a change in consciousness. A change in commitment. A new sense of urgency. A new appreciation for the privilege that we have of undertaking this challenge. CA: Al Gore, thank you so much for coming to TED.

AG: Thank you.

Thank you very much.

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Al Gore's new thinking on the climate crisis |戈尔|||||| |Gore|||||| Al Gore's neue Überlegungen zur Klimakrise Ο νέος τρόπος σκέψης του Αλ Γκορ για την κλιματική κρίση Las nuevas ideas de Al Gore sobre la crisis climática La nouvelle vision d'Al Gore sur la crise climatique Il nuovo pensiero di Al Gore sulla crisi climatica アル・ゴア氏の気候危機に対する新しい考え方 Nowe spojrzenie Ala Gore'a na kryzys klimatyczny O novo pensamento de Al Gore sobre a crise climática Новое мышление Эла Гора о климатическом кризисе Al Gore'un iklim krizi konusundaki yeni düşüncesi 戈尔对气候危机的新思考 高爾對氣候危機的新思考

I have given the slide show that I gave here two years ago about 2,000 times. ||||幻灯片|||||||||| Ich habe die Diashow, die ich hier vor zwei Jahren gegeben habe, ungefähr 2.000 Mal gegeben. 私は2年前にここで与えたスライドショーを約2,000回与えました。 Apresentei a apresentação de slides que apresentei aqui há dois anos cerca de 2.000 vezes. Burada iki yıl önce yaptığım slayt gösterisini yaklaşık 2.000 kez verdim. 我给了我两年前在这里进行的幻灯片演示大约2,000次。

I’m giving a short slide show this morning that I’m giving for the very first time, so -- well it’s -- I don’t want or need to raise the bar; I’m actually trying to lower the bar. Esta mañana daré una breve presentación de diapositivas que haré por primera vez, así que... bueno, no quiero ni necesito subir el listón; De hecho, estoy intentando bajar el listón. 私は今朝、私が最初に与えている短いスライドショーをしています。そうです、私はバーを上げたくない、またはバーを上げる必要はありません。私は実際にバーを下げようとしています。 Сегодня утром я показываю короткое слайд-шоу, которое показываю впервые, так что - ну, это - я не хочу и не нуждаюсь в повышении планки; Я действительно пытаюсь снизить планку. Bu sabah ilk kez yaptığım kısa bir slayt gösterisi yapıyorum, bu yüzden -- peki -- çıtayı yükseltmek istemiyorum veya buna ihtiyacım yok; Aslında çıtayı düşürmeye çalışıyorum. 今天早上我要给我做一个简短的幻灯片放映,这是我第一次来,所以-好吧-我不想或不需要提高标准。我实际上是想降低门槛。 今天早上我要给我做一个简短的幻灯片放映,这是我第一次来,所以-好吧-我不想或不需要提高标准。我实际上是想降低门槛。 Because I’ve cobbled this together to try to meet the the challenge of this session. ||拼凑|||||||||||| |porque eu criei isso rapidamente para tentar atender ao desafio desta sessão.|juntei|||||||||desafio||| Porque he preparado esto para tratar de enfrentar el desafío de esta sesión. Потому что я собрал все это вместе, чтобы попытаться решить задачу этого сеанса. Çünkü bu seansın zorluğunu karşılamak için bunu bir araya getirdim. 因为我已经将这些拼凑在一起,以尝试应对本届会议的挑战。 And I was reminded by Karen Armstrong’s fantastic presentation that religion really properly understood is not about belief, but about behavior. ||||||||||宗教|||||||||| Y la fantástica presentación de Karen Armstrong me recordó que la religión realmente entendida correctamente no se trata de creencias, sino de comportamiento. Фантастическая презентация Карен Армстронг напомнила мне, что правильное понимание религии заключается не в вере, а в поведении. Ve Karen Armstrong'un fantastik sunumu bana, dinin gerçekten doğru bir şekilde anlaşılmasının inançla değil, davranışla ilgili olduğunu hatırlattı. Perhaps we should say the same thing about optimism. How dare we be optimistic? ¿Cómo nos atrevemos a ser optimistas? Как мы смеем быть оптимистами? İyimser olmaya nasıl cüret ederiz? Optimism is sometimes characterized as a belief, an intellectual posture. Optimismus wird manchmal als Glaube, als intellektuelle Haltung charakterisiert. Оптимизм иногда называют убеждением, интеллектуальной позицией. İyimserlik bazen bir inanç, entelektüel bir duruş olarak nitelendirilir. 乐观有时被描述为一种信念,一种理性的姿态。 As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, "You must become the change you wish to see in the world." |Mahatma||||||||||||||| Wie Mahatma Gandhi berühmt sagte: "Sie müssen die Veränderung werden, die Sie in der Welt sehen möchten." Como el famoso Mahatma Gandhi dijo: "Debes convertirte en el cambio que deseas ver en el mundo". マハトマ・ガンジーの有名な言葉に、"You must become the change you wish to see in the world "というのがあります。 Как хорошо сказал Махатма Ганди: «Вы должны стать тем изменением, которое вы хотите видеть в мире». Mahatma Gandhi'nin meşhur dediği gibi, "Dünyada görmek istediğiniz değişim olmalısınız." 正如圣雄甘地曾说过的那样:“您必须成为您希望在世界上看到的改变。” And the outcome about which we wish to be optimistic is not going to be created by the belief alone, except to the extent that the belief brings about new behavior. Und das Ergebnis, über das wir optimistisch sein wollen, wird nicht allein durch den Glauben geschaffen, außer in dem Maße, in dem der Glaube neues Verhalten hervorruft. そして、楽観的でありたいと願う結果は、信念が新たな行動をもたらす程度を除けば、信念だけでは生まれないのです。 И результат, в отношении которого мы хотим быть оптимистами, не будет создан одной только верой, за исключением той степени, в которой вера вызывает новое поведение. Ve hakkında iyimser olmayı dilediğimiz sonuç, inancın yeni davranışlara yol açması dışında, tek başına inanç tarafından yaratılmayacaktır. But the word "behavior" is also, I think, sometimes misunderstood in this context. Aber das Wort "Verhalten" wird in diesem Zusammenhang auch manchmal missverstanden. しかし、「行動」という言葉も、この文脈では誤解されることがあると思います。 Но слово «поведение» также, я думаю, иногда неправильно понимается в этом контексте. Ancak "davranış" kelimesinin de bu bağlamda bazen yanlış anlaşıldığını düşünüyorum. I’m a big advocate of changing the light bulbs and buying hybrids, and Tipper and I put 33 solar panels on our house, and dug the geothermal wells, and did all of that other stuff. |||||||||||混合动力车||提普||||||||||||地热|||||||| |||||||||||Hybride||Tipper|||||||||||||||||||| Ich bin ein großer Befürworter des Austauschs der Glühbirnen und des Kaufs von Hybriden, und Tipper und ich haben 33 Sonnenkollektoren in unser Haus eingebaut, die geothermischen Brunnen gegraben und all diese anderen Dinge getan. Soy un gran defensor de cambiar las bombillas y comprar híbridos, y Tipper y yo instalamos 33 paneles solares en nuestra casa, cavamos los pozos geotérmicos e hicimos todo eso. 私は電球の交換やハイブリッド車の購入を強く推奨しています。ティッパーと私は、家に33枚のソーラーパネルを設置し、地熱の井戸を掘りました。 Я большой сторонник замены лампочек и покупки гибридов, и мы с Типпером установили 33 панели солнечных батарей в нашем доме, вырыли геотермальные колодцы и сделали все остальное. Ampulleri değiştirmenin ve hibrit satın almanın büyük bir savunucusuyum ve Tipper ve ben evimize 33 güneş paneli koyduk, jeotermal kuyuları kazdık ve diğer tüm şeyleri yaptık. 我是更换灯泡和购买混合动力汽车的大力倡导者,而蒂珀和我在房子上放了33块太阳能电池板,挖了地热井,并做了其他所有事情。 But, as important as it is to change the light bulbs, it is more important to change the laws. |como||||||mudar||||||||||| Aber so wichtig es ist, die Glühbirnen zu wechseln, so wichtig ist es, die Gesetze zu ändern. しかし、電球を変えることも大切ですが、法律を変えることはもっと大切です。 Но, как ни важно заменить лампочки, гораздо важнее изменить законы. Ama ampulleri değiştirmek ne kadar önemliyse, kanunları değiştirmek de o kadar önemlidir. And when we change our behavior in our daily lives, we sometimes leave out the citizenship part and the democracy part. ||||||||||||deixamos|||cidadania||||| Und wenn wir unser Verhalten in unserem täglichen Leben ändern, lassen wir manchmal den Teil Staatsbürgerschaft und Demokratie weg. Y cuando cambiamos nuestro comportamiento en nuestra vida diaria, a veces dejamos de lado la parte de ciudadanía y la parte de democracia. そして、日常生活の中で行動を変えるとき、市民権の部分や民主主義の部分を省いてしまうことがあるのです。 И когда мы меняем свое поведение в повседневной жизни, мы иногда не учитываем гражданство и демократию. Ve günlük hayatımızda davranışlarımızı değiştirdiğimizde bazen vatandaşlık kısmını ve demokrasi kısmını atlıyoruz. 当我们改变日常生活中的行为时,有时会忽略公民身份部分和民主部分。 In order to be optimistic about this, we have to become incredibly active as citizens in our democracy. Um diesbezüglich optimistisch zu sein, müssen wir als Bürger unserer Demokratie unglaublich aktiv werden. Чтобы с оптимизмом относиться к этому, мы должны стать невероятно активными гражданами нашей демократии. Bu konuda iyimser olmak için, vatandaşlar olarak demokrasimizde inanılmaz derecede aktif olmalıyız. In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to solve the democracy crisis. İklim krizini çözmek için demokrasi krizini çözmek zorundayız. And we have one. Und wir haben einen. Ve bizde bir tane var. I have been trying to tell this story for a long time. Ich habe lange versucht, diese Geschichte zu erzählen. Uzun zamandır bu hikayeyi anlatmaya çalışıyorum.

I was reminded of that recently by a woman who walked past the table I was sitting at, just staring at me as she walked past. |estava|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich wurde kürzlich von einer Frau daran erinnert, die an dem Tisch vorbeiging, an dem ich saß, und mich nur anstarrte, als sie vorbeiging. Мне об этом напомнила недавно женщина, которая прошла мимо стола, за которым я сидел, просто глядя на меня, когда она проходила мимо. Geçenlerde oturduğum masanın yanından geçen bir kadın bana öylece bakarak yanımdan geçerken bunu hatırlattı. She was in her '70s, looked like she had a kind face. Sie war in den Siebzigern und sah aus, als hätte sie ein freundliches Gesicht. Ей было за 70, у нее было доброе лицо. 70'lerindeydi, nazik bir yüzü varmış gibi görünüyordu. I thought nothing of it until I saw from the corner of my eye she was walking from the opposite direction, also just staring at me. Ich dachte nicht daran, bis ich aus dem Augenwinkel sah, dass sie aus der entgegengesetzten Richtung ging und mich auch nur anstarrte. Я ничего не думал об этом, пока краем глаза не увидел, что она шла с противоположной стороны, тоже просто глядя на меня. Gözümün ucuyla ters yönden yürüdüğünü ve bana baktığını görene kadar hiçbir şey düşünmedim. And so I said, "How do you do?" Ben de "Nasılsın?" dedim. And she said, "You know, if you dyed your hair black, you would look just like Al Gore." |||||||gefärbt||||||||||Gore Und sie sagte: "Weißt du, wenn du deine Haare schwarz färbst, siehst du genauso aus wie Al Gore." Ve dedi ki, "Saçını siyaha boyasaydın, tıpkı Al Gore gibi görünürdün." (Laughter) Many years ago, when I was a young congressman, I spent an awful lot of time dealing with the challenge of nuclear arms control -- the nuclear arms race. ||||||||||||terrível||||||||||||||| Vor vielen Jahren, als ich ein junger Kongressabgeordneter war, habe ich sehr viel Zeit damit verbracht, mich mit der Herausforderung der nuklearen Rüstungskontrolle zu befassen - dem nuklearen Wettrüsten. Много лет назад, когда я был молодым конгрессменом, я провел очень много времени, решая проблему контроля над ядерными вооружениями - гонку ядерных вооружений. Yıllar önce, genç bir kongre üyesiyken, nükleer silahların kontrolünün meydan okumasıyla uğraşmak için çok fazla zaman harcadım -- nükleer silahlanma yarışı.

And the military historians taught me during that quest that military conflicts are typically put into three categories: local battles, regional or theater wars, and the rare but all-important global, world war. Und die Militärhistoriker haben mir während dieser Suche beigebracht, dass militärische Konflikte normalerweise in drei Kategorien eingeteilt werden: lokale Schlachten, regionale oder Theaterkriege und der seltene, aber alles entscheidende globale Weltkrieg. И военные историки научили меня во время этих поисков, что военные конфликты обычно делятся на три категории: локальные сражения, региональные или театральные войны и редкие, но чрезвычайно важные глобальные мировые войны. Ve askeri tarihçiler bu arayış sırasında bana askeri çatışmaların tipik olarak üç kategoriye ayrıldığını öğrettiler: yerel savaşlar, bölgesel veya bölgesel savaşlar ve nadir ama çok önemli küresel dünya savaşı. 军事历史学家告诉我,军事冲突通常分为三类:局部战争,区域或战区战争,以及罕见但重要的全球性世界大战。 在这个过程中,军事历史学家告诉我,军事冲突通常可以分为三类:地方战役、区域或战区战争,以及罕见但至关重要的全球、世界大战。 Strategic conflicts. Stratejik çatışmalar. 战略冲突。 And each level of conflict requires a different allocation of resources a different approach, a different organizational model. Und jede Konfliktebene erfordert eine andere Ressourcenzuweisung, einen anderen Ansatz, ein anderes Organisationsmodell. Ve her bir çatışma seviyesi, farklı bir kaynak tahsisi, farklı bir yaklaşım, farklı bir örgütsel model gerektirir. 每个冲突层次都需要不同的资源配置、不同的方法、不同的组织模型。 Environmental challenges fall into the same three categories, and most of what we think about are local environmental problems: air pollution, water pollution, hazardous waste dumps. |||||||||||||||||||||||gefährlich||Müllhalden |desafios|caem||||||||||||||||problemas||||||| Umweltprobleme fallen in die gleichen drei Kategorien, und das meiste, woran wir denken, sind lokale Umweltprobleme: Luftverschmutzung, Wasserverschmutzung, Deponien für gefährliche Abfälle. Экологические проблемы делятся на те же три категории, и большая часть того, о чем мы думаем, - это местные экологические проблемы: загрязнение воздуха, загрязнение воды, свалки опасных отходов. Çevresel zorluklar aynı üç kategoriye giriyor ve düşündüğümüz şeylerin çoğu yerel çevre sorunları: hava kirliliği, su kirliliği, tehlikeli atık çöplükleri. But there are also regional environmental problems, like acid rain from the Midwest to the Northeast, and from Western Europe to the Arctic, and from the Midwest out the Mississippi into the dead zone of the Gulf of Mexico. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||morto|||||| Но есть и региональные экологические проблемы, такие как кислотные дожди со Среднего Запада на северо-восток, от Западной Европы до Арктики и со Среднего Запада от Миссисипи до мертвой зоны Мексиканского залива. Ancak Orta Batı'dan Kuzeydoğu'ya, Batı Avrupa'dan Kuzey Kutbu'na ve Orta Batı'dan Mississippi'den Meksika Körfezi'nin ölü bölgesine kadar asit yağmuru gibi bölgesel çevre sorunları da var. And there are lots of those. Und davon gibt es viele. А таких много. Ve bunlardan çok var. But the climate crisis is the rare but all-important global, or strategic, conflict. Die Klimakrise ist jedoch der seltene, aber alles entscheidende globale oder strategische Konflikt. Но климатический кризис - это редкий, но исключительно важный глобальный или стратегический конфликт. Ancak iklim krizi, nadir görülen ancak çok önemli küresel veya stratejik bir çatışmadır. 但是气候危机是罕见的但至关重要的全球性或战略性冲突。 Everything is affected. Alles ist betroffen. すべてが影響を受ける。 Her şey etkilenir. And we have to organize our response appropriately. Und wir müssen unsere Reaktion angemessen organisieren. И мы должны соответствующим образом организовать нашу реакцию. Ve tepkimizi uygun şekilde organize etmeliyiz. We need a worldwide, global mobilization for renewable energy, conservation, efficiency and a global transition to a low-carbon economy. |||||||||保护|||||||||| Wir brauchen eine weltweite Mobilisierung für erneuerbare Energien, Erhaltung, Effizienz und einen globalen Übergang zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft. Нам нужна глобальная мобилизация для возобновляемых источников энергии, энергосбережения, эффективности и глобального перехода к низкоуглеродной экономике. Yenilenebilir enerji, koruma, verimlilik ve düşük karbon ekonomisine küresel bir geçiş için dünya çapında, küresel bir seferberliğe ihtiyacımız var. We have work to do. Wir haben Arbeit zu erledigen. Yapılacak işimiz var. And we can mobilize resources and political will. Und wir können Ressourcen und politischen Willen mobilisieren. そして、資源と政治的意思を動員することができます。 Kaynakları ve siyasi iradeyi harekete geçirebiliriz. 我们可以调动资源和政治意愿。 我们可以调动资源和政治意愿。 But the political will has to be mobilized in order to mobilize the resources. Aber der politische Wille muss mobilisiert werden, um die Ressourcen zu mobilisieren. Ancak kaynakları harekete geçirmek için siyasi iradenin seferber edilmesi gerekiyor. 但是必须调动政治意愿以调动资源。 但是必须动员政治意愿才能动员资源。 Let me show you these slides here. Size bu slaytları göstereyim. 让我在这里给你展示这些幻灯片。

I thought I would start with the logo. Ich dachte, ich würde mit dem Logo beginnen. Думал начать с логотипа. Logo ile başlayacağımı düşündüm. What’s missing here, of course, is the North Polar ice cap. Was hier natürlich fehlt, ist die Nordpolareiskappe. Чего здесь, конечно, не хватает, так это северной полярной ледяной шапки. Burada eksik olan, elbette Kuzey Kutbu buz örtüsü. Greenland remains. Grönland bleibt. グリーンランドが残る。 Остается Гренландия. Grönland kalır. 28 years ago, this is what the polar ice cap -- the North Polar ice cap -- looked like at the end of the summer at the fall equinox. |||||||||||||||||||||||||秋分 So sah vor 28 Jahren die polare Eiskappe - die nordpolare Eiskappe - am Ende des Sommers beim Herbst-Äquinoktium aus. 28 лет назад именно так выглядела полярная ледяная шапка - северная полярная ледяная шапка - в конце лета во время осеннего равноденствия. 28 yıl önce, kutup buz örtüsü -- Kuzey Kutup buz örtüsü -- yazın sonunda sonbahar ekinoksunda böyle görünüyordu. 28年前,这就是极地冰盖─北极冰帽─在夏末秋分时的样子。 This last fall, I went to the Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and talked to the researchers here in Monterey at the Naval Postgraduate Laboratory. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||研究生| Im letzten Herbst ging ich zum Schnee- und Eisdatenzentrum in Boulder, Colorado, und sprach mit den Forschern hier in Monterey im Naval Postgraduate Laboratory. Этой осенью я посетил Центр данных по снегу и льду в Боулдере, штат Колорадо, и поговорил с исследователями здесь, в Монтерее, в лаборатории для аспирантов военно-морского флота. Geçen sonbahar, Boulder, Colorado'daki Kar ve Buz Veri Merkezine gittim ve burada, Monterey'deki Donanma Yüksek Lisans Laboratuvarı'ndaki araştırmacılarla konuştum. 去年秋天,我去了科罗拉多州博尔德的雪冰数据中心,并在蒙特雷的海军研究所与研究人员交谈。 This is what’s happened in the last 28 years. Dies ist, was in den letzten 28 Jahren passiert ist. この28年間で、こんなことがありました。 Son 28 yılda olan buydu. 这就是过去28年发生的事情。 To put it in perspective, 2005 was the previous record. ||||对比来看|||| 2005 war der bisherige Rekord. ちなみに、これまでの記録は2005年でした。 Для сравнения, 2005 год стал предыдущим рекордом. Perspektif olarak ifade etmek gerekirse, 2005 bir önceki rekordu. 确切地说,2005年是之前的记录。 2005年是之前的记录。 Here’s what happened last fall that has really unnerved the researchers. ||||||||让人不安|| ||||||||nervös gemacht|| Folgendes ist im letzten Herbst passiert, was die Forscher wirklich irritiert hat. İşte geçen sonbaharda araştırmacıların cesaretini gerçekten kırmış olan şey. 以下是去年秋天发生的事情,真的让研究人员感到不安。 The North Polar ice cap is the same size geographically. Die nordpolare Eiskappe ist geografisch gleich groß. Ледяная шапка Северного полюса имеет такие же размеры географически. Kuzey Kutbu buz örtüsü coğrafi olarak aynı boyuttadır. 北极冰帽在地理上的面积是相同的。 Doesn’t look quite the same size, but it is exactly the same size as the United States, minus an area roughly equal to the state of Arizona. Выглядит не совсем того же размера, но точно такого же размера, как Соединенные Штаты, за вычетом площади, примерно равной штату Аризона. Tam olarak aynı boyutta görünmüyor, ancak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile tamamen aynı boyutta, eksi kabaca Arizona eyaletine eşit bir alan. 看起来大小不太一样,但实际上与美国完全一样大,只是少了一个大致等于亚利桑那州面积的区域。 The amount that disappeared in 2005 was equivalent to everything east of the Mississippi. Сумма, исчезнувшая в 2005 году, была эквивалентна всему к востоку от Миссисипи. 2005'te kaybolan miktar, Mississippi'nin doğusundaki her şeye eşitti. 2005年消失的数量相当于密西西比河以东的所有区域。 The extra amount that disappeared last fall was equivalent to this much. Дополнительная сумма, которая исчезла прошлой осенью, была эквивалентна этой сумме. Geçen sonbaharda kaybolan fazladan miktar şu kadardı. 去年秋天消失的额外数量相当于这么多。 It comes back in the winter, but not as permanent ice: as thin ice. Зимой он возвращается, но не как постоянный лед: как тонкий лед. Kışın geri gelir ama kalıcı buz olarak değil: ince buz olarak. Vulnerable. Уязвимый. Hassas. The amount remaining could be completely gone in summer in as little as five years. Оставшаяся сумма может полностью исчезнуть летом всего за пять лет. Kalan miktar yaz aylarında beş yıl gibi kısa bir sürede tamamen ortadan kalkabilir. That puts a lot of pressure on Greenland. Это оказывает сильное давление на Гренландию. Bu, Grönland üzerinde çok fazla baskı oluşturuyor. Already, around the Arctic circle -- this is a famous village in Alaska. Уже за полярным кругом - это знаменитая деревня на Аляске. Daha şimdiden, Kuzey Kutup dairesi civarında -- burası Alaska'da ünlü bir köy. This is a town in Newfoundland. Burası Newfoundland'da bir kasaba. Antarctica. Latest studies from NASA. NASAによる最新の研究結果。 The amount of a moderate-to-severe snow melting of an area equivalent to the size of California. Количество умеренного или сильного таяния снега на площади, равной размеру Калифорнии. Kaliforniya'nın büyüklüğüne eşdeğer bir alanın orta-şiddetli kar erimesi miktarı. "They were the best of times, they were the worst of times": the most famous opening sentence in English literature. "Fueron los mejores tiempos, fueron los peores tiempos": la frase inicial más famosa de la literatura inglesa. «Это были лучшие времена, они были худшими из времен»: самая известная вступительная фраза в английской литературе. "Zamanların en iyisiydiler, zamanların en kötüsüydüler": İngiliz edebiyatının en ünlü açılış cümlesi. I want to share briefly a "Tale of Two Planets." Хочу вкратце поделиться «Сказкой о двух планетах». Kısaca bir "İki Gezegenin Hikayesi" paylaşmak istiyorum. Earth and Venus are exactly the same size. ||金星||||| Dünya ve Venüs tamamen aynı büyüklüktedir. Earth’s diameter is about 400 kilometers larger, but essentially the same size. Диаметр Земли примерно на 400 километров больше, но, по сути, такого же размера. Dünya'nın çapı yaklaşık 400 kilometre daha büyüktür, ancak esasen aynı boyuttadır. They have exactly the same amount of carbon. У них точно такое же количество углерода. But the difference is, on Earth, most of the carbon has been leeched over time out of the atmosphere, deposited in the ground as coal, oil, natural gas, etc. ||||||||||||被抽取|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||ausgesogen|||||||||||||||| Pero la diferencia es que, en la Tierra, la mayor parte del carbono ha sido extraído con el tiempo fuera de la atmósfera, depositado en el suelo como carbón, petróleo, gas natural, etc. しかし、地球上では、ほとんどの炭素が長い時間をかけて大気中から溶け出し、石炭、石油、天然ガスなどとして地中に沈着している点が異なります。 Но разница в том, что на Земле большая часть углерода со временем вымывается из атмосферы, откладывается в земле в виде угля, нефти, природного газа и т. Д. On Venus, most of it is in the atmosphere. На Венере большая часть его находится в атмосфере. The difference is that our temperature is 59 degrees on average. Разница в том, что у нас средняя температура 59 градусов. On Venus, it’s 855. |金星| This is relevant to our current strategy of taking as much carbon out of the ground as quickly as possible and putting it into the atmosphere. Esto es relevante para nuestra estrategia actual de sacar la mayor cantidad de carbono del suelo lo más rápido posible y ponerlo en la atmósfera. Это актуально для нашей нынешней стратегии по максимально быстрому извлечению как можно большего количества углерода из земли и его выбросу в атмосферу. It’s not because Venus is slightly closer to the Sun. It’s three times hotter than Mercury, which is right next to the sun. |||||水星||||||| Es tres veces más caliente que Mercurio, que está justo al lado del sol. 太陽のすぐ隣にある水星の3倍も暑いのです。 Он в три раза горячее, чем Меркурий, который находится прямо рядом с солнцем. Now, briefly, here’s an image you’ve seen as one of the only old images, but I show it because I want to briefly give you CSI: Climate. |||||||||||||||||||||||||气候调查| Ahora, brevemente, aquí hay una imagen que ha visto como una de las únicas imágenes antiguas, pero la muestro porque quiero darle brevemente CSI: Clima. さて、簡単にですが、唯一古い画像としてご覧いただいた画像ですが、CSI:クライメイトを簡単にお伝えしたいので、お見せします。 Теперь, вкратце, вот изображение, которое вы видели как одно из немногих старых изображений, но я показываю его, потому что хочу вкратце рассказать вам CSI: Climate. The global scientific community says, man-made global warming pollution, put into the atmosphere, thickening this, is trapping more of the outgoing infrared. |||||||||||||||||困住|||||红外线 La comunidad científica mundial dice que la contaminación del calentamiento global provocada por el hombre, que se pone en la atmósfera, engrosando esto, está atrapando más del infrarrojo saliente. Мировое научное сообщество заявляет, что антропогенное загрязнение, вызывающее глобальное потепление, попадает в атмосферу, усиливая ее, улавливая все больше исходящего инфракрасного излучения.

You all know that. At the last IPCC summary, the scientists wanted to say, "How certain are you?" В последнем отчете МГЭИК ученые хотели сказать: "Насколько вы уверены?" They wanted to answer that "99 percent." Querían contestar a ese "99 por ciento". The Chinese objected, and so the compromise was "more than 90 percent." ||||||妥协|||| Китайцы возражали, и поэтому компромисс составил «более 90 процентов». Now, the skeptics say, "Oh, wait a minute, this could be variations in the -- in this energy coming in from the sun." |||||||||||变化|||||||||| Ahora, los escépticos dicen: "Oh, espera un minuto, esto podría ser variaciones en - en esta energía que viene del sol". Так вот, скептики говорят: «О, подождите минутку, это могут быть вариации в… в этой энергии, исходящей от солнца». If that were true, the stratosphere would be heated as well as the lower atmosphere, if it’s more coming in. |||||平流层|||||||||||||| Если бы это было правдой, стратосфера была бы нагрета так же, как и нижние слои атмосферы, если бы их было больше. If it’s more being trapped on the way out, then you would expect it to be warmer here and cooler here. Si es más estar atrapado en la salida, entonces es de esperar que haga más calor aquí y más frío aquí. Если на выходе будет больше ловушек, то можно ожидать, что здесь будет теплее, а здесь прохладнее. Here is the lower atmosphere. Вот нижняя атмосфера. Here’s the stratosphere: cooler. ここで成層圏:涼しくなる。 CSI: Climate. Now, here’s the good news.

68 percent of Americans now believe that human activity is responsible for global warming. 69 percent believe that the Earth is heating up in a significant way. There has been progress, but here is the key: when given a list of challenges to confront, global warming is still listed at near the bottom. ||||||||||||||||面对||||||||| しかし、肝心の地球温暖化対策は、まだ最下位に甘んじているのが現状です。 Был достигнут прогресс, но вот ключ: когда дан список проблем, с которыми нужно бороться, глобальное потепление по-прежнему указывается в самом низу. What is missing is a sense of urgency. 足りないのは危機感です。 Чего не хватает, так это чувства безотлагательности. If you agree with the factual analysis, but you don’t feel the sense of urgency, where does that leave you? |||||faktisch|||||||||||||| Si está de acuerdo con el análisis fáctico, pero no tiene la sensación de urgencia, ¿dónde lo deja eso? Если вы согласны с фактическим анализом, но не чувствуете срочности, что это вас оставит? Well, the Alliance for Climate Protection, which I head in conjunction with CurrentTV -- who did this pro-bono, did a worldwide contest to do commercials on how to communicate this. |||||||||||||||||无偿|||||||||||| ||||||||||||Aktuelles Fernsehen||||||||||||||||| Bueno, la Alianza para la Protección del Clima, que dirijo junto con CurrentTV, que hizo este pro-bono, hizo un concurso mundial para hacer anuncios sobre cómo comunicar esto. Что ж, Альянс по защите климата, который я возглавляю вместе с CurrentTV, который делал это на общественных началах, провел всемирный конкурс на создание рекламных роликов о том, как сообщить об этом. 好吧,我和CurrentTV共同领导的气候保护联盟(谁做了这个无偿支持)参加了一场全球竞赛,就如何传达这一点做广告。 This is the winner. Это победитель. NBC -- I’ll show all of the networks here -- the top journalists for NBC asked 956 questions in 2007 of the presidential candidates: two of them were about the climate crisis. NBC||||||||||||||||||||||||||| NBC - здесь я покажу все сети - ведущие журналисты NBC в 2007 году задали 956 вопросов кандидатам в президенты: два из них касались климатического кризиса.

ABC: 844 questions, two about the climate crisis. ABC: 844 вопроса, два о климатическом кризисе. Fox: two. CNN: two. CBS: zero. CBS: ноль. From laughs to tears. От смеха до слез. This is one of the older tobacco commercials. Это одна из самых старых табачных рекламных роликов. So here’s what we’re doing. Итак, вот что мы делаем. This is gasoline consumption in all of these countries. Este es el consumo de gasolina en todos estos países. Это потребление бензина во всех этих странах. And us. И нас. But it’s not just the developed nations. Но это не только развитые страны. The developing countries are now following us and accelerating their pace. Развивающиеся страны сейчас следуют за нами и ускоряют свой темп. And actually, their cumulative emissions this year are the equivalent to where we were in 1965. Фактически, их совокупные выбросы в этом году эквивалентны тому, что мы были в 1965 году. And they’re catching up very dramatically. Y están alcanzando muy dramáticamente. И они очень сильно догоняют. The total concentrations: by 2025, they will be essentially where where we were in 1985. Общие концентрации: к 2025 году они будут практически такими же, как мы были в 1985 году. If the wealthy countries were completely missing from the picture, we would still have this crisis. Если бы богатые страны полностью отсутствовали на картине, у нас все еще был бы этот кризис. But we have given to the developing countries the technologies and the ways of thinking that are creating the crisis. Но мы передали развивающимся странам технологии и образ мышления, которые создают кризис. This is in Bolivia. |||Bolivien Over -- over thirty years. Более - более тридцати лет. This is peak fishing in a few seconds. Esta es la pesca pico en unos segundos. Это пик рыбалки за несколько секунд. 这是几秒钟内的钓鱼高峰。

The '60s. 60-е. '70s. '80s. '90s. We have to stop this. And the good news is that we can. И хорошая новость в том, что мы можем. We have the technologies. We have to have a unified view of how to go about this: the struggle against poverty in the world and the challenge of cutting wealthy country emissions, all has a single, very simple solution. У нас должно быть единое представление о том, как это сделать: борьба с бедностью в мире и проблема сокращения выбросов в богатых странах - все это имеет одно очень простое решение. People say, "What’s the solution? Люди говорят: «Какое решение?

Here it is. Put a price on carbon. Поставьте цену на углерод. We need a CO2 tax, revenue-neutral, to replace taxation on employment, which was invented by Bismark -- and some things have changed since the 19th century. |||||收入|||||||||||俾斯麦||||||||| |||||||||Besteuerung|||||||Bismarck||||||||| Necesitamos un impuesto al CO2, neutral en cuanto a los ingresos, para reemplazar los impuestos sobre el empleo, que fue inventado por Bismark, y algunas cosas han cambiado desde el siglo XIX. Нам нужен налог на выбросы CO2, нейтральный для доходов, чтобы заменить налог на занятость, который был изобретен Бисмарком - и некоторые вещи изменились с 19 века. 我们需要一种与收入无关的二氧化碳税,以取代由比斯马克(Bismark)发明的就业税-自19世纪以来,某些情况已经发生了变化。 In the poor world, we have to integrate the responses to poverty with the solutions to the climate crisis. В бедном мире мы должны интегрировать меры по борьбе с бедностью с решениями климатического кризиса. Plans to fight poverty in Uganda are mooted if we do not solve the climate crisis. |||||||被提及|||||||| |||||||vorgeschlagen|||||||| Los planes para combatir la pobreza en Uganda se discuten si no resolvemos la crisis climática. Планы по борьбе с бедностью в Уганде обсуждаются, если мы не решим климатический кризис. But responses can actually make a huge difference in the poor countries. Но ответы могут действительно иметь огромное значение в бедных странах.

This is a proposal that has been talked about a lot in Europe. Это предложение, о котором много говорили в Европе. This was from Nature Magazine. Это было из журнала Nature. These are concentrating solar renewable-energy plants, linked in a so-called supergrid to supply all of the electrical power to Europe, largely from developing countries. ||聚光||||||||||超级电网||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Supernetz||||||||||||| Se trata de concentrar plantas solares de energía renovable, unidas en una supergrid llamada para suministrar toda la energía eléctrica a Europa, en gran parte desde países en desarrollo. Они концентрируют солнечные возобновляемые источники энергии, связанные в так называемую суперсеть, чтобы поставлять всю электроэнергию в Европу, в основном из развивающихся стран. High-voltage DC currents. Постоянные токи высокого напряжения. 高压直流电流。 This is not "pie in the sky;" this can be done. Esto no es "pastel en el cielo"; esto puede hacerse. これは「絵に描いた餅」ではなく、実現可能なことなのです。 Это не «пирог в небе»; это можно сделать. We need to do it for our own economy. Нам нужно делать это для собственной экономики.

The latest figures show that the old model is not working. Последние цифры показывают, что старая модель не работает. There are a lot of great investments that you can make. あなたが作ることができる多くの素晴らしい投資があります。 Вы можете сделать много отличных инвестиций. If you are investing in tar sands or shale oil, then you have a portfolio that is crammed with sub-prime carbon assets. |||||油砂|||页岩||||||投资组合|||充满||||| ||||||||Schiefer||||||Portfolio|||||||| Si está invirtiendo en arenas de alquitrán o en petróleo de esquisto bituminoso, entonces tiene una cartera repleta de activos de carbono de alto riesgo. Если вы инвестируете в битуминозные пески или сланцевую нефть, то у вас есть портфель, набитый субстандартными углеродными активами. And it is based on an old model. И основан он на старой модели. Junkies find veins in their toes when the ones in their arms and their legs collapse. 瘾君子||静脉||||||||||||| Наркоманы находят вены на пальцах ног, когда те, что на руках и ногах, разрушаются. Developing tar sands and coal shale is the equivalent. Разработка битуминозных песков и угольных сланцев является эквивалентом. Here are just a few of the investments that I personally think make sense. Вот лишь некоторые из инвестиций, которые я лично считаю целесообразными. I have a stake in these, so I’ll have a disclaimer there. ||||||||||免责声明| ||||||||||Haftungsausschluss| Tengo una participación en esto, así que tendré un descargo de responsabilidad allí. Я заинтересован в них, поэтому у меня будет отказ от ответственности. But geothermal, concentrating solar, advanced photovaltaics, efficiency and conservation. |地热能||||先进光伏||| |||||fortgeschrittene Photovoltaik||| Но геотермальная энергия, концентрированная солнечная энергия, современная фотоэлектрическая энергия, эффективность и сохранение. You’ve seen this slide before, but there’s a change. Вы уже видели этот слайд, но есть изменение.

The only two countries that didn’t ratify -- and now there’s only one. Единственные две страны, которые не ратифицировали - а теперь осталась только одна. Australia had an election. В Австралии были выборы. And there was a campaign in Australia that involved television and Internet and radio commercials to lift the sense of urgency for the people there. Y hubo una campaña en Australia que involucró anuncios de televisión e Internet y radio para elevar el sentido de urgencia para las personas allí. В Австралии проводилась кампания с участием телевидения, Интернета и радио, чтобы поднять у людей чувство безотлагательности. And we trained 250 people to give the slide show in every town and village and city in Australia. И мы обучили 250 человек проводить слайд-шоу в каждом городе, деревне и городе Австралии. Lot of other things contributed to it, but the new Prime Minister announced that his very first priority would be to change Australia’s position on Kyoto, and he has. |||||||||||||||||||||||||京都议定书||| ||||||||||||||||||||||Australiens|||Kyoto-Protokoll||| Этому способствовало множество других вещей, но новый премьер-министр объявил, что его первоочередной задачей будет изменение позиции Австралии по Киото, и он это сделал. Now, they came to an awareness partly because of the horrible drought that they had. Ahora, tomaron conciencia en parte debido a la horrible sequía que tuvieron. Теперь они осознали это отчасти из-за ужасной засухи. This is Lake Lanier. |||der Lanier-See Это озеро Ланье. My friend Heidi Cullins said that if we gave droughts names the way we give hurricanes names, we’d call the one in the southeast now Katrina, and we would say it’s headed toward Atlanta. |||||||||干旱||||||飓风|||||||||||||||||| ||Heidi|Heidi Cullins||||||||||||Hurrikane||||||||||||||||||Atlanta Моя подруга Хайди Каллинз сказала, что если бы мы давали названия засухам так, как мы даем названия ураганам, мы бы назвали ту, что сейчас на юго-востоке, Катриной, и мы бы сказали, что она направляется в Атланту. We can’t wait for the kind of draught Australia had to change our political culture. |||||||变革||||||| オーストラリアが経験したようなドラフトが、私たちの政治文化を変えるのを待つことはできない。 Мы не можем дождаться, когда Австралия изменит нашу политическую культуру. Here’s more good news. Вот еще хорошие новости. The cities supporting Kyoto in the U.S. Города, поддерживающие Киото в США are up to 780 -- and I thought I saw one go by there, just to localize this. son hasta 780, y pensé que vi una pasada por ahí, solo para localizar esto. が780になり、1台が通過するのを見たような気がします。 до 780 - и я подумал, что видел, как один прошел там, просто чтобы локализовать это. Which is good news. というのは良いニュースですね。 Now to close, we heard a couple of days ago about the value of making individual heroism so commonplace that it becomes banal or routine. ||||||||||||||||英雄主义||平常||||平凡|| Para terminar, escuchamos hace un par de días sobre el valor de hacer que el heroísmo individual sea tan común que se vuelva banal o rutinario. さて、最後に、数日前に、個人のヒロイズムをありふれたものにすることで、それが陳腐化、日常化するという価値観について聞きました。 В заключение, пару дней назад мы услышали о том, как важно сделать индивидуальный героизм настолько обычным, что он становится банальным или рутинным.

What we need is another hero generation. 必要なのは、もう一人のヒーロー世代です。 Those of us who are alive in the United States of America today especially, but also the rest of the world, have to somehow understand that history has presented us with a choice -- just as Jill Bolte Taylor was figuring out how to save her life while she was distracted by the amazing experience that she was going through. Aquellos de nosotros que estamos vivos en los Estados Unidos de América especialmente, pero también en el resto del mundo, tenemos que entender de alguna manera que la historia nos ha presentado una opción, al igual que Jill Bolte Taylor estaba descubriendo cómo salvar su vida. mientras estaba distraída por la increíble experiencia que estaba pasando. ジル・ボルテ・テイラーが、素晴らしい体験に心を奪われながら、自分の命を救う方法を考えていたように。 We now have a culture of distraction. ||||||分心文化 Ahora tenemos una cultura de distracción. 私たちは今、気晴らしの文化を持っています。 But we have a planetary emergency. ||||行星级| And we have to find a way to create, in the generation of those alive today, a sense of generational mission. 我们必须找到一种方法,在当今还活着的那一代人中建立一种代际使命感。 I wish I could find the words to convey this. This was another hero generation that brought democracy to the planet. Esta fue otra generación de héroes que trajo la democracia al planeta. Another that ended slavery. And that gave women the right to vote. We can do this. Don’t tell me that we don’t have the capacity to do it. If we had just one week’s worth of what we spend on the Iraq war, we could be well on the way to solving this challenge. Si tuviéramos solo una semana de lo que gastamos en la guerra de Irak, podríamos estar bien encaminados para resolver este desafío. イラク戦争に費やしている費用の1週間分だけでもあれば、この課題の解決に大きく前進できるはずです。 We have the capacity to do it. 私たちには、その能力があるのです。 One final point.

I’m optimistic, because I believe we have the capacity, at moments of great challenge, to set aside the causes of distraction and rise to the challenge that history is presenting to us. Sometimes I hear people respond to the disturbing facts of the climate crisis by saying, "Oh, this is so terrible. What a burden we have." Qué carga tenemos ". I would like to ask you to re-frame that. How many generations in all of human history have had the opportunity to rise to a challenge that is worthy of our best efforts? 全人類の歴史の中で、どれだけの世代が、全力を尽くすに値する挑戦に立ち向かえる機会を得たことでしょう。 A challenge that can pull from us more than we knew we could do? ¿Un desafío que puede sacar de nosotros más de lo que sabíamos que podíamos hacer? I think we ought to approach this challenge with a sense of profound joy and gratitude that we are the generation about which, a thousand years from now, philharmonic orchestras and poets and singers will celebrate by saying, they were the ones that found it within themselves to solve this crisis and lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||爱乐团||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||philharmonisch||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Let’s do that.

Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: For so many people at TED, there is deep pain that basically a design issue -- at the end of the day, a design issue on a voting form -- one bad design issue meant that your voice wasn’t being heard like that in the last eight years in a position where you could make these things come true. クリス・アンダーソンTEDの多くの人々にとって、基本的にデザインの問題--結局は投票用紙のデザインの問題ですが--1つの悪いデザインの問題によって、この8年間、こうしたことを実現できる立場で自分の声が聞かれなかったということに深い苦痛を感じているのです。 That hurts. Al Gore: You have no idea.

(Laughter) CA: When you look at what the leading candidates in your own party are doing now -- I mean, there’s -- are you excited by their plans on global warming? CA: 自民党の有力候補が今やっていることを見て、つまり、地球温暖化に関する彼らの計画に期待しているのでしょうか。

AG: The answer to the question is hard for me because, on the one hand, I think that we should feel really great about the fact that the Republican nominee -- certain nominee -- John McCain, and both of the finalists for the Democratic nomination -- all three have a very different and forward-leaning position on the climate crisis. Aktiengesellschaft|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Nominee||||McCain|||||Finalisten|||||||||||||||||| All three have offered leadership, and all three are very different from the approach taken by the current administration. And I think that all three have also been responsible in putting forward plans and proposals. |||||||||||||||提案 而且我认为这三者也都负责提出计划和建议。 But the campaign dialogue that -- as illustrated by the questions -- that was put together by the League of Conservation Voters, by the way, the analysis of all the questions -- and, by the way, the debates have all been sponsored by something that goes by the Orwellian label, "Clean Coal." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||orwellian||| Pero el diálogo de campaña que, como lo ilustran las preguntas, fue elaborado por la Liga de Votantes de Conservación, por cierto, el análisis de todas las preguntas y, por cierto, los debates han sido patrocinados por algo que va por la etiqueta orwelliana, "carbón limpio". しかし、このキャンペーンの対話は、質問にも表れているように、自然保護有権者連盟がまとめたもので、すべての質問の分析がなされています。ちなみに、討論会はすべて、"Clean Coal "というオーウェリアンなラベルをつけたものがスポンサーになっています。 Has anybody noticed that? Every single debate has been sponsored by "Clean Coal." "Now, even lower emissions! The richness and fullness of the dialogue in our democracy has not laid the basis for the kind of bold initiative that is really needed. |||Fülle||||||||||||||||||||| 我们民主中对话的丰富性和充分性并未为真正需要的那种大胆倡议奠定基础。

So they’re saying the right things and they may -- whichever of them is elected -- may do the right thing, but let me tell you: when I came back from Kyoto in 1997 with a feeling of great happiness that we’d gotten that breakthrough there, and then confronted the United States Senate, only one out of 100 senators was willing to vote to confirm, to ratify that treaty. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||批准|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Senatoren|||||||||| Whatever the candidates say has to be laid alongside what the people say. 无论候选人说什么,都必须与人民说的话放在一起。 This challenge is part of the fabric of our whole civilization. ||||||结构|||| 这一挑战是我们整个文明的组成部分。

CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally. |||ausatmen||||| And now we mechanized that process. |||机械化|| |||mechanisiert|| Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past. Для изменения этой модели требуются масштабы, масштаб и скорость изменений, которые превосходят то, что мы делали в прошлом. So that’s why I began by saying, be optimistic in what you do, but be an active citizen Demand -- change the light bulbs, but change the laws. Вот почему я начал с того, что сказал: «Будьте оптимистичны в том, что вы делаете, но будьте активным гражданином. Требуйте - поменяйте лампочки, но измените законы». Change the global treaties. Измените глобальные договоры. We have to speak up. Мы должны высказаться. We have to solve this democracy -- this -- We have sclerosis in our democracy. |||||||||僵化||| Мы должны решить эту демократию - это - у нас склероз в нашей демократии. And we have to change that. Use the Internet. Go on the Internet. Зайти в интернет. Connect with people. Become very active as citizens. Have a moratorium -- we shouldn’t have any new coal fire generating plants that aren’t able to capture and store CO2. ||暂停令||||||||||||||||| ||Moratorium einführen||||||||||||||||| Ввести мораторий - у нас не должно быть новых угольных пожарных электростанций, не способных улавливать и хранить СО2. 暂停执行-我们不应该拥有任何无法捕获和存储CO2的新型燃煤发电厂。 Which means we have to quickly build these renewable sources. Это означает, что мы должны быстро создавать эти возобновляемые источники. Now, nobody is talking on that scale. ||||||那个规模 But I do believe that between now and November, it is possible. This Alliance for Climate Protection is going to launch a nationwide campaign -- grassroots mobilization, television ads, Internet ads, radio, newspaper -- with partnerships with everybody from the Girl Scouts to the hunters and fishermen. ||||||||||||草根|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Pfadfinder||||| We need help.

We need help.

CA: In terms of your own personal role going forward, Al, is there something more than that you would like to be doing?

AG: I have prayed that I would be able to find the answer to that question.

What can I do? Buckminster Fuller once wrote, "If the future of all human civilization depended on me, what would I do? Buckminster Fuller||||||||||||||||| Buckminster Fuller escribió una vez: "Si el futuro de toda la civilización humana dependiera de mí, ¿qué haría yo? Бакминстер Фуллер однажды написал: «Если бы будущее всей человеческой цивилизации зависело от меня, что бы я делал? How would I be?" Как бы я был? " It does depend on all of us, but again, not just with the light bulbs. We, most of us here, are Americans. We have a democracy. We can change things, but we have to actively change. What’s needed really is a higher level of consciousness. ||||||||意识 And that’s hard to -- that’s hard to create -- but it is coming. There’s an old African proverb that some of you know that says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." We have to go far quickly. So we have to have a change in consciousness. ||||||||意识 A change in commitment. 承诺的改变。 A new sense of urgency. A new appreciation for the privilege that we have of undertaking this challenge. |||||特权||||||| Uma nova apreciação pelo privilégio que temos de assumir esse desafio. CA: Al Gore, thank you so much for coming to TED.

AG: Thank you.

Thank you very much.