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Society and people, Lost and Found

Lost and Found

I'm going to talk a little bit about an embarrassing situation.

In Japan, I've lost my wallet four times. The first time I lost my wallet I was in a taxi cab going home late at night and my wallet slipped out of my pocket and I didn't notice. The second time I lost my wallet I went to a night club with my friends and I drank to much and I wasn't paying attention and I left my wallet on the counter of the bar. The third time I lost my wallet I was hiking in a mountain region in Japan and I went into a small convenience store on the way home and I bought an ice-cream and I left my wallet on the counter and forgot about it. The fourth time I lost my wallet I was in Ueno station, a really, really busy station in Tokyo and I left my wallet on the counter at a supermarket, and the most amzing thing is that I still have the same wallet. In each of these instances I got my wallet back. In two of the cases the person at the store called me and I just had to go back to the store and get it. In one instance, the person that ran the convenient store in the mountains mailed me my wallet, and another time I had to go to the police station and pick it up, but I think that says a lot about Japanese people. They're very, very honest and sometimes I think maybe Japan is the only country in the world where you could lose your wallet four times and still get it back.

Lost and Found Verloren und gefunden Objetos perdidos 忘れ物 Pamesti ir rasti daiktai Perdidos e achados Потерянные и найденные Kayıp ve Buluntu 失物处

I’m going to talk a little bit about an embarrassing situation. |||||||||尷尬的| Šiek tiek pakalbėsiu apie keblią situaciją.

In Japan, I’ve lost my wallet four times. Japonijoje piniginę buvau pametęs keturis kartus. The first time I lost my wallet I was in a taxi cab going home late at night and my wallet slipped out of my pocket and I didn’t notice. |||||||||||||||||||||滑出|||||||| Pirmą kartą, kai praradau piniginę, vėlai vakare važiavau namo taksi automobiliu ir piniginė iškrito iš kišenės, o aš to nepastebėjau. The second time I lost my wallet I went to a night club with my friends and I drank to much and I wasn’t paying attention and I left my wallet on the counter of the bar. Antrą kartą, kai praradau piniginę, su draugais nuėjau į naktinį klubą, per daug išgėriau, nekreipiau dėmesio ir palikau piniginę ant baro prekystalio. The third time I lost my wallet I was hiking in a mountain region in Japan and I went into a small convenience store on the way home and I bought an ice-cream and I left my wallet on the counter and forgot about it. Trečią kartą, kai praradau piniginę, ėjau į žygį Japonijos kalnuose ir pakeliui namo užėjau į nedidelę parduotuvę, nusipirkau ledų, o piniginę palikau ant prekystalio ir pamiršau apie ją. The fourth time I lost my wallet I was in Ueno station, a really, really busy station in Tokyo and I left my wallet on the counter at a supermarket, and the most amzing thing is that I still have the same wallet. Ketvirtą kartą, kai praradau piniginę, buvau Ueno stotyje, tikrai labai judrioje Tokijo stotyje, ir palikau piniginę ant prekystalio prekybos centre, o nuostabiausia, kad vis dar turiu tą pačią piniginę. In each of these instances I got my wallet back. ||||情況||||| In jedem dieser Fälle erhielt ich meine Brieftasche zurück. Kiekvienu iš šių atvejų man buvo grąžinta piniginė. In two of the cases the person at the store called me and I just had to go back to the store and get it. Dviem atvejais man paskambino parduotuvės darbuotojas ir aš tiesiog turėjau grįžti į parduotuvę ir jį pasiimti. In one instance, the person that ran the convenient store in the mountains mailed me my wallet, and another time I had to go to the police station and pick it up, but I think that says a lot about Japanese people. ||情況||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| In einem Fall hat mir die Person, die den Laden in den Bergen betreibt, meine Brieftasche zugeschickt, und ein anderes Mal musste ich sie auf der Polizeiwache abholen, aber ich denke, das sagt viel über die Japaner aus. Vieną kartą patogią parduotuvę kalnuose valdantis asmuo atsiuntė man piniginę paštu, o kitą kartą turėjau nueiti į policijos nuovadą ir ją pasiimti, bet manau, kad tai daug ką pasako apie japonus. Bir keresinde dağdaki marketi işleten kişi bana cüzdanımı postaladı, başka bir seferinde ise karakola gidip almak zorunda kaldım, ama bence bu Japonlar hakkında çok şey söylüyor. They’re very, very honest and sometimes I think maybe Japan is the only country in the world where you could lose your wallet four times and still get it back. Jie labai sąžiningi ir kartais galvoju, kad Japonija galbūt yra vienintelė šalis pasaulyje, kurioje gali keturis kartus pamesti piniginę ir ją atgauti.