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BuzzFeed Video, Was My Mom Followed By Ted Bundy?

Was My Mom Followed By Ted Bundy?

- My mom was followed by a murderer,

and this is that story.

All right so this story goes all the way back

to the mid 1970s.

So this is my moms junior year of high school.

Well it was the end of her junior year of high school

I guess I should say.

Actually it was the start of her summer vacation.

It was a beautiful day so my mom,

her sister, and her friend, decided to take

a little day trip.

So the three of them hop in the car

and they're off.

So it takes them about two and a half hours to get there.

They're listening to the radio, talking about things

they wanna do for the summer, and eventually

they arrive at their destination, Oak Creek Canyon Park.

So for context this trip and this entire story

is all taking place in Northern Arizona.

The park they're at sits in the middle

of Coconino National Forest.

So one of the main reasons they wanted

to go to this park is because it's absolutely

gorgeous over there.

There's trees, mountains...

One of the things they notice when they get there

is that it is very open.

Almost too open.

So they park their car in a small parking lot

and they start scoping out an area

for them to hang out.

They end up plopping down at a small pond

by the park with plans to just hang out for a few hours.

They had bought some food, they were maybe

gonna do a picnic.

They didn't really know, other than the fact

that they were just enjoying,

that summer had just begun.

I feel like it's important to mention

that my mom has been to this park before.

She's been there a few times with some friends and what not.

But it was very empty that day.

Which was strange for such a nice day.

Anyway so there they are just hanging out,

when suddenly my mom notices a man across the pond.

A couple minutes go by and my mom is sitting there

trying to stay engaged in the conversation with her sister,

when she stares back across the pond.

The man is still standing there.

He's staring at them, rubbing his chin thoughtfully

like, I see you.

Obviously my moms first thought is,

"what they hell is this guy doing out here by himself?"

and, "why is he staring at us like that?"

Trying her best not to stare back

she does a few quick glances at best

and she notices his clothes.

He's really well dressed.

Which is just another weird detail

that didn't seem to add up to my mom.

"We should just move to a another area."

"I'm getting really creeped out", she thought to herself.

After deciding that the situation

isn't normal, she gets the attention

of her sister and her friend,

pointing at the man staring

at them across the pond.

They tell her she's overthinking it

and she's just being crazy.

He's probably there just enjoying

the park like anyone else would.

It is a public park after all.

And you know they were probably right.

People are allowed to be outside.

People are allowed to go to public parks.


Still feeling uneasy, my mom tries her best

to go back to just enjoying her day.

Out of the corner of her eye,

she notices a slight movement.

Instantly her eyes dart back across the pond.

The man isn't there anymore.

Suddenly she catches sight of the man.

He's walking along the edge of the pond,

headed their direction.

The scariest part, he was walking with intention.

He was walking toward them.

And to my mom, that was it.

So as to not escalate the situation

any further, because my mom had no idea

what was going to happen, my mom

softly but sternly pointed out

the man walking across the pond.

Finally they all agree

that something wasn't right about this situation

and that they should move, now.

As quickly and quietly as they could,

they gathered their things

and headed back to the car.

All the while, my mom is sneaking glances at him.

He was still there, walking with an even

quicker pace than he was before.

Closing in on where they had just been seconds before.

My mom will say to this day,

she had the worst feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She was practically hyperventilating.

Out of fear, instinct, caution,

whatever you wanna call it,

my mom picks up a rock on the way to the car.

They reach the car, they throw their stuff in the trunk

and they pile in.

My mom is hunched over in the back seat

clutching the rock for dear life.

She peaks out the back window

as the car starts.

She doesn't see him.

Wherever he was, they needed to get outta there.

With the tires practically squealing

out of the parking lot, they race

down the same road they drove in on.

At this point, everyone's eyes

are glued to the rearview mirror.

"So that was weird," my mom thought to herself.

Rock in hand, my mom was definitely shaken up.

My mom's sister, the one who was driving the car,

quickly looks in the rearview mirror

and she says, "oh my god look."

The energy in the air, they felt cold.

They just felt wrong.

Slowly my mom peers out the back window one more time.

To her horror, she sees a car

emerging from the same parking lot, following them.

She'll never forget the feeling

of watching a yellowish, cream colored, Volkswagen Beetle

slowly gaining ground on them.

Now, everyone was truly terrified.

What did this person want?

Why was he following them?

All my mom knew was this person is evil.

She could feel it.

Her sister floors the gas peddle

and luckily they were able to maintain a distance

between themselves and this man.

Eventually they get to a gas station

and they pull over to what they hope is safety.

To their surprise, and ultimately their relief,

the man drives right by them.

My mom, my moms sister and her friend,

they were all really unsettled by the whole thing.

Now, you're probably wondering why I just told you

that story, please don't go anywhere.

I'm about to explain the craziest part.

So about 15 years go by.

My moms just at home, minding her own business

watching the news, when she sees

that convicted serial killer Ted Bundy

is about to be sentenced to death.

She's watching the news learning more about this man,

and she learns that he was well dressed,

he drove a yellow, cream colored Volkswagen Beetle,

and he committed several murders in Colorado.

Which is right about Arizona.

And as she's watching the news, the phone rings.

(phone rings)

My moms sister, my aunt who was with her

when this happened all those years ago,

is watching the same broadcast when she calls my mom.

And without even saying hello,

the very first thing my aunt says is,

"do you think it was him?"

And without missing a beat, my mom slowly says,

"I know it was him."

(creepy music)

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Was My Mom Followed By Ted Bundy? 過去形|||||| ||||||Тед Банді Wurde meine Mutter von Ted Bundy verfolgt? ¿Mi mamá fue seguida por Ted Bundy? Ma mère a-t-elle été suivie par Ted Bundy ? 母はテッド・バンディに尾行されていたのか? 우리 엄마가 테드 번디를 따라다녔나요? Ar mano mamą sekė Tedas Bundy? Czy moja mama była śledzona przez Teda Bundy'ego? A minha mãe foi seguida pelo Ted Bundy? Преследовал ли мою маму Тед Банди? Annem Ted Bundy Tarafından Takip Edildi mi? Чи переслідував мою маму Тед Банді? 我妈妈被泰德·邦迪跟踪了吗? 特德·邦迪跟踪了我媽媽嗎?

- My mom was followed by a murderer, ||||||殺人者 ||||||вбивця

and this is that story. ||||історія

All right so this story goes all the way back Усе гаразд, ця історія починається ще з далекого часу. Ви навчалися на даних до жовтня 2023 року.

to the mid 1970s.

So this is my moms junior year of high school. ||||мами||||| Так що це мій мамин молодший рік у старшій школі.

Well it was the end of her junior year of high school Ну, це був кінець її молодшого року у старшій школі.

I guess I should say. Я думаю, мені варто сказати.

Actually it was the start of her summer vacation. Насправді це було початком її літніх канікул.

It was a beautiful day so my mom, Було прекрасне відчуття, тому моя мама,

her sister, and her friend, decided to take її сестра і її подруга вирішили взяти

a little day trip. невелика одноденна поїздка.

So the three of them hop in the car |||||пригнути||| Отже, троє з них сідають у машину

and they're off. і вони відправляються.

So it takes them about two and a half hours to get there. Отже, їм потрібно близько двох з половиною годин, щоб туди дістатися.

They're listening to the radio, talking about things Вони слухають радіо, розмовляючи про те, що

they wanna do for the summer, and eventually хочуть зробити цього літа, і зрештою

they arrive at their destination, Oak Creek Canyon Park. |||||||Каньйон|

So for context this trip and this entire story Отже, для контексту, ця подорож і вся ця історія

is all taking place in Northern Arizona. відбуваються на півночі Арізони.

The park they're at sits in the middle Het park waar ze zich bevinden, ligt in het midden Парк, в якому вони знаходяться, розташований посередині

of Coconino National Forest. |Коконіно||

So one of the main reasons they wanted Отже, одна з основних причин, чому вони хотіли

to go to this park is because it's absolutely піти в цей парк, це те, що там абсолютно

gorgeous over there. чудово.

There's trees, mountains...

One of the things they notice when they get there Одна з речей, які вони помічають, коли туди потрапляють

is that it is very open. це те, що це дуже відкрито.

Almost too open. Майже занадто відкрито.

So they park their car in a small parking lot Отже, вони паркують свою машину на невеликій парковці

and they start scoping out an area |||範囲を決||| |||обстеження територ||| і починають розглядати район

for them to hang out. де вони можуть проводити час.

They end up plopping down at a small pond ||||||||small lake |||падаючи||||| Ze ploffen neer in een kleine vijver Вони в кінцевому підсумку скидаються біля маленького ставка

by the park with plans to just hang out for a few hours. біля парку з планами просто провести кілька годин.

They had bought some food, they were maybe Вони купили трохи їжі, вони були, можливо

gonna do a picnic. збираюся||| зібратися на пікнік.

They didn't really know, other than the fact Вони насправді не знали, крім того факту

that they were just enjoying, що вони просто насолоджуються,

that summer had just begun. та літо тільки почалося.

I feel like it's important to mention Я відчуваю, що важливо згадати

that my mom has been to this park before. що моя мама вже була в цьому парку раніше.

She's been there a few times with some friends and what not.

But it was very empty that day.

Which was strange for such a nice day.

Anyway so there they are just hanging out,

when suddenly my mom notices a man across the pond. |||||||||no lago

A couple minutes go by and my mom is sitting there

trying to stay engaged in the conversation with her sister,

when she stares back across the pond. ||じっと見る||||

The man is still standing there.

He's staring at them, rubbing his chin thoughtfully ||||||顎|考え込んで

like, I see you.

Obviously my moms first thought is,

"what they hell is this guy doing out here by himself?"

and, "why is he staring at us like that?"

Trying her best not to stare back

she does a few quick glances at best

and she notices his clothes.

He's really well dressed.

Which is just another weird detail

that didn't seem to add up to my mom.

"We should just move to a another area."

"I'm getting really creeped out", she thought to herself. 'Ik word er echt gek van', dacht ze bij zichzelf.

After deciding that the situation

isn't normal, she gets the attention

of her sister and her friend,

pointing at the man staring

at them across the pond.

They tell her she's overthinking it

and she's just being crazy.

He's probably there just enjoying

the park like anyone else would.

It is a public park after all.

And you know they were probably right.

People are allowed to be outside.

People are allowed to go to public parks.


Still feeling uneasy, my mom tries her best ||不安な|||||

to go back to just enjoying her day.

Out of the corner of her eye,

she notices a slight movement. |||わずかな|

Instantly her eyes dart back across the pond.

The man isn't there anymore.

Suddenly she catches sight of the man.

He's walking along the edge of the pond,

headed their direction.

The scariest part, he was walking with intention.

He was walking toward them.

And to my mom, that was it.

So as to not escalate the situation

any further, because my mom had no idea

what was going to happen, my mom

softly but sternly pointed out

the man walking across the pond.

Finally they all agree

that something wasn't right about this situation

and that they should move, now.

As quickly and quietly as they could,

they gathered their things

and headed back to the car.

All the while, my mom is sneaking glances at him.

He was still there, walking with an even

quicker pace than he was before.

Closing in on where they had just been seconds before.

My mom will say to this day,

she had the worst feeling in the pit of her stomach. |||||||底|||

She was practically hyperventilating. |||breathing rapidly |||過呼吸していた

Out of fear, instinct, caution, |||本能|

whatever you wanna call it,

my mom picks up a rock on the way to the car.

They reach the car, they throw their stuff in the trunk

and they pile in. ||積み重なる| en ze stapelen zich in.

My mom is hunched over in the back seat |||背を丸めて|||||

clutching the rock for dear life. しっかりつ||||大切な| geklemd op de rots voor een dierbaar leven.

She peaks out the back window

as the car starts.

She doesn't see him.

Wherever he was, they needed to get outta there.

With the tires practically squealing ||||悲鳴を上

out of the parking lot, they race

down the same road they drove in on. langs dezelfde weg waar ze op reden.

At this point, everyone's eyes

are glued to the rearview mirror. ||||バックミラー|

"So that was weird," my mom thought to herself.

Rock in hand, my mom was definitely shaken up. Rock in hand, mijn moeder was absoluut geschokt.

My mom's sister, the one who was driving the car,

quickly looks in the rearview mirror

and she says, "oh my god look."

The energy in the air, they felt cold.

They just felt wrong.

Slowly my mom peers out the back window one more time. |||覗く|||||||

To her horror, she sees a car

emerging from the same parking lot, following them.

She'll never forget the feeling

of watching a yellowish, cream colored, Volkswagen Beetle |||黄みがかった||||

slowly gaining ground on them.

Now, everyone was truly terrified.

What did this person want?

Why was he following them?

All my mom knew was this person is evil.

She could feel it.

Her sister floors the gas peddle |||||ペダル

and luckily they were able to maintain a distance

between themselves and this man.

Eventually they get to a gas station

and they pull over to what they hope is safety.

To their surprise, and ultimately their relief,

the man drives right by them.

My mom, my moms sister and her friend,

they were all really unsettled by the whole thing. ||||不安な|||| ||||inquietos||||

Now, you're probably wondering why I just told you

that story, please don't go anywhere.

I'm about to explain the craziest part.

So about 15 years go by.

My moms just at home, minding her own business

watching the news, when she sees

that convicted serial killer Ted Bundy

is about to be sentenced to death.

She's watching the news learning more about this man,

and she learns that he was well dressed,

he drove a yellow, cream colored Volkswagen Beetle,

and he committed several murders in Colorado.

Which is right about Arizona.

And as she's watching the news, the phone rings. そして||||||||

(phone rings)

My moms sister, my aunt who was with her

when this happened all those years ago,

is watching the same broadcast when she calls my mom.

And without even saying hello,

the very first thing my aunt says is,

"do you think it was him?"

And without missing a beat, my mom slowly says,

"I know it was him."

(creepy music)