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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Zac Efron | Vogue

73 Questions With Zac Efron | Vogue

[car drives up]

- [Interviewer] Whoa!

Now that's an entrance.

- What up?

- [Interviewer] 73 questions with a Zac Efron

arriving in style. - Oh yeah.

How are you doing?

- Could not be better. - Good.

- [Interviewer] All right, so what's her story?

- Ah, this is my '64 and a half Mustang,

I just got it restored.

- [Interviewer] And what's the coolest thing

about your '64 and a half Mustang?

- Uh, I inherited it from my grandfather.

- [Interviewer] Does the car have a name?

- Uh, Gramps?

- [Interviewer] Mind if I hop inside?

- Nah, we don't have time dude.

We gotta start this barbecue, right?

- [Interviewer] Ok. So how'd you start your day

this morning, Zac?

- Oh, the same as always.

Everyday, 50 push-ups,

huge workout, I'm just kidding. I don't ...

- [Interviewer] That's more impressive than me.

What one person did you have on your wall

when you were in high school?

- Oh, no kidding, Tyra Banks.

Just, I had a poster on-- - [Interviewer] Tyra!

- She was in a purple bathing suit.

Pretty cool.

- [Interviewer] What show would you like to make

a cameo in?

- Definitely Stranger Things.

- [Interviewer] What's a movie that made you cry

from laughter?

- Pineapple Express.

- [Interviewer] What's a movie that made you cry

from sadness?

- Titanic.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite album right now,

at this moment?

- Uh, Coloring Book by Chance the Rapper.

- [Interviewer] Zac, this view is amazing!

- Thanks, bro. - [Interviewer] Nice!

What's one album people would be surprised

to know that you own?

- Céline Dion's greatest hits.

- [Interviewer] That's a surprise.

- And all the other albums.

- [Interviewer] If you could be a rockstar

from any decade, who would you be?

- Easy, Prince.

- [Interviewer] Now if you can be any rapper,

who would you be?

- Chance the Rapper or Kendrick Lamar.

- [Interviewer] I'll take two answers for that.

- Ok Google, play my barbecue playlist.

- [Google] Ok, playing your Google Play music playlist

called "Barbecue." [Portugal. The Man. Plays]

- [Interviewer] That's right. - That's right.

Thank you very much.

- [Interviewer] Zac is playing the role of DJ!

Alright. What's a song from the '90s that you still

listen to?

- I listen to "What I Got," by Sublime.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing that you still have

from your childhood?

- Dignity, I hope.

- [Interviewer] What is your spirit animal?

- Definitely a hawk.

- [Interviewer] What was the name of your first pet?

- The first pet that I owned was named "Cuckoo Kitty."

It was a stray cat that I found.

- [Interviewer] Cuckoo Kitty.

- Cuckoo Kitty. - [Interviewer] What's your go-to

workout song?

- Something, like aggressive. Hip-hop, Schoolboy Q,

"I Want the Top," yeah.

- [Interviewer] Alright. And, uh,

what's the name of your go-to karaoke song?

- My go-to karaoke song?

- [Interviewer] Yep.

- Ice Ice Baby.

- [Interviewer] If you attempted to play any sport

professionally, what sport would that be?

- Um, the NFL.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite team of all-time?

- The Lakers. - Kobe or Shaq?

- Come on, man! Kobe.

- [Interviewer] You going to make this shot?

- [Zac] Oh, yeah!

- [Interviewer] Eh. Oh! - Oh!

- [Interviewer] Surprisingly close!

Zac, what's your favorite sports documentary of all time?

- Uh, pretty much any 30 for 30.

That show's amazing.

- [Interviewer] What was it like to kiss Dwayne Johnson?

- Absolutely amazing.

He's perfect. Breathtaking.

- [Interviewer] Seems like you really enjoyed

that experience, Zac. - It was amazing.

- [Interviewer] Ok, so if you tried,

could you remember every name that Dwayne Johnson

called you in Baywatch?

- No. [chuckles]

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite place to hang out?

- Planet Earth.

- [Interviewer] Do you have any bad neighbors?

- No.

Not really.

- [Interviewer] Now, Zac, when you're not working,

what's one thing you love to do?

- Pretty much anything outdoors.

- [Interviewer] Can you be any more specific than that?

- I don't know, surfing, skate--

anything outdoors. - [Interviewer] Ok, what is the

weirdest hidden talent that you're willing

to share with us at the moment?

- Uh, I can blow spit bubbles with my tongue.

- [Interviewer] Alright, so you're going to have to

put on your performer hat for this one,

but what's the best impression that you can do?

- Um, impression?

- [Interviewer] Yep.

- I don't know, once you start the impression,

if you mess it up, then there's a lot at stake

and you have to make a careful choice to even

start to do the impression or you sound like an idiot.

And that's supposed to be Christopher Walken.

See, now I'm an idiot. - [Interviewer] No, the resemblance

was uncanny. Alright, what's your worst habit?

- Worst habit: procrastination.

- [Interviewer] What's your best habit?

- Best habit is I always, always come through

and get the job done.

- What's the number one fitness tip that you have

for everyone watching this video?

- Just, uh, start slow.

- [Interviewer] What's the number one piece of advice

you have for other young actors looking to break

into the business?

- Practice patience. [The Temper Trap plays]

- [Interviewer] You got two minutes of patience for me?

- Ok, Google, set a timer for two minutes?

- [Google] Sure. Two minutes. Starting now.

- [Interviewer] Uh, the pressure is on to finish this up!

Ok, so who is your biggest role model?

- My grandfather.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite part of your job?

- Probably the versatility of it.

- [Interviewer] Now if you were not an actor,

what would your dream job be and why?

- I would probably be a chef.

- [Interviewer] What's the craziest thing that's ever

happened on set?

- Um, one time I tackled Macy Gray in my underwear.

And it was improv, so she wasn't expecting it.

It was pretty funny.

- [Interviewer] Yeah.

I have no words for this.

- What do you mean, you don't have one of you?

- [Interviewer] If you could have lunch or dinner

with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

- Ooph, man.

Paul Newman?

- [Interviewer] Ok, if you could imagine any three--

just destroyed your hoop, but--if you could imagine

any three people cannon-balling into your pool

at the same time, who would they be?

- My co-stars from the new movie Greatest Showman, uh,

Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, and Michelle Williams.

- [Interviewer] Who would you love to do a love scene with?

- The Rock.

Finish what we started.


- [Interviewer] What advice would you give

your twenty-year-old self?


- To be patient.

- [Interviewer] Ok.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

- To be like water, my friend.

- [Interviewer] What's the best advice that you can give

your baby bro?

- Just,

do what I say dude.

Come on, just, like, do what your big bro says to do.

- [Interviewer] All right Zac, so it's twenty years

in the future.

You have a daughter.

- What the heck? That's cra--

[Interviewer] What age do you let her date?

- I don't even wanna go there. It's way too early.

- [Interviewer] Ok, that's a strange question.

- Yeah. We'll talk about that--

- [Interviewer] Alright

- later. - [Interviewer] Later. Fair enough.

Who's your style icon?

- Steve McQueen.

- [Interviewer] What's your go-to look?

- Just classic jeans, black t-shirt.

- [Interviewer] Oh, thank you. - Cheers.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite scent?

- Uh, definitely Hugo Man.

- [Interviewer] What's the most worn item

in your wardrobe?

- [Zac] Black shirt.

- [Interviewer] If you were to design a t-shirt,

what would you put on it?

- Definitely no labels. [timer beeps]

- [Interviewer] Ah, I need two more minutes!

What's your favorite food? - Kale.

- [Interviewer] What's your least favorite food?

- Absolutely kale.

- [Interviewer] What's the weirdest thing you've ever cooked?

- Worms in an egg that I found in a tree

over a campfire with Bear Grylls.

- [Interviewer] Oh, what's the most memorable meal

you've ever had?

- That's probably the most memorable meal

I've ever had!

- [Interviewer] If Zac Efron was a juice,

what would be in it?

- Uh, sriracha and a bunch of love.

- [Interviewer] I have to say, this is pretty

good barbecue. - Oh, good.

I'm glad you like it.

- [Interviewer] Ok, what's your nerdiest quality?

- I don't know, is nerd even really a thing anymore?

I don't think so.

- [Interviewer] Ok, what's the most memorable fan moment

that you've ever had?

- My fans rule, so

I have a lot of good fan moments.

- [Interviewer] If your life were a musical,

what would it be called?

- Zac-a-licious.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite moment

from all of High School Musical?

- I don't know. There's so many. - [Interviewer] Ah, just think of one.

- I mean the finale when the curtains close,

tears me up.

All the-- all of it.

- [Interviewer] Alright. Zac, behind you is a shark I planted

for the next question.

Is it true you once swan with wild sharks?

- Yes. That's not the shark I rode,

but I did ride a tiger shark.

A big one. In Hawaii.

It was pretty cool.

- [Interviewer] If you could change your name,

what would you change your name to?

- Khaleesi.

- [Interviewer] What was your first job?

- Um, I did a small play in Arroyo Grande,

at the Melodrama.

Got paid like two bucks an hour.

- [Interviewer] What song have you played more

than any other song on guitar?

- Um, Santeria, I think.

- [Interviewer] What would your DJ name be?

- Afro Zac.

- [Interviewer] What's the most terrifying thing

you've ever done?

- Um, maybe sky-diving.

Um, I'm not afraid of much, so...

- [Interviewer] Definitely not sharks.

- But riding the shark was pretty scary.


- [Interviewer] If you could be a star in any movie

in history, what would it be?

- The Godfather Part I.

- [Interviewer] Ok, last two questions.

What's it like working with Seth Rogen?

- Absolutely incredible.

Seth Rogen is amazing.

- [Interviewer] Can you do your impression of Seth Rogen,

just like you did for Christopher Walken?

While I walk away from you slowly?

[imitates laugh]

- Aw man. I, how do you even start an impression of Seth?

He's always like, so on top of it. You just kinda of,

you can't really do an impression of Seth

because he's just talking!

It's just the way that he

enunciates things.

- [Interviewer] [Laughs] Okay thanks Zac.

- He's making it seem like you're, it's just,

he's using common sense 'cause this is awesome. Ok Google?

You can't impersonate me. I have the best voice ever,

like, I don't know maybe Zac could do it?

Maybe Zac can do an impression of me, I'm not sure.

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73 Questions With Zac Efron | Vogue 73 Fragen mit Zac Efron | Vogue

[car drives up]

- [Interviewer] Whoa!

Now that's an entrance.

- What up?

- [Interviewer] 73 questions with a Zac Efron

arriving in style. - Oh yeah.

How are you doing?

- Could not be better. - Good. - Daha iyi olamazdı. - İyi.

- [Interviewer] All right, so what's her story?

- Ah, this is my '64 and a half Mustang,

I just got it restored.

- [Interviewer] And what's the coolest thing

about your '64 and a half Mustang? あなたの64年半のマスタングについて?

- Uh, I inherited it from my grandfather.

- [Interviewer] Does the car have a name?

- Uh, Gramps?

- [Interviewer] Mind if I hop inside?

- Nah, we don't have time dude.

We gotta start this barbecue, right?

- [Interviewer] Ok. So how'd you start your day

this morning, Zac?

- Oh, the same as always.

Everyday, 50 push-ups,

huge workout, I'm just kidding. I don't ...

- [Interviewer] That's more impressive than me.

What one person did you have on your wall

when you were in high school?

- Oh, no kidding, Tyra Banks.

Just, I had a poster on-- - [Interviewer] Tyra!

- She was in a purple bathing suit.

Pretty cool.

- [Interviewer] What show would you like to make

a cameo in?

- Definitely Stranger Things.

- [Interviewer] What's a movie that made you cry

from laughter?

- Pineapple Express.

- [Interviewer] What's a movie that made you cry

from sadness?

- Titanic.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite album right now,

at this moment?

- Uh, Coloring Book by Chance the Rapper.

- [Interviewer] Zac, this view is amazing!

- Thanks, bro. - [Interviewer] Nice!

What's one album people would be surprised

to know that you own?

- Céline Dion's greatest hits.

- [Interviewer] That's a surprise.

- And all the other albums.

- [Interviewer] If you could be a rockstar

from any decade, who would you be?

- Easy, Prince.

- [Interviewer] Now if you can be any rapper,

who would you be?

- Chance the Rapper or Kendrick Lamar.

- [Interviewer] I'll take two answers for that.

- Ok Google, play my barbecue playlist.

- [Google] Ok, playing your Google Play music playlist

called "Barbecue." [Portugal. The Man. Plays]

- [Interviewer] That's right. - That's right.

Thank you very much.

- [Interviewer] Zac is playing the role of DJ!

Alright. What's a song from the '90s that you still

listen to?

- I listen to "What I Got," by Sublime.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing that you still have

from your childhood?

- Dignity, I hope.

- [Interviewer] What is your spirit animal?

- Definitely a hawk.

- [Interviewer] What was the name of your first pet?

- The first pet that I owned was named "Cuckoo Kitty."

It was a stray cat that I found.

- [Interviewer] Cuckoo Kitty.

- Cuckoo Kitty. - [Interviewer] What's your go-to

workout song?

- Something, like aggressive. Hip-hop, Schoolboy Q,

"I Want the Top," yeah.

- [Interviewer] Alright. And, uh,

what's the name of your go-to karaoke song?

- My go-to karaoke song?

- [Interviewer] Yep.

- Ice Ice Baby.

- [Interviewer] If you attempted to play any sport

professionally, what sport would that be?

- Um, the NFL.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite team of all-time?

- The Lakers. - Kobe or Shaq?

- Come on, man! Kobe.

- [Interviewer] You going to make this shot?

- [Zac] Oh, yeah!

- [Interviewer] Eh. Oh! - Oh!

- [Interviewer] Surprisingly close!

Zac, what's your favorite sports documentary of all time?

- Uh, pretty much any 30 for 30.

That show's amazing.

- [Interviewer] What was it like to kiss Dwayne Johnson?

- Absolutely amazing.

He's perfect. Breathtaking.

- [Interviewer] Seems like you really enjoyed

that experience, Zac. - It was amazing.

- [Interviewer] Ok, so if you tried,

could you remember every name that Dwayne Johnson

called you in Baywatch?

- No. [chuckles]

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite place to hang out?

- Planet Earth.

- [Interviewer] Do you have any bad neighbors?

- No.

Not really.

- [Interviewer] Now, Zac, when you're not working,

what's one thing you love to do?

- Pretty much anything outdoors.

- [Interviewer] Can you be any more specific than that?

- I don't know, surfing, skate--

anything outdoors. - [Interviewer] Ok, what is the

weirdest hidden talent that you're willing

to share with us at the moment?

- Uh, I can blow spit bubbles with my tongue.

- [Interviewer] Alright, so you're going to have to

put on your performer hat for this one,

but what's the best impression that you can do?

- Um, impression?

- [Interviewer] Yep.

- I don't know, once you start the impression,

if you mess it up, then there's a lot at stake

and you have to make a careful choice to even

start to do the impression or you sound like an idiot.

And that's supposed to be Christopher Walken.

See, now I'm an idiot. - [Interviewer] No, the resemblance

was uncanny. Alright, what's your worst habit?

- Worst habit: procrastination.

- [Interviewer] What's your best habit?

- Best habit is I always, always come through

and get the job done.

- What's the number one fitness tip that you have

for everyone watching this video?

- Just, uh, start slow.

- [Interviewer] What's the number one piece of advice

you have for other young actors looking to break

into the business?

- Practice patience. [The Temper Trap plays]

- [Interviewer] You got two minutes of patience for me?

- Ok, Google, set a timer for two minutes?

- [Google] Sure. Two minutes. Starting now.

- [Interviewer] Uh, the pressure is on to finish this up!

Ok, so who is your biggest role model?

- My grandfather.

- [Interviewer] What is your favorite part of your job?

- Probably the versatility of it.

- [Interviewer] Now if you were not an actor,

what would your dream job be and why?

- I would probably be a chef.

- [Interviewer] What's the craziest thing that's ever

happened on set?

- Um, one time I tackled Macy Gray in my underwear.

And it was improv, so she wasn't expecting it.

It was pretty funny.

- [Interviewer] Yeah.

I have no words for this.

- What do you mean, you don't have one of you?

- [Interviewer] If you could have lunch or dinner

with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

- Ooph, man.

Paul Newman?

- [Interviewer] Ok, if you could imagine any three--

just destroyed your hoop, but--if you could imagine

any three people cannon-balling into your pool

at the same time, who would they be?

- My co-stars from the new movie Greatest Showman, uh,

Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, and Michelle Williams.

- [Interviewer] Who would you love to do a love scene with?

- The Rock.

Finish what we started.


- [Interviewer] What advice would you give

your twenty-year-old self?


- To be patient.

- [Interviewer] Ok.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

- To be like water, my friend.

- [Interviewer] What's the best advice that you can give

your baby bro?

- Just,

do what I say dude.

Come on, just, like, do what your big bro says to do.

- [Interviewer] All right Zac, so it's twenty years

in the future.

You have a daughter.

- What the heck? That's cra--

[Interviewer] What age do you let her date?

- I don't even wanna go there. It's way too early.

- [Interviewer] Ok, that's a strange question.

- Yeah. We'll talk about that--

- [Interviewer] Alright

- later. - [Interviewer] Later. Fair enough.

Who's your style icon?

- Steve McQueen.

- [Interviewer] What's your go-to look?

- Just classic jeans, black t-shirt.

- [Interviewer] Oh, thank you. - Cheers.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite scent?

- Uh, definitely Hugo Man.

- [Interviewer] What's the most worn item

in your wardrobe?

- [Zac] Black shirt.

- [Interviewer] If you were to design a t-shirt,

what would you put on it?

- Definitely no labels. [timer beeps]

- [Interviewer] Ah, I need two more minutes!

What's your favorite food? - Kale.

- [Interviewer] What's your least favorite food?

- Absolutely kale.

- [Interviewer] What's the weirdest thing you've ever cooked?

- Worms in an egg that I found in a tree

over a campfire with Bear Grylls.

- [Interviewer] Oh, what's the most memorable meal

you've ever had?

- That's probably the most memorable meal

I've ever had!

- [Interviewer] If Zac Efron was a juice,

what would be in it?

- Uh, sriracha and a bunch of love.

- [Interviewer] I have to say, this is pretty

good barbecue. - Oh, good.

I'm glad you like it.

- [Interviewer] Ok, what's your nerdiest quality?

- I don't know, is nerd even really a thing anymore?

I don't think so.

- [Interviewer] Ok, what's the most memorable fan moment

that you've ever had?

- My fans rule, so

I have a lot of good fan moments.

- [Interviewer] If your life were a musical,

what would it be called?

- Zac-a-licious.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite moment

from all of High School Musical?

- I don't know. There's so many. - [Interviewer] Ah, just think of one.

- I mean the finale when the curtains close,

tears me up.

All the-- all of it.

- [Interviewer] Alright. Zac, behind you is a shark I planted

for the next question.

Is it true you once swan with wild sharks?

- Yes. That's not the shark I rode,

but I did ride a tiger shark.

A big one. In Hawaii.

It was pretty cool.

- [Interviewer] If you could change your name,

what would you change your name to?

- Khaleesi.

- [Interviewer] What was your first job?

- Um, I did a small play in Arroyo Grande,

at the Melodrama.

Got paid like two bucks an hour.

- [Interviewer] What song have you played more

than any other song on guitar?

- Um, Santeria, I think.

- [Interviewer] What would your DJ name be?

- Afro Zac.

- [Interviewer] What's the most terrifying thing

you've ever done?

- Um, maybe sky-diving.

Um, I'm not afraid of much, so...

- [Interviewer] Definitely not sharks.

- But riding the shark was pretty scary.


- [Interviewer] If you could be a star in any movie

in history, what would it be?

- The Godfather Part I.

- [Interviewer] Ok, last two questions.

What's it like working with Seth Rogen?

- Absolutely incredible.

Seth Rogen is amazing.

- [Interviewer] Can you do your impression of Seth Rogen,

just like you did for Christopher Walken?

While I walk away from you slowly?

[imitates laugh]

- Aw man. I, how do you even start an impression of Seth?

He's always like, so on top of it. You just kinda of,

you can't really do an impression of Seth

because he's just talking!

It's just the way that he

enunciates things.

- [Interviewer] [Laughs] Okay thanks Zac.

- He's making it seem like you're, it's just,

he's using common sense 'cause this is awesome. Ok Google?

You can't impersonate me. I have the best voice ever,

like, I don't know maybe Zac could do it? gibi, bilmiyorum belki Zac yapabilir?

Maybe Zac can do an impression of me, I'm not sure.