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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.2

Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.2

But at the end of this project, I felt a little bit uncomfortable.

A little bit uncomfortable, because I felt as though that I was communicating to these students the value is measured only in terms of money, and we certainly know that that is not the case, right? Value is measured in lots of different ways. So the next quarter in my creativity class, I gave this assignment again. But instead of giving the students $5, I gave them a handful of paperclips. I was inspired by the guy - do you guys know the story of the guy who had one red paperclip and traded it for a house? How many of you know about the red paperclip guy? OK, for those who don't know about it this is a guy a couple of years ago who decided he really, really, really wanted a house and all he had was one red paperclip. So he put it on a blog. He said, "I will trade this paperclip for something anything." So he traded the paperclip for a pen, and then he traded the pen for a doorknob, and the doorknob for a Coleman stove. Anyway, he kept getting bigger and bigger things until finally at the end of the year he had a house. Now granted it was in Saskatchewan, but it still was a house. I thought I was being incredibly generous by giving my students ten paperclips and four hours. Let's see what they could do. So what do you think, what would you do if you had ten paperclips and four hours over the course of a week, what would you do? Any ideas? Any thoughts? Anyone from my creativity class? OK. Well let me show you what one of the teams did. Can I ask the folks in the back to turn down the lights, OK. OK, for those of you listening to the podcast, this was a video of students breaking in to a dorm room, or actually fraternity, and stealing tons and tons of things and walking away with $23,000. You can imagine my reaction. I was lying on the floor in the classroom, I kid you not and I said, "I used to like this job. I really, really, really liked my job," until the students said, "Just kidding. Here's what we really did." And what they did was very clever; this is one of the teams in the class. They traded the paperclips for some poster board, and on the poster board they made a sign that said, "Stanford students for sale. Buy one, get two free." And they went over to the Stanford Shopping Center and they stood there with the sign, and they kind of wanted to see what would happen. So what they did is they initially started talking to people and most folks said, "Well gee, can you carry my packages, can you take out the recycling, and all of these were low hanging fruit." Until they realized their skills were much bigger than carrying the bags and taking out the recycling. So they started telling people they were engineering students. They told them they were in a creativity class and the opportunities got bigger. One fellow asked them if they would design a radio transceiver. They said, "We could do that, but it'll probably take more than four hours." So they passed on that but a woman came up to them who was a business executive and she said, "Gosh, you're in a creativity class, can you help me out? I've got a business problem in my company and I really could use some brainstorming." So they said, "We can help." So they went over to her office, they led a brainstorming session with all of her colleagues. She was so delighted with the outcome that she paid them with three computer monitors. So they came to class starting out with ten paperclips and walked in with three computer monitors. Pretty cool? So that was great, and again the students realized that even starting with nothing they could essentially nothing they could create some value. So this project grew into something that got a lot bigger, because what happened is we got a call at the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.

We got a call from the Kauffman Foundation and the Kauffman Foundation said, "Hey, guess what? We have decided to run National Entrepreneurship Week, and would you guys take the lead of running something at Stanford?" We said, "No problem, that would be easy." So we called up our colleagues around campus, the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network and put together a whole host of activities over Entrepreneurship Week. There were talks, and workshops, there were panels, there was venture capitalist speed dating. All of these were well and good. But I kept having the vision of that guy jumping off the cliff and I said, "How can we have an entrepreneurship week if we don't get people the opportunity to feel what it feels like to be an entrepreneurial?" So came up with the idea of running this type of exercise with the whole campus. So told the Kauffman Foundation about this and they said, "How fabulous. Can we roll this out across the country?" We said, "Of course, but let's not stop there. Let's roll it out around the world." So during Entrepreneurship Week, we sent an email out to all of our colleagues around the world and they ran this competition with their students and the challenge was this. We gave them one pack of Post-it notes. So every team had one pack of Post-it notes. We didn't give them a time limit this time. We said, "You've got five days over the course of Entrepreneurship Week to create as much value as possible using a pack of Post-it notes. Value measured in whatever way you want. So folks, what would you do if you were given a pack of Post-it notes? Any ideas, any thoughts? What would you do? You're all too shy today. OK well, let me show you what one of the teams did and you tell me what kind of value has been created. Pretty cool? For those listening to the podcast, this was a little infomercial showing all the appliances in a dorm room and it says, "It took us 23 hours to make this video. It takes one second to unplug an appliance. This spring break, do your part, unplug it." This was put on YouTube, is watched by thousands of people, and what's the message here? What's the message? Saving energy, right? I know that when I went away that spring break I went into my office and unplugged everything. It really had an effect on me and I'm going to guess it had a big effect on everyone else. So with one pack of Post-its and 23 hours they created a lot of value. The projects that were done with Post-its were truly remarkable. There were collaborative music projects. There was actually a non-profit company was started called Gumball Capital, they came out of this, and I think it was a huge success. The next year we did it again and you can imagine students all year who had seen the showcase and seen what had happened were very excited about participating.

We packed Memorial Auditorium. It was packed to the gills. John Hennessy, the President of Stanford, got up to welcome everyone to Entrepreneurship Week, and everyone was waiting to get to see what the new challenge was going to be. And we got up there and revealed and took the lid off the box and showed them what the next challenge was and the air was sucked out of the room. Because nobody had any idea what to do with the rubber bands. They've been thinking for year about Post-it notes now the challenge was rubber bands. Our goal was to stretch their imagination. So what would you guys - that's kind of worked, right? What would you guys do if you had a handful, actually as many as you want? We gave them whatever size they wanted, whatever color, whatever shape, as many rubber bands as they wanted. What would you do? Well, let me show you what one of the teams did and you tell me what kind of value was created here. Male 1: Tired of bikes gobbing up your laces? Troublesome doorways? Loose laces caught in vicious vacuums? Constantly fighting your garbage disposal for your shoes? Being hounded at school by shoe bandits? You need Shoe Bands. With all the revolutionary technology you'll never worry about shoe laces untie it again. Shoe Bands will make you more stylish, loose ten pounds instantly, and will save baby penguins from global warming. Everybody loves them! 50 years of R&D, utilizing six sigma, lean production, and other buzzwords processes, went into the development of Shoe Bands. Made from pencil erasers, our rubber is vulcanized twice to remove bad karma. Here's what our customers have to say. Customer 1: As an athlete, I need my shoes to stay on. Velcro provides some security, but to really get the job done I use my Shoe Bands. Male 1: Recently one of our customers wrote in to tell us about the experience where her Shoe Bands saved her life. Customer 2: Should have worn Shoe Bands. Male 1: Ever since I started using Shoe Bands, I jacked up my bench press by fifty pounds. Sometimes I "double Band" it. Male 2: Hello. I'm the founder of Shoe Bands Incorporated. But not only am I the CEO, I'm also an avid and dedicated customer. Male 1: Through this exclusive TV offer, receive not two, but three packs of Shoe Bands for just five easy payments of $19.99. But wait! Call within the next 60 seconds and we'll slash a payment and send you a llama. That's right, a llama. Order today. Tina Seelig: OK good, pretty cool? Did you all need Shoe Bands? Anyway, this was really fun and this was sort of humor, they create a lot of humor with this, but there are a lots of tremendously exciting projects that were done with this. If you're interested if you go to the ECorner website and put in "tournament" in ECorner.Stanford.edu and put in "tournament" in the search box, you can get all the winning submissions for this last year and this year's project. In fact, I'm reminded as I look at one of our colleagues in the audience, is you want to actually be following this talk you can follow us on Twitter @ECorner, right? So, I know I forgot to say that in the beginning.

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Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.2 Tina Seelig||||||||| Tina Seelig Die Kunst, Unternehmertum und Innovation zu lehren Nr.2 Tina Seelig The Art of Teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation No.2 Tina Seelig El arte de enseñar a emprender e innovar nº 2 Tina Seelig L'art d'enseigner l'entrepreneuriat et l'innovation n° 2 ティナ・シーリグ 起業家精神とイノベーションを教える技術 No.2 티나 실리그 기업가 정신과 혁신을 가르치는 기술 No.2 Tina Seelig Verslumo ir inovacijų mokymo menas Nr. 2 Tina Seelig Sztuka nauczania przedsiębiorczości i innowacji nr 2 Tina Seelig A Arte de Ensinar Empreendedorismo e Inovação N.º 2 Тина Силиг Искусство преподавания предпринимательства и инноваций №2 Tina Seelig Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçiliği Öğretme Sanatı No.2 Тіна Зееліг Мистецтво викладання підприємництва та інновацій №2 蒂娜-塞利格 《创业与创新的教学艺术》第 2 期 蒂娜-塞利格 《创业与创新的教学艺术》第 2 期

But at the end of this project, I felt a little bit uncomfortable. 但在這個專案結束時,我感覺有點不舒服。

A little bit uncomfortable, because I felt as though that I was communicating to these students the value is measured only in terms of money, and we certainly know that that is not the case, right? Мне было немного не по себе, потому что я чувствовал, что доношу до этих студентов мысль о том, что ценность измеряется только деньгами, а мы ведь знаем, что это не так, верно? Трохи незручно, бо мені здавалося, що, спілкуючись з цими студентами, я говорю про те, що цінність вимірюється лише в грошах, а ми ж знаємо, що це не так, чи не так? 有點不舒服,因為我覺得好像我在向這些學生傳達價值只能用金錢來衡量,而我們當然知道事實並非如此,對嗎? Value is measured in lots of different ways. Ценность измеряется множеством различных способов. 價值可以透過多種不同的方式來衡量。 So the next quarter in my creativity class, I gave this assignment again. But instead of giving the students $5, I gave them a handful of paperclips. ||||||||||حفنة||مشابك ورقية ||||||||||||クリップ ||||||||||||clips de papel ||||||||||||fermagli I was inspired by the guy - do you guys know the story of the guy who had one red paperclip and traded it for a house? |||||||||||||||||||||تبادل|||| |||||||||||||||||||graffetta rossa|||||| |||||||||||||||||||クリップ|||||| How many of you know about the red paperclip guy? كم منكم يعرف عن الرجل ذو المشبك الورقي الأحمر؟ OK, for those who don’t know about it this is a guy a couple of years ago who decided he really, really, really wanted a house and all he had was one red paperclip. حسنًا، بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لا يعرفون هذا الأمر، فهذا رجل قرر قبل عامين أنه يريد منزلًا حقًا، حقًا، حقًا، وكل ما كان لديه هو مشبك ورق أحمر واحد. So he put it on a blog. لذلك وضعه على مدونة. Поэтому он разместил его в блоге. Тож він виклав це в блозі. He said, "I will trade this paperclip for something anything." قال "سأستبدل مشبك الورق هذا بأي شيء". So he traded the paperclip for a pen, and then he traded the pen for a doorknob, and the doorknob for a Coleman stove. ||||||||||||||||maniglia della porta|||maniglia della porta||||fornello Coleman ||||||||||||||||manija de puerta||||||estufa Coleman|estufa Coleman ||||||||||||||||ドアノブ||||||コールマンストーブ| لذا قام بتبديل مشبك الورق بالقلم، ثم قام بتبديل القلم بمقبض الباب، ومقبض الباب بموقد كولمان. Anyway, he kept getting bigger and bigger things until finally at the end of the year he had a house. على أية حال، استمر في الحصول على أشياء أكبر وأكبر حتى حصل أخيرًا في نهاية العام على منزل. Now granted it was in Saskatchewan, but it still was a house. |admittedly||||サスカチュ|||||| |concedido||||Saskatchewan|||||| |||||Saskatchewan|||||| من المؤكد أنه كان في ساسكاتشوان، لكنه كان لا يزال منزلاً. Es cierto que estaba en Saskatchewan, pero seguía siendo una casa. 確かにサスカチュワンにあったが、それでも家だった。 É certo que era em Saskatchewan, mas não deixava de ser uma casa. Звичайно, це було в Саскачевані, але це все одно був будинок. 現在雖然它位於薩斯喀徹溫省,但它仍然是一所房子。 I thought I was being incredibly generous by giving my students ten paperclips and four hours. ||||||generous||||||||| 私は学生にクリップを10個と4時間を与えることで、信じられないほど寛大だと思った。 Pensei que estava a ser incrivelmente generoso ao dar aos meus alunos dez clips e quatro horas. 我認為我給我的學生十個回形針和四個小時,真是太慷慨了。 Let’s see what they could do. 彼らが何ができるか見てみよう。 Vamos ver o que eles podem fazer. So what do you think, what would you do if you had ten paperclips and four hours over the course of a week, what would you do? O que é que acham, o que é que fariam se tivessem dez clips e quatro horas durante uma semana, o que é que fariam? Any ideas? Any thoughts? Alguma opinião? Anyone from my creativity class? Alguém da minha turma de criatividade? OK. Well let me show you what one of the teams did. Bem, deixem-me mostrar-vos o que uma das equipas fez. Can I ask the folks in the back to turn down the lights, OK. ¿Puedo pedirle a la gente de atrás que bajen las luces, OK. Posso pedir às pessoas lá atrás para baixarem as luzes, está bem? 我可以請後面的人把燈關掉嗎? OK, for those of you listening to the podcast, this was a video of students breaking in to a dorm room, or actually fraternity, and stealing tons and tons of things and walking away with $23,000. ||||||||||||||||||||||in realtà|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||fraternity||rubare||||||||| حسنًا، بالنسبة لأولئك منكم الذين يستمعون إلى البودكاست، كان هذا مقطع فيديو لطلاب اقتحموا غرفة نوم جامعية، أو في الواقع غرفة أخوية، وسرقوا الكثير والكثير من الأشياء وهربوا بمبلغ 23000 دولار. Para quem está a ouvir o podcast, trata-se de um vídeo de estudantes que invadem um dormitório, ou uma fraternidade, roubam toneladas e toneladas de coisas e saem com 23 000 dólares. Хорошо, для тех из вас, кто слушает подкаст, это было видео о том, как студенты вламываются в комнату в общежитии или, на самом деле, в братство, крадут тонны и тонны вещей и уходят с 23 000 долларов. Отже, для тих, хто слухав подкаст, це було відео, на якому студенти вдираються в кімнату гуртожитку, чи то пак братства, і крадуть тонни й тонни речей, а потім йдуть геть з 23 тисячами доларів. 好吧,對於那些收聽播客的人來說,這是一段學生闖入宿舍(或實際上是兄弟會)的視頻,偷走了大量的東西,並帶走了 23,000 美元。 You can imagine my reaction. Podem imaginar a minha reação. 你可以想像我的反應。 I was lying on the floor in the classroom, I kid you not and I said, "I used to like this job. ||||||||||kid||||||||||| ||||||||||te lo juro||||||||||| ||||||||||parlo||||||||||| كنت مستلقيا على الأرض في الفصل الدراسي، وأنا لا أمزح معك، وقلت: "كنت أحب هذه الوظيفة. Saya berbaring di lantai di ruang kelas, saya tidak bercanda dan saya berkata, "Dulu saya suka pekerjaan ini. 私は教室の床に横たわっていて、冗談じゃないけど、「私はこの仕事が好きだった」と言いました。 Eu estava deitado no chão da sala de aula, não estou a brincar, e disse: "Eu gostava deste trabalho. I really, really, really liked my job," until the students said, "Just kidding. ||||||||||||just kidding لقد أحببت عملي حقًا، حقًا، حقًا،" حتى قال الطلاب، "أمزح فقط. 「本当に、本当に、この仕事が好きだった」と言ったら、生徒たちが「冗談だよ」と言いました。 Eu gostava mesmo, mesmo, mesmo do meu trabalho", até que os alunos disseram: "Estava a brincar. Here’s what we really did." 「実際に私たちがやったことはこれだよ。」 Eis o que realmente fizemos". And what they did was very clever; this is one of the teams in the class. E o que eles fizeram foi muito inteligente; esta é uma das equipas da turma. They traded the paperclips for some poster board, and on the poster board they made a sign that said, "Stanford students for sale. قاموا بتبادل المشابك الورقية ببعض لوحات الملصقات، وقاموا بوضع لافتة على لوحة الملصقات مكتوب عليها "طلاب ستانفورد للبيع". Cambiaron los clips por cartulina, y en la cartulina hicieron un cartel que decía: "Se venden estudiantes de Stanford". Trocaram os clipes por um cartaz e, no cartaz, fizeram um cartaz que dizia: "Estudantes de Stanford à venda. Вони обміняли скріпки на дошку для плакатів, а на дошці для плакатів зробили напис: "Продаються студенти Стенфорда". Buy one, get two free." Compre um e leve dois de graça". Купуй один, отримуй два безкоштовно". And they went over to the Stanford Shopping Center and they stood there with the sign, and they kind of wanted to see what would happen. وذهبوا إلى مركز ستانفورد للتسوق ووقفوا هناك مع اللافتة، وكانوا يريدون أن يروا ما سيحدث. E foram até ao Centro Comercial Stanford e ficaram lá com o cartaz, e quiseram ver o que aconteceria. 他們去了史丹佛購物中心,舉著牌子站在那裡,他們想看看會發生什麼事。 So what they did is they initially started talking to people and most folks said, "Well gee, can you carry my packages, can you take out the recycling, and all of these were low hanging fruit." ||||||||||||||||gee|||||||||||||||||||fruit ||||||||||||||||vaya||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||caspita||||||||||||||||||a basso sforzo| لذا ما فعلوه هو أنهم بدأوا في البداية بالتحدث إلى الناس وقال معظم الناس، "حسنًا، هل يمكنك حمل الطرود الخاصة بي، هل يمكنك إخراج المواد القابلة لإعادة التدوير، وكانت كل هذه ثمارًا منخفضة التكلفة". Así que lo que hicieron fue empezar a hablar con la gente y la mayoría dijo: "Vaya, ¿puedes llevarme los paquetes, puedes sacar el reciclaje, y todo eso era fruta al alcance de la mano?". Assim, o que fizeram foi começar a falar com as pessoas e a maior parte delas disse: "Bem, podem levar as minhas encomendas, podem levar a reciclagem, e todas estas coisas são frutos fáceis de apanhar". Тож вони спочатку почали розмовляти з людьми, і більшість з них казали: "Ну і ну, чи можете ви донести мої пакунки, чи можете винести вторсировину, і все це було легкою справою". 所以他們所做的是他們最初開始與人們交談,大多數人說,“好吧,你能搬運我的包裹嗎?你能拿出回收品嗎?所有這些都是容易實現的目標。” Until they realized their skills were much bigger than carrying the bags and taking out the recycling. Até que se aperceberam que as suas capacidades eram muito maiores do que carregar os sacos e levar a reciclagem. So they started telling people they were engineering students. Por isso, começaram a dizer às pessoas que eram estudantes de engenharia. They told them they were in a creativity class and the opportunities got bigger. Disseram-lhes que estavam numa aula de criatividade e as oportunidades tornaram-se maiores. One fellow asked them if they would design a radio transceiver. ||||||||||trasmettitore rice ||||||||||無線送受信 سألهم أحد الزملاء إذا كانوا سيقومون بتصميم جهاز إرسال واستقبال لاسلكي. Um colega perguntou-lhes se podiam desenhar um transmissor de rádio. They said, "We could do that, but it’ll probably take more than four hours." Eles disseram: "Podemos fazer isso, mas provavelmente vai demorar mais de quatro horas". So they passed on that but a woman came up to them who was a business executive and she said, "Gosh, you’re in a creativity class, can you help me out? ||||||||||||||||||||caspita|||||||||| لقد تجاهلوا ذلك ولكن جاءت إليهم امرأة كانت مديرة تنفيذية وقالت لهم: "يا إلهي، أنتم في فصل للإبداع، هل يمكنكم مساعدتي؟" Así que pasaron de ello, pero se les acercó una mujer que era ejecutiva de empresa y les dijo: "Caramba, estáis en una clase de creatividad, ¿podéis ayudarme? Por isso, não o fizeram, mas aproximou-se deles uma mulher que era executiva e disse: "Meu Deus, vocês estão numa aula de criatividade, podem ajudar-me? I’ve got a business problem in my company and I really could use some brainstorming." ||||||||||||||brainstorming Tenho um problema comercial na minha empresa e dava-me jeito um brainstorming". So they said, "We can help." So they went over to her office, they led a brainstorming session with all of her colleagues. فذهبوا إلى مكتبها، وأجروا جلسة عصف ذهني مع جميع زملائها. Por isso, foram ao escritório dela e organizaram uma sessão de brainstorming com todos os seus colegas. She was so delighted with the outcome that she paid them with three computer monitors. ||||||||||||||monitor Ficou tão satisfeita com o resultado que lhes pagou com três monitores de computador. So they came to class starting out with ten paperclips and walked in with three computer monitors. لقد جاءوا إلى الفصل الدراسي حاملين في أيديهم عشرة مشابك ورقية، ودخلوا الفصل وهم يحملون ثلاثة شاشات كمبيوتر. Assim, começaram a ir para a aula com dez clips e entraram com três monitores de computador. Pretty cool? So that was great, and again the students realized that even starting with nothing they could essentially nothing they could create some value. كان ذلك رائعاً، وأدرك الطلاب مرة أخرى أنه حتى بالبدء من لا شيء فإنهم في الأساس لا يستطيعون خلق أي قيمة. 所以這太棒了,學生們再次意識到,即使從一無所有開始,他們基本上什麼也做不到,但他們可以創造一些價值。 So this project grew into something that got a lot bigger, because what happened is we got a call at the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.

We got a call from the Kauffman Foundation and the Kauffman Foundation said, "Hey, guess what? ||||||Fondazione Kauffman||||||||| Нам позвонили из Фонда Кауфмана, и Фонд Кауфмана сказал: «Эй, угадайте, что? We have decided to run National Entrepreneurship Week, and would you guys take the lead of running something at Stanford?" 我們決定舉辦全國創業週,你們願意在史丹佛牽頭舉辦一些活動嗎?” We said, "No problem, that would be easy." So we called up our colleagues around campus, the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network and put together a whole host of activities over Entrepreneurship Week. لذا، اتصلنا بزملائنا في الحرم الجامعي، وشبكة ستانفورد لريادة الأعمال، وقمنا بإعداد مجموعة كاملة من الأنشطة خلال أسبوع ريادة الأعمال. There were talks, and workshops, there were panels, there was venture capitalist speed dating. ||||laboratori||||||||| ||||||||||capitalista de riesgo||| كانت هناك محادثات وورش عمل، وكانت هناك لوحات، وكانت هناك لقاءات سريعة مع المستثمرين الرأسماليين. Hubo charlas, talleres, paneles y citas rápidas con inversores de capital riesgo. Были выступления, семинары, панели, быстрые свидания с венчурными капиталистами. All of these were well and good. But I kept having the vision of that guy jumping off the cliff and I said, "How can we have an entrepreneurship week if we don’t get people the opportunity to feel what it feels like to be an entrepreneurial?" ولكنني بقيت أحلم بهذا الرجل الذي يقفز من فوق الهاوية وقلت: "كيف يمكن أن نحتفل بأسبوع ريادة الأعمال إذا لم نمنح الناس الفرصة ليشعروا بما يعنيه أن تكون رائد أعمال؟" Но мне все время мерещился тот парень, прыгающий с обрыва, и я сказал: "Как мы можем проводить неделю предпринимательства, если не дадим людям возможность почувствовать, каково это - быть предпринимателем?" Ama o adamın uçurumdan atlayışını görmeye devam ettim ve "İnsanlara girişimci olmanın nasıl bir his olduğunu hissetme fırsatı vermezsek nasıl bir girişimcilik haftası düzenleyebiliriz?" dedim. So came up with the idea of running this type of exercise with the whole campus. Так возникла идея провести такое упражнение со всем кампусом. Böylece bu tür bir egzersizi tüm kampüsle birlikte yürütme fikri ortaya çıktı. So told the Kauffman Foundation about this and they said, "How fabulous. Kauffman Vakfı'na bundan bahsettiğimde "Ne kadar harika. Can we roll this out across the country?" ||roll||||| هل يمكننا أن ننشر هذا في جميع أنحاء البلاد؟" ¿Podemos extenderlo a todo el país?". We said, "Of course, but let’s not stop there. Let’s roll it out around the world." So during Entrepreneurship Week, we sent an email out to all of our colleagues around the world and they ran this competition with their students and the challenge was this. لذلك، خلال أسبوع ريادة الأعمال، أرسلنا بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى جميع زملائنا في جميع أنحاء العالم وأجروا هذه المسابقة مع طلابهم وكان التحدي هو هذا. We gave them one pack of Post-it notes. أعطيناهم مجموعة واحدة من ملاحظات Post-it. Мы подарили им по одной пачке записок Post-it. So every team had one pack of Post-it notes. We didn’t give them a time limit this time. We said, "You’ve got five days over the course of Entrepreneurship Week to create as much value as possible using a pack of Post-it notes. لقد قلنا، "لديك خمسة أيام خلال أسبوع ريادة الأعمال لخلق أكبر قدر ممكن من القيمة باستخدام مجموعة من أوراق الملاحظات اللاصقة. Мы сказали: "У вас есть пять дней в рамках Недели предпринимательства, чтобы создать как можно больше ценностей с помощью пачки листочков Post-it. Value measured in whatever way you want. القيمة يتم قياسها بالطريقة التي تريدها. So folks, what would you do if you were given a pack of Post-it notes? Jadi, apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika Anda diberi sebungkus Post-it Notes? Any ideas, any thoughts? أي أفكار، أي أفكار؟ What would you do? You’re all too shy today. OK well, let me show you what one of the teams did and you tell me what kind of value has been created. Pretty cool? Довольно круто? For those listening to the podcast, this was a little infomercial showing all the appliances in a dorm room and it says, "It took us 23 hours to make this video. ||||||||||宣伝番組||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||spot pubblicitario||||elettrodomest||||||||||||||| بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يستمعون إلى البودكاست، كان هذا إعلانًا تجاريًا صغيرًا يُظهر جميع الأجهزة الموجودة في غرفة النوم ويقول، "استغرق الأمر منا 23 ساعة لصنع هذا الفيديو. Для тих, хто слухав подкаст, це був невеликий рекламний ролик, що показував усі прилади в кімнаті гуртожитку, і в ньому говорилося: "Нам знадобилося 23 години, щоб зняти це відео. It takes one second to unplug an appliance. |||||staccare la sp||un apparecchio يستغرق فصل الجهاز من التيار الكهربائي ثانية واحدة. Se tarda un segundo en desenchufar un aparato. This spring break, do your part, unplug it." في عطلة الربيع هذه، قم بدورك، افصل كل شيء. Estas vacaciones de primavera, haz tu parte, desconéctalo". В эти весенние каникулы сделайте свой вклад - отключите его от сети". На цих весняних канікулах зробіть свій внесок, вимкніть його". This was put on YouTube, is watched by thousands of people, and what’s the message here? What’s the message? Saving energy, right? I know that when I went away that spring break I went into my office and unplugged everything. ||||||||||||||||staccai tutto| ||||||||||||||||電源を抜いた| أعلم أنه عندما غادرت في عطلة الربيع ذهبت إلى مكتبي وفصلت كل شيء. Sé que cuando me fui de vacaciones de primavera entré en mi despacho y lo desconecté todo. It really had an effect on me and I’m going to guess it had a big effect on everyone else. So with one pack of Post-its and 23 hours they created a lot of value. فباستخدام حزمة واحدة من الملاحظات الورقية و23 ساعة، تمكنوا من خلق قدر كبير من القيمة. The projects that were done with Post-its were truly remarkable. كانت المشاريع التي تم إنجازها باستخدام Post-its رائعة حقًا. Проекты, которые были сделаны с помощью Post-its, были поистине удивительными. There were collaborative music projects. There was actually a non-profit company was started called Gumball Capital, they came out of this, and I think it was a huge success. ||||||||||Gumball Capital|||||||||||||| ||||||||||ガムボール|||||||||||||| Была создана некоммерческая компания Gumball Capital, которая вышла из этого проекта, и я думаю, что она имела огромный успех. The next year we did it again and you can imagine students all year who had seen the showcase and seen what had happened were very excited about participating. ||||||||||||||||||esibizione|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||exhibición|||||||||| وفي العام التالي فعلنا ذلك مرة أخرى، ويمكنك أن تتخيل الطلاب طوال العام الذين شاهدوا العرض وشاهدوا ما حدث وكانوا متحمسين للغاية للمشاركة. Bir sonraki yıl bunu tekrar yaptık ve tahmin edersiniz ki tüm yıl boyunca sergiyi izleyen ve neler olduğunu gören öğrenciler katılma konusunda çok heyecanlıydı.

We packed Memorial Auditorium. |||Auditorium Memorial لقد قمنا بتعبئة قاعة الميموريال. Kami memadati Auditorium Memorial. Мы заполнили Мемориальную аудиторию. Memorial Oditoryumu'nu doldurduk. It was packed to the gills. |||||gills |||||hasta el tope |||||le branchie لقد كانت مليئة بالخياشيم. Estaba lleno hasta la bandera. Itu dikemas ke insang. Он был забит до отказа. Tıklım tıklım doluydu. Він був упакований по самісінькі зябра. John Hennessy, the President of Stanford, got up to welcome everyone to Entrepreneurship Week, and everyone was waiting to get to see what the new challenge was going to be. |Hennessy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |ヘネシー|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| And we got up there and revealed and took the lid off the box and showed them what the next challenge was and the air was sucked out of the room. ||||||||||lid||||||||||||||||fuoriuscita|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||se fue el aire|||| ||||||||||coperchio|||||||||||||||||||| وصعدنا إلى هناك وكشفنا الغطاء عن الصندوق وأظهرنا لهم ما هو التحدي التالي وتم امتصاص الهواء من الغرفة. Y subimos y revelamos y quitamos la tapa de la caja y les enseñamos cuál era el siguiente reto y el aire se fue de la sala. Because nobody had any idea what to do with the rubber bands. ||||||||||rubber|elastici لأن لا أحد لديه أي فكرة عما يجب فعله بأشرطة المطاط. Porque nadie tenía ni idea de qué hacer con las gomas elásticas. Потому что никто не знал, что делать с резинками. They’ve been thinking for year about Post-it notes now the challenge was rubber bands. В течение года они думали о стикерах Post-it, теперь проблемой стали резинки. Our goal was to stretch their imagination. ||||to stretch|| ||||espandere|| So what would you guys - that’s kind of worked, right? Así que lo que ustedes - que es una especie de trabajo, ¿no? Итак, что бы вы хотели, ребята - это ведь уже сработало, верно? What would you guys do if you had a handful, actually as many as you want? Что бы вы сделали, если бы у вас была горстка, а на самом деле сколько угодно? Що б ви зробили, якби у вас була жменька, а точніше, стільки, скільки ви хочете? We gave them whatever size they wanted, whatever color, whatever shape, as many rubber bands as they wanted. لقد أعطيناهم أي حجم يريدونه، أي لون، أي شكل، أي عدد من الأشرطة المطاطية يريدونه. Ми давали їм будь-який розмір, який вони хотіли, будь-який колір, будь-яку форму, стільки гумок, скільки вони хотіли. What would you do? Що б ви зробили? Well, let me show you what one of the teams did and you tell me what kind of value was created here. Дозвольте мені показати вам, що зробила одна з команд, а ви скажете, яку цінність тут було створено. Male 1: Tired of bikes gobbing up your laces? ||||تلتهم||| |||bici|rovistando|||stringhe ||||manchando||| ||||自転車が絡む|||靴ひも الرجل 1: هل سئمت من الدراجات التي تلتهم أربطة حذائك؟ Hombre 1: ¿Cansado de que las motos te engullan los cordones? Pria 1: Bosan dengan sepeda yang melahap tali sepatumu? Мужчина 1: Надоело, что велосипеды заедают шнурки? Чоловік 1: Втомилися від велосипедів, які заїдають ваші шнурки? Troublesome doorways? 厄介な|扉 difficili|porte problematiche أبواب مزعجة؟ Pintu yang bermasalah? Проблемные дверные проемы? Loose laces caught in vicious vacuums? ||||凶悪な| ||||vorticosi|vortici vizi أربطة فضفاضة عالقة في فراغات شريرة؟ ¿Cordones sueltos atrapados en viciosas aspiradoras? Ослабленные шнурки попали в порочный вакуум? Constantly fighting your garbage disposal for your shoes? هل تحارب باستمرار جهاز التخلص من القمامة للحصول على حذائك؟ ¿Peleas constantemente con el triturador de basura por tus zapatos? Постоянно боретесь с вывозом мусора за обувь? Постійно боретеся зі сміттєпроводом за своє взуття? Being hounded at school by shoe bandits? |追い詰められた|||||泥棒 |acosado|||||bandidos de zapatos |inseguito||||scarpe| هل تتعرض للملاحقة في المدرسة من قبل لصوص الأحذية؟ У школі вас переслідують взуттєві бандити? You need Shoe Bands. ||scarpe| With all the revolutionary technology you’ll never worry about shoe laces untie it again. |||||||||||si slacciano|| Shoe Bands will make you more stylish, loose ten pounds instantly, and will save baby penguins from global warming. ||||||elegante|||||||||pinguini baby||| ستجعلك أشرطة الأحذية أكثر أناقة، وستفقد عشرة أرطال على الفور، وستنقذ طيور البطريق الصغيرة من الانحباس الحراري العالمي. Ремешки для обуви сделают вас более стильными, мгновенно сбросят десять фунтов и спасут пингвинят от глобального потепления. Everybody loves them! 50 years of R&D, utilizing six sigma, lean production, and other buzzwords processes, went into the development of Shoe Bands. ||||utilizzando||sigma|||||parole d'ordine|||||||| ||||||シックスシグマ||||||||||||| استغرق تطوير Shoe Bands خمسين عامًا من البحث والتطوير، باستخدام ستة سيجما، والإنتاج المرن، وغيرها من العمليات الشائعة. 50 años de I+D, utilizando seis sigma, producción ajustada y otros procesos de moda, se dedicaron al desarrollo de las cintas para zapatos. 50 tahun R&D, memanfaatkan six sigma, produksi ramping, dan proses kata kunci lainnya, masuk ke pengembangan Tali Sepatu. Made from pencil erasers, our rubber is vulcanized twice to remove bad karma. |||消しゴム||||加硫された|||||カルマ |||gommini per matite||||vulcanizzata|||||karma negativa مصنوع من ممحاة قلم الرصاص، تم معالجة المطاط لدينا مرتين لإزالة الكارما السيئة. Fabricado a partir de gomas de borrar de lápices, nuestro caucho se vulcaniza dos veces para eliminar el mal karma. Terbuat dari penghapus pensil, karet kami divulkanisir dua kali untuk menghilangkan karma buruk. Here’s what our customers have to say. Customer 1: As an athlete, I need my shoes to stay on. Cliente|||||||||| Velcro provides some security, but to really get the job done I use my Shoe Bands. マジックテープ||||||||||||||| يوفر الفيلكرو بعض الأمان، ولكن لإنجاز المهمة فعليًا، أستخدم أربطة الأحذية الخاصة بي. Male 1: Recently one of our customers wrote in to tell us about the experience where her Shoe Bands saved her life. Customer 2: Should have worn Shoe Bands. Cliente|||indossato|| Male 1: Ever since I started using Shoe Bands, I jacked up my bench press by fifty pounds. |||||||||増やした||||||| |||||||||aumenté||||||| |||||||||ho aumentato||||||| ذكر 1: منذ أن بدأت في استخدام أربطة الحذاء، قمت بزيادة قوة ضغط المقعد بمقدار خمسين رطلاً. Hombre 1: Desde que empecé a usar las cintas para los zapatos, aumenté mi press de banca en 15 kilos. Чоловік 1: З тих пір, як я почав використовувати бахіли, я підняв жим лежачи на п'ятдесят кілограмів. Sometimes I "double Band" it. |||bandisco| Male 2: Hello. I’m the founder of Shoe Bands Incorporated. أنا مؤسس شركة Shoe Bands Incorporated. Saya pendiri Shoe Bands Incorporated. But not only am I the CEO, I’m also an avid and dedicated customer. ||||||||||شغوف||| ||||||||||熱心な||| Male 1: Through this exclusive TV offer, receive not two, but three packs of Shoe Bands for just five easy payments of $19.99. |||||||||||confezioni||||||||rate| Мужчина 1: В рамках этого эксклюзивного телевизионного предложения получите не две, а три упаковки Shoe Bands всего за пять простых платежей по $19,99. But wait! Call within the next 60 seconds and we’ll slash a payment and send you a llama. |||||||ridurremo|||||||lama ||||||||||||||ラマ Llame en los próximos 60 segundos y le rebajaremos el pago y le enviaremos una llama. Telepon dalam 60 detik berikutnya dan kami akan memotong pembayaran dan mengirimi Anda llama. That’s right, a llama. Itu benar, seekor llama. Order today. Tina Seelig: OK good, pretty cool? Did you all need Shoe Bands? Anyway, this was really fun and this was sort of humor, they create a lot of humor with this, but there are a lots of tremendously exciting projects that were done with this. ||||||||||umorismo|||||||||||||||||||||| If you’re interested if you go to the ECorner website and put in "tournament" in ECorner.Stanford.edu and put in "tournament" in the search box, you can get all the winning submissions for this last year and this year’s project. |||||||||||||||||تعليمي||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||ECorner|||||||||educazione|||||||||||||||proposte|||||||| ||||||||ECorner|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Если вам интересно, зайдите на сайт ECorner и введите в поисковую строку ECorner.Stanford.edu слово "турнир", вы сможете получить все работы, победившие в прошлом и нынешнем году. In fact, I’m reminded as I look at one of our colleagues in the audience, is you want to actually be following this talk you can follow us on Twitter @ECorner, right? So, I know I forgot to say that in the beginning.