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Society and people, Future Family

Future Family

Kara: So, coming from such a large family, again, what do you imagine for yourself as far as family size and your ideal lifestyle? Lupe: I love having a big family. I think that is the biggest blessing in my life because there's always someone there for you. You can always talk to someone and ideally I would love it one day I had children and they had, you know, eleven or ten siblings to go to when they need help or when they just simply want to talk. That's really not gonna happen. You know, I don't think I'm gonna have many children. I would love to have enough children that I know I can actually be financially stable enough that my kids will have what they need, and they won't have to struggle when they're growing up because of money situations, but I would love to be a mom one day, and I would love to be a stay-at-home mom at that because growing up, I always had my mom there with us. She was a stay-at-home mom and it was great to wake up and have her there and come home and have her there and really to know she's there whenever we needed her, and now it's a little more difficult just because it's really expensive you know to live here and it's hard to have just one of the parents working, so ideally I would love to be a stay-at-home mom, and if it's financially possible, I would definitely do that, but if it's not then, you know, I wouldn't mind still working and, you know, still being a full-time mom even if you are working, but I think it all depends on how many kids I have and obviously the person that I have my children with and how we are as far as money and even emotionally. We want to have a good family so the size is really not gonna be the biggest issue.

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Future Family Zukünftige Familie Futura familia 未来の家族 Przyszła rodzina Futura família Будущая семья 未来家庭

Kara: So, coming from such a large family, again, what do you imagine for yourself as far as family size and your ideal lifestyle? Kara: So, coming from such a large family, again, what do you imagine for yourself as far as family size and your ideal lifestyle? カーラ:では、そのような大家族のご出身ということですが、家族の人数や理想的なライフスタイルについて、ご自身ではどのように想像していますか? 卡拉:那么,你来自这么大的一个家庭,你对自己家庭规模和理想生活方式的设想是怎样的呢? Lupe: I love having a big family. 卢佩:我喜欢有一个大家庭。 I think that is the biggest blessing in my life because there’s always someone there for you. Ich denke, das ist der größte Segen in meinem Leben, denn es ist immer jemand für einen da. 常に誰かがそばにいてくれる、それが私の人生における最大の恵みだと思う。 我想这是我一生中最大的幸福,因为总有人陪伴着你。 You can always talk to someone and ideally I would love it one day I had children and they had, you know, eleven or ten siblings to go to when they need help or when they just simply want to talk. Man kann immer mit jemandem reden, und ich fände es toll, wenn ich eines Tages Kinder hätte und sie elf oder zehn Geschwister hätten, zu denen sie gehen könnten, wenn sie Hilfe brauchen oder einfach nur reden wollen. 理想を言えば、いつか私に子供ができて、その子供たちが11人か10人の兄弟姉妹がいて、助けが必要なときや単に話をしたいときに相談できるようになったらいいなと思う。 你总是可以和某人交谈,理想情况下,我希望有一天我有了孩子,他们有十一个或十个兄弟姐妹,当他们需要帮助或者只是简单地想聊天时可以去向他们倾诉。 That’s really not gonna happen. それは本当にあり得ない。 这确实不会发生。 You know, I don’t think I’m gonna have many children. 私はあまり子供を作らないつもりなんだ。 你知道,我认为我不会有很多孩子。 I would love to have enough children that I know I can actually be financially stable enough that my kids will have what they need, and they won’t have to struggle when they’re growing up because of money situations, but I would love to be a mom one day, and I would love to be a stay-at-home mom at that because growing up, I always had my mom there with us. Ich würde gerne so viele Kinder haben, dass ich weiß, dass ich finanziell so stabil sein kann, dass meine Kinder alles haben, was sie brauchen, und dass sie nicht mit Geldsorgen zu kämpfen haben, wenn sie aufwachsen, aber ich würde gerne eines Tages eine Mutter sein, und zwar eine Hausfrau, denn als ich aufwuchs, war meine Mutter immer bei uns. でも、いつかママになりたいし、専業主婦になりたい。 我希望有足够多的孩子,这样我就能实现经济稳定,让我的孩子得到他们需要的一切,他们长大后也不用因为经济状况而苦苦挣扎,但我希望有一天能成为一名妈妈,而且我希望成为一名全职妈妈,因为在我成长的过程中,妈妈一直陪伴着我。 She was a stay-at-home mom and it was great to wake up and have her there and come home and have her there and really to know she’s there whenever we needed her, and now it’s a little more difficult just because it’s really expensive you know to live here and it’s hard to have just one of the parents working, so ideally I would love to be a stay-at-home mom, and if it’s financially possible, I would definitely do that, but if it’s not then, you know, I wouldn’t mind still working and, you know, still being a full-time mom even if you are working, but I think it all depends on how many kids I have and obviously the person that I have my children with and how we are as far as money and even emotionally. 彼女は専業主婦で、朝起きると彼女がいて、家に帰ると彼女がいて、必要なときにはいつでも彼女がいてくれるのが嬉しかった。今は、ここに住むには本当にお金がかかるし、両親のどちらか片方だけが働くのは難しいから、理想を言えば専業主婦になりたいし、経済的に可能であればぜひそうしたい。 她是一位全职妈妈,早上醒来有她在身边,回家有她在身边,知道无论何时需要她,她都在身边,这种感觉真是太好了,但现在情况有点困难,因为住在这里真的很贵,而且父母只有一个人在工作也很困难,所以理想情况下,我很乐意做一名全职妈妈,如果经济上允许,我肯定会这么做,但如果不允许,我并不介意继续工作,即使工作,我仍然可以做一名全职妈妈,但我认为这完全取决于我有多少个孩子,显然还取决于我和谁一起抚养孩子,以及我们在经济甚至情感上的情况。 We want to have a good family so the size is really not gonna be the biggest issue. 私たちは良い家庭を築きたいので、大きさは大きな問題ではありません。 我们想拥有一个幸福的家庭,所以家庭规模并不是最大的问题。