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Society and people, The Nature Wedding

The Nature Wedding

Wendi: OK, so I have never in my life been to a Wiccan wedding , and I want to know exactly what goes down? Rachel: OK, a Wiccan wedding, unlike other weddings, it's about their religion but it's more about celebrating the love of the couple and then they just kind of bring in the forces of nature : earth, wind, fire and whatever the other one is and, yeah, basically it was really a celebration of their love, and the bridesmaids and the groomsmen stood around the couple in a circle and kind of had to send positive energy . It was a very hippie kind of lovefest wedding , and unlike traditional flowers there was leaves. Wendi: Oh, that sounds so beautiful. On the floor kind of thing? Rachel: On the floor, yeah, and it was in the autumn so they were all different colors. Wendi: Wow, that sounds beautiful. Rachel: Yeah. Wendi: Was it outside or inside? Rachel: It was inside but then the reception was outside. Wendi: Wow, so it held in a church? Rachel: I t was, no, it was not held in a church because there is no real church for Wiccan people. They just kind of, if anything, meet in small groups and talk about nature and things like that. Wendi: Cool. That sounds really interesting. Rachel: Yeah, but it did have kind of like and archbishop for Wiccan, people come in a very brightly colored cloak Wendi: Right. Rachel: And he was waving around a kind of staff. Wendi: Yeah. Weird. Rachel: Yeah. And they actually had to jump a witches broom at the end of it. Wendi: Ah, I've seen that before, I think in the Southern U.S. that's kind of a custom or something like that. Have you seen that custom anywhere else? Rachel: No, just at the Wiccan wedding. Wendi: I've heard of that jumping over the broom before. I'm not sure. I'm not sure where I've seen that before, but yeah, that's interesting. Tell me a little about what the man and woman getting married were wearing? Rachel: Um, regular traditional outfits. It was more the man who was conducting the wedding the ceremony that had something strange on. The bride wore a regular white gown with a veil and the groom wore a tuxedo with a tie. Wendi: Right. Rachel: All the bridesmaids had the same dress on picked out by the bride. Maybe instead though the jewelry was much more gothic style. Crosses and things like that. But yeah, everybody looked like a regular wedding except for hippie looking guy. Wendi: Wow. Sounds like a really awesome event.

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The Nature Wedding La boda en la naturaleza ネイチャー・ウェディング 더 네이처 웨딩 O casamento na natureza

Wendi: OK, so I have never in my life been to a Wiccan wedding , and I want to know exactly what goes down? Wendi: OK, ich war also noch nie in meinem Leben auf einer Wicca-Hochzeit, und ich möchte genau wissen, was da abläuft? Wendi: OK, então eu nunca na minha vida fui a um casamento Wiccan, e quero saber exatamente o que acontece? 温迪:好吧,我这辈子从来没有参加过威卡教婚礼,我想知道具体发生了什么? Rachel: OK, a Wiccan wedding, unlike other weddings, it’s about their religion but it’s more about celebrating the love of the couple and then they just kind of bring in the forces of nature : earth, wind, fire and whatever the other one is and, yeah, basically it was really a celebration of their love, and the bridesmaids and the groomsmen stood around the couple in a circle and kind of had to send positive energy . Rachel: OK, bei einer Wicca-Hochzeit geht es im Gegensatz zu anderen Hochzeiten um ihre Religion, aber es geht mehr darum, die Liebe des Paares zu feiern, und dann bringen sie irgendwie die Kräfte der Natur ins Spiel: Erde, Wind, Feuer und was auch immer das andere ist, und, ja, im Grunde war es wirklich eine Feier ihrer Liebe, und die Brautjungfern und die Trauzeugen standen in einem Kreis um das Paar herum und mussten irgendwie positive Energie schicken. Rachel: OK, um casamento Wiccan, ao contrário de outros casamentos, é sobre a religião deles, mas é mais sobre celebrar o amor do casal e então eles meio que trazem as forças da natureza: terra, vento, fogo e o que quer que seja e, sim, basicamente foi realmente uma celebração do amor deles, e as damas de honra e os padrinhos ficaram em volta do casal em um círculo e meio que enviaram energia positiva. 瑞秋:好吧,威卡教婚礼和其他婚礼不一样,威卡教婚礼与他们的宗教有关,但更多的是为了庆祝新人的爱情,然后他们会引入自然的力量:土、风、火等等,是的,基本上这是在庆祝他们的爱情,伴娘和伴郎围着新人站成一圈,传递正能量。 It was a very hippie kind of lovefest wedding , and unlike traditional flowers there was leaves. Es war eine sehr hippieartige Hochzeit, und im Gegensatz zu den traditionellen Blumen gab es Blätter. Foi um tipo de casamento amoroso muito hippie e, ao contrário das flores tradicionais, havia folhas. 这是一场非常嬉皮风格的爱情婚礼,与传统的鲜花不同,婚礼上还有树叶。 Wendi: Oh, that sounds so beautiful. 温迪:噢,听起来太美了。 On the floor kind of thing? Auf dem Boden, sozusagen? Tipo de coisa no chão? 在地板上的那种东西? Rachel: On the floor, yeah, and it was in the autumn so they were all different colors. 瑞秋:是的,在地板上,当时是秋天,所以它们都是不同的颜色。 Wendi: Wow, that sounds beautiful. 温迪:哇,听起来太美了。 Rachel: Yeah. 瑞秋:是的。 Wendi: Was it outside or inside? Wendi: Foi fora ou dentro? 温迪:是在外面还是里面? Rachel: It was inside but then the reception was outside. Rachel:是在室内,但是招待会是在室外。 Wendi: Wow, so it held in a church? Wendi: Uau, então aconteceu em uma igreja? 温迪:哇,所以它是在教堂举行的? Rachel: I t was, no, it was not held in a church because there is no real church for Wiccan people. 瑞秋:不是的,婚礼不是在教堂举行的,因为对于威卡教信徒来说,没有真正的教堂。 They just kind of, if anything, meet in small groups and talk about nature and things like that. 他们只是以小组形式聚会,谈论自然和类似的话题。 Wendi: Cool. That sounds really interesting. 听起来真的很有趣。 Rachel: Yeah, but it did have kind of like and archbishop for Wiccan, people come in a very brightly colored cloak Rachel: Sim, mas tinha uma espécie de arcebispo para Wiccan, as pessoas vêm em uma capa de cores vivas Rachel:是的,但那里确实有点像 Wiccan 的大主教,人们穿着色彩鲜艳的斗篷 Wendi: Right. Rachel: And he was waving around a kind of staff. Rachel: Und er hat mit einer Art Stab herumgewedelt. Rachel: E ele estava balançando uma espécie de bastão. 瑞秋:他挥舞着一根棍子。 Wendi: Yeah. Weird. 诡异的。 Rachel: Yeah. And they actually had to jump a witches broom at the end of it. 最后他们还必须跳过女巫的扫帚。 Wendi: Ah, I’ve seen that before, I think in the Southern U.S. 温迪:啊,我以前见过,我想是在美国南部。 that’s kind of a custom or something like that. 这是一种习俗或者类似的东西。 Have you seen that custom anywhere else? Você viu esse costume em algum outro lugar? 您在其他地方见过这种习俗吗? Rachel: No, just at the Wiccan wedding. 瑞秋:没有,只是在威卡教的婚礼上。 Wendi: I’ve heard of that jumping over the broom before. Wendi: Já ouvi falar disso antes de pular a vassoura. 温迪:我以前听说过跳过扫帚这个事。 I’m not sure. 我不知道。 I’m not sure where I’ve seen that before, but yeah, that’s interesting. Não tenho certeza de onde vi isso antes, mas sim, é interessante. 我不确定我以前在哪里见过这个,但是,是的,这很有趣。 Tell me a little about what the man and woman getting married were wearing? Conte-me um pouco sobre o que o homem e a mulher que vão se casar estavam vestindo? 请告诉我一下结婚的男人和女人穿了什么? Rachel: Um, regular traditional outfits. Rachel:嗯,普通的传统服装。 It was more the man who was conducting the wedding the ceremony that had something strange on. Es war eher der Mann, der die Trauung durchführte, der etwas Seltsames an sich hatte. Era mais o homem que estava conduzindo o casamento, a cerimônia que tinha algo estranho. 主持婚礼的男人似乎有些奇怪。 The bride wore a regular white gown with a veil and the groom wore a tuxedo with a tie. 新娘穿着普通的白色礼服,戴着面纱,新郎穿着燕尾服,系着领带。 Wendi: Right. Rachel: All the bridesmaids had the same dress on picked out by the bride. Rachel: Alle Brautjungfern hatten das gleiche Kleid an, das die Braut ausgesucht hatte. Rachel: Todas as madrinhas estavam com o mesmo vestido escolhido pela noiva. 瑞秋:所有伴娘都穿着新娘挑选的同一款礼服。 Maybe instead though the jewelry was much more gothic style. Vielleicht war der Schmuck stattdessen eher im Gothic-Stil gehalten. Talvez em vez disso, embora as joias fossem de estilo muito mais gótico. 但或许相反,珠宝更具哥特式风格。 Crosses and things like that. Kreuze und solche Dinge. Cruzes e coisas assim. 十字架和类似的东西。 But yeah, everybody looked like a regular wedding except for hippie looking guy. 但是是的,除了那个嬉皮士模样的男人之外,每个人看起来都像是参加普通婚礼的。 Wendi: Wow. 温迪:哇哦。 Sounds like a really awesome event. 听起来真是一件令人惊奇的事。