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Society and people, Memories of Grandfather

Memories of Grandfather

One of my earliest memories involves my granddad and his garden. He had a huge garden when I was growing up. It was, I mean, it was more of a field than a garden really it was so big. He had lots of fruit trees, like fruit bushes, like elder berries, black berries, raspberries. He had strawberries as well, gooseberries, so every berry you could think of. He also had, let me see, apple trees and cooking apple trees, and he had lots of vegetables too as well like rhubarb, onions and lettuce, anything you could think of. When I was a little girl I didn't really like vegetables all that much to be honest, but I did love helping him pick his strawberries when they came in the summer. Strawberries always taste better when they are warm and from the sun, and you can pick them and put them straight in your mouth, beautiful. One of my funniest memories, though, well when I look back on it now, it's funny, is of helping my granddad when he was planting his onions one year, so I was staying with him for awhile and he said, "OK Marion today we're going to go and we're going to plant some onions," in the spring. So I went out and I was only I think about 5 years old, but I wanted to help so both of us went out and we planted two rows of onions, so he planted one row and I planted the other, or he really planted most of them I think. But I tried to help anyway, even though I was quite small, so then we did our job that day and I didn't really think anymore of it, until the onions started to grow and then suddenly they were ready to be harvested, or whatever, to be picked from the ground, and you could see that the stalks were growing nice and tall. We were out in the garden one day, my granddad and I again so it must have been a good few months later, further towards autumn, and my granddad came over and showed me the onion stalks and he said, "Look Marion! The ones you planted are way bigger than the ones that I planted." And I was so happy with myself. So happy that the job that I had done was better than even my granddad, who was a great gardener and now when I look back I realize, you know that wasn't really the case. That he was just saying it to make me feel better, and to make me proud of the work I'd done with him, but at the time it really worked. I was really, really so proud to have helped my granddad, the gardener, and to have done a better job than he did. I still wouldn't eat the onions though.

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Memories of Grandfather Erinnerungen an Großvater Recuerdos del abuelo Souvenirs du grand-père 祖父との思い出 Memórias do avô Воспоминания о дедушке Spomini na dedka Büyükbabamın Anıları Спогади про дідуся 回忆祖父 祖父的回憶

One of my earliest memories involves my granddad and his garden. ||||souvenirs|||||| |||||||grandfather||| |||||||dedem||| Eden mojih najzgodnejših spominov je povezan z dedkom in njegovim vrtom. He had a huge garden when I was growing up. |||énorme|||||| Ko sem odraščal, je imel ogromen vrt. It was, I mean, it was more of a field than a garden really it was so big. |||||||||alan|||||||| Bilo je, mislim, bolj polje kot vrt, saj je bilo tako veliko. He had lots of fruit trees, like fruit bushes, like elder berries, black berries, raspberries. ||||||||buissons fruitiers|||||| ||||||||bush-like plants||elderberry|berry plants|||raspberry bushes ||||||||meyve çalıları|||meyveler|||frambuazlar У него было много фруктовых деревьев, фруктовых кустов, таких как бузина, черная ягода, малина. Imel je veliko sadnega drevja, sadnih grmov, kot so bezgove jagode, črne jagode, maline. He had strawberries as well, gooseberries, so every berry you could think of. ||fraises|||||||||| |||||gooseberries|||fruit|||| |||||frenk üzümü|||meyve|||| Er hatte auch Erdbeeren, Stachelbeeren, also alle möglichen Beeren, die man sich vorstellen kann. Imel je tudi jagode, kosmulje in vse jagodičevje, ki si ga lahko zamislite. Çileği de vardı, bektaşi üzümü de, yani aklınıza gelebilecek her meyve. He also had, let me see, apple trees and cooking apple trees, and he had lots of vegetables too as well like rhubarb, onions and lettuce, anything you could think of. |||||||||||||||||||||||oignons||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||rhubarb|onions||leafy green||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||rhubarba|soğanlar||marul||||| Er hatte auch, mal sehen, Apfelbäume und Kochapfelbäume, und er hatte auch viel Gemüse wie Rhabarber, Zwiebeln und Salat, alles, was man sich vorstellen kann. Imel je tudi jablane in jablane za kuhanje, veliko zelenjave, kot so rabarbara, čebula in solata, vse, kar si lahko zamislite. Ayrıca, bakayım, elma ağaçları ve yemeklik elma ağaçları vardı ve ravent, soğan ve marul gibi aklınıza gelebilecek her türlü sebze de vardı. У нього також були яблуні і яблуні для приготування їжі, а також багато овочів, таких як ревінь, цибуля і салат, все, що ви могли собі уявити. When I was a little girl I didn’t really like vegetables all that much to be honest, but I did love helping him pick his strawberries when they came in the summer. ||||||||||||||||to be truthful|||||assisting|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||ona yardım etmeyi||toplamak|||||||| Als ich ein kleines Mädchen war, mochte ich eigentlich kein Gemüse, um ehrlich zu sein, aber ich habe ihm gerne geholfen, seine Erdbeeren zu pflücken, wenn sie im Sommer kamen. Ko sem bila majhna, nisem imela prav veliko rada zelenjave, vendar sem mu poleti rada pomagala nabirati jagode. Dürüst olmak gerekirse, küçük bir kızken sebzeleri pek sevmezdim ama yazın geldiğinde çileklerini toplamasına yardım etmeyi çok severdim. Strawberries always taste better when they are warm and from the sun, and you can pick them and put them straight in your mouth, beautiful. |||||||sıcak||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||hermoso Jagode so vedno okusnejše, ko so tople in na soncu, poleg tega pa jih lahko poberete in jih dajte naravnost v usta, čudovito. Çileklerin tadı her zaman ılıkken ve güneşteyken daha güzeldir ve onları toplayıp doğrudan ağzınıza atabilirsiniz, çok güzel. One of my funniest memories, though, well when I look back on it now, it’s funny, is of helping my granddad when he was planting his onions one year, so I was staying with him for awhile and he said, "OK Marion today we’re going to go and we’re going to plant some onions," in the spring. |||most amusing|||||||||||||||||||||putting in||||||||||||a short time|||||Marion||||||||||putting in||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||soğan dikece||||||||||||bir süre|||||Marion|||||||||||||||baharda Eden od mojih najbolj smešnih spominov je, ko sem nekega leta pomagal staremu očetu pri sajenju čebule, ko sem bil nekaj časa pri njem in mi je rekel: "Danes greva v Marion in bova spomladi posadila nekaj čebule." En komik anılarımdan biri, şimdi geriye dönüp baktığımda komik geliyor, bir yıl soğan ekerken büyükbabama yardım etmemdi, bir süre onunla kaldım ve bana ilkbaharda "Tamam Marion bugün gidip biraz soğan ekeceğiz" dedi. Один з моїх найсмішніших спогадів, хоча, коли я озираюся на нього зараз, це смішно, як я допомагав дідусеві, коли він садив цибулю одного року, тож я залишився з ним на деякий час, і він сказав: "Добре, Маріон, сьогодні ми підемо і посадимо цибулю", навесні. So I went out and I was only I think about 5 years old, but I wanted to help so both of us went out and we planted two rows of onions, so he planted one row and I planted the other, or he really planted most of them I think. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||put in the ground||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||ekmiştik||sıra||||||||||||||||||||| Ich war damals, glaube ich, erst fünf Jahre alt, aber ich wollte helfen, also gingen wir beide hinaus und pflanzten zwei Reihen Zwiebeln, er pflanzte die eine Reihe und ich die andere, oder er pflanzte den größten Teil davon, glaube ich. Šla sem ven, stara sem bila le približno pet let, vendar sem želela pomagati, zato sva šla oba ven in posadila dve vrsti čebule, on je posadil eno vrsto, jaz pa drugo, oziroma mislim, da je večino čebule posadil on. Тож я вийшов на вулицю, мені було лише, здається, 5 років, але я хотів допомогти, тож ми обидва вийшли на вулицю і посадили два ряди цибулі, він посадив один ряд, а я - інший, або він посадив більшу частину, як мені здається. But I tried to help anyway, even though I was quite small, so then we did our job that day and I didn’t really think anymore of it, until the onions started to grow and then suddenly they were ready to be harvested, or whatever, to be picked from the ground, and you could see that the stalks were growing nice and tall. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||récoltés|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||picked from ground|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hasat edilmeye|||||||||||||||saplar||||| Toda kljub temu sem poskušal pomagati, čeprav sem bil precej majhen, tako da smo tisti dan opravili svoje delo in nisem več razmišljal o tem, dokler čebula ni začela rasti in potem je bila nenadoma pripravljena za obiranje ali karkoli drugega, za pobiranje s tal, in videli ste lahko, da so stebla lepo rasla in bila visoka. Але я все одно намагалася допомогти, хоча була зовсім маленькою, тож того дня ми зробили свою роботу, і я більше не думала про це, аж поки цибуля не почала рости, а потім раптом вона була готова до збору врожаю, чи як там її, і можна було бачити, що стебла ростуть гарні та високі. We were out in the garden one day, my granddad and I again so it must have been a good few months later, further towards autumn, and my granddad came over and showed me the onion stalks and he said, "Look Marion! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oignon|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||fall season||||||||||onion|stems||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||sonbahar||||||||||soğan|||||| Eines Tages waren wir im Garten, mein Großvater und ich, es muss also einige Monate später gewesen sein, gegen Ende des Herbstes, und mein Großvater kam zu mir und zeigte mir die Zwiebelstängel und sagte: "Schau mal, Marion! Nekega dne sva bila na vrtu, spet sva bila z dedkom, tako da je moralo miniti že nekaj mesecev, bolj proti jeseni, in dedek je prišel k meni, mi pokazal čebulna stebla in rekel: "Poglej, Marion! Bir gün büyükbabam ve ben yine bahçedeydik, yani birkaç ay sonra, sonbahara doğru olmalıydı ve büyükbabam yanıma gelip bana soğan saplarını gösterdi ve "Bak Marion! The ones you planted are way bigger than the ones that I planted." ||||||plus gros|||||| Tiste, ki ste jih posadili vi, so veliko večje od tistih, ki sem jih posadil jaz." And I was so happy with myself. So happy that the job that I had done was better than even my granddad, who was a great gardener and now when I look back I realize, you know that wasn’t really the case. |||||||||||||||||||landscaper||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||bahçıvan||||||||||||||| Tako srečen sem bil, da je bilo moje delo boljše celo od mojega dedka, ki je bil odličen vrtnar, zdaj, ko se ozrem nazaj, pa vem, da temu ni bilo tako. Yaptığım iş, harika bir bahçıvan olan büyükbabamdan bile daha iyi olduğu için o kadar mutluydum ki şimdi geriye dönüp baktığımda durumun aslında öyle olmadığını fark ediyorum. That he was just saying it to make me feel better, and to make me proud of the work I’d done with him, but at the time it really worked. Da je to rekel samo zato, da bi se počutila bolje in da bi bila ponosna na delo, ki sem ga opravila z njim, vendar je takrat to res delovalo. Bunu sadece kendimi daha iyi hissetmemi sağlamak ve onunla yaptığım işten gurur duymamı sağlamak için söylüyordu, ama o zaman gerçekten işe yaradı. I was really, really so proud to have helped my granddad, the gardener, and to have done a better job than he did. Bahçıvan olan büyükbabama yardım ettiğim ve ondan daha iyi bir iş çıkardığım için gerçekten çok gururluydum. I still wouldn’t eat the onions though. Die Zwiebeln würde ich aber trotzdem nicht essen. Vendar čebule še vedno ne bi jedel.