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Society and people, Perfect Match

Perfect Match

Todd: So, Eli, do you miss home? Eli: I'm missing home a lot actually, at the moment. I wasn't when I first arrived, because of all the excitement about being here, and everything, but since actually about a month and a half ago, my boyfriend came here for three weeks, three and a half weeks, and we went traveling around the rest of Japan, which I think is very important, if you're here, you got to do it and he was the perfect person to do it and we had loads and loads of fun, and since he's left, yeah, I've started to think about home a bit more, now living here is kind of just normal way of life and after the big excitement of having him here, you know traveling around everywhere, it's, I'm starting to think about him, my family, my friends and just you know when I ring him up they're all doing stuff that we used to do together, and it sort of makes you think about what it would be like to get home. I think I'm quite looking forward to going home now. Todd: OK, could you, this is very interesting. Could you describe your boyfriend? Like what kind of person is he? How did you meet? Eli: We actually met in a club which he runs. He has two jobs. He runs a club in Bristol and he edits magazines for recycling in Bristol and Wales and writes articles about environmental recycling issues. Actually when he came to Japan, he managed to interview a few people here about it, and Japanese recycling isn't as strict as you think it is, um, yeah, but we met in his club and he is a friend of my brothers and we knew a lot of the same people, but it's cheesy to say but almost it was love at first site. I t took about half a year for us to get together, but we were sort of good friends before that and we've been together for two and a half years now. (That's a long time.) It's not really though. It's just zoomed by so quickly. Yeah, we live together now in England and sort of very happy. We never, we're one of these couples that never argue. We obviously have disagreements but there's never any sort of shouting involved. We like a lot of the same things. We like lots of different things as well. I think it's very important. You can't only be into the same things. I'm slowly turning his mind towards anime and computer games. I'm twisting, twisting him, but I do have to make it clear when any Final Fantasy games are out, that I have two boyfriends and he is only one of them. Todd: Wow. He sounds like a really interesting guy.

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Perfect Match Perfektes Spiel Combinación perfecta Correspondance parfaite パーフェクト・マッチ Idealne dopasowanie Идеальная пара

Todd: So, Eli, do you miss home? Eli: I’m missing home a lot actually, at the moment. I wasn’t when I first arrived, because of all the excitement about being here, and everything, but since actually about a month and a half ago, my boyfriend came here for three weeks, three and a half weeks, and we went traveling around the rest of Japan, which I think is very important, if you’re here, you got to do it and he was the perfect person to do it and we had loads and loads of fun, and since he’s left, yeah, I’ve started to think about home a bit more, now living here is kind of just normal way of life and after the big excitement of having him here, you know traveling around everywhere, it’s, I’m starting to think about him, my family, my friends and just you know when I ring him up they’re all doing stuff that we used to do together, and it sort of makes you think about what it would be like to get home. Ich war es nicht, als ich ankam, wegen der ganzen Aufregung, hier zu sein und so, aber seit ich vor eineinhalb Monaten hierher kam, kam mein Freund für drei Wochen, dreieinhalb Wochen, und wir sind durch den Rest Japans gereist, was ich für sehr wichtig halte, wenn man hier ist, muss man das tun, und er war die perfekte Person dafür, und wir hatten viel, viel Spaß, und seit er weg ist, Ja, ich habe angefangen, ein bisschen mehr an zu Hause zu denken, jetzt ist das Leben hier ganz normal, und nach der großen Aufregung, ihn hier zu haben, du weißt schon, überall herumzureisen, fange ich an, an ihn zu denken, an meine Familie, an meine Freunde, und wenn ich ihn anrufe, machen sie alle Sachen, die wir früher zusammen gemacht haben, und das lässt einen irgendwie daran denken, wie es wäre, nach Hause zu kommen. Não estava quando cheguei, por causa de toda a excitação de estar aqui e tudo o mais, mas desde que, há cerca de um mês e meio, o meu namorado veio cá por três semanas, três semanas e meia, e fomos viajar pelo resto do Japão, o que eu acho que é muito importante, se estás aqui, tens de o fazer e ele era a pessoa perfeita para o fazer e divertimo-nos imenso, e desde que ele se foi embora, Sim, comecei a pensar um pouco mais em casa. Agora, viver aqui é uma forma de vida normal e, depois da grande excitação de o ter cá, de viajar por todo o lado, começo a pensar nele, na minha família, nos meus amigos e, quando lhe ligo, estão todos a fazer coisas que costumávamos fazer juntos, e isso faz-nos pensar em como seria voltar a casa. İlk geldiğimde burada olmanın heyecanı ve her şey yüzünden gelmedim ama aslında yaklaşık bir buçuk ay önce erkek arkadaşım üç haftalığına, üç buçuk haftalığına buraya geldi ve Japonya'nın geri kalanını gezmeye gittik, ki bence bu çok önemli, eğer buradaysanız bunu yapmalısınız ve o bunu yapmak için mükemmel kişiydi ve çok ama çok eğlendik ve o gittiğinden beri de çok eğleniyoruz, Evet, evimi biraz daha fazla düşünmeye başladım, artık burada yaşamak normal bir yaşam biçimi ve onun burada olmasının verdiği büyük heyecandan sonra, bilirsiniz her yeri dolaşmak, onu, ailemi, arkadaşlarımı düşünmeye başlıyorum ve bilirsiniz onu aradığımda hepsi eskiden birlikte yaptığımız şeyleri yapıyorlar ve bu da eve dönmenin nasıl bir şey olacağını düşündürüyor. I think I’m quite looking forward to going home now. Todd: OK, could you, this is very interesting. Could you describe your boyfriend? Like what kind of person is he? How did you meet? Eli: We actually met in a club which he runs. Eli: Aslında onun işlettiği bir kulüpte tanıştık. He has two jobs. He runs a club in Bristol and he edits magazines for recycling in Bristol and Wales and writes articles about environmental recycling issues. Er leitet einen Club in Bristol, gibt Zeitschriften für Recycling in Bristol und Wales heraus und schreibt Artikel über Umweltfragen im Bereich Recycling. Actually when he came to Japan, he managed to interview a few people here about it, and Japanese recycling isn’t as strict as you think it is, um, yeah, but we met in his club and he is a friend of my brothers and we knew a lot of the same people, but it’s cheesy to say but almost it was love at first site. Als er nach Japan kam, gelang es ihm, ein paar Leute hier darüber zu interviewen, und das japanische Recycling ist nicht so streng, wie man denkt, ähm, ja, aber wir trafen uns in seinem Club, und er ist ein Freund meiner Brüder, und wir kannten viele der gleichen Leute, aber es ist kitschig zu sagen, aber es war fast Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Aslında Japonya'ya geldiğinde burada bu konuda birkaç kişiyle röportaj yapmayı başardı ve Japon geri dönüşümü sandığınız kadar katı değil, evet, ama onun kulübünde tanıştık ve o benim kardeşlerimin bir arkadaşı ve birçok aynı insanı tanıyorduk, ama bunu söylemek klişe ama neredeyse ilk sitede aşktı. I t took about half a year for us to get together, but we were sort of good friends before that and we’ve been together for two and a half years now. Het duurde ongeveer een half jaar voordat we bij elkaar waren, maar we waren een soort goede vrienden daarvoor en we zijn nu twee en een half jaar samen. (That’s a long time.) It’s not really though. Pek sayılmaz. It’s just zoomed by so quickly. Het is zo snel doorzoomd. Çok çabuk geçti. Yeah, we live together now in England and sort of very happy. Evet, şu anda İngiltere'de birlikte yaşıyoruz ve çok mutluyuz. We never, we’re one of these couples that never argue. Biz hiç tartışmayan çiftlerden biriyiz. We obviously have disagreements but there’s never any sort of shouting involved. We like a lot of the same things. We like lots of different things as well. I think it’s very important. You can’t only be into the same things. Man kann sich nicht nur für dieselben Dinge interessieren. Sadece aynı şeylerle ilgilenemezsiniz. I’m slowly turning his mind towards anime and computer games. Ich lenke seine Aufmerksamkeit langsam auf Anime und Computerspiele. Aklını yavaş yavaş anime ve bilgisayar oyunlarına çeviriyorum. I’m twisting, twisting him, but I do have to make it clear when any Final Fantasy games are out, that I have two boyfriends and he is only one of them. Ich verdrehe, verdrehe ihn, aber ich muss klarstellen, wenn irgendwelche Final Fantasy-Spiele herauskommen, dass ich zwei Freunde habe und er nur einer von ihnen ist. Ik draai, draai hem, maar ik moet het duidelijk maken wanneer er Final Fantasy-spellen zijn, dat ik twee vriendjes heb en hij slechts een van hen is. Onu çarpıtıyorum, çarpıtıyorum, ama herhangi bir Final Fantasy oyunu çıktığında, iki erkek arkadaşım olduğunu ve onun bunlardan sadece biri olduğunu açıkça belirtmek zorundayım. 我正在不断地扭曲他,但当任何最终幻想游戏发布时,我必须明确表示,我有两个男朋友,他只是其中之一。 Todd: Wow. 托德:哇哦。 He sounds like a really interesting guy. 听起来他真是一个有趣的人。