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The Rise and Fall, The Rise And Fall Of The iPod

The Rise And Fall Of The iPod

Irene Kim: This transformed the way we listen to music.

And it helped turn Apple into

one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Apple has sold more than 400 million iPods

since launching them in 2001

and over 35 billion songs.

Clip: This is an excellent rectangle.

Kim: But sales have been in decline

for over a decade.

How did the iPod go from being

one of the most popular gadgets

to being basically nonexistent?

In 1999, the US music industry

had its biggest year yet.

Around this time, two things were exploding in growth.

Over 40% of households had a computer.

Clip: Welcome!

Kim: And the internet was rapidly gaining users.

Clip: You've got mail.

Kim: A new market for digital media was emerging.

CDs made up over 80% of US music revenue at the time.

You could listen on a big stereo, a portable CD player,

or rip an entire album to your computer.

But CD players and early portable media players

had a lot of issues.

They were big and clunky,

would often skip during playback,

and neither held many songs.

Apple saw this as an opportunity.

It considered the competition totally inadequate,

and it wanted to create something that was

smaller and more powerful.

But Apple didn't know exactly

what this device was.

Until its former head of hardware,

Jon Rubinstein, met with Toshiba

at a Macworld expo in Tokyo.

Rubinstein was shown a 1.8-inch hard drive,

which was incredibly small for the time.

This new hard drive combined storage

and portability.

Exactly what Apple was looking for.

Apple's new media player was now possible.

The first iPod was announced on October 23, 2001.

Steve Jobs: iMac, iBook, iPod.

There it is, right there.

[audience clapping]

Kim: It had a 5-gigabyte capacity,

cost $399,

and promised to hold 1,000 songs in your pocket.

In 2020, that might sound a bit underwhelming.

Compared to a 2019 iPod Touch,

it had 84% less storage

and, adjusted for inflation,

cost almost $400 more.

And it was super chunky.

But compared to other products at the time,

it looked and functioned better.

It held a lot more songs,

and the now iconic scroll wheel

made it easy to navigate a big music library.

Lisa Eadicicco: Before the iPod, there really

wasn't an easy way

to take a lot of music with you on the go.

It really set the stage for Apple

to be the dominant player

when it comes to mobile devices.

Kim: But not everyone saw the iPod

as the success it would become.

Initial reviews were critical due to

its high price and limited functionality.

The New York Times quoted one analyst who said:

"It's a nice feature for Macintosh users.

But to the rest of the Windows world,

it doesn't make any difference."

Eadicicco: It seemed like an expensive product

that only targeted a relatively small portion

of computer users.

What really made the iPod so successful,

and it really boils down to one thing,

was that it was very easy to use.

Kim: The iPod did one thing,

and it did it really well.

Eadicicco: Back in 2001, it was actually,

you know, pretty sleek and portable.

The iPod was almost like a status symbol.

You wanted to show off your music collection.

Kim: But Apple wasn't relying on just the iPod.

Nine months earlier, Apple released iTunes,

a digital music player for Mac.

Eadicicco: The ecosystem was a little bit more fragmented

when you get into other companies

and the way they do things.

They all had proprietary software

that just didn't work as well as iTunes

and wasn't as easy to use.

Kim: And the iPod's FireWire connector

transferred songs faster than USB.

You could put a CD's worth of songs

onto your iPod in 10 seconds.

In April 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Music Store,

which sold hundreds of thousands of songs for $0.99 each.

The store sold over a million songs in its first week.

But iTunes was only available on the Mac,

which had less than 3%

of the global computer market share.

So six months later, Apple surprised everyone

and released iTunes for Windows.

Jobs: I'm here to report to you today

that this has happened.

[audience laughing]

ITunes for Windows is probably

the best Windows app ever written.

[audience clapping and laughing]

Kim: Now anyone could use an iPod.

In its first eight months,

iTunes sold 25 million songs.

And iPod sales exploded year after year.

Eadicicco: The iPod became kind of like

the face of, you know, portable MP3 players,

and it made it really difficult for anyone else to compete.

And it also convinced people, you know,

if you like iTunes and you like your iPod so much,

then maybe you would like using a Mac too.

Kim: But it wasn't just consumers;

the music industry loved the iPod too.

In the early 2000s, piracy was growing fast.

Napster had gained 80 million users in just three years.

The music industry saw file-sharing companies

like Napster as its biggest threat.

Lars Ulrich: It is clear, then,

that if music is free for downloading,

the music industry is not viable.

Kim: ITunes bridged the gap between the music industry

and consumers by providing an easy

and affordable way to buy music online.

Jobs: We're gonna fight illegal downloading

by competing with it.

Kim: In 2004, the president

of the Recording Industry Association of America

told Newsweek, "The iPod

and iTunes store are a shining light

at a very bleak time in the industry."

Over the next couple of years, Apple upgraded the iPod

and released more models at various price points,

like the Mini, Shuffle, and Nano,

which brought larger storage, better portability,

and new features, like video playback.

Eadicicco: For the people who had massive music libraries,

there was, like, the big Classic one.

And then, if you really just wanted

to take a few songs with you,

you had the little Shuffle that you can clip onto you.

They really tried to think about

every type of person who was buying an iPod

and what they would want from it.

Kim: In 2007, Apple released the iPod Touch,

a touch-screen iPod that had apps,

games, and an internet browser.

Sales peaked in 2008

with 54.8 million units sold.

In an interview with Wired in 2004,

Will Smith called the iPod "the gadget of the century."

Eadicicco: I think anybody who grew up in the early 2000s

remembers those iPod ads.

It also marked this shift from being a computer company

to a personal-electronics company.

Without the iPod, you could really argue that, like,

who knows if there would be an iPhone today.

Kim: But the device's success

wouldn't last much longer.

Months before the iPod Touch launched,

Apple released another product you might have heard of.

Jobs: An iPod,

a phone,

and an internet communicator.

This is one device.

And we are calling it:


Eadicicco: So, if you had all three of those things in one,

you probably didn't need to have a separate device

just to listen to music anymore.

Kim: Adding insult to injury,

Apple called the music app

on the original iPhone iPod.

The rise of the iPhone and the fall of the iPod

have a direct relationship.

IPod sales began to decline in 2008,

while the iPhone's growth was massive.

At the time, Apple was still releasing

new models of the iPod.

But it would soon abandon its own product.

In 2009, then Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer

said, "We expect our traditional MP3 players

to decline over time as we cannibalize ourselves

with the iPod Touch and the iPhone."

In 2011, iPhone sales overtook the iPod.

Three years later, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic.

At the time, the iPod was less than 2% of Apple's revenue.

It was clear that the iPod's days were numbered.

On an earnings call in 2014, Tim Cook even said,

"All of us have known for some time

that iPod is a declining business."

Finally, in 2017,

Apple discontinued the Nano and Shuffle.

These were the last of Apple's devices

that didn't connect to the internet,

which meant they couldn't use the services

that Apple was focusing on,

like the App Store, Apple Music, and Apple TV Plus.

But the death of the iPod

also closes a chapter on gadget history.

Single-purpose devices like the iPod Classic

feel antiquated next to smartphones and tablets

that are essentially portable computers.

Unlike the Apple Watch, which acts as a companion

to your smartphone, the iPod was just redundant.

Even though it defined a product category,

it couldn't save itself from its own company.

But it was also hurt by a larger music industry trend.

As streaming services like Pandora and Spotify grew,

people started buying music less.

Even Apple is replacing iTunes

with its streaming service, Apple Music.

In fact, streaming is now the largest source

of US music industry revenue.

But the iPod isn't completely dead yet.

Apple refreshed its iPod Touch in 2019

with a faster processor and more storage options.

Eadicicco: So the iPod isn't totally irrelevant.

It can certainly feel that way.

A new iPod touch kind of just

gives Apple another device

that people can access their services on.

Kim: And iPods still have a few uses.

They're good devices for kids, going to the gym,

or for people who still like owning music.

But in 2020, when our devices

can do everything and go everywhere,

it seems unlikely that a single-purpose gadget

could find mass success again.

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The Rise And Fall Of The iPod Der Aufstieg und Fall des iPod Auge y declive del iPod L'ascension et la chute de l'iPod L'ascesa e la caduta dell'iPod iPodの誕生と衰退 아이팟의 흥망성쇠 "iPod" iškilimas ir kritimas Powstanie i upadek iPoda A ascensão e queda do iPod Взлет и падение iPod iPod'un Yükselişi ve Düşüşü Зліт і падіння iPod iPod 的兴衰 iPod 的興衰

Irene Kim: This transformed the way we listen to music. a person's name||||||||| Айрин Ким: Это изменило то, как мы слушаем музыку.

And it helped turn Apple into И это помогло превратить Apple в

one of the most valuable companies in the world. одна из самых дорогих компаний в мире.

Apple has sold more than 400 million iPods Apple продала более 400 миллионов iPod

since launching them in 2001 с момента запуска в 2001 г. 自 2001 年推出以来

and over 35 billion songs.

Clip: This is an excellent rectangle. |||||矩形 |||||Perfect four-sided shape. |||||rectángulo Клип: Это отличный прямоугольник.

Kim: But sales have been in decline ||||||下降 Ким: Но продажи упали.

for over a decade. уже более десяти лет.

How did the iPod go from being Как iPod перестал быть

one of the most popular gadgets |||||最受欢迎的小工具 um dos gadgets mais populares один из самых популярных гаджетов

to being basically nonexistent? |||pratiquement inexistant быть в принципе несуществующим?

In 1999, the US music industry 1999 年,美国音乐产业

had its biggest year yet. 迎来了迄今为止最辉煌的一年。

Around this time, two things were exploding in growth. ||||||迅速增长|| ||||||explosaient en croissance||

Over 40% of households had a computer. Mais de 40% dos domicílios possuíam computador.

Clip: Welcome!

Kim: And the internet was rapidly gaining users. Kim: E a internet estava ganhando usuários rapidamente.

Clip: You've got mail. |||Vous avez du courrier.

Kim: A new market for digital media was emerging. ||||||||émerger Kim:数字媒体的新市场正在兴起。

CDs made up over 80% of US music revenue at the time. |||||||收入|||

You could listen on a big stereo, a portable CD player, ||||||立体声设备||||

or rip an entire album to your computer. |拷贝|||专辑||| 或者将整张专辑翻录到您的电脑上。

But CD players and early portable media players

had a lot of issues. tinha muitos problemas.

They were big and clunky, ||||笨重的 Eles eram grandes e desajeitados,

would often skip during playback, ||||lecture ||||replaying a recording would often skip during playback, 经常在播放过程中跳过,

and neither held many songs. |||许多|

Apple saw this as an opportunity.

It considered the competition totally inadequate, |||||完全不够 它认为竞争完全不够,

and it wanted to create something that was

smaller and more powerful.

But Apple didn't know exactly

what this device was.

Until its former head of hardware, 直到其前任硬件主管,

Jon Rubinstein, met with Toshiba |Rubinstein met Toshiba|||Electronics company

at a Macworld expo in Tokyo.

Rubinstein was shown a 1.8-inch hard drive, 鲁宾斯坦看到了一个 1.8 英寸的硬盘,

which was incredibly small for the time.

This new hard drive combined storage

and portability. |et portabilité

Exactly what Apple was looking for.

Apple's new media player was now possible.

The first iPod was announced on October 23, 2001. 第一台 iPod 于 2001 年 10 月 23 日发布。

Steve Jobs: iMac, iBook, iPod.

There it is, right there.

[audience clapping] |[applaudissements du public]

Kim: It had a 5-gigabyte capacity,

cost $399,

and promised to hold 1,000 songs in your pocket.

In 2020, that might sound a bit underwhelming. ||||||令人失望 ||||||décevant ||||||not very impressive ||||||poco impresionante

Compared to a 2019 iPod Touch,

it had 84% less storage 存储空间减少了 84%

and, adjusted for inflation, |||通胀调整 经通货膨胀调整后,

cost almost $400 more.

And it was super chunky. ||||非常厚实 ||||Et c'était super épais. ||||very thick ||||grueso E ficou super grosso.

But compared to other products at the time,

it looked and functioned better.

It held a lot more songs,

and the now iconic scroll wheel ||||滚轮| |||||molette de défilement 以及如今标志性的滚轮

made it easy to navigate a big music library. ||||浏览||||

Lisa Eadicicco: Before the iPod, there really |a surname|||||

wasn't an easy way

to take a lot of music with you on the go.

It really set the stage for Apple 这确实为苹果奠定了基础

to be the dominant player |||joueur dominant|

when it comes to mobile devices.

Kim: But not everyone saw the iPod

as the success it would become.

Initial reviews were critical due to Initial reviews were critical due to Первые отзывы были критическими из-за 最初的评论之所以批评,是因为

its high price and limited functionality. |||||功能有限

The New York Times quoted one analyst who said: O New York Times citou um analista que disse:

"It's a nice feature for Macintosh users. |||||Apple computer| "É um bom recurso para usuários do Macintosh. “对于 Macintosh 用户来说,这是一个很好的功能。

But to the rest of the Windows world,

it doesn't make any difference."

Eadicicco: It seemed like an expensive product

that only targeted a relatively small portion ||||||一小部分

of computer users.

What really made the iPod so successful,

and it really boils down to one thing, |||归根结底|||| |||revient|||| 归根结底就是一件事,

was that it was very easy to use.

Kim: The iPod did one thing,

and it did it really well.

Eadicicco: Back in 2001, it was actually,

you know, pretty sleek and portable. |||你知道,很时尚便携。|| |||stylish and smooth|| você sabe, muito elegante e portátil. Вы знаете, довольно изящный и портативный.

The iPod was almost like a status symbol. ||||||地位象征|

You wanted to show off your music collection.

Kim: But Apple wasn't relying on just the iPod.

Nine months earlier, Apple released iTunes,

a digital music player for Mac. |||||Apple computer

Eadicicco: The ecosystem was a little bit more fragmented ||||||||碎片化的 ||||||||broken into parts Eadicicco:生态系统有点支离破碎

when you get into other companies

and the way they do things.

They all had proprietary software |||专有软件| |||privately owned| Все они имели собственное программное обеспечение

that just didn't work as well as iTunes that just didn't work as well as iTunes которая просто не работала так же хорошо, как iTunes.

and wasn't as easy to use.

Kim: And the iPod's FireWire connector ||||high-speed interface|

transferred songs faster than USB.

You could put a CD's worth of songs Sie könnten Songs im Wert einer CD einlegen

onto your iPod in 10 seconds.

In April 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Music Store,

which sold hundreds of thousands of songs for $0.99 each.

The store sold over a million songs in its first week.

But iTunes was only available on the Mac,

which had less than 3%

of the global computer market share.

So six months later, Apple surprised everyone

and released iTunes for Windows.

Jobs: I'm here to report to you today

that this has happened.

[audience laughing]

ITunes for Windows is probably

the best Windows app ever written.

[audience clapping and laughing]

Kim: Now anyone could use an iPod.

In its first eight months,

iTunes sold 25 million songs.

And iPod sales exploded year after year.

Eadicicco: The iPod became kind of like

the face of, you know, portable MP3 players,

and it made it really difficult for anyone else to compete.

And it also convinced people, you know, And it also convinced people, you know, И это также убедило людей,

if you like iTunes and you like your iPod so much,

then maybe you would like using a Mac too.

Kim: But it wasn't just consumers;

the music industry loved the iPod too.

In the early 2000s, piracy was growing fast. ||||盗版活动||| ||||piratage||| ||||illegal copying||| ||||piratería|||

Napster had gained 80 million users in just three years. Napster|||||||| file-sharing service||||||||

The music industry saw file-sharing companies

like Napster as its biggest threat.

Lars Ulrich: It is clear, then, Lars Ulrich says|Lars Ulrich: Clearly, then,||||

that if music is free for downloading, ||||||téléchargement

the music industry is not viable. |||||不可行 |||||not sustainable

Kim: ITunes bridged the gap between the music industry ||弥合了||||||

and consumers by providing an easy

and affordable way to buy music online.

Jobs: We're gonna fight illegal downloading

by competing with it.

Kim: In 2004, the president

of the Recording Industry Association of America

told Newsweek, "The iPod

and iTunes store are a shining light

at a very bleak time in the industry." |||very difficult period|||| at a very bleak time in the industry." в очень мрачное для индустрии время".

Over the next couple of years, Apple upgraded the iPod

and released more models at various price points,

like the Mini, Shuffle, and Nano, |||Shuffle||

which brought larger storage, better portability,

and new features, like video playback.

Eadicicco: For the people who had massive music libraries, ||||||||bibliothèques musicales

there was, like, the big Classic one.

And then, if you really just wanted

to take a few songs with you,

you had the little Shuffle that you can clip onto you. 您有一个可以夹在身上的小型 Shuffle。

They really tried to think about

every type of person who was buying an iPod

and what they would want from it.

Kim: In 2007, Apple released the iPod Touch,

a touch-screen iPod that had apps,

games, and an internet browser. ||||navigateur internet

Sales peaked in 2008 |达到顶峰|

with 54.8 million units sold.

In an interview with Wired in 2004,

Will Smith called the iPod "the gadget of the century." ||||||gadget||| Will Smith chamou o iPod de "o gadget do século". 威尔·史密斯 (Will Smith) 称 iPod 为“本世纪的小玩意”。

Eadicicco: I think anybody who grew up in the early 2000s

remembers those iPod ads.

It also marked this shift from being a computer company It also marked this shift from being a computer company

to a personal-electronics company.

Without the iPod, you could really argue that, like, Ohne den iPod könnte man wirklich argumentieren, dass, wie,

who knows if there would be an iPhone today. wer weiß, ob es heute ein iPhone gäbe.

Kim: But the device's success |||du dispositif|

wouldn't last much longer.

Months before the iPod Touch launched,

Apple released another product you might have heard of.

Jobs: An iPod,

a phone,

and an internet communicator. |||网络通信设备

This is one device.

And we are calling it:


Eadicicco: So, if you had all three of those things in one,

you probably didn't need to have a separate device

just to listen to music anymore.

Kim: Adding insult to injury, ||雪上加霜|| ||ajouter l'insulte|| Kim:雪上加霜的是,

Apple called the music app

on the original iPhone iPod.

The rise of the iPhone and the fall of the iPod

have a direct relationship.

IPod sales began to decline in 2008,

while the iPhone's growth was massive.

At the time, Apple was still releasing ||||||en train de sortir

new models of the iPod.

But it would soon abandon its own product. ||||abandonner||| 但它很快就会放弃自己的产品。

In 2009, then Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer ||||||Peter Oppenheimer

said, "We expect our traditional MP3 players 表示,“我们希望我们的传统 MP3 播放器

to decline over time as we cannibalize ourselves ||||||自我消耗| ||||||s'autodétruire| ||||||consume ourselves gradually| ||||||canibalizamos a nós| ||||||canibalizamos| 随着我们自我蚕食,随着时间的推移而衰落

with the iPod Touch and the iPhone."

In 2011, iPhone sales overtook the iPod. |||dépassé|| |||surpassed||

Three years later, Apple discontinued the iPod Classic. ||||停产||| ||||abandonné||| 三年后,苹果停产了 iPod Classic。

At the time, the iPod was less than 2% of Apple's revenue.

It was clear that the iPod's days were numbered. ||||||||comptés ||||||||limited in duration ||||||||contadas 显然,iPod 的寿命已经不多了。

On an earnings call in 2014, Tim Cook even said, ||résultats financiers|||||| ||ganancias|||||| 在 2014 年的财报电话会议上,蒂姆·库克甚至表示,

"All of us have known for some time

that iPod is a declining business." ||||en déclin|

Finally, in 2017,

Apple discontinued the Nano and Shuffle. |停产||||

These were the last of Apple's devices

that didn't connect to the internet,

which meant they couldn't use the services

that Apple was focusing on,

like the App Store, Apple Music, and Apple TV Plus.

But the death of the iPod

also closes a chapter on gadget history. 也结束了小工具历史上的一个篇章。

Single-purpose devices like the iPod Classic

feel antiquated next to smartphones and tablets |过时的||||| |démodé||||| |anticuado|||||

that are essentially portable computers. ||||ordinateurs portables

Unlike the Apple Watch, which acts as a companion 与 Apple Watch 不同,它充当的是伴侣

to your smartphone, the iPod was just redundant. |||||||多余的 |||||||superflu

Even though it defined a product category, ||||||catégorie de produit 尽管它定义了一个产品类别,

it couldn't save itself from its own company. 它无法拯救自己公司。

But it was also hurt by a larger music industry trend. 但它也受到了音乐产业更大趋势的影响。

As streaming services like Pandora and Spotify grew, ||||music streaming service||| 随着 Pandora 和 Spotify 等流媒体服务的发展,

people started buying music less.

Even Apple is replacing iTunes

with its streaming service, Apple Music. 以及其流媒体服务 Apple Music。

In fact, streaming is now the largest source

of US music industry revenue.

But the iPod isn't completely dead yet.

Apple refreshed its iPod Touch in 2019 |mis à jour||||

with a faster processor and more storage options. |||处理器|||| |||processeur|||| 具有更快的处理器和更多的存储选项。

Eadicicco: So the iPod isn't totally irrelevant. ||||||无关紧要 Эдичико: Значит, iPod не совсем неуместен. Eadicicco:所以 iPod 并不是完全不相关的。

It can certainly feel that way.

A new iPod touch kind of just

gives Apple another device

that people can access their services on.

Kim: And iPods still have a few uses.

They're good devices for kids, going to the gym,

or for people who still like owning music.

But in 2020, when our devices

can do everything and go everywhere,

it seems unlikely that a single-purpose gadget |||||||小工具

could find mass success again. может вновь обрести массовый успех.