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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Taylor Swift | Vogue

73 Questions With Taylor Swift | Vogue

(doorbell dinging)

- Taylor. - Hey.

- [Host] Hi.

- Come in.

- [Host] Thank you so much for fitting a 73 question

interview in to your busy schedule.

- Oh, it's all good.

- [Host] Alright, cool, let's do this.

So what's keeping you busy these days?

- I'm just working out and getting ready for Grammys.

- [Host] What's the most exciting thing in life right now?

- Grammys.

- [Host] What are you completely bored of in life right now?

- Clickbait.

- [Host] What is something that recently moved you?

- The movie The Martian.

- [Host] Okay.

What do you have goin' on over here?

- This is a room where I write a lot of songs.

- [Host] Nice piano.

How many guitars do you own?

- I lost track of that in probably 2007.

- [Host] What's the first song you learned to play

on the guitar?

- Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer.

- [Host] What's the first thing you do when you get an idea

for a song?

- I record a voice memo of myself singing it

or I write it down in my notes.

- [Host] What's your songwriting process?

- Lots of preparation.

I write a lot of my ideas down before I get in to

the actual session.

- [Host] What song took you the least amount of time

to write?

- Blank Space 'cause I'd written a lot of the lines down

already in the year preceding the session.

- [Host] Which one took you the longest?

- All Too Well 'cause it's a really emotional song.

I kept putting it down for months on end.

- [Host] So is this the room where you keep

all of your awards?

- No, they're kind of everywhere.

Do you wanna see the rest of the house?

- [Host] Yes.

- Amazing.

- [Host] Alright, let's do it.

Who is your favorite teacher?

- My guitar player Paul Sidoti teaches me a lot

on the road about piano and guitar.

- [Host] If you could teach one subject in school,

what would it be?

- English.

- [Host] Okay, so you're a scrabble player.

- Yeah, that's a word you might know.

Check it out.

- [Host] Uh, yep.

Something tells me that's planned.

- Nope, that was spontaneous.

I'm a very spontaneous person.

- [Host] What's your favorite beverage?

- Coffee, would you like some?

- [Host] Let's see what you got.

- I have espresso, I have regular coffee,

I have different flavors.

I have a VMA here.

You can't really take that, I don't think, but.

- [Host] You definitely can't drink it.

- Nah, you could stir with it though.

- [Host] Actually, I'll have a water.

- Okay.

- [Host] Thank you very much.

What's your favorite cocktail?

- Vodka diet Coke.

- [Host] What's your favorite food?

- I mean, if we're just saying like,

what I wish I could eat everyday if calories didn't count,

is like, chicken tenders.

- [Host] What would you order at a drive through?

- Cheeseburger, fries, chocolate shake.

- [Host] What was the best birthday cake you've ever had?

- It was from Milkbar.

It was for my 25th birthday and it was so good

that even Jay-Z raved about it.

- [Host] Thank you very much.

What was the last thing you baked?

- A gluten free, dairy free chocolate cake.

- [Host] What one thing do you need to have in your fridge

at any given time?

- Hummus, weirdly.

- [Host] What's one thing you still have

from your childhood?

- My insecurities.

Do you wanna go outside and check out

the other situation?

- [Host] Let's check out the other situation.

What's your favorite TV show of all time?

- Friends.

- [Host] Favorite TV show that's currently on the air?

- Dateline.

- [Host] What is your favorite movie?

- Love, Actually.

- [Host] What was a movie that made you cry your eyes out?

- Oh my God, The Martian.

- [Host] Why do you think you're the most followed person

on Instagram?

- Because my cats are adorable.

- [Host] So, have you ever Googled yourself?

- Yeah.

- [Host] Taylor, what do you think when you Google yourself?

- I think,

you should never Google yourself again.

- [Host] If you had a superpower, what would it be?

- Healing people.

- [Host] If you were not a singer, what would you be doing?

- Might be in advertising.

Maybe like, coming up with slogans and concepts

is the same as hooks and songs.

- [Host] Well, this is very lovely out here.

- Thank you.

- [Host] Can you show me a really cool or bizarre talent?

- Okay, I'm well aware that this is not a talent,

but this is the only thing that I can do.

I have double jointed elbows, so.

- [Host] No.

Oh man.

- Yep. They're weird.

- They're a little bit weird. - Yeah.

- [Host] What's something you can't do?

- I can't do a cartwheel or a handstand.

- [Host] What's the best compliment you've ever received?

- That I'm generous.

- [Host] What is the best gift you've ever received?

- My boyfriend planted an olive tree in my yard

for Christmas.

- [Host] What's one habit you wish you could break?

- Well, when I'm sitting there, usually I just do this

with my leg and people think that I'm nervous

and then they get nervous and then everybody's nervous.

- [Host] Do you have any nicknames?

- Yeah, my brother calls me taffy.

- [Host] What surprises you most about people?

- I'm pleasantly surprised by the fact

that I tell my friends absolutely everything

and it never ends up getting out.

- [Host] What makes you laugh no matter what?

- Kevin Hart.

- [Host] What does creativity mean to you?

- Creativity is getting inspiration

and having that lightning bolt idea moment,

and then having the hard work ethic to sit down

at the desk and write it down.

- [Host] So I found out Nicole Kidman swam with sharks.

What's the most adventurous thing you've done?

- Watching Shark Week.

- [Host] What's your favorite lyrics of all time?

- "I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee,"

from You're So Vain by Carly Simon.

- [Host] What's one song that you wish you had written?

- The Friends theme song cause of those royalties.

- [Host] What's a great fan moment that comes to mind?

- I'll be driving down the street and I'll see

a kid walking down the street with my shirt on from my tour

and I'll just stop my car and be like, "Hey.

"Nice shirt."

- [Host] Most memorable career moment so far?

- I think filming the Bad Blood video

was my favorite memory.

- [Host] What's one accomplishment you're most proud of?

- My Grammys.

- [Host] What's something you've always wanted to try

but you've been too scared to do?

- Oh, Coachella.

- [Host] What's your spirit animal?

- A dolphin 'cause they're very social.

They travel in groups.

- Hey Taylor.

- Oh hey.

- Hey, my wife and I's anniversary's comin' up.

Where should I take her?

- Congratulations, and you should take her to Big Sur.

You're welcome.

- [Host] It's freezing outside.

- [Taylor] Yeah it is.

- [Host] Alright, what advice would you give to anyone

who wants to become a singer?

- Get a good lawyer.

- [Host] Any pre-show rituals?

- Yeah, I stretch, I warm up my voice,

and then my band and dancers and I get in a huddle,

and it's just good vibes.

- [Host] What's the most difficult song to perform on stage

and why?

- There's a song I wrote called The Best Day

that is about my mom and it's just hard to sing

'cause it makes me really emotional.

- [Host] So, this is a really great room you have.

- [Taylor] Thank you.

- [Host] And you have a lot of cats.

- [Taylor] Yeah.

- [Host] How many cats are in this room?

- Probably more than 10, and I don't know if you're counting

the one that's alive down there.

- [Host] What?

There's a cat there, I see the kitty.

Alright, here's one for you.

If you were a cat, would you get along with your cats?

- Probably not.

They would probably not think that I'm cool.

- [Host] How many cat breeds can you name in 10 seconds?

- When do we start?

- [Host] Go.

- British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Himalayan,

Exotic Shorthair, Exotic Longhair,

Sphinx cat, Munchkin, Siamese,

Um, um, the, the.

- [Host] Times up.


What's the coolest thing in this room?

- I can do so much better than that.

The coolest thing in this room I think is the fireplace.

- [Host] Nice.

If you could raid one woman's closet, who would it be?

- Blake Lively.

- [Host] What's your favorite fashion trend of all time?

- High waisted stuff.

- [Host] Besides your phone and wallet,

what's a couple must have purse items?

- I have this lavender antibacterial hand spray

that I have and whenever me and my friends

are in a public bathroom and we have to wait in line

at the sink to wash our hands,

I'm like, "No, check it out."

(spraying sounds)

And everybody's like, "Thanks girl."

- [Host] Can you tell me what you'll be wearing

to this year's Met Gala?

- I'm going to be dressed as a robot

and I'm gonna carry a sword.

- [Host] Okay, so my little cousin Julia wants to know

what did you want to do with your life at age five?

- When I was five, I knew that my dad was a stock broker

but I did not know what a stock broker was,

yet I walked around telling people "I'm gonna be

"a stock broker when I grow up."

- [Host] What's the one thing you wish you knew at 19?

- If I could talk to my 19 year old self,

I'd just say, "Hey, you know, you're gonna date

"just like a normal 20 something should be allowed to,

"but you're going to be a national lightning rod

"for slut shaming."

- [Host] What's something you will not be doing in 10 years?

- Something I will not be doing in 10 years,

I'll be 36, I really hope that I'm not stressed

about the idea of approaching 40.

I hope that aging is not something

that really freaks me out.

- [Host] What do you think is the most important life lesson

for someone to learn?

- That karma's real.

- [Host] Okay, what can you say in another language?

- I can count to 10 in German.

- [Host] Do it.

- Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben,

acht, neun, zehn.

- [Host] Go Taylor.

- Thank you.

- [Host] Okay, I hate to break it to you,

but the interview is coming to an end.

- Okay, well, I'll walk you to the door.

- [Host] Okay.

What did you love most about the town where you grew up in?

- I grew up in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania,

and I liked the fact that it had

a lot of historic buildings.

- [Host] What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

- Writing the Apple Music letter.

- [Host] Most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

- Writing the Apple Music letter.

- [Host] What's one goal you're determined to achieve

in your lifetime?

- I really want an honorary doctorate degree

because Ed Sheeran has one and I feel like he looks down

on me now 'cause I don't have one.

- [Host] Alright Taylor, we did it.

Now it is time for the final question.

- I'm gonna take you over here first and let you out.

- [Host] Okay, great.

What is your favorite scented candle?

- Byredo Treehouse.

That is it.

- [Host] Oh my God, that's amazing.

- Thanks. - I'm gonna go buy it

right now. - Bye.

- [Host] Thanks Taylor, see you later.

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73 Questions With Taylor Swift | Vogue 73 questions à Taylor Swift | Vogue 73 perguntas a Taylor Swift | Vogue 73 вопроса Тейлор Свифт | Vogue 泰勒絲 73 個問題 |時尚

(doorbell dinging)

- Taylor. - Hey. - Taylor. - Hey.

- [Host] Hi.

- Come in.

- [Host] Thank you so much for fitting a 73 question

interview in to your busy schedule. با برنامه شلوغ خود مصاحبه کنید

- Oh, it's all good. - اوه، همه چیز خوب است. - Ah, está tudo bem.

- [Host] Alright, cool, let's do this. - [میزبان] خوب، باحال، بیایید این کار را انجام دهیم. - [Anfitrião] Tudo bem, legal, vamos fazer isso.

So what's keeping you busy these days? Então, o que está mantendo você ocupado hoje em dia?

- I'm just working out and getting ready for Grammys. - من فقط دارم ورزش می کنم و برای گرمی آماده می شوم. - Estou apenas malhando e me preparando para o Grammy.

- [Host] What's the most exciting thing in life right now? - [Anfitrião] Qual é a coisa mais emocionante da vida agora?

- Grammys.

- [Host] What are you completely bored of in life right now? - [Anfitrião] Do que você está completamente entediado na vida agora?

- Clickbait. - طعمه کلیک کنید.

- [Host] What is something that recently moved you? - [میزبان] چه چیزی اخیراً شما را تحت تأثیر قرار داده است؟ - [Anfitrião] O que é que recentemente mudou você?

- The movie The Martian.

- [Host] Okay.

What do you have goin' on over here? اینجا چیکار میکنی؟ O que está acontecendo aqui?

- This is a room where I write a lot of songs.

- [Host] Nice piano.

How many guitars do you own? چند تا گیتار دارید؟

- I lost track of that in probably 2007. - احتمالاً در سال 2007 مسیر آن را گم کردم. - Я втратив лік цьому, мабуть, у 2007 році.

- [Host] What's the first song you learned to play

on the guitar?

- Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer. - مرا ببوس توسط Sixpence None The Richer.

- [Host] What's the first thing you do when you get an idea - [میزبان] اولین کاری که با ایده گرفتن انجام می دهید چیست

for a song?

- I record a voice memo of myself singing it - یک یادداشت صوتی از خودم در حال خواندن آن ضبط می کنم

or I write it down in my notes. یا آن را در یادداشت هایم می نویسم.

- [Host] What's your songwriting process?

- Lots of preparation. - آماده سازی زیاد

I write a lot of my ideas down before I get in to من بسیاری از ایده هایم را قبل از ورود به آن می نویسم

the actual session. جلسه واقعی

- [Host] What song took you the least amount of time

to write?

- Blank Space 'cause I'd written a lot of the lines down

already in the year preceding the session.

- [Host] Which one took you the longest?

- All Too Well 'cause it's a really emotional song.

I kept putting it down for months on end.

- [Host] So is this the room where you keep

all of your awards?

- No, they're kind of everywhere.

Do you wanna see the rest of the house?

- [Host] Yes.

- Amazing.

- [Host] Alright, let's do it.

Who is your favorite teacher?

- My guitar player Paul Sidoti teaches me a lot

on the road about piano and guitar.

- [Host] If you could teach one subject in school,

what would it be?

- English.

- [Host] Okay, so you're a scrabble player.

- Yeah, that's a word you might know.

Check it out.

- [Host] Uh, yep.

Something tells me that's planned.

- Nope, that was spontaneous.

I'm a very spontaneous person.

- [Host] What's your favorite beverage?

- Coffee, would you like some?

- [Host] Let's see what you got.

- I have espresso, I have regular coffee,

I have different flavors.

I have a VMA here.

You can't really take that, I don't think, but.

- [Host] You definitely can't drink it.

- Nah, you could stir with it though.

- [Host] Actually, I'll have a water.

- Okay.

- [Host] Thank you very much.

What's your favorite cocktail?

- Vodka diet Coke.

- [Host] What's your favorite food?

- I mean, if we're just saying like,

what I wish I could eat everyday if calories didn't count,

is like, chicken tenders.

- [Host] What would you order at a drive through?

- Cheeseburger, fries, chocolate shake.

- [Host] What was the best birthday cake you've ever had?

- It was from Milkbar.

It was for my 25th birthday and it was so good

that even Jay-Z raved about it.

- [Host] Thank you very much.

What was the last thing you baked?

- A gluten free, dairy free chocolate cake.

- [Host] What one thing do you need to have in your fridge

at any given time?

- Hummus, weirdly.

- [Host] What's one thing you still have

from your childhood?

- My insecurities.

Do you wanna go outside and check out

the other situation?

- [Host] Let's check out the other situation.

What's your favorite TV show of all time?

- Friends.

- [Host] Favorite TV show that's currently on the air?

- Dateline.

- [Host] What is your favorite movie?

- Love, Actually.

- [Host] What was a movie that made you cry your eyes out?

- Oh my God, The Martian.

- [Host] Why do you think you're the most followed person

on Instagram?

- Because my cats are adorable.

- [Host] So, have you ever Googled yourself?

- Yeah.

- [Host] Taylor, what do you think when you Google yourself?

- I think,

you should never Google yourself again.

- [Host] If you had a superpower, what would it be?

- Healing people.

- [Host] If you were not a singer, what would you be doing?

- Might be in advertising.

Maybe like, coming up with slogans and concepts

is the same as hooks and songs.

- [Host] Well, this is very lovely out here.

- Thank you.

- [Host] Can you show me a really cool or bizarre talent?

- Okay, I'm well aware that this is not a talent,

but this is the only thing that I can do.

I have double jointed elbows, so.

- [Host] No.

Oh man.

- Yep. They're weird.

- They're a little bit weird. - Yeah.

- [Host] What's something you can't do?

- I can't do a cartwheel or a handstand.

- [Host] What's the best compliment you've ever received?

- That I'm generous.

- [Host] What is the best gift you've ever received?

- My boyfriend planted an olive tree in my yard

for Christmas.

- [Host] What's one habit you wish you could break?

- Well, when I'm sitting there, usually I just do this

with my leg and people think that I'm nervous

and then they get nervous and then everybody's nervous.

- [Host] Do you have any nicknames?

- Yeah, my brother calls me taffy.

- [Host] What surprises you most about people?

- I'm pleasantly surprised by the fact

that I tell my friends absolutely everything

and it never ends up getting out.

- [Host] What makes you laugh no matter what?

- Kevin Hart.

- [Host] What does creativity mean to you?

- Creativity is getting inspiration

and having that lightning bolt idea moment,

and then having the hard work ethic to sit down

at the desk and write it down.

- [Host] So I found out Nicole Kidman swam with sharks.

What's the most adventurous thing you've done?

- Watching Shark Week.

- [Host] What's your favorite lyrics of all time?

- "I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee,"

from You're So Vain by Carly Simon.

- [Host] What's one song that you wish you had written?

- The Friends theme song cause of those royalties.

- [Host] What's a great fan moment that comes to mind?

- I'll be driving down the street and I'll see

a kid walking down the street with my shirt on from my tour

and I'll just stop my car and be like, "Hey.

"Nice shirt."

- [Host] Most memorable career moment so far?

- I think filming the Bad Blood video

was my favorite memory.

- [Host] What's one accomplishment you're most proud of?

- My Grammys.

- [Host] What's something you've always wanted to try

but you've been too scared to do?

- Oh, Coachella.

- [Host] What's your spirit animal?

- A dolphin 'cause they're very social.

They travel in groups.

- Hey Taylor.

- Oh hey.

- Hey, my wife and I's anniversary's comin' up.

Where should I take her?

- Congratulations, and you should take her to Big Sur.

You're welcome.

- [Host] It's freezing outside.

- [Taylor] Yeah it is.

- [Host] Alright, what advice would you give to anyone

who wants to become a singer?

- Get a good lawyer.

- [Host] Any pre-show rituals?

- Yeah, I stretch, I warm up my voice,

and then my band and dancers and I get in a huddle,

and it's just good vibes.

- [Host] What's the most difficult song to perform on stage

and why?

- There's a song I wrote called The Best Day

that is about my mom and it's just hard to sing

'cause it makes me really emotional.

- [Host] So, this is a really great room you have.

- [Taylor] Thank you.

- [Host] And you have a lot of cats.

- [Taylor] Yeah.

- [Host] How many cats are in this room?

- Probably more than 10, and I don't know if you're counting

the one that's alive down there.

- [Host] What?

There's a cat there, I see the kitty.

Alright, here's one for you.

If you were a cat, would you get along with your cats?

- Probably not.

They would probably not think that I'm cool.

- [Host] How many cat breeds can you name in 10 seconds?

- When do we start?

- [Host] Go.

- British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Himalayan,

Exotic Shorthair, Exotic Longhair,

Sphinx cat, Munchkin, Siamese,

Um, um, the, the.

- [Host] Times up.


What's the coolest thing in this room?

- I can do so much better than that.

The coolest thing in this room I think is the fireplace.

- [Host] Nice.

If you could raid one woman's closet, who would it be?

- Blake Lively.

- [Host] What's your favorite fashion trend of all time?

- High waisted stuff.

- [Host] Besides your phone and wallet,

what's a couple must have purse items?

- I have this lavender antibacterial hand spray

that I have and whenever me and my friends

are in a public bathroom and we have to wait in line

at the sink to wash our hands,

I'm like, "No, check it out."

(spraying sounds)

And everybody's like, "Thanks girl."

- [Host] Can you tell me what you'll be wearing

to this year's Met Gala?

- I'm going to be dressed as a robot

and I'm gonna carry a sword.

- [Host] Okay, so my little cousin Julia wants to know

what did you want to do with your life at age five?

- When I was five, I knew that my dad was a stock broker

but I did not know what a stock broker was,

yet I walked around telling people "I'm gonna be

"a stock broker when I grow up."

- [Host] What's the one thing you wish you knew at 19?

- If I could talk to my 19 year old self,

I'd just say, "Hey, you know, you're gonna date

"just like a normal 20 something should be allowed to,

"but you're going to be a national lightning rod

"for slut shaming."

- [Host] What's something you will not be doing in 10 years?

- Something I will not be doing in 10 years,

I'll be 36, I really hope that I'm not stressed

about the idea of approaching 40.

I hope that aging is not something

that really freaks me out.

- [Host] What do you think is the most important life lesson

for someone to learn?

- That karma's real.

- [Host] Okay, what can you say in another language?

- I can count to 10 in German.

- [Host] Do it.

- Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben,

acht, neun, zehn.

- [Host] Go Taylor.

- Thank you.

- [Host] Okay, I hate to break it to you,

but the interview is coming to an end.

- Okay, well, I'll walk you to the door.

- [Host] Okay.

What did you love most about the town where you grew up in?

- I grew up in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania,

and I liked the fact that it had

a lot of historic buildings.

- [Host] What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

- Writing the Apple Music letter.

- [Host] Most spontaneous thing you've ever done?

- Writing the Apple Music letter.

- [Host] What's one goal you're determined to achieve

in your lifetime?

- I really want an honorary doctorate degree

because Ed Sheeran has one and I feel like he looks down

on me now 'cause I don't have one.

- [Host] Alright Taylor, we did it.

Now it is time for the final question.

- I'm gonna take you over here first and let you out.

- [Host] Okay, great.

What is your favorite scented candle?

- Byredo Treehouse.

That is it.

- [Host] Oh my God, that's amazing.

- Thanks. - I'm gonna go buy it

right now. - Bye.

- [Host] Thanks Taylor, see you later.