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Society and people, The Day Off

The Day Off

Todd: So, now Terry when you finish your bicycle ride at the end of the day, you go to a campground, so what do you do, I mean, you set up camp, I mean, and how to you take a shower, or brush your teeth, or? Terry: Oh, in this, as an example on this trip, I was staying mostly in state park in Washington, Oregon, and California. Almost all of the state parks that I stayed in had showers, so of course they have restrooms and all your basic facilities, as far as that goes, and as far as what I did, what we do in camp, or what I do in camp is, I usually pick up a newspaper during the day and I usually carry a novel with me so, part of what I do in the afternoon is just to relax and read the paper, or read a book, and then also in the afternoon, I work on my bike if I need to, just try and get ready for the next day, or unwind from that day. Todd: Ah, what time do you normally make dinner? Terry: Ah, it just depends on, usually 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock, something like that. I, when I'm on the road I tend to be the proverbial "early to bed, early to rise. Todd: Sure. Like what things do you cook? Cause you probably don't want to carry a lot of food. Like what would be a typical meal that you would have? Terry: Um, you're absolutely right. You don't really want to carry a lot of access food because you're carrying a lot of weight anyway's. My, when I'm on the road, my bike probably weighs 45 kilos, so it's, that's a fair amount of weight to push up over a mountain range. Um, cook pasta for dinner, so some soup or something fairly simple. In groups you tend to buy more elaborate food, buy salad material and what not. Todd: Now, what do you actually prefer, doing the bicycle trip alone, or in a group? Terry: Well, they both have their good points. I think the main thing was just that, it just depends if you're interested in doing a trip when a trip is available. In this case, there was a trip that was available, going down the West Coast but it was in the month of September and I had to return to Japan and so, the timing just didn't work out out for me, and then I think lately, doing these trips solo has, is working out for me because I'm not training for the trips. Typically when you're going with a group, you have to be in shape when the trip starts so that you can keep up with the group, so this, this is working out for me, to do solo trips Todd: Oh, so you prefer the solo? Terry: Well, it kind of depends. Todd: OK. Well, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for talking about your trips. Terry: Thanks I enjoyed it a lot.

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The Day Off Der freie Tag El día libre Le jour J 休日 하루 쉬는 날 Laisva diena Dzień wolny O dia de folga Выходной день İzin Günü Вихідний день 休息日

Todd: So, now Terry when you finish your bicycle ride at the end of the day, you go to a campground, so what do you do, I mean, you set up camp, I mean, and how to you take a shower, or brush your teeth, or? Todd: Also, Terry, wenn du deine Radtour am Ende des Tages beendest, gehst du zu einem Campingplatz, was machst du dann, ich meine, du schlägst dein Lager auf, ich meine, und wie duschst du, oder putzt deine Zähne, oder? Todd: Peki Terry, günün sonunda bisiklet sürüşünü bitirdiğinde bir kamp alanına gidiyorsun, peki ne yapıyorsun, yani kampı kuruyorsun, yani nasıl duş alıyorsun, dişlerini fırçalıyorsun ya da? Todd: Bây giờ, Terry, khi kết thúc chuyến đạp xe vào cuối ngày, bạn đi đến khu cắm trại, vậy ý tôi là bạn sẽ làm gì, dựng trại, ý tôi là, và bạn đi tắm như thế nào, hoặc đánh răng, hay? Terry: Oh, in this, as an example on this trip, I was staying mostly in state park in Washington, Oregon, and California. Almost all of the state parks that I stayed in had showers, so of course they have restrooms and all your basic facilities, as far as that goes, and as far as what I did, what we do in camp, or what I do in camp is, I usually pick up a newspaper during the day and I usually carry a novel with me so, part of what I do in the afternoon is just to relax and read the paper, or read a book, and then also in the afternoon, I work on my bike if I need to, just try and get ready for the next day, or unwind from that day. Fast alle Staatsparks, in denen ich übernachtet habe, hatten Duschen, also haben sie natürlich Toiletten und alle grundlegenden Einrichtungen, soweit das geht, und was ich gemacht habe, was wir im Camp machen, oder was ich im Camp mache, ist, dass ich normalerweise tagsüber eine Zeitung hole und normalerweise einen Roman mit mir trage, also ist ein Teil von dem, was ich am Nachmittag mache, einfach zu entspannen und die Zeitung zu lesen, oder ein Buch zu lesen, und dann arbeite ich am Nachmittag an meinem Fahrrad, wenn ich muss, versuche einfach, mich auf den nächsten Tag vorzubereiten, oder mich von diesem Tag zu erholen. Kaldığım eyalet parklarının neredeyse hepsinde duş vardı, yani elbette tuvaletler ve tüm temel tesisler var, bu kadarıyla ve ne yaptığıma gelince, kampta ne yapıyoruz ya da kampta ne yapıyorum, genellikle gün boyunca bir gazete alıyorum ve genellikle yanımda bir roman taşıyorum, bu yüzden öğleden sonra yaptığım şeyin bir kısmı sadece rahatlamak ve gazete okumak ya da bir kitap okumak ve öğleden sonra da gerekirse bisikletimle çalışıyorum, sadece ertesi güne hazırlanmaya çalışıyorum ya da o günün gevşemesini sağlıyorum. Майже всі державні парки, в яких я зупинявся, мали душові кабіни, тож, звісно, там є вбиральні та всі основні зручності, наскільки це можливо, а що стосується того, що я робив, що ми робили в таборі, або що я робив у таборі, то я зазвичай брав газету вдень і зазвичай носив із собою роман, тож частина того, що я робив у другій половині дня, - це просто розслабитися і почитати газету або книжку, а також у другій половині дня я працював на велосипеді, якщо це було потрібно, щоби підготуватися до наступного дня або ж розслабитися після дня, що минув. Todd: Ah, what time do you normally make dinner? Todd: Ah, wann machen Sie normalerweise das Abendessen? Terry: Ah, it just depends on, usually 5 o’clock, 6 o’clock, something like that. ||||závisí||||||| Terry: Ah, das hängt einfach davon ab, normalerweise 5 Uhr, 6 Uhr, oder so ähnlich. I, when I’m on the road I tend to be the proverbial "early to bed, early to rise. |||||||||||well-known|||||| Wenn ich unterwegs bin, neige ich dazu, der sprichwörtliche "Früh zu Bett, früh aufzustehen" zu sein. Tôi, khi đi trên đường, tôi thường có câu tục ngữ “ngủ sớm, dậy sớm”. Todd: Sure. Todd: Sicher. Like what things do you cook? Was kochen Sie zum Beispiel? Cause you probably don’t want to carry a lot of food. Denn Sie wollen wahrscheinlich nicht viele Lebensmittel mitnehmen. Like what would be a typical meal that you would have? Terry: Um, you’re absolutely right. Terry: Ähm, Sie haben absolut Recht. You don’t really want to carry a lot of access food because you’re carrying a lot of weight anyway’s. Sie wollen nicht wirklich eine Menge an Nahrungsmitteln mit sich führen, weil Sie ohnehin schon viel Gewicht mit sich herumtragen. My, when I’m on the road, my bike probably weighs 45 kilos, so it’s, that’s a fair amount of weight to push up over a mountain range. Wenn ich auf der Straße unterwegs bin, wiegt mein Fahrrad wahrscheinlich 45 Kilo, das ist also eine ganze Menge Gewicht, um es über eine Bergkette zu schieben. Коли я їду по дорозі, мій велосипед важить, мабуть, 45 кілограмів, так що це досить велика вага, щоб тягнути його через гірський хребет. Um, cook pasta for dinner, so some soup or something fairly simple. Nudeln zum Abendessen kochen, also eine Suppe oder etwas ganz Einfaches. In groups you tend to buy more elaborate food, buy salad material and what not. |||||||zložitejšie||||||| In Gruppen neigt man dazu, aufwendigere Lebensmittel zu kaufen, Salat zu kaufen und so weiter. У групах ви, як правило, купуєте більш вишукану їжу, купуєте матеріали для салатів і таке інше. Todd: Now, what do you actually prefer, doing the bicycle trip alone, or in a group? Terry: Well, they both have their good points. Terry: Nun, sie haben beide ihre guten Seiten. I think the main thing was just that, it just depends if you’re interested in doing a trip when a trip is available. Ich denke, das Wichtigste war, dass es einfach darauf ankommt, ob man an einer Reise interessiert ist, wenn eine Reise verfügbar ist. Я думаю, що головне - це те, що все залежить від того, чи зацікавлені ви в поїздці, коли вона доступна. In this case, there was a trip that was available, going down the West Coast but it was in the month of September and I had to return to Japan and so, the timing just didn’t work out out for me, and then I think lately, doing these trips solo has, is working out for me because I’m not training for the trips. In diesem Fall war eine Reise an die Westküste verfügbar, aber sie fand im September statt, und ich musste nach Japan zurückkehren, so dass das Timing für mich nicht passte. Trong trường hợp này, đã có sẵn một chuyến đi, đi xuống Bờ Tây nhưng đó là vào tháng 9 và tôi phải quay lại Nhật Bản nên thời gian không phù hợp với tôi, và sau đó tôi Hãy nghĩ gần đây, việc thực hiện những chuyến đi một mình này có ích cho tôi vì tôi không tập luyện cho những chuyến đi. Typically when you’re going with a group, you have to be in shape when the trip starts so that you can keep up with the group, so this, this is working out for me, to do solo trips Wenn man mit einer Gruppe unterwegs ist, muss man normalerweise in Form sein, wenn die Reise beginnt, damit man mit der Gruppe mithalten kann, also funktioniert es für mich, alleine zu reisen. Зазвичай, коли ви їдете з групою, ви повинні бути у формі на початку подорожі, щоб не відставати від групи, тож це, це працює для мене, коли я подорожую сам. Thông thường khi bạn đi cùng một nhóm, bạn phải giữ gìn vóc dáng khi chuyến đi bắt đầu để có thể theo kịp nhóm, vì vậy, điều này giúp ích cho tôi khi thực hiện những chuyến đi một mình Todd: Oh, so you prefer the solo? Todd: Oh, Sie bevorzugen also das Solo? Terry: Well, it kind of depends. Terry: Nun, das kommt darauf an. Todd: OK. Well, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for talking about your trips. Terry: Thanks I enjoyed it a lot. Terry: Danke, ich habe es sehr genossen.