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The Rise and Fall, The Rise And Fall Of Sega

The Rise And Fall Of Sega

Manny Fidel: Among fans in the gaming industry,

there's something called the "console wars."

Today it's a battle between

Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft

to see which gaming console

makes fans wanna spend the most money.

But before Microsoft entered the fray

with the first iteration of the Xbox in 2001,

there was another company

that completed the holy trinity of gaming.

♪ Sega ♪

Sega is a Japanese video game company

that exploded in popularity in the '90s.

But it went from selling over 30 million

Sega Genesis consoles at the height of its fame in 1993

to selling just 3 million units of its final console

before pulling the plug on its hardware empire.

So, what happened?

The year is 1988.

"Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson

is the No. 1 Billboard hit,

and Sony's Disk-Jockey CD player was selling for $400.

It's also the year that Sega

released the Sega Mega Drive in Japan.

At the time,

the worldwide video game industry

was being dominated by Nintendo,

whose Nintendo Entertainment System

was by far the biggest gaming console on the market.

With an iconic mustached plumber as its mascot

and a family-friendly ensemble of video games,

there was virtually no competition.

By the early '90s in the United States,

Nintendo held 94%

of the country's $3 billion gaming market.

It would be foolish to challenge that dominance,

but that's where Sega enters the picture.

Sega had already made a name for itself in Japan

by making arcade games,

but its home console, the Sega Mega Drive,

was struggling.

That's when Michael Katz,

the president of Sega of America,

decided that in order to challenge Nintendo,

Sega had to focus its sights on the west.

The Mega Drive was rebranded as the Genesis in America.

Katz proposed going for the jugular

by attacking Nintendo's reputation with marketing.

Commercial: The Sega Genesis has blast processing.

Super Nintendo doesn't.

♪ Genesis does what Nintendon't ♪

Manny: Sega's reputation as a cooler,

more adult version of Nintendo

started to resonate with fans.

For example, because of internal restrictions,

the Mortal Kombat series on Nintendo couldn't show blood.

But on Sega...

In order to truly take the gaming crown

from Nintendo, though,

Sega had to come up with a mascot

that could rival Mario,

one that could easily appeal to American audiences.

The company tasked artist Naoto Ohshima with the job,

and he came up with a little guy named Sonic The Hedgehog.

Sega's Sonic games featured a much faster-paced,

action-oriented experience that a lot of Americans favored

over the slow-moving Mario platformers.

The boom in sales came when Sega

decided to drop the price of the Genesis

and include a copy of Sonic with new purchases.

This tactic led to an additional 15 million units sold.

By 1992,

Sega had matched Nintendo in sales in the US.

From 1989 to 1993,

Sega went from $800 million in sales

to $3.6 billion.

Sega solidified itself as a top contender

and a force to be reckoned with.

And then...


Commercial: Hey!

You still don't have a Sega CD?


Manny: The Sega CD was an add-on device

for the Sega Genesis.

It let you listen to music

as well as play new choose-your-own-adventure games

featuring live-action footage.

But instead of investing its time into new,

innovative games that could attract new customers,

Sega opted for this add-on device.

It couldn't increase its market share with this product

because only people who already had

Sega Genesis consoles could use it.

The Sega CD also suffered from terrible publicity

after the release of its game Night Trap,

which let the player watch "surveillance tape"

of teenage girls trying to escape

from bad guys who broke into their home.

This particular bathroom scene

was cited in a US congressional hearing

led by Joe Lieberman in 1993.

Lieberman said that Night Trap

promoted violence against women

and shouldn't be in the hands of children.

To make matters worse for Sega,

Nintendo chairman Howard Lincoln testified at that hearing.

Howard Lincoln: I want to state that Night Trap

will never appear on a Nintendo system.

Manny: Decades later, the game has actually

been rereleased for the Nintendo Switch.

But that's beside the point.

All of this hurt Sega's credibility,

which proved to be detrimental

when it released the Sega Saturn in the US

at the E3 conference in 1995.

It had an impressive technical prowess,

but at $400, it was expensive

for a machine that didn't have many games yet.

It also didn't help that a new player

in the console wars emerged.

♪ PlayStation ♪

The PlayStation featured sleek 3D models,

while the Sega Saturn still partially relied on 2D sprites.

Finally, the PlayStation cost only:

Steve Race: $299.

[audience applauding]

Manny: For $100 cheaper than the Sega Saturn,

it was a no-brainer for gamers.

Sega's console aspirations

went out with a financial whimper

when it released the Sega Dreamcast in 1998.

Sega of America's president at the time,

Bernie Stolar,

has since acknowledged the Dreamcast's mistakes.

He told Polygon that the company

should've created a larger variety of games

instead of focusing on providing internet connectivity

to the few games that the Dreamcast had.

Internet gaming wouldn't really take off

until Microsoft released Xbox Live in 2002.

But it wasn't all bad news at first.

The Dreamcast sold an impressive 372,000 units

in the first four days.

After a year, though,

sales for the Dreamcast plummeted.

From 1998 to 2001,

the Dreamcast only sold 3 million units

in the United States.

In the last year of the Dreamcast's life,

Sega lost over $200 million.

With the PlayStation 2 coming right around the corner,

it was the last console Sega would ever make.

Today, Sega exists as a video-game-making company only.

It makes games for all the popular consoles.

And while there's been a ton of rumors

of Sega making a return to consoles,

nothing has been confirmed.

The Rise And Fall Of Sega |||||Video game company Der Aufstieg und Fall von Sega Auge y declive de Sega L'ascension et la chute de Sega L'ascesa e la caduta di Sega セガの興亡 세가의 흥망성쇠 "Sega" iškilimas ir žlugimas Powstanie i upadek firmy Sega A ascensão e a queda da Sega Взлет и падение Sega Sega'nın Yükselişi ve Düşüşü Зліт і падіння Sega 世嘉的兴衰 世嘉的興衰

Manny Fidel: Among fans in the gaming industry, Manny Fidel|Manny Fidel|||||| ||entre|||||

there's something called the "console wars." ||||主机| ||||コンソール| 有一种现象叫做“游戏机大战”。

Today it's a battle between

Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft Video game company|PlayStation console brand|| ||y|

to see which gaming console 看看哪个游戏机

makes fans wanna spend the most money.

But before Microsoft entered the fray |||||参与竞争 |||||the competition |||||争い But before Microsoft entered the fray

with the first iteration of the Xbox in 2001, |||首次版本|||| ||||||original Xbox console| |||イテレーション|||| 随着 2001 年 Xbox 的首次亮相,

there was another company

that completed the holy trinity of gaming. ||||perfect trio|| |||聖なる|三位一体|| 这就完成了游戏的三位一体。

♪ Sega ♪

Sega is a Japanese video game company

that exploded in popularity in the '90s. |急増した|||||

But it went from selling over 30 million Але було продано понад 30 мільйонів 但它的销量从 3000 多万

Sega Genesis consoles at the height of its fame in 1993 ||||||||名声| セガジェネシスは1993年にその名声の高さでコンソール Консолі Sega Genesis були на піку слави в 1993 році 1993 年,世嘉 Genesis 游戏机名声大噪

to selling just 3 million units of its final console 最終的なコンソールのわずか300万台を販売する до продажу лише 3 мільйонів одиниць своєї остаточної консолі

before pulling the plug on its hardware empire. |||终止|||| |引き抜く|||||| before pulling the plug on its hardware empire. перед тем, как вырваться из своей аппаратной империи. перш ніж вимкнути свою апаратну імперію. 在拔掉其硬件帝国的插头之前。

So, what happened?

The year is 1988.

"Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson 迈克尔·杰克逊的《镜中人》

is the No. 1 Billboard hit, |||公告牌冠军| |||music chart ranking| 是排名第一的广告牌热门歌曲,

and Sony's Disk-Jockey CD player was selling for $400. |belonging to Sony||||||| 索尼的 Disk-Jockey CD 播放器的售价为 400 美元。

It's also the year that Sega

released the Sega Mega Drive in Japan. 在日本发布了 Sega Mega Drive。

At the time,

the worldwide video game industry 全球视频游戏产业

was being dominated by Nintendo, 被任天堂统治,

whose Nintendo Entertainment System 谁的任天堂娱乐系统

was by far the biggest gaming console on the market.

With an iconic mustached plumber as its mascot |||留着胡子的|标志性胡子水管工|||吉祥物 |||||||symbolic character |||口ひげの|||| 以标志性的大胡子水管工作为吉祥物

and a family-friendly ensemble of video games, ||||合家欢游戏||| ||||group of games||| ||||アンサンブル||| 以及一系列适合家庭的电子游戏,

there was virtually no competition.

By the early '90s in the United States,

Nintendo held 94%

of the country's $3 billion gaming market.

It would be foolish to challenge that dominance,

but that's where Sega enters the picture.

Sega had already made a name for itself in Japan 世嘉已经在日本声名鹊起

by making arcade games, ||通过制作街机游戏| ||アーケード| 通过制作街机游戏,

but its home console, the Sega Mega Drive, |||主机||||

was struggling.

That's when Michael Katz, |||a person's name

the president of Sega of America,

decided that in order to challenge Nintendo,

Sega had to focus its sights on the west. 世嘉必须将目光聚焦于西方。

The Mega Drive was rebranded as the Genesis in America. ||||更名为||||| ||||renamed||||| Mega Drive 在美国被重新命名为 Genesis。

Katz proposed going for the jugular |提议||||咽喉要害 |||||critical vulnerability |||||頸動脈 Katz proposed going for the jugular Кац предложил пойти на яремную вену Katz 建议直击要害

by attacking Nintendo's reputation with marketing. ||Nintendo's reputation||| 通过营销攻击任天堂的声誉。

Commercial: The Sega Genesis has blast processing. |||||爆炸处理| |||||爆発的な| Комерційний: Sega Genesis має вибухонебезпечну обробку. 商业:Sega Genesis 进行了喷砂处理。

Super Nintendo doesn't.

♪ Genesis does what Nintendon't ♪ |||Nintendo can't

Manny: Sega's reputation as a cooler, |Sega has|||| Manny:世嘉作为冷却器的声誉,

more adult version of Nintendo 任天堂的更成人版本

started to resonate with fans. ||共鳴する||

For example, because of internal restrictions, 例如,由于内部限制,

the Mortal Kombat series on Nintendo couldn't show blood. ||格闘技|||||| 任天堂的真人快打系列不能出现血腥场面。

But on Sega...

In order to truly take the gaming crown 为了真正夺得游戏王冠

from Nintendo, though,

Sega had to come up with a mascot |||||||吉祥物

that could rival Mario, ||可以媲美| 可以与马里奥匹敌,

one that could easily appeal to American audiences.

The company tasked artist Naoto Ohshima with the job, |||||Naoto Ohshima||| ||任命した|||||| 该公司委托艺术家大岛直人进行这项工作,

and he came up with a little guy named Sonic The Hedgehog. |||||||||blue speedy hedgehog||spiky little creature ||来た||||||||| 他创造了一个小家伙,名叫“刺猬索尼克”。

Sega's Sonic games featured a much faster-paced, Ігри Sega Sonic були набагато швидшими, 世嘉的索尼克游戏节奏更快,

action-oriented experience that a lot of Americans favored handlungsorientierte Erfahrung, die von vielen Amerikanern bevorzugt wird досвід, орієнтований на дії, який віддавав перевагу багатьом американцям 很多美国人喜欢的以行动为导向的体验

over the slow-moving Mario platformers. 而不是缓慢移动的马里奥平台游戏。

The boom in sales came when Sega |销售激增||||| 世嘉

decided to drop the price of the Genesis 决定降低 Genesis 的价格

and include a copy of Sonic with new purchases. 并在新购买的商品中附赠一份 Sonic 游戏。

This tactic led to an additional 15 million units sold. |策略||||||| |戦略||||||| 此策略导致销量额外增加 1500 万台。

By 1992,

Sega had matched Nintendo in sales in the US. Sega зрівнялася з Nintendo за продажами в США. 世嘉在美国的销量已经追平了任天堂。

From 1989 to 1993,

Sega went from $800 million in sales 世嘉的销售额从 8 亿美元

to $3.6 billion. 达到 36 亿美元。

Sega solidified itself as a top contender |巩固了地位|||||竞争者 |established itself as||||| |固まった|||||競争者 世嘉巩固了其头号竞争对手的地位

and a force to be reckoned with. |||||对抗| |||||無視できない| そして、無視できない力です。 并成为一股不可忽视的力量。

And then... そして...

[tapping] [タップ]

Commercial: Hey!

You still don't have a Sega CD?


Manny: The Sega CD was an add-on device Manny:Sega CD 是一款附加设备

for the Sega Genesis.

It let you listen to music

as well as play new choose-your-own-adventure games а также играть в новые приключенческие игры "Выбери сам". 以及玩新的选择你自己的冒险游戏

featuring live-action footage. в котором представлены кадры живого действия. з кадрами живої дії. 以实景拍摄的影片为特色。

But instead of investing its time into new, 但它并没有把时间投入到新的

innovative games that could attract new customers, 可以吸引新客户的创新游戏,

Sega opted for this add-on device. |选择了||||| |選んだ|||||

It couldn't increase its market share with this product Она не смогла увеличить свою долю рынка за счет этого продукта 该产品无法增加其市场份额

because only people who already had

Sega Genesis consoles could use it.

The Sega CD also suffered from terrible publicity |||||||宣传不佳 Від жахливого розголосу постраждав і компакт-диск Sega

after the release of its game Night Trap, |||||||陷阱 在其游戏《夜间陷阱》发布后,

which let the player watch "surveillance tape" |||||监控录像| які дозволяють гравцеві дивитися "касету спостереження" 让玩家观看“监控录像”

of teenage girls trying to escape 试图逃跑的少女

from bad guys who broke into their home.

This particular bathroom scene 这个特别的浴室场景

was cited in a US congressional hearing 在美国国会听证会上被提及

led by Joe Lieberman in 1993. |||Joe Lieberman|

Lieberman said that Night Trap

promoted violence against women

and shouldn't be in the hands of children.

To make matters worse for Sega,

Nintendo chairman Howard Lincoln testified at that hearing. ||||gave evidence|||

Howard Lincoln: I want to state that Night Trap

will never appear on a Nintendo system.

Manny: Decades later, the game has actually Менні: Десятиліття потому, гра насправді

been rereleased for the Nintendo Switch. 已为 Nintendo Switch 重新发布。

But that's beside the point. Но это уже не важно. Але це не по суті. 但这不是重点。

All of this hurt Sega's credibility, |||||信誉 Усе це зашкодило авторитету Sega,

which proved to be detrimental ||||有害的 ||||有害な що виявилося шкідливим

when it released the Sega Saturn in the US 当世嘉土星在美国发布时

at the E3 conference in 1995.

It had an impressive technical prowess, |||||技術的な能力 Він мав вражаючу технічну майстерність, 它拥有令人印象深刻的技术实力,

but at $400, it was expensive

for a machine that didn't have many games yet.

It also didn't help that a new player

in the console wars emerged. 在游戏机大战中出现了。

♪ PlayStation ♪ Gaming console brand

The PlayStation featured sleek 3D models, |||光滑的|| PlayStation 拥有精美的 3D 模型,

while the Sega Saturn still partially relied on 2D sprites. |||土星游戏机||||||精灵图形 в то время как Sega Saturn все еще частично полагалась на двухмерные спрайты. 而世嘉土星仍然部分依赖于 2D 精灵。

Finally, the PlayStation cost only:

Steve Race: $299.

[audience applauding]

Manny: For $100 cheaper than the Sega Saturn, ||||||土星游戏机

it was a no-brainer for gamers. ||||明らかだ|| це було непросто для геймерів. 对于游戏玩家来说这是轻而易举的事。

Sega's console aspirations ||console ambitions Консольні прагнення Sega 世嘉的游戏机愿景

went out with a financial whimper |||||minor financial decline |||||泣き言 带着财务上的哀叹离开

when it released the Sega Dreamcast in 1998. |||||梦幻游戏机| |||||Sega console|

Sega of America's president at the time,

Bernie Stolar, Bernie Stolar, executive|Bernie Stolar

has since acknowledged the Dreamcast's mistakes. ||||Dreamcast console's| впоследствии признала ошибки Dreamcast.

He told Polygon that the company ||gaming website||| ||ポリゴン||| 他告诉 Polygon,该公司

should've created a larger variety of games

instead of focusing on providing internet connectivity

to the few games that the Dreamcast had.

Internet gaming wouldn't really take off 网络游戏不会真正流行起来

until Microsoft released Xbox Live in 2002.

But it wasn't all bad news at first.

The Dreamcast sold an impressive 372,000 units

in the first four days.

After a year, though,

sales for the Dreamcast plummeted. ||||暴跌 Dreamcast 的销量大幅下滑。

From 1998 to 2001,

the Dreamcast only sold 3 million units

in the United States.

In the last year of the Dreamcast's life,

Sega lost over $200 million.

With the PlayStation 2 coming right around the corner, Не за горами выход PlayStation 2, 随着 PlayStation 2 的即将面世,

it was the last console Sega would ever make.

Today, Sega exists as a video-game-making company only. 如今,世嘉只是一家视频游戏制作公司。

It makes games for all the popular consoles.

And while there's been a ton of rumors |||||||谣言 尽管有很多谣言

of Sega making a return to consoles, о возвращении Sega на консоли,

nothing has been confirmed.