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BuzzFeed Video, My Family's Christmas Curse

My Family's Christmas Curse

for the majority of my childhood the

holidays were the scariest time of year

for me because my family was cursed this

is that story it all started when I was

five years old my mom's Sunday School

class was raising money for a charity so

she had our class make Christmas

ornaments using white glue and glitter

all of the ornaments were bought by

churchgoers except for one ornament this

ornament was supposed to be a bell with

a peace sign in it very Christmasy but

it actually ended up looking more like

Darth Vader not very Christmasy well my

mom felt bad so she bought it herself we

should have been suspicious that no one

wanted this ornament from that holiday

season on we always hung that ornament

on our tree duan do like without a

second thought or like nevertheless we

hung the ornament on our tree would have

a second thought oddly enough we started

having really bad luck around

Thanksgiving and Christmas know I've

tried to look right at the camera

say hi we're trying to record a video

about a Christmas curse we're just

starting to talk about the curse element

of it and the camera keeps shutting off

like something doesn't want this story

to be told I'm not gonna say anything

else I'm just telling you what's

happening every year every year we could

count on something bad happening

for example our dog passed away the day

after Thanksgiving my grandpa had to

have emergency surgery my cat passed

away the day after Christmas my dad was

actually misdiagnosed with a heart

attack and ended up having to have

emergency back surgery we lived in New

Jersey bad stuff happened

we moved across the country to Oregon

bad stuff continued to happen so now

it's 2004 and I'm in seventh grade my

mom's parents my grandparents had come

into town for the holidays when I was

growing up a modern term to describe my

mom and grandma would probably be

Pinterest Queens the whole house always

looked beautiful

there were Garland's and twinkle lights

and it was like living in a movie

amongst these beautiful decorations was

that weird Darth Vader ornament cut to

Christmas morning I'm awake and I'm

ready to unwrap what I was hoping was a

fashion Polly bedroom set so my sister

and I were raised not to leave our rooms

until mom or dad told us to come

downstairs for Christmas they just

wanted some peace and quiet in the

morning before all hell broke loose I'm

sitting in bed anxiously awaiting to

demolish some pretty wrapping paper when

I hear my mom yell from down the stairs

now this should have been an exciting

moment because it meant Christmas was

ready but it was a different kind of

yell it sounded more like a cry of pain

then I heard her shout don't come down

the stairs followed by a bunch of bangs

and fun


sorry to interrupt the video but the

reason you're looking at me right now

and not Jacky is because when I went to

edit this footage altogether half of the

footage was missing could this be some

sort of technical error maybe could it

be my fault

also maybe it's really weird this has

never happened to me before so we're

gonna have to meet up again and shoot

the rest of this video I'm getting super

creeped out I'm not too worried but my

mom's really nervous right now I told

her that we had to reshoot some stuff

and she goes no you shouldn't do it you

just shouldn't do it let's do it

so it's Christmas and I am

uncontrollably excited which is not a

good combination for following

directions when I hear don't come down

the stairs I immediately leave my room

to go see what's happening I see my mom

and my grandma both lying at the bottom

of the stairs apparently my mom had been

carrying a pile of presents down the

stairs when she tripped over the cat and

fell then her mother my grandma came

running out to see what happened that's

when mom yelled don't come down the

stairs the series of bangs and thuds

belonged to Grandma who had fallen down

the stairs attempting to rush to her

daughter's aid so I run back to my bed

holding back tears because I was so

scared and I had no idea what was going

on at some point an ambulance came and

took my mom and grandma to the hospital

while my sister and I were taken to a

family friend's house that was a weird

day it wasn't until later that night

that we got to go home and see mom

but grandma was still in the hospital my

mom had messed up her ankle really bad

it was completely black and about three

times it's normal size

we learned that grandma had broke into

her femur which is the bone in your

thigh and she needed emergency surgery

and ended up in the hospital for six

weeks later later that night we finally

got to open presents but I didn't even

care that it was Christmas anymore I was

just so thankful but nothing worse had


so a year passes it's the holiday season

again and my mom my sister and I are

decorating the tree

my sister pulls out that weird Darth

Vader II looking ornament out of nowhere

my sister decides that Darth Vader is

the reason for all of our bad luck and

we shouldn't hang him on the tree even

though I always thought it was a little

weird it was just an ornament we argued

for a little bit but she insisted that

we not hang it on the tree however I was

a very bratty younger sister and I

wanted to prove her wrong later that

night when she wasn't around I hung the

ornament on the back of the tree so she

wouldn't see it

fast-forward to Christmas Day that year

we had a wonderful breakfast I got all

the presents I hoped for dinner was a

spectacular feast and it was overall a

really great day after our family

friends had left I was getting ready for

bed and my stomach started hurting my

mom and I decided that it was probably

just because I ate a lot of dinner and

that seemed to add up but the pain kept

getting worse I'm lying in bed crying

from the pain and my parents are

frantically googling the symptoms to

find out what's wrong with me for the

second Christmas in a row an ambulance

comes to my house but this time I'm the

one being taken away we got to the

hospital and I was so scared because a

handful of doctors had come to diagnose

me and none of them could figure out

what was wrong however every single one

of them did ask me is it possible that

you're pregnant

what I was 13 years old I haven't even

kissed a boy yet hearing that question

over and over again just made me so

frustrated I was in pain and I wanted to

know what was wrong they decided to give

me an ultrasound anyway

this revealed that my appendix had

ruptured I was immediately whisked away

to surgery cut to me waking up in a room

I didn't recognize which is not very

comforting but the pain was finally gone

I was only in the hospital for three

days the nurses all called me the poster

child of appendectomy eventually I went

home and I just laid in bed for another

day or two as I'm recovering I think to

myself how did I get roped into this

family curse what did I do to deserve

this no no there's there's no way my

sister was right that ornament that

strange weird little Darth Vader

ornament my sister said don't put it on

the tree what did I do

I put it on the tree did I do this to

myself regardless I knew what needed to

be done my mom my sister and I decided

we were gonna bury him we burned sage we

put an angel statue on top of him and we

surrounded it with a circle of salt I'm

glad to say my family did not have the

same bad luck after that we had beaten

this curse once and for all we had no

idea this strange seemingly innocent

Darth Vader ornament had been wreaking

havoc on our lives for years a couple

years after the last incident we moved

out of that house so I honestly don't

know what's become of Darth Vader but if

you live in a suburb of Portland Oregon

and you find a weird glittery thing

while digging in your garden first

comment below and then burn it watch

we're gonna put it up on YouTube and and

the whole like Internet's gonna crash



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My Family's Christmas Curse |||Рождественское проклятие семьи |||Family misfortune |家族の||呪い |Моєї родини||Різдвяне прокляття родини Vánoční kletba mé rodiny My Family's Christmas Curse La maldición navideña de mi familia نفرین کریسمس خانواده من La malédiction de Noël de ma famille 我が家のクリスマスの呪い Mano šeimos Kalėdų prakeiksmas Świąteczna klątwa mojej rodziny A maldição de Natal da minha família Рождественское проклятие моей семьи Ailemin Noel Laneti 我家人的圣诞诅咒 我家的聖誕詛咒

for the majority of my childhood the ||большую часть|||большую часть детства| ||大部分|||子供時代|

holidays were the scariest time of year |||most frightening|||

for me because my family was cursed this ||||||verflucht| ||||||afflicted by a curse|

is that story it all started when I was Je to příběh, který všechno začalo, když jsem byl

five years old my mom's Sunday School pětiletá nedělní škola mé mámy

class was raising money for a charity so ||||для|собирал деньги|благотворительная организация| ||||||благодійність| třída sháněla peníze na charitu

she had our class make Christmas |заставила|||| nechala naši třídu udělat Vánoce

ornaments using white glue and glitter decorative items|||White glue||sparkling decoration material |||白い接着剤||グリッター ozdoby pomocí bílého lepidla a třpytek

all of the ornaments were bought by

churchgoers except for one ornament this attendees except one||||decoration| 教会の人々||||| feligreses excepto un adorno este

ornament was supposed to be a bell with ozdobou měl být zvon s

a peace sign in it very Christmasy but ||||||festive and cheerful| ||||||クリスマスらしい| znamení míru v něm velmi vánoční, ale

it actually ended up looking more like ve skutečnosti to vypadalo spíš jako

Darth Vader not very Christmasy well my Darth Vader|Darth Vader||||| ダース|||||| Дарт Вейдер|Дарт Вейдер||||| Darth Vader není moc vánoční

mom felt bad so she bought it herself we mámě se udělalo špatně, tak si to koupila sama my

should have been suspicious that no one

wanted this ornament from that holiday chtěl tuhle ozdobu z té dovolené

season on we always hung that ornament ||||put up|| vždy jsme tu ozdobu věšeli

on our tree duan do like without a |||branch|||| |||гілка|||| na našem stromě duan dělat jako bez a

second thought or like nevertheless we ||||Even so| druhá myšlenka nebo stejně jako my

hung the ornament on our tree would have pověsil ozdobu na náš stromeček by měl

a second thought oddly enough we started |||дивно||| druhá myšlenka kupodivu jsme začali

having really bad luck around

Thanksgiving and Christmas know I've Thanksgiving holiday||||

tried to look right at the camera ||||||камеру

say hi we're trying to record a video

about a Christmas curse we're just

starting to talk about the curse element |||||Fluch|

of it and the camera keeps shutting off ||||||turning off| a kamera se stále vypíná

like something doesn't want this story

to be told I'm not gonna say anything

else I'm just telling you what's

happening every year every year we could

count on something bad happening

for example our dog passed away the day

after Thanksgiving my grandpa had to |||my grandfather||

have emergency surgery my cat passed ||||my feline pet|

away the day after Christmas my dad was

actually misdiagnosed with a heart |Incorrectly diagnosed|||

attack and ended up having to have útok a skončilo to tak, že musel mít

emergency back surgery we lived in New nouzová operace zad jsme bydleli v New

Jersey bad stuff happened

we moved across the country to Oregon ||from one side||the entire nation||to Oregon

bad stuff continued to happen so now

it's 2004 and I'm in seventh grade my je rok 2004 a já jsem v sedmé třídě

mom's parents my grandparents had come přijeli maminčini rodiče, moji prarodiče

into town for the holidays when I was do města na prázdniny, když jsem byl

growing up a modern term to describe my maturing||||||| vyrůstání moderní termín pro popis mého

mom and grandma would probably be

Pinterest Queens the whole house always Pinterest enthusiasts everywhere|||entire|Entire home| Pinterest vždy ovládne celý dům

looked beautiful

there were Garland's and twinkle lights ||Garlands||sparkling|

and it was like living in a movie

amongst these beautiful decorations was mezi těmito krásnými dekoracemi bylo

that weird Darth Vader ornament cut to |||||transitioned to| ten podivný ornament Dartha Vadera vyřezaný na

Christmas morning I'm awake and I'm Štědrý den ráno jsem vzhůru a jsem

ready to unwrap what I was hoping was a ||open up||||wishing for||

fashion Polly bedroom set so my sister |Polly Pocket set|||||female sibling módní Polly ložnice set tak moje sestra

and I were raised not to leave our rooms ||||||||personal living spaces

until mom or dad told us to come

downstairs for Christmas they just downstairs for Christmas||||

wanted some peace and quiet in the chtěl mít klid a pohodu

morning before all hell broke loose I'm ráno, než se rozpoutalo peklo

sitting in bed anxiously awaiting to ||||eagerly anticipating|

demolish some pretty wrapping paper when tear apart|||Tearing open||

I hear my mom yell from down the stairs ||||shout||||downstairs

now this should have been an exciting ||||||thrilling

moment because it meant Christmas was

ready but it was a different kind of

yell it sounded more like a cry of pain

then I heard her shout don't come down ||listened to||yell|||

the stairs followed by a bunch of bangs |||||||loud noises po schodech následovala hromada ran

and fun a zábava


sorry to interrupt the video but the ||cut in||||

reason you're looking at me right now

and not Jacky is because when I went to ||not Jacky||||||

edit this footage altogether half of the Revise|||completely|||

footage was missing could this be some

sort of technical error maybe could it Type||System glitch|Technical glitch|||

be my fault ||My mistake

also maybe it's really weird this has

never happened to me before so we're

gonna have to meet up again and shoot budu se muset znovu sejít a střílet

the rest of this video I'm getting super

creeped out I'm not too worried but my felt uneasy|||||||

mom's really nervous right now I told

her that we had to reshoot some stuff |||||film again||

and she goes no you shouldn't do it you a ona jde ne, neměl bys to dělat

just shouldn't do it let's do it

so it's Christmas and I am

uncontrollably excited which is not a Overly||||| nekontrolovatelně vzrušený, což není a

good combination for following dobrá kombinace pro následování

directions when I hear don't come down Instructions|||||| směry, když slyším, že nejdou dolů

the stairs I immediately leave my room

to go see what's happening I see my mom

and my grandma both lying at the bottom

of the stairs apparently my mom had been

carrying a pile of presents down the

stairs when she tripped over the cat and |||lost her balance||||

fell then her mother my grandma came

running out to see what happened that's

when mom yelled don't come down the ||shouted||||

stairs the series of bangs and thuds ||||||heavy impacts

belonged to Grandma who had fallen down was owned by|||||had an accident| patřil babičce, která upadla

the stairs attempting to rush to her ||trying||hurry towards|| schody se k ní pokoušely spěchat

daughter's aid so I run back to my bed daughter's help|||||||| pomoc dcery, takže běžím zpátky do postele

holding back tears because I was so ||choking up||||

scared and I had no idea what was going

on at some point an ambulance came and |||||emergency vehicle||

took my mom and grandma to the hospital

while my sister and I were taken to a

family friend's house that was a weird

day it wasn't until later that night den to bylo až později v noci

that we got to go home and see mom že musíme jít domů a vidět mámu

but grandma was still in the hospital my ale babička byla stále v nemocnici

mom had messed up her ankle really bad ||injured|||ankle|| máma si vážně pokazila kotník

it was completely black and about three byla úplně černá a asi tři

times it's normal size krát je to normální velikost

we learned that grandma had broke into dozvěděli jsme se, že se tam vloupala babička

her femur which is the bone in your |thigh bone|||||| její stehenní kost, která je vaší kostí

thigh and she needed emergency surgery upper leg|||||

and ended up in the hospital for six

weeks later later that night we finally

got to open presents but I didn't even

care that it was Christmas anymore I was

just so thankful but nothing worse had ||grateful||||


so a year passes it's the holiday season

again and my mom my sister and I are

decorating the tree Trimming||

my sister pulls out that weird Darth

Vader II looking ornament out of nowhere

my sister decides that Darth Vader is ||makes a decision||||

the reason for all of our bad luck and

we shouldn't hang him on the tree even

though I always thought it was a little Even if|||||||

weird it was just an ornament we argued |||||||disagreed

for a little bit but she insisted that ||||||stood firm|

we not hang it on the tree however I was

a very bratty younger sister and I ||spoiled||||

wanted to prove her wrong later that

night when she wasn't around I hung the

ornament on the back of the tree so she

wouldn't see it

fast-forward to Christmas Day that year

we had a wonderful breakfast I got all

the presents I hoped for dinner was a |||wished for||||

spectacular feast and it was overall a impressive|lavish meal|||||

really great day after our family

friends had left I was getting ready for

bed and my stomach started hurting my |||||causing pain to|

mom and I decided that it was probably

just because I ate a lot of dinner and

that seemed to add up but the pain kept

getting worse I'm lying in bed crying

from the pain and my parents are

frantically googling the symptoms to Desperately searching online||||

find out what's wrong with me for the

second Christmas in a row an ambulance ||||consecutive year|one more time|

comes to my house but this time I'm the

one being taken away we got to the

hospital and I was so scared because a

handful of doctors had come to diagnose few||||||identify the condition

me and none of them could figure out

what was wrong however every single one

of them did ask me is it possible that

you're pregnant

what I was 13 years old I haven't even

kissed a boy yet hearing that question kissed a boy||||||

over and over again just made me so

frustrated I was in pain and I wanted to

know what was wrong they decided to give

me an ultrasound anyway

this revealed that my appendix had ||||appendix|

ruptured I was immediately whisked away torn apart||||hurriedly taken away| praskl jsem byl okamžitě odmrštěn pryč

to surgery cut to me waking up in a room na operaci, když jsem se probudil na pokoji

I didn't recognize which is not very Nepoznal jsem, což není moc

comforting but the pain was finally gone uklidňující, ale bolest byla konečně pryč

I was only in the hospital for three

days the nurses all called me the poster |||||||example patient dní mi všechny sestry říkaly plakát

child of appendectomy eventually I went ||Appendix removal||| dítě z apendektomie nakonec jsem šel

home and I just laid in bed for another domů a já jen ležel v posteli pro další

day or two as I'm recovering I think to |||||getting better||| myslím, že den nebo dva, jak se zotavuji

myself how did I get roped into this |||||tricked into joining|| jak jsem se do toho dostal

family curse what did I do to deserve |||||||merit

this no no there's there's no way my

sister was right that ornament that ||||decorative item|

strange weird little Darth Vader

ornament my sister said don't put it on

the tree what did I do

I put it on the tree did I do this to Dal jsem to na strom, udělal jsem to

myself regardless I knew what needed to |despite everything||||| bez ohledu na to, že jsem věděl, co je potřeba

be done my mom my sister and I decided hotovo, moje máma, moje sestra a já jsme se rozhodli

we were gonna bury him we burned sage we |||||||herb for purification| chtěli jsme ho pohřbít, spálili jsme šalvěj my

put an angel statue on top of him and we ||angel statue|angel sculpture|||||| postavte na něj sochu anděla a my

surrounded it with a circle of salt I'm encircled||||ring of salt|||

glad to say my family did not have the

same bad luck after that we had beaten |||||||defeated stejná smůla poté, co jsme porazili

this curse once and for all we had no |Fluch||||||| toto prokletí jsme jednou provždy neměli

idea this strange seemingly innocent nápad to podivné, zdánlivě nevinné

Darth Vader ornament had been wreaking |||||causing significant damage

havoc on our lives for years a couple Chaos|||||||

years after the last incident we moved ||||event||

out of that house so I honestly don't

know what's become of Darth Vader but if

you live in a suburb of Portland Oregon ||||residential area||Portland, Oregon|

and you find a weird glittery thing |||||sparkly|

while digging in your garden first nejprve při kopání na zahradě

comment below and then burn it watch komentujte níže a pak to vypalte sledujte

we're gonna put it up on YouTube and and dáme to na YouTube a vamos a ponerlo en YouTube y y

the whole like Internet's gonna crash |||Internet is|| zhroutí se celý internet

