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Society and people, Soul mates

Soul mates

Todd: So, Lucinda, I met your boyfriend, Kwame, he's a nice guy. Lucinda: Yeah, he is. Todd: How long have you two been going out? Lucinda: Oh, gosh, I think around about two years, two, or two and a half years. Todd: Wow, that's a pretty long relationship. Lucinda: Yeah, it is. Todd: So how did you meet? Lucinda: We met through the school. I can't actually remember the first day we met because being students we kind of meet people and stuff like that but we spent some time together at a party and a friend's birthday party. Part 2

Todd: Oh, OK, now you come from two completely different cultures. Lucinda: Yeah we do. Todd: Can you talk a little about that? Lucinda: Well, Kwame's from Ghana and I'm from New Zealand. Ghana is in West Africa, and, gosh, they're very different. I've never been to Ghana but Kwame came to New Zealand and we basically come from one of the two most different cultures you can probably imagine, but being in Japan, I think, when we met in Japan and we were in the same culture so it's not like he was visiting New Zealand or I was visiting Ghana because there was not real culture shock or we've kind of assimilated to each other's cultures very much so in our own relationship we're pretty much no cultural problems or anything like that, (right) yeah. Todd: Yeah, I think it's easier cause you're in a neutral culture . Lucinda: Yeah, Yeah. Todd: Well, what are some things that you have in common? Lucinda: Ah, things we have in common? We both like watching TV. Kwame likes watching TV a bit more than I do. We both like basketball and soccer. But Kwame's very passionate about that and I can watch for ten minutes. Todd: So, do you watch the NBA? Lucinda: Ah, NBA, yes, yes. Todd: Do you both support the same team? Lucinda: I support players. (Oh, I see) I'm not really a team person but, but Kwame supports teams but I'm very passionate about the players because we also play this Playstation game. NBA LIVE! and any player that's on the Playstation game, I kind of have this bond with and I get really mad someone else takes the ball from him or something. I get passionate that way but Kwame does like his certain teams. Todd: OK, well, how about, what do you guys, what's different about you? Like do you have different personalities or anything like that? Lucinda: Yeah, we have very different, I think we have the exact opposite for personalities. Kwame is very quiet and he's very reserved in his opinions for certain things. He won't say whether he really likes something or if he dislikes something, whereas I'm very opinionated and I like to have my say over everything so I talk a lot and I, even if it's on what type of soap we use, I have a very strong opinion on what it should be and, yeah. Todd: Yeah, well, he's a great guy, so. You guys make a cute couple.

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Soul mates Seelenverwandte Almas gemelas Les âmes sœurs ソウルメイト 소울 메이트 Almas gémeas Родственные души Ruh Eşleri Споріднені душі Bạn tâm giao 靈魂伴侶

Todd: So, Lucinda, I met your boyfriend, Kwame, he’s a nice guy. Lucinda: Yeah, he is. Todd: How long have you two been going out? Lucinda: Oh, gosh, I think around about two years, two, or two and a half years. Todd: Wow, that’s a pretty long relationship. Lucinda: Yeah, it is. Todd: So how did you meet? Lucinda: We met through the school. I can’t actually remember the first day we met because being students we kind of meet people and stuff like that but we spent some time together at a party and a friend’s birthday party. Aslında tanıştığımız ilk günü hatırlayamıyorum çünkü öğrenci olduğumuz için insanlarla tanışıyoruz ve bunun gibi şeyler yapıyoruz ama bir partide ve bir arkadaşımızın doğum günü partisinde birlikte biraz zaman geçirdik. Part 2

Todd: Oh, OK, now you come from two completely different cultures. Lucinda: Yeah we do. Todd: Can you talk a little about that? 托德:你能稍微谈一下这个吗? Lucinda: Well, Kwame’s from Ghana and I’m from New Zealand. 露辛达:嗯,夸梅来自加纳,我来自新西兰。 Ghana is in West Africa, and, gosh, they’re very different. 加纳位于西非,天哪,他们的差异太大了。 I’ve never been to Ghana but Kwame came to New Zealand and we basically come from one of the two most different cultures you can probably imagine, but being in Japan, I think, when we met in Japan and we were in the same culture so it’s not like he was visiting New Zealand or I was visiting Ghana because there was not real culture shock or we’ve kind of assimilated to each other’s cultures very much so in our own relationship we’re pretty much no cultural problems or anything like that, (right) yeah. Ich war noch nie in Ghana, aber Kwame kam nach Neuseeland, und wir kommen im Grunde aus zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Kulturen, aber als wir uns in Japan kennenlernten, waren wir in derselben Kultur, so dass es nicht so war, als wäre er in Neuseeland oder ich in Ghana gewesen, denn es gab keinen wirklichen Kulturschock, oder wir haben uns sozusagen an die Kultur des anderen angepasst, so dass es in unserer Beziehung so gut wie keine kulturellen Probleme oder so etwas gibt. Я ніколи не був у Гані, але Кваме був у Новій Зеландії, і ми, по суті, походимо з однієї з двох найрізноманітніших культур, які тільки можна собі уявити, але, перебуваючи в Японії, я думаю, коли ми познайомилися в Японії, ми були в одній культурі, тож це не було схоже на те, що він відвідував Нову Зеландію, а я відвідував Гану, тому що не було справжнього культурного шоку, і ми, наче, асимілювалися з культурами одне одного, тож у наших стосунках немає жодних культурних проблем, чи ще якихось проблем, так, так, (правильно). 我从未去过加纳,但 Kwame 来到了新西兰,我们基本上来自两种最不同的文化之一,你可能想象得到,但在日本,我想,当我们在日本见面时,我们处于相同的文化中,所以并不像他访问新西兰或我访问加纳,因为没有真正的文化冲击,或者我们已经很好地融入了彼此的文化,所以在我们自己的关系中,我们几乎没有文化问题或诸如此类的问题,(对)是的。 Todd: Yeah, I think it’s easier cause you’re in a neutral culture . Todd: Ja, ich denke, es ist einfacher, weil man sich in einer neutralen Kultur befindet. 托德:是的,我认为这更容易,因为你处于一个中立的文化中。 Lucinda: Yeah, Yeah. Lucinda: Ja, ja. Todd: Well, what are some things that you have in common? 托德:那么,你们有什么共同点呢? Lucinda: Ah, things we have in common? 露辛达:啊,我们有什么共同点吗? We both like watching TV. 我们都喜欢看电视。 Kwame likes watching TV a bit more than I do. 夸梅比我更喜欢看电视。 We both like basketball and soccer. 我们都喜欢篮球和足球。 But Kwame’s very passionate about that and I can watch for ten minutes. Але Кваме дуже захоплений цим, і я можу дивитися десять хвилин. 但 Kwame 对此非常热衷,我可以观看十分钟。 Todd: So, do you watch the NBA? 托德:那么,你看NBA吗? Lucinda: Ah, NBA, yes, yes. 露辛达:啊,NBA,是的,是的。 Todd: Do you both support the same team? 托德:你们都支持同一支球队吗? Lucinda: I support players. 露辛达:我支持球员。 (Oh, I see) I’m not really a team person but, but Kwame supports teams but I’m very passionate about the players because we also play this Playstation game. (哦,我明白了)我并不是一个真正支持团队的人,但是,Kwame 支持团队,但我对球员非常热情,因为我们也玩这个 Playstation 游戏。 NBA LIVE! NBA 直播! and any player that’s on the Playstation game, I kind of have this bond with and I get really mad someone else takes the ball from him or something. y cualquier jugador que esté en el juego de Playstation, tengo una especie de vínculo con él y me enfado mucho si alguien le quita el balón o algo así. і будь-який гравець, який грає на Playstation, з яким у мене є певний зв'язок, і я дуже злюся, коли хтось інший відбирає у нього м'яч або щось подібне. 我和任何玩 PlayStation 游戏的球员都有着这种联系,如果别人从他手中抢球或发生其他事情,我会非常生气。 I get passionate that way but Kwame does like his certain teams. Me apasiono de esa manera, pero a Kwame le gustan ciertos equipos. 我就是这样充满激情的,但是 Kwame 确实喜欢他的某些球队。 Todd: OK, well, how about, what do you guys, what’s different about you? 托德:好的,那么,你们觉得自己有什么不同吗? Like do you have different personalities or anything like that? 比如你们有不同的性格或诸如此类的事情吗? Lucinda: Yeah, we have very different, I think we have the exact opposite for personalities. 露辛达:是的,我们的性格非常不同,我认为我们的性格完全相反。 Kwame is very quiet and he’s very reserved in his opinions for certain things. 夸梅非常安静,对于某些事情他的看法非常保守。 He won’t say whether he really likes something or if he dislikes something, whereas I’m very opinionated and I like to have my say over everything so I talk a lot and I, even if it’s on what type of soap we use, I have a very strong opinion on what it should be and, yeah. 他不会说他是否真的喜欢某样东西或者不喜欢某样东西,而我很固执己见,我喜欢对所有事情发表自己的意见,所以我说了很多,即使是关于我们使用什么类型的肥皂,我对它应该是什么样子也有非常强烈的意见,是的。 Todd: Yeah, well, he’s a great guy, so. 托德:是的,他是一个很棒的人。 You guys make a cute couple. Çok tatlı bir çift olmuşsunuz. 你们真是一对可爱的情侣。