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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue

73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue

[dramatic electronic music]

- Kanye! - Yeah?

- [Interviewer] [laughs] I'm here to ask 73 questions.

- I'm ready. - Uh, babe?

This is for me. - Oh.

- The kids are in the room. [laughs]

- Kim! - Hi.

- [Interviewer] So I catch you guys home together.

Is this a rare thing?

- It is really rare, so lucky you.

- [Interviewer] Oh, that's great.

What did you do for the first 30 minutes of your day?

- I woke up at 5:45, brushed my teeth,

got ready, headed to the gym and worked out.

- [Interviewer] Nice!

And what's a typical lazy day when everyone's together?

- There's no such thing as a lazy day.

Look, I'll show you.

The kids are in the room.

- [Interviewer] So your home is clearly stunning.

- Thank you.

- [Interviewer] How would you describe this home?

- I would say, like, a minimal monastery.

- [Interviewer] Wow.

And where did the inspiration come from?

- From Axel Vervoordt and Kanye.

- [Interviewer] Okay, random question.

What was the last Kimoji that you used?

- My daughter North used the Kim blowing the bubblegum.

- [Interviewer] Ah, that's cute.

[child yelling] - Hi, guys!

Hi! - Aww.

- What are you doing? - Daddy's in here.

- Daddy's in here? - Adorable.

- Oh, thank you.

- [Interviewer] So what are these guys

most into in life right now, Kim?

- Um, sorry.

What was the question?

- [Interviewer] What are they most into in life right now?

- Saint is into Papa Troll, anything Papa Troll.

North is into Bill Nye the Science Guy.

- I wanna meet him. - You do?

And Chi is into anything food.

- [Interviewer] That's great.

And what's the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

- I would say when the kids tell you they love you.

- I already did that.

- [Interviewer] Kanye,

what's the best part about being a dad?

- The kids. [Kim and interviewer laugh]

- [Interviewer] What's the most important thing

you learned from your parents about raising a family, Kim?

- Just that family is everything.

[child coughs]

Oh, cough on me, why don't you?

- [Interviewer] Aww.

Can you share with me your secret to good parenting?

- I would say you just have to wing it.

My sisters and I are on a group chat

always getting parenting advice.

- But they don't get advice from me.

Can I get on that chat please? [Kim laughs]

- [Interviewer] I'm gonna have

to let you guys sort that out.

Guys, you mind if I take a look around?

- Yeah, of course. - Great.

What's the most important thing

that you want your kids to know?

- I want my kids to be kind-- - I like squishies!

- Oh.

To be kind and to treat everybody the same way.

- [Interviewer] How did you manage

to keep it real for the family

in sometimes unreal surroundings?

- Well, I think we always keep it real,

and there's really no real situations.

- [Interviewer] [laughs] And what would you say

is a thing that your kids taught you?

- My kids have taught me how to be patient,

and just what's important in life.

- Can daddy come with me in the playroom?

- Yeah, one second. - And Fortnite!

- Oh, and Fortnite. [laughs]

- [Interviewer] So who's most excited for baby number four?

- Who's most excited for baby brother?


I think North is too,

'cause Saint will have someone

to play with instead of her.

And Saint wants to name him Sainty too, right?

- I wanna play with [mumbles].

- Ooh.

- [Interviewer] So how ready are you guys

feeling for the new arrival?

- I mean, the room's not ready yet, so kinda stressing.

- [Interviewer] What name will

your baby definitely not have?

- He will definitely not have another direction.

- [Interviewer] Oh, what do you mean by that?

- That is all for North.

And actually Anna had some influence in naming North,

because once she heard that rumor she asked me

and said that that name was genius,

so that was helpful to me. - That is so funny.

Now I saw that video, by the way,

where Kanye got 112 to sing to you.

That was so sweet.

What's the story behind that?

- I'm just obsessed with 112, right babe?

- What?

[interviewer laughs] - I'm obsessed with 112.

- Yeah, she's obsessed with 112.

- [Interviewer] Kim, what's the one thing

about Kanye that you love the most?

- I love that he's always himself.

- I wanna bring him in the playroom.

- Okay, one second, okay?

- [Interviewer] And you guys met in 2004.

You guys have been friends since 2007.

- Tell daddy-- - Okay, one second.

Let me finish talking.

- [Interviewer] How did you know that Kanye was the one?

- I knew he was the one when I went

to his Paris fashion show.

- And Kanye, how did you know that Kim was the one?

- I saw her in a paparazzi pic with Paris Hilton.

[Kim laughs]

- [Interviewer] What's Kanye's biggest

pet peeve about you, Kim?

- That I can be bratty sometimes.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing Kanye has taught you?

- Kanye has taught me major confidence.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing you're proud

to say that you taught him?

- I am proud to say that I've taught him,

I've given him really good financial advice on saving.

- You give me some advice, but I don't listen to it.

[Kim and interviewer laugh]

- [Interviewer] What's the best gift he's ever given?

- Last year for Christmas.

Okay, Northie, take your brother to go get Sprite.

- Why Sprite? - It's your one time.

- [Interviewer] Best gift.

- For Christmas last year, he gave me a box

and I opened it and it was Mickey Mouse

and Adidas socks and Apple headphones.

And I thought okay.

And then he told me that he bought

me major stock in all of those companies.

- [Interviewer] Kanye, what was the reaction?

- She's like oh, okay. [interviewer laughs]

- Well, when I thought it was just

Adidas socks and headphones, I was like thanks.

All right, let me take you

on a tour of the rest of the house.

- [Interviewer] All right, great.

How do you describe living in Calabasas?

- Very chill.

- [Interviewer] If it wasn't Calabasas, where would it be?

- Beverly Hills.

- [Interviewer] And if it wasn't Los Angeles?

- The Bahamas.

- [Interviewer] Whose career

do you respect and admire the most?

- I would say my mom's, because at 50 years old,

she really honestly didn't know

how she was gonna make ends meet

and take care of all of these kids.

And after 50, she built this whole huge empire.

- [Interviewer] What's the most overused phrase right now?

- Probably it's lit. - That is just everywhere.

What drives you the most crazy?

- I think unorganized closets.

- [Interviewer] How do you really feel about the paparazzi?

- It depends on what I look like that day.

- [Interviewer] And if you could have dinner

with anyone living or nonliving, who would it be?

- Definitely my dad.

- [Interviewer] Okay, the home tour's gonna continue

with a hard right into the living room.

And what kind of piano is this?

This is gorgeous.

- Unbleached Steinway.

- [Interviewer] And how's the lessons

going for you right now?

- I started and I quit. - Aww, that's a bummer.

What is the last movie that you saw that made you laugh.

- Incredibles 2.

- [Interviewer] What's the last movie that made you cry?

- Ben Is Back with Julia Roberts.

- [Interviewer] What was the last time

that you cried in general?

- I cried when I took over my mom's Christmas Eve party,

and she was so emotional about it, giving it up,

that she started crying and it made me cry.

- [Interviewer] Aww.

How much time do you spend per day on Instagram?

- Not that much.

Like 30 minutes.

- [Interviewer] How do you decide what or what not to post?

- I just do whatever I feel.

- [Interviewer] Kim, you have over

130 million Instagram followers.

Honestly, what is that like?

- It's so crazy just to think about it.

- [Interviewer] Do you read your DMs?

- I don't.

There's too many DMs.

I can't even get started.

- [Interviewer] What's the craziest

thing a fan has ever done?

- Well, a fan has asked me to legitimately adopt them.

- [Interviewer] What?

That is so weird.

What's something about you that you wish

more people focused on?

- I wish they would not focus on my ass all the time.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

- All right, let's go continue this tour.

- [Interviewer] How do you deal

with negative feedback on social media

or generally in the press?

- Honestly, I know it's hard,

but you just have to really ignore it.

- [Interviewer] What are three words that best describe you?

- I hate describing myself.

- [Interviewer] Okay, well then what three words

do you hear most often when people describe you?

- I would say sweet and smart.

- [Interviewer] And is there a third?

- And kind.

- [Interviewer] Would you say that they're accurate.

- Most definitely.

- [Interviewer] Can you show me a hidden talent?

- I have a hidden talent of being able

to smell when someone has a cavity.

- [Interviewer] That's impressive.

Who do you call when you need life advice?

- I would call my mom, for sure.

- [Interviewer] What's the most useful thing

that she's ever told you?

- My mom, in business, has always told me

to really keep everything that I'm doing private,

and not really announce anything until it's ready to go.

- [Interviewer] Kim, this kitchen is so amazing.

- Thank you. - Wow!

What's your favorite thing about Armenia?

- The food.

- [Interviewer] If I had 24 hours in Armenia,

what should I eat? - You should eat everything.

[speaking in foreign language] is all I know.

- [Interviewer] I don't know what that means.

What do you think you'll be remembered for, Kim?

- For my many talents.

- [Interviewer] All right.

What's a question you generally detest being asked?

- I really hate when people ask me what I do.

- [Interviewer] What's a question

you wish you'd be asked more?

- I don't really like answering questions, so nothing.

- [Interviewer] You must be loving this experience. [laughs]

What's the weirdest rumor you've heard about yourself?

- Well, when I was single, I would always hear

that I was dating all these people that I've never even met.

And one time I went to the movies,

ran into someone that they said I was dating,

so it was really awkward, and I was just praying

that no one would take a picture

and then think I was lying this whole time

and really dating this person.

Or I've heard that I've killed a raccoon with my high heels.

- [Interviewer] [laughs] I was not expecting that.

What's one product you can't live without?

- Can't live without my KKW Contour.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite beauty trend right now?

- I love just a more minimal, soft, dewy makeup.

- [Interviewer] What's a beauty trend

that you wish you never tried?

- I wish that I never did really white under my eyes.

- [Interviewer] Now in my interview with Kendall,

she said she's the only one who knows

you can do anything with your toes.

What does that even mean?

- I can't believe she said that, first of all.

Thank you, Kendall, for putting me on the spot.

But it means that I literally

can pick up the cell phone with my toes,

dial, pick up the fork, eat.

I can do anything with my toes.

- [Interviewer] Your mom's cameo was amazing.

What was the best time that you guys pranked her?

- Oh, my mom pranks are the best.

Todd Kraines prank is my all-time fave.

- [Interviewer] Can we prank her now?

- I mean, I don't know if she'll be down for a prank now,

but we can call her. - Let's call her.

That'd be great!

What's something that you thought you'd never

see yourself doing in a million years?

- Go to law school.

- [Interviewer] What's something people

would be surprised to find out about you.

- I think people would be surprised

that I'm smaller in person.

- [Interviewer] Was there a time or a moment

in your life that you felt most honored?

- Honestly, I feel honored every day,

which is how Kanye is with me.

- Hi, honey. - Hey, mom.

- Hey there! - What's going on over there?

Are you on a shoot or something?

- Yes, we are.

- Why wasn't I invited?

- Well, you always try to steal my shine,

so this one I had to keep to myself.

- Oh, come on. - Ooh, Kim!

- All right, bye, Mom. [laughs]

- [Interviewer] All right, Kim.

Last question for you.

Final question, question number 73.

- Yes?

- [Interviewer] Do you think I can get a new pair of Yeezys?

- Nice try.

- [Interviewer] All I'm asking

for is just one pair of Yeezys.


All good.

Kim, love this interview, spending time with your family.

Thank you so much. - Bye!

[gentle string music]

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73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue 킴 카다시안 웨스트(카니예 웨스트)와의 73가지 질문 | Vogue 73 pytania z Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue 73 Perguntas com Kim Kardashian West (com Kanye West) | Vogue

[dramatic electronic music]

- Kanye! - Yeah?

- [Interviewer] [laughs] I'm here to ask 73 questions.

- I'm ready. - Uh, babe?

This is for me. - Oh.

- The kids are in the room. [laughs]

- Kim! - Hi.

- [Interviewer] So I catch you guys home together. - [Entrevistador] Então eu pego vocês juntos em casa.

Is this a rare thing?

- It is really rare, so lucky you. - É muito raro, sorte sua.

- [Interviewer] Oh, that's great.

What did you do for the first 30 minutes of your day?

- I woke up at 5:45, brushed my teeth,

got ready, headed to the gym and worked out. se arrumou, foi para a academia e se exercitou.

- [Interviewer] Nice!

And what's a typical lazy day when everyone's together?

- There's no such thing as a lazy day. - Não existe dia de preguiça.

Look, I'll show you.

The kids are in the room.

- [Interviewer] So your home is clearly stunning.

- Thank you.

- [Interviewer] How would you describe this home? - [Entrevistador] Como você descreveria esta casa?

- I would say, like, a minimal monastery.

- [Interviewer] Wow.

And where did the inspiration come from?

- From Axel Vervoordt and Kanye.

- [Interviewer] Okay, random question. - [Entrevistador] Ok, pergunta aleatória.

What was the last Kimoji that you used?

- My daughter North used the Kim blowing the bubblegum. - Minha filha North usou o Kim soprando o chiclete.

- [Interviewer] Ah, that's cute. - [Entrevistador] Ah, que fofo.

[child yelling] - Hi, guys!

Hi! - Aww.

- What are you doing? - Daddy's in here. - O que você está fazendo? - Papai está aqui.

- Daddy's in here? - Adorable.

- Oh, thank you.

- [Interviewer] So what are these guys

most into in life right now, Kim? mais na vida agora, Kim?

- Um, sorry.

What was the question?

- [Interviewer] What are they most into in life right now? - [Entrevistador] O que eles mais gostam na vida agora?

- Saint is into Papa Troll, anything Papa Troll.

North is into Bill Nye the Science Guy.

- I wanna meet him. - You do?

And Chi is into anything food. E Chi gosta de qualquer comida.

- [Interviewer] That's great.

And what's the most rewarding thing about being a mom?

- I would say when the kids tell you they love you.

- I already did that.

- [Interviewer] Kanye,

what's the best part about being a dad?

- The kids. [Kim and interviewer laugh]

- [Interviewer] What's the most important thing

you learned from your parents about raising a family, Kim? você aprendeu com seus pais sobre como criar uma família, Kim?

- Just that family is everything.

[child coughs]

Oh, cough on me, why don't you? Oh, tosse em mim, por que não tosse?

- [Interviewer] Aww.

Can you share with me your secret to good parenting? Você pode compartilhar comigo o seu segredo para uma boa paternidade?

- I would say you just have to wing it.

My sisters and I are on a group chat

always getting parenting advice.

- But they don't get advice from me.

Can I get on that chat please? [Kim laughs]

- [Interviewer] I'm gonna have

to let you guys sort that out. para deixar vocês resolverem isso.

Guys, you mind if I take a look around?

- Yeah, of course. - Great.

What's the most important thing

that you want your kids to know?

- I want my kids to be kind-- - I like squishies!

- Oh.

To be kind and to treat everybody the same way.

- [Interviewer] How did you manage

to keep it real for the family para mantê-lo real para a família

in sometimes unreal surroundings? em ambientes às vezes irreais?

- Well, I think we always keep it real,

and there's really no real situations.

- [Interviewer] [laughs] And what would you say

is a thing that your kids taught you?

- My kids have taught me how to be patient,

and just what's important in life.

- Can daddy come with me in the playroom?

- Yeah, one second. - And Fortnite!

- Oh, and Fortnite. [laughs]

- [Interviewer] So who's most excited for baby number four? - [Entrevistador] Então, quem está mais animado para o bebê número quatro?

- Who's most excited for baby brother?


I think North is too,

'cause Saint will have someone

to play with instead of her.

And Saint wants to name him Sainty too, right?

- I wanna play with [mumbles].

- Ooh.

- [Interviewer] So how ready are you guys

feeling for the new arrival? sentimento pela nova chegada?

- I mean, the room's not ready yet, so kinda stressing. - Quero dizer, o quarto ainda não está pronto, então meio estressante.

- [Interviewer] What name will

your baby definitely not have?

- He will definitely not have another direction. - Ele definitivamente não terá outra direção.

- [Interviewer] Oh, what do you mean by that? - [Entrevistador] Ah, o que você quer dizer com isso?

- That is all for North.

And actually Anna had some influence in naming North,

because once she heard that rumor she asked me

and said that that name was genius,

so that was helpful to me. - That is so funny.

Now I saw that video, by the way,

where Kanye got 112 to sing to you. onde Kanye conseguiu 112 para cantar para você.

That was so sweet.

What's the story behind that? Qual é a história por trás disso?

- I'm just obsessed with 112, right babe?

- What?

[interviewer laughs] - I'm obsessed with 112.

- Yeah, she's obsessed with 112.

- [Interviewer] Kim, what's the one thing

about Kanye that you love the most?

- I love that he's always himself.

- I wanna bring him in the playroom.

- Okay, one second, okay?

- [Interviewer] And you guys met in 2004.

You guys have been friends since 2007.

- Tell daddy-- - Okay, one second.

Let me finish talking.

- [Interviewer] How did you know that Kanye was the one? - [Entrevistador] Como você sabia que Kanye era o único?

- I knew he was the one when I went

to his Paris fashion show.

- And Kanye, how did you know that Kim was the one?

- I saw her in a paparazzi pic with Paris Hilton.

[Kim laughs]

- [Interviewer] What's Kanye's biggest

pet peeve about you, Kim? |irritação pessoal||| se irrita com você, Kim?

- That I can be bratty sometimes. ||||mimada|

- [Interviewer] What's one thing Kanye has taught you?

- Kanye has taught me major confidence. - Kanye me ensinou grande confiança.

- [Interviewer] What's one thing you're proud

to say that you taught him?

- I am proud to say that I've taught him,

I've given him really good financial advice on saving.

- You give me some advice, but I don't listen to it.

[Kim and interviewer laugh]

- [Interviewer] What's the best gift he's ever given?

- Last year for Christmas.

Okay, Northie, take your brother to go get Sprite.

- Why Sprite? - It's your one time. - Por que Sprite? - É a sua única vez.

- [Interviewer] Best gift.

- For Christmas last year, he gave me a box

and I opened it and it was Mickey Mouse

and Adidas socks and Apple headphones.

And I thought okay.

And then he told me that he bought

me major stock in all of those companies.

- [Interviewer] Kanye, what was the reaction?

- She's like oh, okay. [interviewer laughs]

- Well, when I thought it was just

Adidas socks and headphones, I was like thanks.

All right, let me take you

on a tour of the rest of the house.

- [Interviewer] All right, great.

How do you describe living in Calabasas?

- Very chill.

- [Interviewer] If it wasn't Calabasas, where would it be?

- Beverly Hills. - Beverly Hills.

- [Interviewer] And if it wasn't Los Angeles?

- The Bahamas.

- [Interviewer] Whose career

do you respect and admire the most?

- I would say my mom's, because at 50 years old,

she really honestly didn't know

how she was gonna make ends meet

and take care of all of these kids.

And after 50, she built this whole huge empire.

- [Interviewer] What's the most overused phrase right now?

- Probably it's lit. - That is just everywhere. - Provavelmente está aceso. - Isso é apenas em todos os lugares.

What drives you the most crazy?

- I think unorganized closets.

- [Interviewer] How do you really feel about the paparazzi?

- It depends on what I look like that day.

- [Interviewer] And if you could have dinner

with anyone living or nonliving, who would it be?

- Definitely my dad.

- [Interviewer] Okay, the home tour's gonna continue

with a hard right into the living room.

And what kind of piano is this?

This is gorgeous.

- Unbleached Steinway.

- [Interviewer] And how's the lessons

going for you right now?

- I started and I quit. - Aww, that's a bummer.

What is the last movie that you saw that made you laugh.

- Incredibles 2.

- [Interviewer] What's the last movie that made you cry?

- Ben Is Back with Julia Roberts.

- [Interviewer] What was the last time

that you cried in general?

- I cried when I took over my mom's Christmas Eve party, - Chorei quando assumi a festa de Natal da minha mãe,

and she was so emotional about it, giving it up, e ela estava tão emocionada com isso, desistindo,

that she started crying and it made me cry.

- [Interviewer] Aww.

How much time do you spend per day on Instagram?

- Not that much.

Like 30 minutes.

- [Interviewer] How do you decide what or what not to post?

- I just do whatever I feel.

- [Interviewer] Kim, you have over

130 million Instagram followers.

Honestly, what is that like?

- It's so crazy just to think about it.

- [Interviewer] Do you read your DMs?

- I don't.

There's too many DMs.

I can't even get started.

- [Interviewer] What's the craziest

thing a fan has ever done?

- Well, a fan has asked me to legitimately adopt them.

- [Interviewer] What?

That is so weird.

What's something about you that you wish

more people focused on?

- I wish they would not focus on my ass all the time.

- [Interviewer] Okay.

- All right, let's go continue this tour.

- [Interviewer] How do you deal

with negative feedback on social media

or generally in the press?

- Honestly, I know it's hard,

but you just have to really ignore it.

- [Interviewer] What are three words that best describe you?

- I hate describing myself.

- [Interviewer] Okay, well then what three words

do you hear most often when people describe you?

- I would say sweet and smart.

- [Interviewer] And is there a third?

- And kind.

- [Interviewer] Would you say that they're accurate.

- Most definitely.

- [Interviewer] Can you show me a hidden talent?

- I have a hidden talent of being able

to smell when someone has a cavity.

- [Interviewer] That's impressive.

Who do you call when you need life advice?

- I would call my mom, for sure.

- [Interviewer] What's the most useful thing

that she's ever told you?

- My mom, in business, has always told me

to really keep everything that I'm doing private,

and not really announce anything until it's ready to go.

- [Interviewer] Kim, this kitchen is so amazing.

- Thank you. - Wow!

What's your favorite thing about Armenia?

- The food.

- [Interviewer] If I had 24 hours in Armenia,

what should I eat? - You should eat everything.

[speaking in foreign language] is all I know.

- [Interviewer] I don't know what that means.

What do you think you'll be remembered for, Kim?

- For my many talents.

- [Interviewer] All right.

What's a question you generally detest being asked?

- I really hate when people ask me what I do.

- [Interviewer] What's a question

you wish you'd be asked more?

- I don't really like answering questions, so nothing.

- [Interviewer] You must be loving this experience. [laughs]

What's the weirdest rumor you've heard about yourself?

- Well, when I was single, I would always hear

that I was dating all these people that I've never even met.

And one time I went to the movies,

ran into someone that they said I was dating,

so it was really awkward, and I was just praying

that no one would take a picture

and then think I was lying this whole time

and really dating this person.

Or I've heard that I've killed a raccoon with my high heels.

- [Interviewer] [laughs] I was not expecting that.

What's one product you can't live without?

- Can't live without my KKW Contour.

- [Interviewer] What's your favorite beauty trend right now?

- I love just a more minimal, soft, dewy makeup.

- [Interviewer] What's a beauty trend

that you wish you never tried?

- I wish that I never did really white under my eyes.

- [Interviewer] Now in my interview with Kendall,

she said she's the only one who knows

you can do anything with your toes.

What does that even mean?

- I can't believe she said that, first of all.

Thank you, Kendall, for putting me on the spot.

But it means that I literally

can pick up the cell phone with my toes,

dial, pick up the fork, eat.

I can do anything with my toes.

- [Interviewer] Your mom's cameo was amazing.

What was the best time that you guys pranked her?

- Oh, my mom pranks are the best.

Todd Kraines prank is my all-time fave.

- [Interviewer] Can we prank her now?

- I mean, I don't know if she'll be down for a prank now,

but we can call her. - Let's call her.

That'd be great!

What's something that you thought you'd never

see yourself doing in a million years?

- Go to law school.

- [Interviewer] What's something people

would be surprised to find out about you.

- I think people would be surprised

that I'm smaller in person.

- [Interviewer] Was there a time or a moment

in your life that you felt most honored?

- Honestly, I feel honored every day,

which is how Kanye is with me.

- Hi, honey. - Hey, mom.

- Hey there! - What's going on over there?

Are you on a shoot or something?

- Yes, we are.

- Why wasn't I invited?

- Well, you always try to steal my shine,

so this one I had to keep to myself.

- Oh, come on. - Ooh, Kim!

- All right, bye, Mom. [laughs]

- [Interviewer] All right, Kim.

Last question for you.

Final question, question number 73.

- Yes?

- [Interviewer] Do you think I can get a new pair of Yeezys?

- Nice try.

- [Interviewer] All I'm asking

for is just one pair of Yeezys.


All good.

Kim, love this interview, spending time with your family.

Thank you so much. - Bye!

[gentle string music]