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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Liza Koshy | Vogue

73 Questions With Liza Koshy | Vogue

- [Joe] Liza?


It's Vogue.

- Oh my God, the real one?

- [Joe] Liza! Liza Koshy!

- It is the real one, hi.

- [Joe] Here we are in person where you've done

your massively successful parodies of this format.

- Stop flirting, please.

- [Joe] Now it's time to do your real one.

- Oh God, no pressure.

- [Joe] Ok. - Let's do it.

- [Joe] So, how does this feel?

- Oh my God, a little sweaty but very exciting.

- [Joe] How long have you been a video maker for?

- A video maker, I like that title.

I've been a video maker for about four years now,

I'm getting old.

- [Joe] How many videos have you made?

- Uh, way too many.

Way more than I can count.

- [Joe] How does it feel having more subscribers than

there are people in the country of Belgium?

- Are you serious?

Wow, Belgium has great chocolate.

What an honor!

- [Joe] Can I give you a present?

- Oh my God, you shouldn't have, but you did it!

Thank you. - [Joe] It's ok.

Can you describe your channel in three words?

- Three words: introvert gone wild.

- [Joe] Can you describe yourself in three words?

- Uh, little brown girl.

- [Joe] How would your friends describe you in three words?

- Small tinted female.

- [Joe] How about Vogue in three words?

- Ooh, has good taste...

in people that they interview.

Oh my God, speaking of taste, this is the

tastiest present I have ever received.

Good looking man, Jet Packinski.

You know me too well.

- [Joe] And what do we have over here on your wall?

- Well, I have to add it to my shrine of Jet.

I'm very religious.

- [Joe] Can you tell us, who is Jet Packinski?

- Um, one of the many voices in my head,

he's one of the characters I created.

- [Joe] What's the biggest inspiration you had in

creating him?

- I'm very good looking as a man.

- [Joe] Can you do an impression of Jet Packinski?

- Jet.

- [Joe] Was that it?

- Jet.

- [Joe] So, over here we have a photo of Helga, and she

also did a parody of 73 Questions?

- Oh yes, my other split personality.

She did 73 Questions, now it's my turn to do the real one.

- [Joe] Ok, so how are you doing these days?

- Ah, just doing one day at a time.

- [Joe] What's your story?

- Instagram or Snapchat?

- [Joe] What's the best part about your job?

Um, well I can't get fired.

- [Joe] Can you describe what you consider to be your job?

- Making content to make people feel content.

- [Joe] What's most important to you?

- Mental health, my own and of others.

- [Joe] What's something that you want people to talk about?

- Uh, their stories, um and use their voices to be heard,

and their platforms, no matter how big or how small.

- [Joe] Is Liza short for anything?

- For life.

I'm five feet tall.

But it's also short for Elizabeth.

My real name's Elizabeth.

- [Joe] I knew it. [Ding]

- Oh, I made cookies for you.

- [Joe] Why did you make cookies for me?

- Um, because I'm trying to suck up to Vogue.

- [Joe] Oh. - Check it out.

- [Joe] So, uh, do you have any tips for starting

a YouTube channel?

- Um, make an account, start uploading videos,

and then be yourself.

It's very cliché, but nobody else can do it.

They suck at it.

- [Joe] So what are you shooting this week for your channel?

- Um, no idea, actually.

I was actually writing ideas in my office.

You wanna come up there and help me?

- [Joe] I'd love to. - I'll steal your content.

- Let's do it. - [Joe] Let's do it, ok.

Uh, what's your weirdest habit?

- Chewing gum all the time.

- [Joe] What's your biggest phobia?

- Having bad breath, which is why I chew gum all the time.

- [Joe] Favorite hobby?

- Photography, follow me on Instagram.


- [Joe] Ah, which famous person do you admire?

- Jessica Alba and her company, Honest.

Honestly, it's amazing.

- [Joe] Who was an inspiration to you growing up?

- Ooh, I'd have to say

Jim Carrey and Raven-Symoné.

"That's So Raven" was my jam.

- [Joe] What was the last show you watched?

- Last show that I watched was a Broadway show, look

at me being cultured.

"Dear Evan Hansen," Ben Platt is amazing.

- [Joe] What's your favorite film?

- Ooh, anything with Jim Carrey, I love him.

Did I mention that?

- [Joe] What's your biggest fear?

- Re-election.

Check out my office, this is it.

- [Joe] So this is your set-up.

- Yeah. - [Joe] I love it.

Alright, so ok, so can you film something for your

channel right now?

- Um, absolutely, let's plug it.

Guys, check it out, I'm doing the real 73 Questions,

not the off-brand, knockoff version.

Make sure to check it out, you can see it

in the link in bio.

Please subscribe.

- [Joe] That's so cool. - How was that?

- [Joe] What's something you wish YouTubers

would stop saying?

- Link in bio, please subscribe.

- [Joe] Liza, where are you from?

- Houston, Texas baby.

Just like Beyonce, but like the off-brand version of her.

- [Joe] What do you miss most about Houston?

- Ooh, the food.

BBQ, honey.

But also my family.

But also fajitas.

Speaking of Houston, I have to show you a mural.

Check it out.

- [Joe] Ok, what's on your mural?

- On this wall is a big map from Houston to Hollywood.

- [Joe] That's so cool.

- That's right, it's my career path.

Very similar to Beyonce.

We have a lot common.

- [Joe] What brings you the most joy in life?

- Oh man, the joy of others.

- [Joe] How many languages do you speak?

- Ah, deux.

- [Joe] You speak French?

- No.

- [Joe] So it's just English?

- [Spanish Translation] Yes, and a bit of Spanish.

- [Joe] If you were a DJ, what would your name be?

- Uh, DJ Booth.

- [Joe] When have you felt genuinely starstruck?

- By President Barack Obama.

- [Joe] You interviewed President Obama?

- Yeah I did, how did that happen?

- [Joe] What is he like in person?

- Um, even better looking.

- [Joe] Which YouTuber inspires you?

- Ooh, I would have to say the one I'm dating, David Dobrik.

- [Joe] What's something you could tell me about David?

- He has great taste in women.

- [Joe] Do you have any siblings?

- Two of them.

My mom made me two sisters, but I'm the youngest.

- [Joe] What's the best part about being the youngest?

- Ooh, I would have to say the hand-me-downs.

Oh, and I like to think that my parents kept

trying until they had the best one.

- [Joe] This is a really, really cool apartment.

- Thank you.

- [Joe] What's up with those plants?

- Ooh, I am a gardener.

I have a big green thumb.

And I can take care of these plants really easily

because they're all fake.

- [Joe] Nice. - Hollywood.

- [Joe] How do you start your day every morning?

- Um, every morning I start off with an alarm,


- [Joe] What's your favorite letter in the alphabet.

- Favorite letter?

B, because you can B anything.

- [Joe] What's your biggest pet peeve?

- Um, biggest pet peeve?

Humble brags.

Shut up.

- [Joe] What's your biggest achievement to date?

- Biggest achievement?

Um, this!

Definitely this.

- [Joe] What's the best song of all time?

- Ooh, right now it has to be J Balvin, "Mi Gente."

Such a good song.

- [Joe] What's the best dance move of all time?

- This is the dance move I do to that song,

a little bit of this.

- [Joe] What are you doing?

- It's like twerking, but for your shoulders.

- [Joe] How many kids do you want?

- Uh, to watch this video?

As many as we can guys, come on.

- [Joe] What's the best thing you've ever worn?

- Ooh, best thing I've ever worn?

Something, oh oh oh I wore a dress to the VMAs, it was an

amazing dress by Sergio Hudson.


- [Joe] What's your biggest splurge?

-Biggest splurge?

Only on food.

Always food.

- [Joe] Who's the most stylish person alive?

- Ooh, Jet Packinski.

Look at that good looking wall.

But also, Anna Wintour.

- [Joe] Oh, nice one. - Suck up.

- [Joe] Is there a message that you'd like to pass on?

- Oh yeah, Anna, did you see the cookies?

- [Joe] Alright, I gotta wrap this interview up.

- Oh no.

- [Joe] In a world without YouTube, what would you

imagine yourself doing with your life?

- Ooh, I would probably be in school.

Guys, stay in school, otherwise this happens.

- [Joe] Who's your favorite rapper?

- Uh, it's a tie between Chance the Rapper

and candy wrappers.

- [Joe] If you could change one law, what would it be?

- Uh, what's the law that allows you to become a president?

- [Joe] What three things are most important

to you in a person?

- Ooh, uh humble, integrity, honesty, and humor.

- [Joe] Was that three? - That was four.

- [Joe] Ok, what would you give five stars in this world?

- You!

For doing this entire interview without any

editing cuts.

- [Joe] That's so nice.

Can I ask you one more question?

- Oh man, can I actually ask you to ask me something?

- [Joe] Unconventional, but sure.

- Ok, that was, okay -

"Can I show you a magic trick?"

- [Joe] Uh, can you show me a magic trick?

- Yes, ok, here we go.


Alakabooty. - [Joe] Oh!

- Pretty impressive, right?

I've been working on it.

- [Joe] All right, that's incredible, and this was

an incredible real 73 Question interview that we

just did.

- That's it? - [Joe] That's it.

- We did it. - [Joe] We did it!

- Link in bio. - [Joe] Alright.

- Please subscribe. - [Joe] Bye, Liza, take care.

See you. - Bye!

73 Questions With Liza Koshy | Vogue

- [Joe] Liza?


It's Vogue.

- Oh my God, the real one?

- [Joe] Liza! Liza Koshy!

- It is the real one, hi.

- [Joe] Here we are in person where you've done

your massively successful parodies of this format.

- Stop flirting, please.

- [Joe] Now it's time to do your real one.

- Oh God, no pressure.

- [Joe] Ok. - Let's do it.

- [Joe] So, how does this feel?

- Oh my God, a little sweaty but very exciting.

- [Joe] How long have you been a video maker for?

- A video maker, I like that title.

I've been a video maker for about four years now,

I'm getting old.

- [Joe] How many videos have you made?

- Uh, way too many.

Way more than I can count.

- [Joe] How does it feel having more subscribers than

there are people in the country of Belgium?

- Are you serious?

Wow, Belgium has great chocolate.

What an honor!

- [Joe] Can I give you a present?

- Oh my God, you shouldn't have, but you did it!

Thank you. - [Joe] It's ok.

Can you describe your channel in three words?

- Three words: introvert gone wild.

- [Joe] Can you describe yourself in three words?

- Uh, little brown girl.

- [Joe] How would your friends describe you in three words?

- Small tinted female.

- [Joe] How about Vogue in three words?

- Ooh, has good taste...

in people that they interview.

Oh my God, speaking of taste, this is the

tastiest present I have ever received.

Good looking man, Jet Packinski.

You know me too well.

- [Joe] And what do we have over here on your wall?

- Well, I have to add it to my shrine of Jet.

I'm very religious.

- [Joe] Can you tell us, who is Jet Packinski?

- Um, one of the many voices in my head,

he's one of the characters I created.

- [Joe] What's the biggest inspiration you had in

creating him?

- I'm very good looking as a man.

- [Joe] Can you do an impression of Jet Packinski?

- Jet.

- [Joe] Was that it?

- Jet.

- [Joe] So, over here we have a photo of Helga, and she

also did a parody of 73 Questions?

- Oh yes, my other split personality.

She did 73 Questions, now it's my turn to do the real one.

- [Joe] Ok, so how are you doing these days?

- Ah, just doing one day at a time.

- [Joe] What's your story?

- Instagram or Snapchat?

- [Joe] What's the best part about your job?

Um, well I can't get fired.

- [Joe] Can you describe what you consider to be your job?

- Making content to make people feel content.

- [Joe] What's most important to you?

- Mental health, my own and of others.

- [Joe] What's something that you want people to talk about?

- Uh, their stories, um and use their voices to be heard,

and their platforms, no matter how big or how small.

- [Joe] Is Liza short for anything?

- For life.

I'm five feet tall.

But it's also short for Elizabeth.

My real name's Elizabeth.

- [Joe] I knew it. [Ding]

- Oh, I made cookies for you.

- [Joe] Why did you make cookies for me?

- Um, because I'm trying to suck up to Vogue.

- [Joe] Oh. - Check it out.

- [Joe] So, uh, do you have any tips for starting

a YouTube channel?

- Um, make an account, start uploading videos,

and then be yourself.

It's very cliché, but nobody else can do it.

They suck at it.

- [Joe] So what are you shooting this week for your channel?

- Um, no idea, actually.

I was actually writing ideas in my office.

You wanna come up there and help me?

- [Joe] I'd love to. - I'll steal your content.

- Let's do it. - [Joe] Let's do it, ok.

Uh, what's your weirdest habit?

- Chewing gum all the time.

- [Joe] What's your biggest phobia?

- Having bad breath, which is why I chew gum all the time.

- [Joe] Favorite hobby?

- Photography, follow me on Instagram.


- [Joe] Ah, which famous person do you admire?

- Jessica Alba and her company, Honest.

Honestly, it's amazing.

- [Joe] Who was an inspiration to you growing up?

- Ooh, I'd have to say

Jim Carrey and Raven-Symoné.

"That's So Raven" was my jam.

- [Joe] What was the last show you watched?

- Last show that I watched was a Broadway show, look

at me being cultured.

"Dear Evan Hansen," Ben Platt is amazing.

- [Joe] What's your favorite film?

- Ooh, anything with Jim Carrey, I love him.

Did I mention that?

- [Joe] What's your biggest fear?

- Re-election.

Check out my office, this is it.

- [Joe] So this is your set-up.

- Yeah. - [Joe] I love it.

Alright, so ok, so can you film something for your

channel right now?

- Um, absolutely, let's plug it.

Guys, check it out, I'm doing the real 73 Questions,

not the off-brand, knockoff version.

Make sure to check it out, you can see it

in the link in bio.

Please subscribe.

- [Joe] That's so cool. - How was that?

- [Joe] What's something you wish YouTubers

would stop saying?

- Link in bio, please subscribe.

- [Joe] Liza, where are you from?

- Houston, Texas baby.

Just like Beyonce, but like the off-brand version of her.

- [Joe] What do you miss most about Houston?

- Ooh, the food.

BBQ, honey.

But also my family.

But also fajitas.

Speaking of Houston, I have to show you a mural.

Check it out.

- [Joe] Ok, what's on your mural?

- On this wall is a big map from Houston to Hollywood.

- [Joe] That's so cool.

- That's right, it's my career path.

Very similar to Beyonce.

We have a lot common.

- [Joe] What brings you the most joy in life?

- Oh man, the joy of others.

- [Joe] How many languages do you speak?

- Ah, deux.

- [Joe] You speak French?

- No.

- [Joe] So it's just English?

- [Spanish Translation] Yes, and a bit of Spanish.

- [Joe] If you were a DJ, what would your name be?

- Uh, DJ Booth.

- [Joe] When have you felt genuinely starstruck?

- By President Barack Obama.

- [Joe] You interviewed President Obama?

- Yeah I did, how did that happen?

- [Joe] What is he like in person?

- Um, even better looking.

- [Joe] Which YouTuber inspires you?

- Ooh, I would have to say the one I'm dating, David Dobrik.

- [Joe] What's something you could tell me about David?

- He has great taste in women.

- [Joe] Do you have any siblings?

- Two of them.

My mom made me two sisters, but I'm the youngest.

- [Joe] What's the best part about being the youngest?

- Ooh, I would have to say the hand-me-downs.

Oh, and I like to think that my parents kept

trying until they had the best one.

- [Joe] This is a really, really cool apartment.

- Thank you.

- [Joe] What's up with those plants?

- Ooh, I am a gardener.

I have a big green thumb.

And I can take care of these plants really easily

because they're all fake.

- [Joe] Nice. - Hollywood.

- [Joe] How do you start your day every morning?

- Um, every morning I start off with an alarm,


- [Joe] What's your favorite letter in the alphabet.

- Favorite letter?

B, because you can B anything.

- [Joe] What's your biggest pet peeve?

- Um, biggest pet peeve?

Humble brags.

Shut up.

- [Joe] What's your biggest achievement to date?

- Biggest achievement?

Um, this!

Definitely this.

- [Joe] What's the best song of all time?

- Ooh, right now it has to be J Balvin, "Mi Gente."

Such a good song.

- [Joe] What's the best dance move of all time?

- This is the dance move I do to that song,

a little bit of this.

- [Joe] What are you doing?

- It's like twerking, but for your shoulders.

- [Joe] How many kids do you want?

- Uh, to watch this video?

As many as we can guys, come on.

- [Joe] What's the best thing you've ever worn?

- Ooh, best thing I've ever worn?

Something, oh oh oh I wore a dress to the VMAs, it was an

amazing dress by Sergio Hudson.


- [Joe] What's your biggest splurge?

-Biggest splurge?

Only on food.

Always food.

- [Joe] Who's the most stylish person alive?

- Ooh, Jet Packinski.

Look at that good looking wall.

But also, Anna Wintour.

- [Joe] Oh, nice one. - Suck up.

- [Joe] Is there a message that you'd like to pass on?

- Oh yeah, Anna, did you see the cookies?

- [Joe] Alright, I gotta wrap this interview up.

- Oh no.

- [Joe] In a world without YouTube, what would you

imagine yourself doing with your life?

- Ooh, I would probably be in school.

Guys, stay in school, otherwise this happens.

- [Joe] Who's your favorite rapper?

- Uh, it's a tie between Chance the Rapper

and candy wrappers.

- [Joe] If you could change one law, what would it be?

- Uh, what's the law that allows you to become a president?

- [Joe] What three things are most important

to you in a person?

- Ooh, uh humble, integrity, honesty, and humor.

- [Joe] Was that three? - That was four.

- [Joe] Ok, what would you give five stars in this world?

- You!

For doing this entire interview without any

editing cuts.

- [Joe] That's so nice.

Can I ask you one more question?

- Oh man, can I actually ask you to ask me something?

- [Joe] Unconventional, but sure.

- Ok, that was, okay -

"Can I show you a magic trick?"

- [Joe] Uh, can you show me a magic trick?

- Yes, ok, here we go.


Alakabooty. - [Joe] Oh!

- Pretty impressive, right?

I've been working on it.

- [Joe] All right, that's incredible, and this was

an incredible real 73 Question interview that we

just did.

- That's it? - [Joe] That's it.

- We did it. - [Joe] We did it!

- Link in bio. - [Joe] Alright.

- Please subscribe. - [Joe] Bye, Liza, take care.

See you. - Bye!