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Society and people, International Marriage

International Marriage

Todd: So, Mark, um, you mentioned that your wife is Japanese. Mark: That's right. Todd: Ok, and how long have you been married? Mark: We finally got married in April of 1998 but it took us a while to get to that stage. Todd: Ok, well,what's it like being in an international marriage? Mark: I really enjoy it. There are different challenges, I mean any marriage has got challenges, and just having different cultures and different backgrounds and different languages, despite the fact that we both speak both our first languages. Yeah, it has different challenges but that makes it fun. Todd: You said that your wife speaks to you in Japanese and you speak to her in English? Mark: No it's fifty-fifty really. It really depends on what we're talking about: if we're watching an English movie or something on TV in English we'll speak in English; if we're reading the Japanese newspaper and we find something interesting we will probably speak in Japanese. Todd: Ok, well, actually, how did you meet? Mark: Through my room mate in Japan, how many years ago now, probably about 15 years ago… Todd: A while back Mark: …introduced us. Yeah, it's been a long time. Todd: That's cool. Is there anything that's hard about having an international marriage? Mark: I suppose it means that you're always away from one person's family. I suppose that's the hardest thing. I'm in Japan now so I'm a long way from my family; when we lived in New Zealand before, my wife was a long way from her family. Todd: That's tough, that is tough. So how long did you live together in New Zealand? Mark: We were there for about 4 years,…I think. Yeah, yeah, approximately 4 years in New Zealand. Todd: Now, have you lived in any other countries together? Mark: No, no, not together, it's either been Japan or New Zealand. Todd: Do you have any plans as to which country you're going to settle in? Mark: Now that sounds very permament to me! Todd: So you never know? Mark: Never know. Todd: Alright, thanks a lot, Mark.

International Marriage Internationale Eheschließung Małżeństwo międzynarodowe Casamento internacional Uluslararası Evlilik Міжнародний шлюб 国际婚姻

Todd: So, Mark, um, you mentioned that your wife is Japanese. Todd: Also, Mark, Sie haben erwähnt, dass Ihre Frau Japanerin ist. Mark: That’s right. Todd: Ok, and how long have you been married? Mark: We finally got married in April of 1998 but it took us a while to get to that stage. Mark: Wir haben schließlich im April 1998 geheiratet, aber es hat eine Weile gedauert, bis wir so weit waren. Mark: Finalmente nos casamos em abril de 1998, mas demorou um pouco para chegarmos a esse estágio. Mark: Nihayet 1998 yılının Nisan ayında evlendik ama o aşamaya gelmemiz biraz zaman aldı. Марк: Ми нарешті одружилися у квітні 1998 року, але нам знадобився певний час, щоб дійти до цього етапу. Todd: Ok, well,what’s it like being in an international marriage? Todd: Ok, wie ist es denn, in einer internationalen Ehe zu leben? Mark: I really enjoy it. There are different challenges, I mean any marriage has got challenges, and just having different cultures and different backgrounds and different languages, despite the fact that we both speak both our first languages. ||||||||||||||||||origines|||||||||||||| Es gibt verschiedene Herausforderungen, ich meine, jede Ehe hat Herausforderungen, und einfach unterschiedliche Kulturen, unterschiedliche Hintergründe und unterschiedliche Sprachen, obwohl wir beide unsere Erstsprachen sprechen. Existem diferentes desafios, quero dizer, qualquer casamento tem desafios, e apenas ter diferentes culturas e diferentes origens e diferentes idiomas, apesar do fato de que ambos falamos nossas primeiras línguas. Kljub temu, da oba govoriva oba materna jezika, se soočava z različnimi izzivi, kot so različne kulture, različna okolja in različni jeziki. Yeah, it has different challenges but that makes it fun. Ja, es gibt verschiedene Herausforderungen, aber das macht den Spaß aus. Ja, ima različne izzive, vendar je zaradi tega zabavna. Todd: You said that your wife speaks to you in Japanese and you speak to her in English? Todd: Sie sagten, Ihre Frau spricht mit Ihnen auf Japanisch und Sie sprechen mit ihr auf Englisch? Mark: No it’s fifty-fifty really. Mark: Não, é meio a meio, na verdade. Mark: Ne, res je petdeset na petdeset. It really depends on what we’re talking about: if we’re watching an English movie or something on TV in English we’ll speak in English; if we’re reading the Japanese newspaper and we find something interesting we will probably speak in Japanese. Es hängt wirklich davon ab, worüber wir sprechen: Wenn wir einen englischen Film oder etwas im Fernsehen auf Englisch sehen, sprechen wir auf Englisch; wenn wir die japanische Zeitung lesen und etwas Interessantes finden, sprechen wir wahrscheinlich auf Japanisch. Todd: Ok, well, actually, how did you meet? Todd: Ok, wie habt ihr euch eigentlich kennengelernt? Тодд: Гаразд, а як ви познайомилися? Mark: Through my room mate in Japan, how many years ago now, probably about 15 years ago… Mark: Durch meinen Zimmerkollegen in Japan, vor wie vielen Jahren, wahrscheinlich vor etwa 15 Jahren... Mark: Através do meu colega de quarto no Japão, há quantos anos agora, provavelmente cerca de 15 anos atrás ... Mark: Prek mojega sošolca na Japonskem, pred koliko leti, verjetno pred približno 15 leti... Todd: A while back Todd: Vor einiger Zeit Todd: Um tempo atrás Mark: …introduced us. Mark: ...uns vorgestellt. Марк: ...познайомив нас. Yeah, it’s been a long time. Todd: That’s cool. Is there anything that’s hard about having an international marriage? Gibt es irgendetwas, was bei einer internationalen Ehe schwierig ist? Чи є щось складне в інтернаціональному шлюбі? Mark: I suppose it means that you’re always away from one person’s family. Mark: Ich nehme an, es bedeutet, dass man immer von der Familie einer Person getrennt ist. Mark: Suponho que significa que você está sempre longe da família de uma pessoa. Марк: Гадаю, це означає, що ти завжди перебуваєш далеко від сім'ї однієї людини. I suppose that’s the hardest thing. Ich denke, das ist das Schwierigste. Mislim, da je to najtežje. I’m in Japan now so I’m a long way from my family; when we lived in New Zealand before, my wife was a long way from her family. Ich bin jetzt in Japan, also weit weg von meiner Familie; als wir vorher in Neuseeland lebten, war meine Frau weit weg von ihrer Familie. Zdaj sem na Japonskem, zato sem daleč od svoje družine; ko sva prej živela na Novi Zelandiji, je bila moja žena daleč od svoje družine. Зараз я перебуваю в Японії, тому я далеко від своєї сім'ї. Коли ми жили в Новій Зеландії, моя дружина була далеко від своєї сім'ї. Todd: That’s tough, that is tough. ||difficile||| Todd: Das ist hart, das ist wirklich hart. So how long did you live together in New Zealand? Wie lange haben Sie zusammen in Neuseeland gelebt? Mark: We were there for about 4 years,…I think. Mark: Wir waren dort etwa 4 Jahre lang,... glaube ich. Yeah, yeah, approximately 4 years in New Zealand. ||environ|||| Todd: Now, have you lived in any other countries together? Todd: Habt ihr zusammen in anderen Ländern gelebt? Mark: No, no, not together, it’s either been Japan or New Zealand. Mark: Nein, nein, nicht zusammen, es war entweder Japan oder Neuseeland. Mark: Não, não, juntos não, foi no Japão ou na Nova Zelândia. Todd: Do you have any plans as to which country you’re going to settle in? |||||projets||||||||| Todd: Haben Sie schon Pläne, in welchem Land Sie sich niederlassen werden? Todd: Você tem algum plano sobre em que país vai se estabelecer? Todd: Ali že načrtujete, v kateri državi se boste naselili? Mark: Now that sounds very permament to me! |||||permanent|| Mark: Das klingt für mich sehr permament! Mark: Isso soa muito permanente para mim! Mark: To se mi zdi zelo trajno! Марк: Як на мене, це звучить дуже перманентно! 马克:这对我来说听起来非常永久! Todd: So you never know? Todd: Man kann also nie wissen? Todd: Então você nunca sabe? Тож ви ніколи не знаєте? Mark: Never know. Todd: Alright, thanks a lot, Mark.