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Society and people, Future Kids

Future Kids

Todd: OK, Simon, I was wondering you know, you have a newborn son and before you know it, he'll probably be 10 years old, 12 years old, and I wonder if his life will a lot different than it was for us when we were 10 or 12. Like for example, education, do you remember what school was like when you were 12. Simon: Yeah, sure I do. I think his education will be the same as mine. I don't think, like I had a classroom with maybe 15 or 20 students in it. He'll probably have a classroom with 15 or 20 students in it. Simon: Of course there will be a lot more technology in his classroom. I mean, I remember my first computer had green and white, green and black screen. He'll probably have 3-dimensional shapes with his computer screen. Todd: That will be amazing. What about sports? Do you think sports will be the same? That he'll play pick up games with his friends and go to the park and play soccer, whatever. Simon: Sure. The only difference is for example, I played soccer when I was young. I played on grass. He'll probably play on artificial turf on the top of a building somewhere. Todd: Right. Actually that kind of worried me about kids today. They don't play sports and freely as they did, you know, when I was 12. Cause when I was 12, we would always play pick-up basketball games or pick-up baseball games. I don't know if kids do that so much anymore. Simon: I think they probably do. Todd: You think so. OK. Well what about entertainment? Simon: I think some things never change so when he is 12 years old he will do exactly what I don't want him to do, which is exactly what I did so those things might be different, like I would probably hang out with my friends and go skateboarding. He'll probably have a jet board instead. Todd: A jet board. Right.

Simon: Well, who knows. I don't know, but something, something new. Todd: Right. Right.

OK, that's cool. Anything else you think might be different for your son, especially when you son is 30, in his 30’s like you. Simon: Yeah, but I guess technology, I think technology and overpopulation so he'll probably see a lot less natural sites or won't be able to experience nature as I did. I mean even now I don't see as much nature as I did 20 years ago. Todd: Right. Yeah, it's kind of a sad thing. OK, anyway, thanks a lot Simon. Simon: Yeah, no problem.

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Future Kids Futuros niños フューチャー・キッズ Ateities vaikai Crianças do futuro Дети будущего Geleceğin Çocukları 未来的孩子 未來的孩子

Todd: OK, Simon, I was wondering you know, you have a newborn son and before you know it, he’ll probably be 10 years old, 12 years old, and I wonder if his life will a lot different than it was for us when we were 10 or 12. Todd: OK, Simon, ich habe mich gefragt, weißt du, du hast einen neugeborenen Sohn und ehe du dich versiehst, wird er wahrscheinlich 10 Jahre alt, 12 Jahre alt, und ich frage mich, ob sein Leben viel anders wird, als es vorher war uns, als wir 10 oder 12 waren. Todd: OK, Simon, zastanawiałem się, wiesz, masz nowonarodzonego syna i zanim się zorientujesz, prawdopodobnie będzie miał 10, 12 lat i zastanawiam się, czy jego życie będzie się znacznie różnić od tego, jakie było dla nas, gdy mieliśmy 10 lub 12 lat. Todd: OK, Simon, eu queria saber, você sabe, você tem um filho recém-nascido e antes que você perceba, ele provavelmente terá 10, 12 anos, e eu me pergunto se a vida dele será muito diferente do que era antes nós quando tínhamos 10 ou 12 anos. Тодд: Гаразд, Саймоне, мені цікаво, знаєш, у тебе є новонароджений син, і ти не встигнеш озирнутися, як йому буде 10, 12 років, і мені цікаво, чи буде його життя сильно відрізнятися від того, яким воно було для нас, коли нам було 10 чи 12 років. Like for example, education, do you remember what school was like when you were 12. Simon: Yeah, sure I do. I think his education will be the same as mine. Acho que a educação dele será igual à minha. I don’t think, like I had a classroom with maybe 15 or 20 students in it. He’ll probably have a classroom with 15 or 20 students in it. Simon: Of course there will be a lot more technology in his classroom. I mean, I remember my first computer had green and white, green and black screen. Я пам'ятаю, що мій перший комп'ютер мав зелено-білий, зелено-чорний екран. He’ll probably have 3-dimensional shapes with his computer screen. Ймовірно, він матиме тривимірні фігури на екрані свого комп'ютера. Todd: That will be amazing. What about sports? Do you think sports will be the same? That he’ll play pick up games with his friends and go to the park and play soccer, whatever. Simon: Sure. The only difference is for example, I played soccer when I was young. I played on grass. He’ll probably play on artificial turf on the top of a building somewhere. ||||sintética|grama sintética||||||| Ele provavelmente vai brincar em grama artificial no topo de um prédio em algum lugar. Todd: Right. Actually that kind of worried me about kids today. Na verdade, isso meio que me preocupou com as crianças hoje. They don’t play sports and freely as they did, you know, when I was 12. Eles não praticam esportes e livremente como faziam, sabe, quando eu tinha 12 anos. Вони не займаються спортом так вільно, як це було, наприклад, коли мені було 12 років. Cause when I was 12, we would always play pick-up basketball games or pick-up baseball games. |||||||jogar|jogar|||||||| Denn als ich 12 war, haben wir immer Basketball oder Baseball gespielt. Porque quando eu tinha 12 anos, nós sempre jogávamos basquete ou beisebol. I don’t know if kids do that so much anymore. Simon: I think they probably do. Саймон: Думаю, що так. Todd: You think so. OK. Well what about entertainment? Simon: I think some things never change so when he is 12 years old he will do exactly what I don’t want him to do, which is exactly what I did so those things might be different, like I would probably hang out with my friends and go skateboarding. Simon: Eu acho que algumas coisas nunca mudam, então quando ele tiver 12 anos ele fará exatamente o que eu não quero que ele faça, que é exatamente o que eu fiz, então essas coisas podem ser diferentes, como eu provavelmente sairia com meu amigos e andar de skate. Саймон: Я думаю, що деякі речі ніколи не змінюються, і коли йому буде 12 років, він робитиме саме те, що я не хочу, щоб він робив, що я і робив, тому ці речі можуть бути іншими, наприклад, я, ймовірно, буду тусуватися з друзями і кататися на скейтборді. He’ll probably have a jet board instead. ||||prancha de j|| Ele provavelmente terá um avião a jato em vez disso. Натомість у нього, мабуть, буде реактивна дошка. Todd: A jet board. Right.

Simon: Well, who knows. Simon: Bem, quem sabe. I don’t know, but something, something new. Não sei, mas algo, algo novo. Todd: Right. Right.

OK, that’s cool. Anything else you think might be different for your son, especially when you son is 30, in his 30’s like you. Simon: Yeah, but I guess technology, I think technology and overpopulation so he’ll probably see a lot less natural sites or won’t be able to experience nature as I did. Simon: Sim, mas acho que tecnologia, acho que tecnologia e superpopulação, então ele provavelmente verá muito menos locais naturais ou não será capaz de vivenciar a natureza como eu. Саймон: Так, але я думаю, що технології, я думаю, що технології і перенаселення, тому він, ймовірно, побачить набагато менше природних об'єктів або не зможе відчути природу так, як це зробив я. I mean even now I don’t see as much nature as I did 20 years ago. Quer dizer, mesmo agora não vejo tanta natureza como via há 20 anos. Todd: Right. Yeah, it’s kind of a sad thing. Sim, é uma coisa meio triste. OK, anyway, thanks a lot Simon. Simon: Yeah, no problem.