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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Zendaya | Vogue

73 Questions With Zendaya | Vogue

[interviewer knocks]

- [Zendaya] Yeah? Come on in.

- [Interviewer] Guess who's here-

- What's up? - Zendaya!

- Hey.

- [Interviewer] Thank you so much for having me by,

I know how busy you are.

- Yeah, of course, thanks for coming.

- [Interviewer] I'm gonna ask you 73 questions.

- Let's do it. And, I see

that you're picking a bunch of lemons.

- Yeah, I'm making lemonade.

You want some?

- [Interviewer] I'd love some.

- I got you.

- [Interviewer] Ok so,

question number one, where does your name originate?

- Ok so technically it's a long story,

but it's based off a word that means to give thanks.

- [Interviewer] That's pretty.

And how would you describe your upbringing?

- Real.

- [Interviewer] Who would you say was

your role model growing up?

- My mom.

- [Interviewer] And today, has it changed?

- No, it's still my mom.

- [Interviewer] Why?

- Because, she's a teacher. You know,

and she spent her whole life giving.

And, I really admire that.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, and what's the first thing

you thought of this morning?

- Can I be honest?

- [Interviewer] Sure.

- Blowing my nose because I have

a little cold right now, so be careful.

- I'm gonna keep my distance. - All right.

- [Interviewer] So what's something you do

every morning without fail?

- Oh, unfortunately, I check my phone.

- [Interviewer] Same here.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What gets you out of bed?

- My dog, Noon.

- [Interviewer] Cute.

And you're a Virgo?

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's the most Virgo thing about you?

- Ok now this is going to sound negative

but like, I'm a little bit of a control freak.

Just a little bit. - Zendaya, aren't we all.

- [Darnell] Zen-D!

- Hey, Darnell. Can you take these for me?

- This is Darnell,

he's my assistant slash brother

slash everything, organizer of my life.

- Hey, Darnell. - Hey.

- Thank you.

- [Interviewer] Ok, so what's the most

Californian thing about you?

- The most Californian thing about me

is that I still get excited when I see snow.

I think it's really, really cool,

because obviously we never get snow.

So, obviously if you see snow all the time,

it's not exciting for you, but I think it's cool.

- [Interviewer] And where do you feel most at home?

- At home.

- [Interviewer] That makes sense.

And who do you feel most at home with?

- I think my dog makes me feel most at home.

- [Interviewer] Now, I suspect that these are rare for you.

But, if you had a full day off, what would you do with it?

- Nothing. I would do absolutely nothing.

- [Interviewer] How do you unwind?

- I do nothing. I just stay inside

and watch Harry Potter and just like don't do anything.

- [Interviewer] What's been taking up your days as of late?

- I'm finishing up my show, "Euphoria,"

so that's been a... It's been taking up a lot of time.

I had literally a night shoot, last night.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, "Euphoria's" been getting

some serious buzz.

- Yeah. I'm very excited about it.

- [Interviewer] And, it's such a departure from Disney.

What can you tell us about it?

- I mean, I'm excited and equally terrified, but

I don't know. I can say that it's the most exciting,

exhausting, but fulfilling thing I've ever done.

- [Interviewer] What is it that attracted you to Rue?

- Honestly, I hate reading scripts

and this was one of the first times

that I read a script so fast and I just kept reading

and reading and reading and I don't know,

I just fell in love with her.

- [Interviewer] And what was the most difficult

part of playing her?

- I mean, I can only understand

how her brain works so much, you know,

so I really rely heavily on our

writer/creator/ director, Sam Levinson,

because Rue is basically him, you know.

It's his life, so I just ask him.

- [Interviewer] What are you hoping

fans get out of the series?

- I hope they feel something.

Whatever that is, I don't know,

I just, hope they feel something.

- [Interviewer] Do you feel pressure when you're deciding

to post things on your social media?

- You know, it's kind of weird, yeah.

I have been more so now than ever before

which I think is a little weird for me.

But, I just kind of, I don't know,

I'm just taking a step back

and I haven't posted as much anymore.

- [Interviewer] Do you read the comments?

- No, not really.

And, less so they're from my friends, then I read those.

- [Interviewer] How do you deal with negativity?

- I try to keep in mind that everyone is dealing

with something that we have no idea about, you know?

So, I just try to have compassion for them, you know?

- [Interviewer] That's very wise.

What's something your followers may not know about you?

- I think they know this, but I'm a very

shy, introverted person.

- [Interviewer] And what's been the coolest thing

that you've learned from a fan?

- My fans, they keep me on my toes,

they keep me politically aware,

they keep me socially aware, and they always

correct my grammar and spelling.

Ok, I get it, I know I can't spell, ok?

- [Interviewer] Zendaya, I love this fire pit -

but it's kind of hot.

- Yeah. I get that.

I know we're in California and it's sunshiney,

but I'm sitting by the fire.

I see how that could be weird.

- [Interviewer] How would you describe your personal style?

- You know, the thing is, I don't have one.

I don't think I actually have one.

- [Interviewer] What's the most over-worn

item in your wardrobe?

- Probably my Converse.

- [Interviewer] And what's the most luxe thing

that you've ever worn?

- It's actually a funny story.

I went to a premiere and I had these earrings,

they were big, beautiful earrings

and I thought they were fake, to be honest with you.

And then, there was this article that came out the next day

that was like, "Zendaya wears million dollar earrings."

And I was like, "Law, did you put me

in million dollar earrings last night?"

He was like, "Mm-hmm, probably."

- No, no.

- What? What?

So, long story short, they're not mine, I gave them back.

And, yeah. That'll probably never happen again

because that was so stressful.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most stylish person alive?

- Law Roche, my stylist.

- [Interviewer] What would you consider to be your uniform?

- Probably, just black slacks and a white tee.

- [Interviewer] Vintage or designer?

- Vintage designer.

- That's a cheat answer.

Sneakers or heels?

- Sneakers at the moment. But I do love some heals.

- [Interviewer] What's the all-time greatest

purchase you ever made?

- That's a tough question, I refuse to answer that one.

- [Interviewer] An outfit that maybe you wish you skipped?

- None of them, actually, because I think

they all equally helped me find my confidence

and figure out what I like. So, I wouldn't take it back.

- [Interviewer] And what would you say

is your beauty philosophy?

- There are no rules.

- [Interviewer] How about a beauty product

that you don't go a day without wearing?

- SPF.

- [Interviewer] What is the best beauty tip

you've ever received?

- Take your makeup off before you go to bed.

I'm serious, even if you're tired.

Do it. - Noted.

Favorite lip color?

- Red.

- [Interviewer] Your go-to beauty look at this very moment?

- Nothing, honestly.

When I'm not working, just nothing.

- [Interviewer] Strong lip or strong eye?

- Strong eye.

- [Interviewer] Now I know you often do your own makeup

for events. - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Where did you learn those skills?

- I've had so many makeup horror stories

and I've had so many makeup artists in my past

that I just kind of took all the good things

from each of them and learned how to do it myself.

- [Interviewer] The act of you doing your own makeup...

it's so... I dunno, like old-school theater.

- Yeah, for sure. - And I've heard you hone

your acting skills via Shakespeare.

- Yeah, my mom actually worked

at the California Shakespeare Theater,

she's a house manager there since I was two years old.

- [Interviewer] How many of his plays have you seen?

- Like, all of them several times.

- [Interviewer] Who's your favorite character

in all of Shakespeare?

- Maybe Viola from "Twelfth Night."

- [Interviewer] How about your favorite line in any play?

- "If music be the food of love, play on."

- [Interviewer] Oh, I like that one,

that's not bad. [dog barks]

- Noonie!

Noon! Love me!

- [Interviewer] Oh!

- Everyone knows that Noon doesn't love me,

he loves my mom and Darnell more.

- [Interviewer] Now, your dog, Noon,

has a Twitter account that I saw.

- Come here.


But, surprisingly... ready, ready. I don't run it.

- [Interviewer] And, what would he Tweet about

at this very moment if he did?

- He'd probably Tweet, "Why are you guys in my backyard?"

- [Interviewer] If you could go back and tell

13-year-old Zendaya one thing, what would it be?

- It would probably be to follow your instincts

and follow your gut, because it's always right.

- [Interviewer] What would you tell other performers

navigating fame at a similar age?

- Read the contracts.

No matter how boring they are, read the contracts.

- [Interviewer] Ok, finish this sentence for me,

"Hollywood of the future looks like..."

- Hopefully, more diverse.

- [Interviewer] Wow, this tree is beautiful.

- Thanks.

- [Interviewer] So, dancing, trapeze work,

martial arts, your work requires strong physical commitment.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's been the hardest role to prepare for?

- You know, honestly, "Euphoria,"

because sometimes the emotional stuff

is just as hard as the physical stuff, you know?

- [Interviewer] What's been the most difficult

stunt to learn?

- Trapeze was pretty tough.

Especially for someone like me

who doesn't work out, it was tough.

- [Interviewer] Now on average, how many body slams

did you and your fellow 73 alum, Zac Efron, endure

when filming "The Greatest Showman."

- Oh, quite a lot.

Let's just say, we got very close.

- [Interviewer] Now I saw on Jimmy Fallon

that Hugh Jackman may have helped you

overcome your fear of heights?

- He called me a, "Badass."

- [Interviewer] He did?

- Yeah, Logan called me, "Badass."

Wolverine called me...

"A badass."

- That's amazing. - Yeah.

Do you want one?

- Yeah. Sure I'll take it. - Here.

I'll start it off for you.

- [Interviewer] Ok, I trust you.

- Try it.

Mmm, looks delicious.

What's your favorite scene to shoot

in the latest installment of Spider-Man?

- You know, there was this one scene stunt thing we did

where basically, they pulled us up

like a hundred feet and just dropped us and let us swing.

It was- it was pretty nuts.

- [Interviewer] Whoah, that sounds intense.

- Yeah, it was. But, it was fun.

- [Interviewer] What's something you can share

about your costars, Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal?

- That when they are together, no one else exists.

- [Interviewer] Were you a fan of the comics

before jumping into the project?

- Mm-hmm.

I think Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero.

- Oh me too! - He's like, cool, right?

- [Interviewer] Yeah.

What traits in your character, MJ,

hit closest to home for Zendaya?

- I don't know, she's a little bit of a loner.

And, kind of like an introvert, so... that's me.

- [Interviewer] What do you think makes you an introvert?

- I don't know, I just like to stay at home

and stay to myself, I can't help it.

- [Interviewer] Now, if you had any super power,

what would it be?

- Teleportation, for sure.

It would make my life so much easier.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, cause you travel a lot.

- A lot. - Any big trips coming up?

- Well we have the Spider-Man press tour coming up,

which is going to be cool - Ah, that's really cool.

By the way, I heard through the grapevine,

you may be involved in an iconic remake.

What can you tell me about this?

- I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

Don't ask me why I said that in a New York accent.

- [Interviewer] So, besides acting,

music has been such a strong focus in your career.

- Yeah. - Do you feel more connected

to acting or making music at this moment?

- I don't know, I mean I always love both.

But, I don't know I guess acting has taken a front seat.

- [Interviewer] What track always ends up

on the Zendaya-curated playlist?

- Right now, a lot of Solange.

She's been holding me down.

- [Interviewer] What's more important

at a party, the playlist or the outfit?

- Playlist, a thousand percent.

If you have a whack playlist, the party will not be popping.

If you want the party to jump off, side note,

and if anybody needs it, play, "This is How We Do It".

It works every time.

- [Interviewer] Now what's a song

that you wish you'd written?

- "A Song For You" by Donny Hathaway.

- [Interviewer] What's the best concert

you've seen this year?

- I haven't been to a concert this year,

because I've been so busy.

But we all know, Beyonce has the best concert.

- [Interviewer] What's the best advice you've ever received?

- [Darrel] That's my cue!

- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Well done, Darnell.

- [Interviewer] Darnell with the perfect timing!

- I know, was it not? - What's some advice

that you've completely ignored?

- That you can't do it all, because you can.

If you feel that you can do it, you can do it.

- [Interviewer] Zendaya, what do you want to be known for?

- You know this is gonna sound really corny but,

I don't know, I guess just being a good person.

- [Interviewer] That's not corny at all.

Is that mine? - Yeah, go for it.

- [Interviewer] Thank you very, very much.

Now, who are the three women

that are blowing your mind right now?

- I know I mention Beyonce a lot, but always Beyonce.

Michelle Obama, Rihanna.

- [Interviewer] Incredible women.

Zendaya, you're a very giving person.

What cause would you say is closest to your heart?

- Honestly, there's so many things that I'm passionate about

that we just have have a separate thing.

You gotta come back and we'll just talk about that.

- [Interviewer] What's a question you get asked

all the time but you wish you didn't?

- Who are you dating?

- [Interviewer] By the way, you're one of the most

requested asked for a 73 Questions episode, ever.

- Really? - Yeah.

- Oh, snap, thanks.

- [Interviewer] I'd love to know

who would you ask 73 questions to?

- Probably the three women I just mentioned.

Plus, maybe Oprah, as well.

- [Interviewer] Ok, I'm sorry to say this

but we're already at question number 73.

- Geez, that went by really fast.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, I know right?

For all your fans who have requested this-

what message would you like to send them right now?

- I don't know, I think I would just say "Thank you."

You know, because a lot of them have come up with me

and grown up with me, literally.

Probably the same age and grown up with me.

I just appreciate them supporting me

through all these different phases

of my career, as I continue to grow.

So, I appreciate that.

- [Interviewer] That's awesome.

And, this was delicious.

- Thank you.

Thank you. Of course. - Zendaya, thank you so much.

This was great. Bye-bye.

- Bye.

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73 Questions With Zendaya | Vogue 73 perguntas a Zendaya | Vogue

[interviewer knocks] 면접관|

- [Zendaya] Yeah? Come on in. - Sim? Entra.

- [Interviewer] Guess who's here-

- What's up? - Zendaya!

- Hey.

- [Interviewer] Thank you so much for having me by, - [Entrevistador] Muito obrigado por me receber,

I know how busy you are. Sei que estás muito ocupado.

- Yeah, of course, thanks for coming. - Sim, claro, obrigado por ter vindo.

- [Interviewer] I'm gonna ask you 73 questions.

- Let's do it. And, I see - Vamos a isso. E, estou a ver

that you're picking a bunch of lemons. que está a apanhar um monte de limões.

- Yeah, I'm making lemonade.

You want some? Queres um pouco?

- [Interviewer] I'd love some. - Gostava muito.

- I got you. - Apanhei-te.

- [Interviewer] Ok so,

question number one, where does your name originate? pergunta número um, qual é a origem do seu nome?

- Ok so technically it's a long story,

but it's based off a word that means to give thanks. mas baseia-se numa palavra que significa "dar graças".

- [Interviewer] That's pretty. - [Entrevistador] Isso é bonito.

And how would you describe your upbringing? E como descreveria a sua educação?

- Real.

- [Interviewer] Who would you say was - [Entrevistador] Quem é que diria que foi

your role model growing up? o seu modelo de vida na infância?

- My mom.

- [Interviewer] And today, has it changed? - [Entrevistador] E hoje, mudou?

- No, it's still my mom.

- [Interviewer] Why?

- Because, she's a teacher. You know,

and she spent her whole life giving. e passou toda a sua vida a dar.

And, I really admire that.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, and what's the first thing

you thought of this morning? que pensaste esta manhã?

- Can I be honest?

- [Interviewer] Sure.

- Blowing my nose because I have

a little cold right now, so be careful.

- I'm gonna keep my distance. - All right.

- [Interviewer] So what's something you do

every morning without fail?

- Oh, unfortunately, I check my phone.

- [Interviewer] Same here.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What gets you out of bed?

- My dog, Noon.

- [Interviewer] Cute.

And you're a Virgo?

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's the most Virgo thing about you?

- Ok now this is going to sound negative

but like, I'm a little bit of a control freak.

Just a little bit. - Zendaya, aren't we all.

- [Darnell] Zen-D!

- Hey, Darnell. Can you take these for me?

- This is Darnell,

he's my assistant slash brother

slash everything, organizer of my life.

- Hey, Darnell. - Hey.

- Thank you.

- [Interviewer] Ok, so what's the most

Californian thing about you?

- The most Californian thing about me 가장|||||

is that I still get excited when I see snow.

I think it's really, really cool,

because obviously we never get snow.

So, obviously if you see snow all the time,

it's not exciting for you, but I think it's cool.

- [Interviewer] And where do you feel most at home?

- At home.

- [Interviewer] That makes sense.

And who do you feel most at home with?

- I think my dog makes me feel most at home.

- [Interviewer] Now, I suspect that these are rare for you.

But, if you had a full day off, what would you do with it? But, if you had a full day off, what would you do with it?

- Nothing. I would do absolutely nothing.

- [Interviewer] How do you unwind?

- I do nothing. I just stay inside

and watch Harry Potter and just like don't do anything.

- [Interviewer] What's been taking up your days as of late? - [Interviewer] What's been taking up your days as of late?

- I'm finishing up my show, "Euphoria,"

so that's been a... It's been taking up a lot of time.

I had literally a night shoot, last night.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, "Euphoria's" been getting

some serious buzz.

- Yeah. I'm very excited about it.

- [Interviewer] And, it's such a departure from Disney.

What can you tell us about it?

- I mean, I'm excited and equally terrified, but

I don't know. I can say that it's the most exciting,

exhausting, but fulfilling thing I've ever done.

- [Interviewer] What is it that attracted you to Rue?

- Honestly, I hate reading scripts

and this was one of the first times

that I read a script so fast and I just kept reading

and reading and reading and I don't know,

I just fell in love with her.

- [Interviewer] And what was the most difficult

part of playing her?

- I mean, I can only understand

how her brain works so much, you know,

so I really rely heavily on our

writer/creator/ director, Sam Levinson,

because Rue is basically him, you know.

It's his life, so I just ask him.

- [Interviewer] What are you hoping

fans get out of the series?

- I hope they feel something.

Whatever that is, I don't know,

I just, hope they feel something.

- [Interviewer] Do you feel pressure when you're deciding

to post things on your social media?

- You know, it's kind of weird, yeah.

I have been more so now than ever before

which I think is a little weird for me.

But, I just kind of, I don't know,

I'm just taking a step back

and I haven't posted as much anymore.

- [Interviewer] Do you read the comments?

- No, not really.

And, less so they're from my friends, then I read those.

- [Interviewer] How do you deal with negativity?

- I try to keep in mind that everyone is dealing

with something that we have no idea about, you know?

So, I just try to have compassion for them, you know?

- [Interviewer] That's very wise.

What's something your followers may not know about you?

- I think they know this, but I'm a very

shy, introverted person.

- [Interviewer] And what's been the coolest thing

that you've learned from a fan?

- My fans, they keep me on my toes,

they keep me politically aware,

they keep me socially aware, and they always

correct my grammar and spelling.

Ok, I get it, I know I can't spell, ok?

- [Interviewer] Zendaya, I love this fire pit -

but it's kind of hot.

- Yeah. I get that.

I know we're in California and it's sunshiney,

but I'm sitting by the fire.

I see how that could be weird.

- [Interviewer] How would you describe your personal style?

- You know, the thing is, I don't have one.

I don't think I actually have one.

- [Interviewer] What's the most over-worn

item in your wardrobe?

- Probably my Converse.

- [Interviewer] And what's the most luxe thing

that you've ever worn?

- It's actually a funny story.

I went to a premiere and I had these earrings,

they were big, beautiful earrings

and I thought they were fake, to be honest with you.

And then, there was this article that came out the next day

that was like, "Zendaya wears million dollar earrings."

And I was like, "Law, did you put me

in million dollar earrings last night?"

He was like, "Mm-hmm, probably."

- No, no.

- What? What?

So, long story short, they're not mine, I gave them back.

And, yeah. That'll probably never happen again

because that was so stressful.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most stylish person alive?

- Law Roche, my stylist.

- [Interviewer] What would you consider to be your uniform?

- Probably, just black slacks and a white tee.

- [Interviewer] Vintage or designer?

- Vintage designer.

- That's a cheat answer.

Sneakers or heels?

- Sneakers at the moment. But I do love some heals.

- [Interviewer] What's the all-time greatest

purchase you ever made?

- That's a tough question, I refuse to answer that one.

- [Interviewer] An outfit that maybe you wish you skipped?

- None of them, actually, because I think

they all equally helped me find my confidence

and figure out what I like. So, I wouldn't take it back.

- [Interviewer] And what would you say

is your beauty philosophy?

- There are no rules.

- [Interviewer] How about a beauty product

that you don't go a day without wearing?

- SPF.

- [Interviewer] What is the best beauty tip

you've ever received?

- Take your makeup off before you go to bed.

I'm serious, even if you're tired.

Do it. - Noted.

Favorite lip color?

- Red.

- [Interviewer] Your go-to beauty look at this very moment?

- Nothing, honestly.

When I'm not working, just nothing.

- [Interviewer] Strong lip or strong eye?

- Strong eye.

- [Interviewer] Now I know you often do your own makeup

for events. - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] Where did you learn those skills?

- I've had so many makeup horror stories

and I've had so many makeup artists in my past

that I just kind of took all the good things

from each of them and learned how to do it myself.

- [Interviewer] The act of you doing your own makeup...

it's so... I dunno, like old-school theater.

- Yeah, for sure. - And I've heard you hone

your acting skills via Shakespeare.

- Yeah, my mom actually worked

at the California Shakespeare Theater,

she's a house manager there since I was two years old.

- [Interviewer] How many of his plays have you seen?

- Like, all of them several times.

- [Interviewer] Who's your favorite character

in all of Shakespeare?

- Maybe Viola from "Twelfth Night."

- [Interviewer] How about your favorite line in any play?

- "If music be the food of love, play on."

- [Interviewer] Oh, I like that one,

that's not bad. [dog barks]

- Noonie!

Noon! Love me!

- [Interviewer] Oh!

- Everyone knows that Noon doesn't love me,

he loves my mom and Darnell more.

- [Interviewer] Now, your dog, Noon,

has a Twitter account that I saw.

- Come here.


But, surprisingly... ready, ready. I don't run it.

- [Interviewer] And, what would he Tweet about

at this very moment if he did?

- He'd probably Tweet, "Why are you guys in my backyard?"

- [Interviewer] If you could go back and tell

13-year-old Zendaya one thing, what would it be?

- It would probably be to follow your instincts

and follow your gut, because it's always right.

- [Interviewer] What would you tell other performers

navigating fame at a similar age?

- Read the contracts.

No matter how boring they are, read the contracts.

- [Interviewer] Ok, finish this sentence for me,

"Hollywood of the future looks like..."

- Hopefully, more diverse.

- [Interviewer] Wow, this tree is beautiful.

- Thanks.

- [Interviewer] So, dancing, trapeze work,

martial arts, your work requires strong physical commitment.

- Yeah.

- [Interviewer] What's been the hardest role to prepare for?

- You know, honestly, "Euphoria,"

because sometimes the emotional stuff

is just as hard as the physical stuff, you know?

- [Interviewer] What's been the most difficult

stunt to learn?

- Trapeze was pretty tough.

Especially for someone like me

who doesn't work out, it was tough.

- [Interviewer] Now on average, how many body slams

did you and your fellow 73 alum, Zac Efron, endure

when filming "The Greatest Showman."

- Oh, quite a lot.

Let's just say, we got very close.

- [Interviewer] Now I saw on Jimmy Fallon

that Hugh Jackman may have helped you

overcome your fear of heights?

- He called me a, "Badass."

- [Interviewer] He did?

- Yeah, Logan called me, "Badass."

Wolverine called me...

"A badass."

- That's amazing. - Yeah.

Do you want one?

- Yeah. Sure I'll take it. - Here.

I'll start it off for you.

- [Interviewer] Ok, I trust you.

- Try it.

Mmm, looks delicious.

What's your favorite scene to shoot

in the latest installment of Spider-Man?

- You know, there was this one scene stunt thing we did

where basically, they pulled us up

like a hundred feet and just dropped us and let us swing.

It was- it was pretty nuts.

- [Interviewer] Whoah, that sounds intense.

- Yeah, it was. But, it was fun.

- [Interviewer] What's something you can share

about your costars, Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal?

- That when they are together, no one else exists.

- [Interviewer] Were you a fan of the comics

before jumping into the project?

- Mm-hmm.

I think Spider-Man's always been my favorite superhero.

- Oh me too! - He's like, cool, right?

- [Interviewer] Yeah.

What traits in your character, MJ,

hit closest to home for Zendaya?

- I don't know, she's a little bit of a loner.

And, kind of like an introvert, so... that's me.

- [Interviewer] What do you think makes you an introvert?

- I don't know, I just like to stay at home

and stay to myself, I can't help it.

- [Interviewer] Now, if you had any super power,

what would it be?

- Teleportation, for sure.

It would make my life so much easier.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, cause you travel a lot.

- A lot. - Any big trips coming up?

- Well we have the Spider-Man press tour coming up,

which is going to be cool - Ah, that's really cool.

By the way, I heard through the grapevine,

you may be involved in an iconic remake.

What can you tell me about this?

- I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

Don't ask me why I said that in a New York accent.

- [Interviewer] So, besides acting,

music has been such a strong focus in your career.

- Yeah. - Do you feel more connected

to acting or making music at this moment?

- I don't know, I mean I always love both.

But, I don't know I guess acting has taken a front seat.

- [Interviewer] What track always ends up

on the Zendaya-curated playlist?

- Right now, a lot of Solange.

She's been holding me down.

- [Interviewer] What's more important

at a party, the playlist or the outfit?

- Playlist, a thousand percent.

If you have a whack playlist, the party will not be popping.

If you want the party to jump off, side note,

and if anybody needs it, play, "This is How We Do It".

It works every time.

- [Interviewer] Now what's a song

that you wish you'd written?

- "A Song For You" by Donny Hathaway.

- [Interviewer] What's the best concert

you've seen this year?

- I haven't been to a concert this year,

because I've been so busy.

But we all know, Beyonce has the best concert.

- [Interviewer] What's the best advice you've ever received?

- [Darrel] That's my cue!

- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Well done, Darnell.

- [Interviewer] Darnell with the perfect timing!

- I know, was it not? - What's some advice

that you've completely ignored?

- That you can't do it all, because you can.

If you feel that you can do it, you can do it.

- [Interviewer] Zendaya, what do you want to be known for?

- You know this is gonna sound really corny but,

I don't know, I guess just being a good person.

- [Interviewer] That's not corny at all.

Is that mine? - Yeah, go for it.

- [Interviewer] Thank you very, very much.

Now, who are the three women

that are blowing your mind right now?

- I know I mention Beyonce a lot, but always Beyonce.

Michelle Obama, Rihanna.

- [Interviewer] Incredible women.

Zendaya, you're a very giving person.

What cause would you say is closest to your heart?

- Honestly, there's so many things that I'm passionate about

that we just have have a separate thing.

You gotta come back and we'll just talk about that.

- [Interviewer] What's a question you get asked

all the time but you wish you didn't?

- Who are you dating?

- [Interviewer] By the way, you're one of the most

requested asked for a 73 Questions episode, ever.

- Really? - Yeah.

- Oh, snap, thanks.

- [Interviewer] I'd love to know

who would you ask 73 questions to?

- Probably the three women I just mentioned.

Plus, maybe Oprah, as well.

- [Interviewer] Ok, I'm sorry to say this

but we're already at question number 73.

- Geez, that went by really fast.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, I know right?

For all your fans who have requested this-

what message would you like to send them right now?

- I don't know, I think I would just say "Thank you."

You know, because a lot of them have come up with me

and grown up with me, literally.

Probably the same age and grown up with me.

I just appreciate them supporting me

through all these different phases

of my career, as I continue to grow.

So, I appreciate that.

- [Interviewer] That's awesome.

And, this was delicious.

- Thank you.

Thank you. Of course. - Zendaya, thank you so much.

This was great. Bye-bye.

- Bye.