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Society and people, Shibika's Year

Shibika's Year

Fred: Hi, Shibika, so this is almost the end of the year, 2007. Can you tell me a bit, how was your year this year? Shibika: Yeah, I had pretty nice year actually. I went through a lot of ups and downs , and yeah, at first I did really well in my classes and I got a scholarship so that was something that was really nice. It made my parents really proud of me, but then later I went back home for vacation and then unfortunately, I met through an accident, a car accident, and yeah, I had to be in bed for a month or something, so that was... initially I was like, a bit of thrown off but then that itself was a very good learning experience because it made me really strong and, yeah... Fred: OK, so you're saying that even though you had a bad experience, it made you a stronger person. Shibika: That's right. Yeah.

It made me a really strong person and then it was like, I was not anymore more scared of accidents and I was not scared of any unfortunate mishappenings because they're a part of your life, you know, you can't really help them happening, they don't happen for reason, so you just got to accept them and move on . Fred: Yeah, that's right but I'm guessing that you're gonna be so much more of a stronger person the following year and so you can accomplish... Shibika: That's right. That's right.

Fred: Many more things. Shibika: Yeah. At that time I felt as if like I had wasted a lot of time and I was not able to go for my classes or I could not... I was not able to enjoy my vacations but it was, it didn't turn out to be that bad because I sat at home, watched TV and I was being served and taken care of all the time so that was a good thing. Fred: That's nice. You can say that that's the best thing that happened to you this year. Shibika: Yeah. The best thing in disguise , you know, because initially I didn't see it as a good thing obviously but, yeah, it made me feel how much people who are close to me, how much they care for me and how much they love me, so it was a really good thing.

Shibika's Year Shibika'nın Yılı| Shibika's Jahr Año de Shibika

Fred: Hi, Shibika, so this is almost the end of the year, 2007. ||Şibika||||||||| Can you tell me a bit, how was your year this year? Bana biraz anlatabilir misiniz, bu yıl nasıl geçti? Shibika: Yeah, I had pretty nice year actually. Shibika: Evet, aslında oldukça güzel bir yıl geçirdim. I went through a lot of ups and downs , and yeah, at first I did really well in my classes and I got a scholarship so that was something that was really nice. ||Boyunca||||başarılar||iniş çıkışlar||||||||||||||||burs kazandım|||||||| Çok fazla iniş çıkış yaşadım ve evet, ilk başta derslerimde gerçekten iyiydim ve bir burs aldım, bu gerçekten güzel bir şeydi. It made my parents really proud of me, but then later I went back home for vacation and then unfortunately, I met through an accident, a car accident, and yeah, I had to be in bed for a month or something, so that was... initially I was like, a bit of thrown off but then that itself was a very good learning experience because it made me really strong and, yeah... Es hat meine Eltern wirklich stolz auf mich gemacht, aber dann bin ich später nach Hause zurückgekehrt, um Urlaub zu machen und dann habe ich leider durch einen Unfall, einen Autounfall, getroffen, und ja, ich musste einen Monat lang im Bett liegen oder so, also das war... anfangs war ich etwas aus der Bahn geworfen, aber das selbst war eine sehr gute Lernerfahrung, weil es mich wirklich stark gemacht hat und ja... Ailem benimle gerçekten gurur duydu ama daha sonra tatil için eve döndüm ve maalesef bir kaza geçirdim, bir araba kazası ve evet, bir ay falan yatakta kalmak zorunda kaldım, yani bu... başlangıçta biraz sarsılmıştım ama sonra bu çok iyi bir öğrenme deneyimiydi çünkü beni gerçekten güçlü kıldı ve evet... Fred: OK, so you’re saying that even though you had a bad experience, it made you a stronger person. Fred: OK, also du sagst, dass obwohl du eine schlechte Erfahrung hattest, hat sie dich zu einer stärkeren Person gemacht. Fred: Tamam, yani kötü bir deneyim yaşamış olmanıza rağmen bunun sizi daha güçlü bir insan yaptığını söylüyorsunuz. Shibika: That’s right. Shibika: Genau. Shibika: Doğru. Yeah. Evet.

It made me a really strong person and then it was like, I was not anymore more scared of accidents and I was not scared of any unfortunate mishappenings because they’re a part of your life, you know, you can’t really help them happening, they don’t happen for reason, so you just got to accept them and move on . |||||||||||||||||||kazalar ve talihsizlikler|||||||||talihsizlikler|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Es hat mich zu einem wirklich starken Menschen gemacht, und ich hatte keine Angst mehr vor Unfällen und vor unglücklichen Ereignissen, denn sie sind ein Teil deines Lebens, du kannst nichts dafür, dass sie passieren, sie passieren nicht ohne Grund, also musst du sie einfach akzeptieren und weitermachen. Bu beni gerçekten güçlü bir insan yaptı ve artık kazalardan ve talihsiz talihsizliklerden korkmuyordum çünkü bunlar hayatınızın bir parçası, bilirsiniz, bunların olmasına gerçekten yardım edemezsiniz, sebepsiz yere olmazlar, bu yüzden sadece onları kabul etmeli ve yolunuza devam etmelisiniz. Fred: Yeah, that’s right but I’m guessing that you’re gonna be so much more of a stronger person the following year and so you can accomplish... Fred: Ja, das stimmt, aber ich vermute, dass du im nächsten Jahr viel stärker sein wirst und deshalb mehr erreichen kannst... Shibika: That’s right. That’s right.

Fred: Many more things. Shibika: Yeah. At that time I felt as if like I had wasted a lot of time and I was not able to go for my classes or I could not... I was not able to enjoy my vacations but it was, it didn’t turn out to be that bad because I sat at home, watched TV and I was being served and taken care of all the time so that was a good thing. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tatillerimi değerlendirmek|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Damals hatte ich das Gefühl, viel Zeit vergeudet zu haben, und ich war nicht in der Lage, zum Unterricht zu gehen oder... ich konnte meine Ferien nicht genießen, aber es war nicht so schlimm, denn ich saß zu Hause, sah fern und wurde die ganze Zeit bedient und umsorgt, also war das eine gute Sache. O zamanlar sanki çok zaman kaybetmişim gibi hissediyordum ve derslerime gidemiyordum ya da gidemiyordum... Tatillerimin tadını çıkaramadım ama o kadar da kötü olmadı çünkü evde oturdum, televizyon izledim ve her zaman bana hizmet edildi ve ilgilenildi, bu da iyi bir şeydi. Fred: That’s nice. You can say that that’s the best thing that happened to you this year. Shibika: Yeah. The best thing in disguise , you know, because initially I didn’t see it as a good thing obviously but, yeah, it made me feel how much people who are close to me, how much they care for me and how much they love me, so it was a really good thing. ||||gizli nimet|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Das Beste im Unglück, weißt du, denn anfangs habe ich es natürlich nicht als etwas Gutes angesehen, aber, ja, es hat mir das Gefühl gegeben, wie sehr die Menschen, die mir nahe stehen, sich um mich sorgen und mich lieben, also war es eine wirklich gute Sache. Kılık değiştirmiş en iyi şey, bilirsiniz, çünkü başlangıçta bunu iyi bir şey olarak görmedim ama evet, bana yakın olan insanların bana ne kadar değer verdiklerini ve beni ne kadar sevdiklerini hissettirdi, bu yüzden gerçekten iyi bir şeydi.