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Society and people, Divorce


Katia: So, Enam, we're talking about arranged marriages, but what about the rate of divorce of arranged marriages? Is it high? Enam: Well, actually, the rate is incredibly low . Actually, it's below ten percent and it's changing but still it's really low and the reason I think because the culture in Bangladesh ... in that kind of culture, boys and girls are like grown up in different ways, and they don't really see each other that closely, and that's why when you are married with a person, you start to know that person after different ... opposite gender ... quite well and that helps develop and understanding and they both ... both of them try to understand each other - their values - and in the cultural background it's normally decided that they have to be together normally without an exception for the rest of their lives, so they just try to work in that way. Do you have a higher divorce rate in your country? Katia: Actually, unfortunately it is increasing. I really don't know the percentage but when I was young, if somebody of my friends parents would get a divorce that would be very shocking to hear. It was uncommon. But now, a lot of my friends actually are going though divorce or their parents have divorced, which it wasn't common but now it seems a little bit more common, so unfortunately things are changing in Mexico. Enam: Why do you think that the divorce rate is going up? What could be the reason behind this? Katia: I think it's very hard to say but I think they're various reasons. For example, women didn't used to work. They used to stay home and take care of the house, the husband, the children, but now women have become more independent. They have been able to make different decisions that before they didn't have to, so I think the independence of the women has changed things and perhaps the culture itself, the culture of marriage and divorce , it has changed also so I think possibly those two reasons .

Divorce Scheidung Divorcio Divorzio 離婚 Skyrybos Rozwód Divórcio Развод Boşanma 离婚 離婚

Katia: So, Enam, we’re talking about arranged marriages, but what about the rate of divorce of arranged marriages? Katia: Also, Enam, wir sprechen über arrangierte Ehen, aber wie sieht es mit der Scheidungsrate bei arrangierten Ehen aus? 卡蒂亚:那么,埃纳姆,我们正在谈论包办婚姻,但是包办婚姻的离婚率如何呢? Is it high? 高嗎? Enam: Well, actually, the rate is incredibly low . Enam: Nun, eigentlich ist die Rate unglaublich niedrig. 埃纳姆:嗯,事实上,这个比率低得令人难以置信。 Actually, it’s below ten percent and it’s changing but still it’s really low and the reason I think because the culture in Bangladesh ... in that kind of culture, boys and girls are like grown up in different ways, and they don’t really see each other that closely, and that’s why when you are married with a person, you start to know that person after different ... opposite gender ... quite well and that helps develop and understanding and they both ... both of them try to understand each other - their values - and in the cultural background it’s normally decided that they have to be together normally without an exception for the rest of their lives, so they just try to work in that way. Ich denke, der Grund dafür ist, dass die Kultur in Bangladesch ... in dieser Art von Kultur sind Jungen und Mädchen auf unterschiedliche Weise aufgewachsen, und sie sehen sich nicht wirklich so eng, und deshalb fängt man, wenn man mit einer Person verheiratet ist, an, diese Person nach dem anderen ...... des anderen Geschlechts ... recht gut zu kennen, und das hilft dabei, Verständnis zu entwickeln, und beide ... beide versuchen, einander zu verstehen - ihre Werte - und im kulturellen Hintergrund wird normalerweise entschieden, dass sie für den Rest ihres Lebens ohne Ausnahme zusammen sein müssen, also versuchen sie einfach, auf diese Weise zu arbeiten. 实际上,这个比例低于 10%,而且还在变化,但仍然很低,我认为原因在于孟加拉国的文化......在那种文化中,男孩和女孩的成长方式不同,他们彼此之间并没有那么密切的联系,这就是为什么当你与一个人结婚时,你会在与不同的......异性......交往后开始非常了解那个人,这有助于发展和理解,他们都......他们都试图理解对方的价值观 - 并且在文化背景下,通常决定他们必须正常地在一起度过余生,没有例外,所以他们只是尝试以这种方式生活。 Do you have a higher divorce rate in your country? Gibt es in Ihrem Land eine höhere Scheidungsrate? 你们国家的离婚率较高吗? Katia: Actually, unfortunately it is increasing. Katia: In der Tat, leider nimmt sie zu. 卡蒂亚:事实上,不幸的是,这一数字正在增加。 I really don’t know the percentage but when I was young, if somebody of my friends parents would get a divorce that would be very shocking to hear. Ich weiß wirklich nicht, wie hoch der Prozentsatz ist, aber als ich jung war, war es sehr schockierend zu hören, wenn sich die Eltern eines meiner Freunde scheiden ließen. 我确实不知道具体比例,但当我年轻的时候,如果我朋友的父母中有人离婚,我会感到非常震惊。 It was uncommon. Das war ungewöhnlich. 这是不常见的。 But now, a lot of my friends actually are going though divorce or their parents have divorced, which it wasn’t common but now it seems a little bit more common, so unfortunately things are changing in Mexico. Aber jetzt lassen sich viele meiner Freunde scheiden, oder ihre Eltern haben sich scheiden lassen, was früher nicht üblich war, aber jetzt scheint es etwas häufiger der Fall zu sein, also ändern sich die Dinge in Mexiko leider. 但现在,我的很多朋友都在经历离婚或者他们的父母已经离婚,这种情况以前并不常见,但现在似乎更常见一些,所以不幸的是,墨西哥的情况正在发生变化。 Enam: Why do you think that the divorce rate is going up? Enam: Warum glauben Sie, dass die Scheidungsrate ansteigt? 埃纳姆:您认为离婚率为什么会上升? What could be the reason behind this? Was könnte der Grund dafür sein? 这背后的原因是什么? Katia: I think it’s very hard to say but I think they’re various reasons. Katia: Ich glaube, das ist sehr schwer zu sagen, aber ich denke, es sind verschiedene Gründe. 卡蒂亚:我认为这很难说,但我认为原因有很多种。 For example, women didn’t used to work. Zum Beispiel haben Frauen früher nicht gearbeitet. 例如,妇女过去不工作。 They used to stay home and take care of the house, the husband, the children, but now women have become more independent. Früher blieben sie zu Hause und kümmerten sich um das Haus, den Mann und die Kinder, aber heute sind die Frauen unabhängiger geworden. 她们过去常常呆在家里照顾房子、丈夫和孩子,但现在女性变得更加独立。 They have been able to make different decisions that before they didn’t have to, so I think the independence of the women has changed things and perhaps the culture itself, the culture of marriage and divorce , it has changed also so I think possibly those two reasons . Ich denke also, dass die Unabhängigkeit der Frauen die Dinge verändert hat, und vielleicht hat sich auch die Kultur selbst, die Kultur der Heirat und der Scheidung, verändert, so dass ich denke, dass es möglicherweise diese beiden Gründe sind. 她们现在能够做出以前不需要做出的决定,所以我认为女性的独立改变了一些事情,也许文化本身、婚姻和离婚的文化也发生了变化,所以我认为可能是这两个原因。