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Vogue 73 questions, 73 Questions With Emily Blunt | Vogue

73 Questions With Emily Blunt | Vogue

- [Interviewer] Emily Blunt!

- Hello Joe! Get out of here Sam.

- [Interviewer] Here we are for your 73 question interview.

- [Interviewer] Can't wait and first of all if

I may be blunt...

Why are you here on the Vogue floor?

- So, Anna is in Europe for the week

and she's asked me to take over the offices for her.

- [Interviewer] Big shoes to fill.

- I know. Come with me.

- [Interviewer] Do you like living in New York City?

- I do, I love it.

- [Interviewer] Okay, where did you grow up?

- I grew up in London.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss most about England

when in America? - The irreverence, probably.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss most about America

when in England? - The enthusiasm.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything New York has over London?

- Pizza. Better Pizza.

- Emily, your Starbucks.

- Thank you, Jesse! - You're welcome.

- Bit cold. Nevermind.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about being on set?

- Oh, the camaraderie.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever consider writing?

- Maybe. - What about directing?

- Maybe.

- [Interviewer] Who's a director you'd love to work with

but you haven't had the chance yet?

- Alfonso Cuaron, call me.

- [Interviewer] What do you look for in a script these days?

- I look for sophistication, intrigue,

surprise, nothing derivative.

- [Interviewer] What's the biggest misconception

about being an actress?

- That we take longer in hair and makeup

than the boys. Not true.

- [Interviewer] Can you finish this sentence for me?

- Yes

- [Interviewer] Hollywood of the future looks like:

- More hopeful.

- [Interviewer] Do you ever re-watch your old films?

- I do not. - Why?

- Because I'll just pick them apart.

Did you see what I did here?

This is how official this job is.

- [Interviewer] Those are definitely official documents.

- I know.

What's the wildest thing you've ever done in your life?

- I went scuba diving with sharks.

- [Interviewer] Didn't Zac Efron do the same thing?

- No he didn't.

- [Interviewer] What's something you didn't expect

about motherhood?

- That I'm really good at multitasking.

- [Interviewer] Can you tell me your favorite joke?

- I don't like jokes. In fact, I hate jokes.

So don't, let's not do them.

- [Interviewer] Alright, well knock, knock!

- No please, please, please, please.

- No, I mean the door.

- Oh, the door. - Flowers.

- Flowers! - Oh, how nice!

- For me. Sort of romantic.

- Yeah. - Lovely.

- [Interviewer] What's a TV show you'd love

to make a cameo in?

- "Shark Tank." - Oh, sharks.

- If you had a podcast- - Sharks again!

- [Interviewer] If you had a podcast,

what would it be about?

- Probably about home decorating or something like that.

- [Interviewer] Who would you ask 73 questions to

if you had the chance? - Oh, Keith Richards.

Namely, how are you still alive...?

- [Interviewer] Okay, so who sent these flowers?

- I don't know, but isn't this so

romantic? - Romantic, yeah.

- 'So many congratulations on your new appointment,

love from mum.' Anyway, move on.

- [Interviewer] What was your favorite scene

to shoot "The Devil Wears Prada"?

- I like where I was really, really, really sick.

- [Interviewer] Kay, what did you learn

about fashion from working on the film?

- Just be more fierce, and wild.

I learned that from Patricia Field, our costume designer.

- [Interviewer] On average, how many times

has your husband seen the film?

- I would say a solid 23 times.

- [Interviewer] And speaking of John,

how long have you guys been married for?

- We're married for eight years.

- [Interviewer] Is it true John cried at hearing you sing

for the first time? - He did.

- [Interviewer] Is it true you unknowingly match made

at your own wedding?

- I did. I match made my sister with Stanley Tucci,

who wormed his way into the family.

- [Interviewer] Stanley Tucci - isn't he just the best?

- He is the best guy.

- [Interviewer] Think of goin' on a double date

with any couple living or dead, who would it be?

- Oh, Rob Marshall and John Deluca.

- [Interviewer] You and John were amazing in

"A Quite Place."

It was terrifying.

What was your gut, immediate reaction

upon reading the title?

- Um, the title? I thought, oh what a sweet,

sort of quiet living, room-drama.

I was wrong, so wrong.

- [Interviewer] In honoring John's Boston roots,

can you tell me something in your thickest Boston accent?

- Oh, I'm going to butcher it.

Alright. Good for you Joe, with your wicked

awesome questions and your fancy job and your Vogue offices.

- Is that a Matt Damon!? - I know right?

- Emily! - Yes!

- [Woman] They're ready for you in the closet.

- Yes, great. - Favorite dish to cook?

- I love turkey lasagna.

- [Interviewer] What is a favorite book

that you enjoyed recently?

- I love "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson.

- [Interviewer] Historical figure you'd love

to take tea with?

- Ella Fitzgerald.

- Where would you like to have dinner

with Donatella tonight? - Donatella?

- Yes. - Chuck E. Cheese.

- She loves it. - Okay.

- [Interviewer] First role you ever had?

- I was on stage with Dame Judi Dench - who's delightful -

and I played her granddaughter.

- [Interviewer] Is it true, you started acting

to help get over stuttering?

- I did, I had a severe stutter as a child

and when I was in character I tended to speak fluently.

- [Interviewer] Okay, and if you weren't acting,

what would you have pursued in your life?

- I kind of wanted to be a translator for the UN

because I was quite good at Spanish.

Not anymore. But...

- [Interviewer] Okay, what's the hardest thing

you've ever had to do for a role?

- For a role, I had to learn a martial art called Krav Maga

for "Edge of Tomorrow."

Quite intense.

- Can you show me a move from Krav Maga?

- Want me to show you a move?

- You can grab someone by the back of their head

and sort or knead them repeatedly

in the privates. Does some damage.

Michele, what've we got?

- Some locations for our next shoot.

- Looks a bit dull, doesn't it?

Was it in... Where is this?

- Paris. - Paris. Not so dull suddenly.

I'm gonna go with this one, this one, scrap the rest.

- [Interviewer] Are you a morning person or a night person?

- I'm a morning person, look at these pants-

- Wow, those are- - Come on, why not?

- [Interviewer] Those are very red pants.

- Wow! - Kittens or puppies?

- I will say puppies 'cause I'm allergic to cats.

- [Interviewer] What's your current obsession?

- Pinterest.

- [Interviewer] What are you pinning these days?

- I'm pinning light fixtures, and wood paneled walls.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most impressive person

in the world?

- Oh, I cannot believe you just asked me

that question. - Why?

- Because it's just too difficult.

Hello, Talia. What do you got?

- What do you think? - Oh, no, boring, No color.

Now hang that up! Don't just fling it anywhere.

I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.

- [Interviewer] How do you become Mary Poppins?

- Mary Poppins? You gotta practice your turn-out, like this.

See? - Is that right?

- It's quite hard for someone as un-flexible as me.

- Oh see, this what people in fashion do.

They tend to sort of do stuff like this.

- [Interviewer] With Mary Poppins, how did you feel

on your first day of shooting?

- Terrified.

- [Interviewer] Did you watch the original in preparation?

- I did not, so as not to get more terrified.

- [Interviewer] Now you're not on social media.

- I'm not. - Why?

- Because I don't think it's an organic fit for me.

I'm a bit of a dinosaur.

- [Interviewer] Well if you did have a Twitter account,

what would your handle be?

- What's a handle? - Emily?

- Yes? - I have James Corden

on line one- - Oh, no, no, no,

he can definitely wait. - Who's your dream co-star?

- Leonardo DiCaprio. - Dream duet partner?

- Duet partner? Louis Armstrong.

- Dream ensemble cast-- - Dream ensemble cast!

Okay, let's do it!

Benicio Del Toro, Dwayne Johnson, Sienna Miller,

Emily Mortimer, Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Me. Cast it.

Let's do it. It's gonna be huge.

- That'd be huge! - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] If your life was a

musical, what would the title be?

- Dance, who cares what you look like?

Ian, what do we have? - Big question. Which belt?

- It's a tough call. They're both so different.

I'm sorry who asked her -- who asked her?

- [Interviewer] What's it gonna be, Emily?

- I'm gonna have to call a friend here.

- [Interviewer] Okay, what's been the most rewarding trip

you've ever taken? - Rewarding?

I would say Bhutan. Hiking through Bhutan.

- [Interviewer] What's a country you wish to visit?

- I would love to go to Brazil.

Hi Stan! - Emily, what a surprise.

- I know. How are you?

- Fine, thank you, fine, thank you.

- Good, I have a very important question for you.

Are you ready? - Mm, yeah, go ahead.

- Which one? - Mm, I don't really know.

You know, I really don't know too much about fashion.

I only played someone who did and it was completely fa--

it's fake, it was fake. - Right.

You are very unstylish. Good bye.

- So, blue? - Oh no! Cerulean.

- [Interviewer] Best way to decompress.

- Don't miss out the cerulean.

Best way to decompress? - Yep.

Best way to decompress, I do transcendental meditation

everyday, although if I had these shoes,

I would not need to do that because

they are happy making shoes. - They really are.

- [Interviewer] How do you describe your personal style?

- I would say sort of tomboy-ish, urban-ish, kind of.

Who knows?

- [Interviewer] What's something you don't go a day

without wearing? - Lip balm.

- [Interviewer] What's been the most extravagant thing

you've ever worn? - Probably some jewelry

that I didn't actually own.

- [Interviewer] What's something that you wish

you really hadn't worn?

- Oh, I don't think I looked very good

at the "Devil Wears Prada" premiere.

My dress was all wrinkly and it was a mistake.

- [Interviewer] Can you name the best designer

who has ever lived?

- Oh, McQueen! - Good choice!

- McQueen, McQueen, do you think McQueen

would like me to wear this hat,

with one of his dresses? - Oh totally --

It's equestrian chic.

- I know, it's very British though,

right? - It looks good.

- [Interviewer] If you could raid some one's closet,

who would it be? - Blake Lively's.

- [Interviewer] Must have beauty product?

- I love Dior mascaras.

- [Interviewer] What's the best beauty advice

you've ever received?

- Get off that sunbed, stop tanning.

Ooh look, look, look, look. - Tucci?

- Hi Anna. - Anna!

- Emily, hi, how did it go today?

- It went wonderfully well. Thank you.

- Well I can't think of anyone that

would be better for the part than you.

- Thank you, Anna. Is there anything else

I can do for you? - No, that's all.

- [whispering] Been waiting,

I've been waiting for that moment.

- [Interviewer] Alright Emily, last question.

- Good.

- How do you think, this interview went?

- I think it went really well.

But next time, bore someone else with your questions.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, but I thought this was going--

- No, just kidding.

It's not even my line. Bye!

- [Interviewer] Thanks, Emily!

73 Questions With Emily Blunt | Vogue

- [Interviewer] Emily Blunt!

- Hello Joe! Get out of here Sam.

- [Interviewer] Here we are for your 73 question interview.

- [Interviewer] Can't wait and first of all if

I may be blunt...

Why are you here on the Vogue floor?

- So, Anna is in Europe for the week

and she's asked me to take over the offices for her.

- [Interviewer] Big shoes to fill.

- I know. Come with me.

- [Interviewer] Do you like living in New York City?

- I do, I love it.

- [Interviewer] Okay, where did you grow up?

- I grew up in London.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss most about England

when in America? - The irreverence, probably.

- [Interviewer] What do you miss most about America

when in England? - The enthusiasm.

- [Interviewer] Is there anything New York has over London?

- Pizza. Better Pizza.

- Emily, your Starbucks.

- Thank you, Jesse! - You're welcome.

- Bit cold. Nevermind.

- [Interviewer] What's the best part about being on set?

- Oh, the camaraderie.

- [Interviewer] Would you ever consider writing?

- Maybe. - What about directing?

- Maybe.

- [Interviewer] Who's a director you'd love to work with

but you haven't had the chance yet?

- Alfonso Cuaron, call me.

- [Interviewer] What do you look for in a script these days?

- I look for sophistication, intrigue,

surprise, nothing derivative.

- [Interviewer] What's the biggest misconception

about being an actress?

- That we take longer in hair and makeup

than the boys. Not true.

- [Interviewer] Can you finish this sentence for me?

- Yes

- [Interviewer] Hollywood of the future looks like:

- More hopeful.

- [Interviewer] Do you ever re-watch your old films?

- I do not. - Why?

- Because I'll just pick them apart.

Did you see what I did here?

This is how official this job is.

- [Interviewer] Those are definitely official documents.

- I know.

What's the wildest thing you've ever done in your life?

- I went scuba diving with sharks.

- [Interviewer] Didn't Zac Efron do the same thing?

- No he didn't.

- [Interviewer] What's something you didn't expect

about motherhood?

- That I'm really good at multitasking.

- [Interviewer] Can you tell me your favorite joke?

- I don't like jokes. In fact, I hate jokes.

So don't, let's not do them.

- [Interviewer] Alright, well knock, knock!

- No please, please, please, please.

- No, I mean the door.

- Oh, the door. - Flowers.

- Flowers! - Oh, how nice!

- For me. Sort of romantic.

- Yeah. - Lovely.

- [Interviewer] What's a TV show you'd love

to make a cameo in?

- "Shark Tank." - Oh, sharks.

- If you had a podcast- - Sharks again!

- [Interviewer] If you had a podcast,

what would it be about?

- Probably about home decorating or something like that.

- [Interviewer] Who would you ask 73 questions to

if you had the chance? - Oh, Keith Richards.

Namely, how are you still alive...?

- [Interviewer] Okay, so who sent these flowers?

- I don't know, but isn't this so

romantic? - Romantic, yeah.

- 'So many congratulations on your new appointment,

love from mum.' Anyway, move on.

- [Interviewer] What was your favorite scene

to shoot "The Devil Wears Prada"?

- I like where I was really, really, really sick.

- [Interviewer] Kay, what did you learn

about fashion from working on the film?

- Just be more fierce, and wild.

I learned that from Patricia Field, our costume designer.

- [Interviewer] On average, how many times

has your husband seen the film?

- I would say a solid 23 times.

- [Interviewer] And speaking of John,

how long have you guys been married for?

- We're married for eight years.

- [Interviewer] Is it true John cried at hearing you sing

for the first time? - He did.

- [Interviewer] Is it true you unknowingly match made

at your own wedding?

- I did. I match made my sister with Stanley Tucci,

who wormed his way into the family.

- [Interviewer] Stanley Tucci - isn't he just the best?

- He is the best guy.

- [Interviewer] Think of goin' on a double date

with any couple living or dead, who would it be?

- Oh, Rob Marshall and John Deluca.

- [Interviewer] You and John were amazing in

"A Quite Place."

It was terrifying.

What was your gut, immediate reaction

upon reading the title?

- Um, the title? I thought, oh what a sweet,

sort of quiet living, room-drama.

I was wrong, so wrong.

- [Interviewer] In honoring John's Boston roots,

can you tell me something in your thickest Boston accent?

- Oh, I'm going to butcher it.

Alright. Good for you Joe, with your wicked

awesome questions and your fancy job and your Vogue offices.

- Is that a Matt Damon!? - I know right?

- Emily! - Yes!

- [Woman] They're ready for you in the closet.

- Yes, great. - Favorite dish to cook?

- I love turkey lasagna.

- [Interviewer] What is a favorite book

that you enjoyed recently?

- I love "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson.

- [Interviewer] Historical figure you'd love

to take tea with?

- Ella Fitzgerald.

- Where would you like to have dinner

with Donatella tonight? - Donatella?

- Yes. - Chuck E. Cheese.

- She loves it. - Okay.

- [Interviewer] First role you ever had?

- I was on stage with Dame Judi Dench - who's delightful -

and I played her granddaughter.

- [Interviewer] Is it true, you started acting

to help get over stuttering?

- I did, I had a severe stutter as a child

and when I was in character I tended to speak fluently.

- [Interviewer] Okay, and if you weren't acting,

what would you have pursued in your life?

- I kind of wanted to be a translator for the UN

because I was quite good at Spanish.

Not anymore. But...

- [Interviewer] Okay, what's the hardest thing

you've ever had to do for a role?

- For a role, I had to learn a martial art called Krav Maga

for "Edge of Tomorrow."

Quite intense.

- Can you show me a move from Krav Maga?

- Want me to show you a move?

- You can grab someone by the back of their head

and sort or knead them repeatedly

in the privates. Does some damage.

Michele, what've we got?

- Some locations for our next shoot.

- Looks a bit dull, doesn't it?

Was it in... Where is this?

- Paris. - Paris. Not so dull suddenly.

I'm gonna go with this one, this one, scrap the rest.

- [Interviewer] Are you a morning person or a night person?

- I'm a morning person, look at these pants-

- Wow, those are- - Come on, why not?

- [Interviewer] Those are very red pants.

- Wow! - Kittens or puppies?

- I will say puppies 'cause I'm allergic to cats.

- [Interviewer] What's your current obsession?

- Pinterest.

- [Interviewer] What are you pinning these days?

- I'm pinning light fixtures, and wood paneled walls.

- [Interviewer] Who's the most impressive person

in the world?

- Oh, I cannot believe you just asked me

that question. - Why?

- Because it's just too difficult.

Hello, Talia. What do you got?

- What do you think? - Oh, no, boring, No color.

Now hang that up! Don't just fling it anywhere.

I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.

- [Interviewer] How do you become Mary Poppins?

- Mary Poppins? You gotta practice your turn-out, like this.

See? - Is that right?

- It's quite hard for someone as un-flexible as me.

- Oh see, this what people in fashion do.

They tend to sort of do stuff like this.

- [Interviewer] With Mary Poppins, how did you feel

on your first day of shooting?

- Terrified.

- [Interviewer] Did you watch the original in preparation?

- I did not, so as not to get more terrified.

- [Interviewer] Now you're not on social media.

- I'm not. - Why?

- Because I don't think it's an organic fit for me.

I'm a bit of a dinosaur.

- [Interviewer] Well if you did have a Twitter account,

what would your handle be?

- What's a handle? - Emily?

- Yes? - I have James Corden

on line one- - Oh, no, no, no,

he can definitely wait. - Who's your dream co-star?

- Leonardo DiCaprio. - Dream duet partner?

- Duet partner? Louis Armstrong.

- Dream ensemble cast-- - Dream ensemble cast!

Okay, let's do it!

Benicio Del Toro, Dwayne Johnson, Sienna Miller,

Emily Mortimer, Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Me. Cast it.

Let's do it. It's gonna be huge.

- That'd be huge! - Yeah.

- [Interviewer] If your life was a

musical, what would the title be?

- Dance, who cares what you look like?

Ian, what do we have? - Big question. Which belt?

- It's a tough call. They're both so different.

I'm sorry who asked her -- who asked her?

- [Interviewer] What's it gonna be, Emily?

- I'm gonna have to call a friend here.

- [Interviewer] Okay, what's been the most rewarding trip

you've ever taken? - Rewarding?

I would say Bhutan. Hiking through Bhutan.

- [Interviewer] What's a country you wish to visit?

- I would love to go to Brazil.

Hi Stan! - Emily, what a surprise.

- I know. How are you?

- Fine, thank you, fine, thank you.

- Good, I have a very important question for you.

Are you ready? - Mm, yeah, go ahead.

- Which one? - Mm, I don't really know.

You know, I really don't know too much about fashion.

I only played someone who did and it was completely fa--

it's fake, it was fake. - Right.

You are very unstylish. Good bye.

- So, blue? - Oh no! Cerulean.

- [Interviewer] Best way to decompress.

- Don't miss out the cerulean.

Best way to decompress? - Yep.

Best way to decompress, I do transcendental meditation

everyday, although if I had these shoes,

I would not need to do that because

they are happy making shoes. - They really are.

- [Interviewer] How do you describe your personal style?

- I would say sort of tomboy-ish, urban-ish, kind of.

Who knows?

- [Interviewer] What's something you don't go a day

without wearing? - Lip balm.

- [Interviewer] What's been the most extravagant thing

you've ever worn? - Probably some jewelry

that I didn't actually own.

- [Interviewer] What's something that you wish

you really hadn't worn?

- Oh, I don't think I looked very good

at the "Devil Wears Prada" premiere.

My dress was all wrinkly and it was a mistake.

- [Interviewer] Can you name the best designer

who has ever lived?

- Oh, McQueen! - Good choice!

- McQueen, McQueen, do you think McQueen

would like me to wear this hat,

with one of his dresses? - Oh totally --

It's equestrian chic.

- I know, it's very British though,

right? - It looks good.

- [Interviewer] If you could raid some one's closet,

who would it be? - Blake Lively's.

- [Interviewer] Must have beauty product?

- I love Dior mascaras.

- [Interviewer] What's the best beauty advice

you've ever received?

- Get off that sunbed, stop tanning.

Ooh look, look, look, look. - Tucci?

- Hi Anna. - Anna!

- Emily, hi, how did it go today?

- It went wonderfully well. Thank you.

- Well I can't think of anyone that

would be better for the part than you.

- Thank you, Anna. Is there anything else

I can do for you? - No, that's all.

- [whispering] Been waiting,

I've been waiting for that moment.

- [Interviewer] Alright Emily, last question.

- Good.

- How do you think, this interview went?

- I think it went really well.

But next time, bore someone else with your questions.

- [Interviewer] Yeah, but I thought this was going--

- No, just kidding.

It's not even my line. Bye!

- [Interviewer] Thanks, Emily!