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Society and people, Meet the Family 2

Meet the Family 2

Todd: Lucinda, has Kwame been to New Zealand? Lucinda: Yeah, he has. He came with me on my last vacation to New Zealand. Todd: OK, so how was it? It was his first trip to New Zealand. Lucinda: It was quite funny actually because, he's, I'm from New Zealand in the Western Country and I'm from the country and he's from Africa and he's from the city so a lot of people assume that if your from Africa you're from the country and if you're from a Western Country, you're from the city and when he came to visit us I think he was a little bit shocked to end up in the middle of the country and my family thought he's be able to, he'd know his way around a spade and a shovel and and be able to plant trees which is what my parents spent a lot of time doing and so, I think in the beginning he was very, he was quite shocked about the type of lifestyle we had but after awhile he really settled in really well. Todd: What did you guys do on his trip to New Zealand? Lucinda: I taught him to swim. (Really) Kwame, well, he still can't swim very well. He can float, so we put actually, we, it's quite embarrassing, but we put a life jacket on him from, cause we have race boats, so we put a life jacket on him, and just sent him out into the water on his back Todd: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would work. Lucinda: So we were quite shocked that he could't swim because coming from an island country, I have never before met anyone in my life that couldn't swim. I learned to swim when I was maybe 4 years old and we have swimming lessons at school so at least you don't go to school, there's no way that you can't swim. Todd: So are you a good swimming teacher? Did you teach him successfully? Lucinda: I gave up halfway through it . My mom had to teach him because I'm very small and my mom used to be a lifeguard so she, she was able to, cause Kwame is so big. He's over 6 foot, so and I'm almost 5 foot so it's kind of a bit, a bit dangerous for me to be teaching him how to swim. Todd: What else do you remember about his first trip to New Zealand? Lucinda: Oh, gosh. I remember that my parents, they really, really loved him and my family spent the whole time fighting over who got to spend time with Kwame and I think that my parents want to adopt me out and adopt Kwame instead. I really think they prefer him. He's the good son. Todd: What did Kwame think of New Zealand? Lucinda: He really liked it. He, my stepfather, he goes fishing all the time and Kwame, coming from the city, he, when my stepfather asked him to go fishing he kind of squirmed at the thought of the start, but after coming back fishing, he asked every night after that to go fishing (really) and now all he talks about is the large snapper that he caught in New Zealand.

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Meet the Family 2 Treffen mit der Familie 2 Conoce a la familia 2 家族の紹介 2 가족을 만나다 2 Conhecer a família 2 Знакомство с семьей 2 见见家人 2 認識家人2

Todd: Lucinda, has Kwame been to New Zealand? Todd: Lucinda, war Kwame schon einmal in Neuseeland? トッド:ルシンダ、クワミはニュージーランドに行ったことがある? Todd: Ali je bil Kwame na Novi Zelandiji? Тодде: Люсінда, Кваме бував у Новій Зеландії? Lucinda: Yeah, he has. ルシンダ:ええ、そうです。 He came with me on my last vacation to New Zealand. 最後の休暇でニュージーランドに行ったとき、一緒に来てくれたんだ。 Bil je z mano na mojih zadnjih počitnicah na Novi Zelandiji. Todd: OK, so how was it? トッド:OK、それでどうだった? It was his first trip to New Zealand. Lucinda: It was quite funny actually because, he’s, I’m from New Zealand in the Western Country and I’m from the country and he’s from Africa and he’s from the city so a lot of people assume that if your from Africa you’re from the country and if you’re from a Western Country, you’re from the city and when he came to visit us I think he was a little bit shocked to end up in the middle of the country and my family thought he’s be able to, he’d know his way around a spade and a shovel and and be able to plant trees which is what my parents spent a lot of time doing and so, I think in the beginning he was very, he was quite shocked about the type of lifestyle we had but after awhile he really settled in really well. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||milieu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||s'est bien adapté||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||si è adattato||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ele||||pá e enxada|||pá e enxada|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||depois de|depois de um tempo|||||| Lucinda: Foi muito engraçado, na verdade, porque ele é da Nova Zelândia, no Western Country e eu sou do interior e ele é da África e da cidade, então muitas pessoas presumem que se você for da África, você ' você é do interior e se você é de um país ocidental, você é da cidade e quando ele veio nos visitar acho que ele ficou um pouco chocado por acabar no meio do país e minha família achou que ele estaria capaz, ele saberia lidar com uma pá e uma pá e seria capaz de plantar árvores que é o que meus pais passaram muito tempo fazendo e então, eu acho que no começo ele estava muito, ele ficou bastante chocado com o tipo de estilo de vida que tínhamos, mas depois de um tempo ele realmente se adaptou muito bem. Lucinda: Mislim, da je bil kar malo šokiran, ko je prišel k nam na obisk, da se je znašel sredi države, moja družina pa je mislila, da bo to zmogel, da bo znal rokovati z lopato in rilcem in da bo znal saditi drevesa, kar sta moja starša veliko časa počela, zato mislim, da je bil na začetku zelo, precej šokiran nad načinom življenja, ki ga imamo, vendar se je čez nekaj časa res dobro vklopil. Люсінда: Насправді це було досить кумедно, тому що він, я з Нової Зеландії, із Західної країни, і я з села, а він з Африки, і він з міста, тому багато людей вважають, що якщо ти з Африки, то ти з села, а якщо ти з Західної країни, то ти з міста, і коли він приїхав до нас в гості, я думаю, він був трохи шокований тим, що опинився посеред країни, і моя сім'я думала, що він зможе це зробити, він знатиме, як поводитися з лопатою та саперною лопатою, і зможе садити дерева, що мої батьки робили багато часу, і тому, я думаю, на початку він був дуже, дуже шокований нашим стилем життя, але через деякий час він справді дуже добре прижився. Todd: What did you guys do on his trip to New Zealand? Todd: O que vocês fizeram na viagem para a Nova Zelândia? Todd: Kaj ste počeli na njegovem potovanju na Novo Zelandijo? Тодд: Що ви робили під час його поїздки до Нової Зеландії? Lucinda: I taught him to swim. Lucinda: Naučila sem ga plavati. (Really) Kwame, well, he still can’t swim very well. He can float, so we put actually, we, it’s quite embarrassing, but we put a life jacket on him from, cause we have race boats, so we put a life jacket on him, and just sent him out into the water on his back ||flotter|||||||||||||||||||||course|des bateaux de course||||||||||||||||||| Ele pode flutuar, então colocamos na verdade, nós, é bem embaraçoso, mas colocamos um colete salva-vidas nele, porque temos barcos de corrida, então colocamos um colete salva-vidas nele, e apenas o mandamos para a água em seu voltar Zna plavati, zato smo mu, to je precej nerodno, nadeli rešilni jopič, ker imamo dirkalne čolne, smo mu nadeli rešilni jopič in ga na hrbtu poslali v vodo. Він вміє плавати, тож ми вдягли на нього рятувальний жилет, це досить незручно, але ми вдягли на нього рятувальний жилет, тому що у нас є гоночні човни, тож ми вдягли на нього рятувальний жилет і просто відправили його у воду на спині... Todd: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would work. To bi delovalo. Це може спрацювати. Lucinda: So we were quite shocked that he could’t swim because coming from an island country, I have never before met anyone in my life that couldn’t swim. ||||||||||||||île||||||||||||| Lucinda: Ficamos bastante chocados por ele não saber nadar porque, vindo de um país insular, nunca conheci ninguém na minha vida que não soubesse nadar. Lucinda: Bili smo precej šokirani, da ne zna plavati, saj prihajam iz otoške države in še nikoli v življenju nisem srečala nikogar, ki ne bi znal plavati. Люсінда: Тож ми були шоковані тим, що він не вмів плавати, тому що, будучи з острівної країни, я ніколи в житті не зустрічала нікого, хто не вмів би плавати. I learned to swim when I was maybe 4 years old and we have swimming lessons at school so at least you don’t go to school, there’s no way that you can’t swim. Plavati sem se naučil, ko sem bil star morda štiri leta, in v šoli imamo ure plavanja, tako da vsaj ne hodiš v šolo, ni mogoče, da ne bi znal plavati. Todd: So are you a good swimming teacher? Did you teach him successfully? Você o ensinou com sucesso? Ste ga uspešno učili? Lucinda: I gave up halfway through it . ||||à mi-chemin|| ||||na metade|| Lucinda: Ich habe nach der Hälfte der Zeit aufgegeben. Lucinda: Desisti na metade. Lucinda: Obupala sem na polovici. Люсінда: Я здалася на півдорозі. My mom had to teach him because I’m very small and my mom used to be a lifeguard so she, she was able to, cause Kwame is so big. |||||||||||||||||sauveteuse||||||||||| Moja mama ga je morala učiti, ker sem zelo majhna in ker je bila moja mama nekoč reševalka iz vode, ga je lahko, ker je Kwame tako velik. He’s over 6 foot, so and I’m almost 5 foot so it’s kind of a bit, a bit dangerous for me to be teaching him how to swim. Ele tem mais de 6 pés, então e eu tenho quase 5 pés, então é meio perigoso para mim ensiná-lo a nadar. Visok je več kot 180 cm, jaz pa imam skoraj 180 cm, zato je zame nekoliko nevarno, da bi ga učil plavati. Його зріст більше 6 футів, а мій - майже 5 футів, тож мені трохи небезпечно вчити його плавати. Todd: What else do you remember about his first trip to New Zealand? Todd: Česa se še spomnite o njegovem prvem potovanju na Novo Zelandijo? Lucinda: Oh, gosh. Lucinda: O, boga. I remember that my parents, they really, really loved him and my family spent the whole time fighting over who got to spend time with Kwame and I think that my parents want to adopt me out and adopt Kwame instead. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||adopter|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||e||| Ich erinnere mich, dass meine Eltern ihn wirklich sehr geliebt haben, und meine Familie hat sich die ganze Zeit darüber gestritten, wer mehr Zeit mit Kwame verbringen darf, und ich glaube, dass meine Eltern mich adoptieren und stattdessen Kwame adoptieren wollen. Eu me lembro que meus pais, eles realmente o amavam e minha família passava o tempo todo brigando para ver quem poderia ficar com Kwame e eu acho que meus pais querem me adotar e adotar Kwame em seu lugar. Spomnim se, da sta ga imela moja starša zelo, zelo rada, moja družina pa se je ves čas prepirala, kdo bo preživljal čas s Kwamom, in mislim, da sta me starša želela posvojiti in namesto tega posvojiti Kwameja. I really think they prefer him. Res mislim, da ga imajo raje. He’s the good son. Todd: What did Kwame think of New Zealand? Lucinda: He really liked it. He, my stepfather, he goes fishing all the time and Kwame, coming from the city, he, when my stepfather asked him to go fishing he kind of squirmed at the thought of the start, but after coming back fishing, he asked every night after that to go fishing (really) and now all he talks about is the large snapper that he caught in New Zealand. ||beau-père||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||poisson-loup|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||se contorceu||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Er, mein Stiefvater, geht ständig fischen, und Kwame, der aus der Stadt kommt, hat sich, als mein Stiefvater ihn zum Fischen einlud, bei dem Gedanken an den Anfang gekrümmt, aber nachdem er vom Fischen zurückkam, wollte er danach jeden Abend fischen gehen (wirklich), und jetzt spricht er nur noch von dem großen Schnapper, den er in Neuseeland gefangen hat. Ele, meu padrasto, ele vai pescar o tempo todo e o Kwame, vindo da cidade, ele, quando meu padrasto pediu para ele ir pescar ele meio que se contorceu com a ideia de começar, mas depois de voltar pescando, ele pedia todas as noites depois ia pescar (sério) e agora só fala do grande pargo que pescou na Nova Zelândia. Moj očim ves čas hodi na ribolov in Kwame, ki prihaja iz mesta, se je, ko ga je moj očim povabil na ribolov, ob misli na začetek kar zganil, a ko se je vrnil z ribolova, je vsak večer prosil, naj gre na ribolov (res), zdaj pa govori samo o velikem škampu, ki ga je ujel na Novi Zelandiji. Він, мій вітчим, постійно ходить на риболовлю, а Кваме, приїхавши з міста, коли мій вітчим запропонував йому піти на риболовлю, він трохи здригнувся при думці про початок, але після повернення з риболовлі він щовечора просився на риболовлю (насправді), і тепер все, про що він говорить, - це великий окунь, якого він спіймав у Новій Зеландії.