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Society and people, The Traditional Wedding

The Traditional Wedding

Rachel: I had a friend who got married. It was a very large wedding, but it was very traditional. She had thirteen bridesmaids and thirteen ushers and then a maid of honor , a best man and a ring bearer and a flower girl. So there were quite a few of us that had to walk down the aisle . Wendi: This is like an absolute, kind of parade procession. Rachel: Yeah. It was quite a long playing of "Here comes the bride". Wendi: Yeah. Rachel: So, but yeah we all had the traditional one dress picked up by the bride and the ushers all wore the traditional one, well they rented the same suits with the same tie and vest underneath, and yeah, "Here comes the bride", a little service about God and then the wedding vows which they decided to speak and make up their own wedding vows, so it got a little emotional, and yeah, that was pretty much the wedding. The thing for a traditional wedding in the United States, it costs a lot of money to be a bridesmaid or an usher and that's something that maybe in other countries is not the case because the bridesmaid and the ushers all have to pick out the same outfit and get their hair done and their make-up and the shoes and their usually in charge of paying for the bridal shower and the bachelor, the bachelorette party. Wendi: Yeah, and then there's like your gift to the bride and stuff like that as well and yeah, it's a lot of responsibility I'm sure. Have you ever been asked to be a bridesmaid and turned it down or anything? Rachel: I've never turned it down, but the first time I was asked as an adult I didn't really realize, I was like, "why are you asking me that? Of course I would be your bridesmaid. And then as it started getting closer to the wedding, all of the responsibility started coming out, then I started to understand a little bit. Wendi: Right, yeah. Rachel: Especially, because the maid of honor was particularly not responsible, so a lot of the bridesmaids had to organize many of the things the maid of honor would normally organize. Wendi: Yeah, that's wild.

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The Traditional Wedding Die traditionelle Hochzeit O casamento tradicional Geleneksel Düğün 传统婚礼

Rachel: I had a friend who got married. 瑞秋:我有一个朋友结婚了。 It was a very large wedding, but it was very traditional. 这是一场非常盛大的婚礼,但非常传统。 She had thirteen bridesmaids and thirteen ushers and then a maid of honor , a best man and a ring bearer and a flower girl. ||||||||||d'honneur||||||||||||| She had thirteen bridesmaids and thirteen ushers and then a maid of honor , a best man and a ring bearer and a flower girl. 她有十三名伴娘和十三名引座员,还有一名伴娘、一名伴郎、一名戒指男孩和一名花童。 So there were quite a few of us that had to walk down the aisle . 所以我们当中有不少人必须走过这条红毯。 Wendi: This is like an absolute, kind of parade procession. 温迪:这就像一场绝对的游行。 Rachel: Yeah. It was quite a long playing of "Here comes the bride". 《新娘来了》的演奏时间相当长。 Wendi: Yeah. Rachel: So, but yeah we all had the traditional one dress picked up by the bride and the ushers all wore the traditional one, well they rented the same suits with the same tie and vest underneath, and yeah, "Here comes the bride", a little service about God and then the wedding vows which they decided to speak and make up their own wedding vows, so it got a little emotional, and yeah, that was pretty much the wedding. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||loué||||||||||||||||||||||||||les vœux|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 瑞秋:是的,我们都穿着传统的礼服,新娘去拿,引宾员也都穿着传统的礼服,他们租了同样的西装,里面系着同样的领带,穿了同样的背心,然后是“新娘来了”的简短仪式,以及关于上帝的简短仪式,然后是婚礼誓言,他们决定说出并制定自己的婚礼誓言,所以有点感人,是的,这就是婚礼。 The thing for a traditional wedding in the United States, it costs a lot of money to be a bridesmaid or an usher and that’s something that maybe in other countries is not the case because the bridesmaid and the ushers all have to pick out the same outfit and get their hair done and their make-up and the shoes and their usually in charge of paying for the bridal shower and the bachelor, the bachelorette party. |||||||||||||||||||demi-soeur de la mariée|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||la mariée||||||| 在美国的传统婚礼中,当一名伴娘或引宾员要花很多钱,而在其他国家可能就不存在这种情况了,因为伴娘和引宾员都必须选择相同的服装,打理头发、化妆、穿上鞋子,而且他们通常还要负责支付新娘送礼会和单身汉派对的费用。 Wendi: Yeah, and then there’s like your gift to the bride and stuff like that as well and yeah, it’s a lot of responsibility I’m sure. 温迪:是的,还有给新娘的礼物之类的,是的,我知道这需要很大的责任。 Have you ever been asked to be a bridesmaid and turned it down or anything? Wurden Sie schon einmal gefragt, ob Sie Brautjungfer sein wollen, und haben abgelehnt oder so? 有人邀请你当伴娘吗?你被拒绝过吗? Rachel: I’ve never turned it down, but the first time I was asked as an adult I didn’t really realize, I was like, "why are you asking me that? Rachel: Ich habe nie abgelehnt, aber als ich das erste Mal als Erwachsene gefragt wurde, war mir nicht wirklich klar, dass ich dachte: "Warum fragst du mich das? 瑞秋:我从来没有拒绝过,但当我作为一个成年人第一次被问到这个问题时,我并没有真正意识到,我当时想,“你为什么问我这个问题? Of course I would be your bridesmaid. Natürlich würde ich deine Brautjungfer sein. 我当然愿意当你的伴娘。 And then as it started getting closer to the wedding, all of the responsibility started coming out, then I started to understand a little bit. Und dann, als die Hochzeit immer näher rückte, wurde mir die ganze Verantwortung bewusst, und ich begann, ein wenig zu verstehen. 然后随着婚礼的临近,所有的责任开始显现出来,然后我开始理解一点。 Wendi: Right, yeah. Rachel: Especially, because the maid of honor was particularly not responsible, so a lot of the bridesmaids had to organize many of the things the maid of honor would normally organize. Rachel: Vor allem, weil die Trauzeugin nicht zuständig war, so dass viele der Brautjungfern viele der Dinge organisieren mussten, die normalerweise die Trauzeugin organisieren würde. Rachel:特别是因为伴娘特别不负责任,所以很多伴娘必须组织很多原本由伴娘组织的事情。 Wendi: Yeah, that’s wild. 温迪:是的,太疯狂了。