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Society and people, Dear Old Dad

Dear Old Dad

Todd: OK, Keri, I've heard you talk about your father quite a bit. He sounds like a very interesting man. Can you talk a little bit about him? Kerri: Sure. My dad's name is Robert and he's an interesting guy. He's retired now and lives in Oregon and in his free time he's building an airplane (wow!) Yeah! Todd: So can he fly a plane as well? Kerri: Yeah, he has a private pilot's license. Todd: Wow, that must be pretty difficult. He's actually making a plane from scratch. Kerri: Yeah. Well, he used to be an airplane mechanic, so quite awhile ago. But yeah, he's doing all the riveting, building all the different parts of the plane and assembling it. Todd: Wow! So when do you think he's going to be finished. Kerri: I don't know. I got an e-mail from him recently that said he's just putting the tail section on soon. But I haven't seen a picture of that yet. Todd: Wow. So are you going to go in this plane with your father as soon as it's finished? Kerri: I hope so. He's having someone else test fly it which made me happy when I found out. Although I trust his work cause he's meticulous but it made me feel good that someone else is going to try it for the first time, but yeah, after it's finished, when he's ready to take up passengers. Todd: Cool. Sounds fun. Kerri: Yeah. I think so.

Dear Old Dad Lieber alter Papa Querido viejo papá Cher vieux papa 親愛なる老父へ 늙은 아빠에게 Querido Pai Velho Dragi stari oče Sevgili Yaşlı Baba Любий старий тату. 亲爱的老爸 親愛的老爸爸

Todd: OK, Keri, I’ve heard you talk about your father quite a bit. Todd: Keri, slišal sem te govoriti o tvojem očetu. Todd: Tamam, Keri, baban hakkında epeyce konuştuğunu duydum. He sounds like a very interesting man. Zveni kot zelo zanimiv človek. Can you talk a little bit about him? Lahko poveste nekaj o njem? Kerri: Sure. My dad’s name is Robert and he’s an interesting guy. Mojemu očetu je ime Robert in je zanimiv človek. He’s retired now and lives in Oregon and in his free time he’s building an airplane (wow!) Zdaj je upokojen in živi v Oregonu, v prostem času pa gradi letalo (vau!) Yeah! Todd: So can he fly a plane as well? Todd: Torej zna tudi leteti z letalom? Todd: Peki o da uçak kullanabiliyor mu? Kerri: Yeah, he has a private pilot’s license. Kerri: Ja, ima licenco zasebnega pilota. Todd: Wow, that must be pretty difficult. Todd: Vau, to mora biti zelo težko. He’s actually making a plane from scratch. Er baut tatsächlich ein Flugzeug von Grund auf neu. Dejansko izdeluje letalo iz nič. Aslında sıfırdan bir uçak yapıyor. Він фактично робить літак з нуля. Kerri: Yeah. Well, he used to be an airplane mechanic, so quite awhile ago. Nun, er war früher Flugzeugmechaniker, das ist also schon eine Weile her. Nekoč je bil letalski mehanik, torej že kar nekaj časa nazaj. Eskiden uçak teknisyeniymiş, yani uzun zaman önce. But yeah, he’s doing all the riveting, building all the different parts of the plane and assembling it. Aber ja, er macht alle Nietarbeiten, baut alle Teile des Flugzeugs und setzt es zusammen. Ampak ja, on zakovičuje, izdeluje vse različne dele letala in ga sestavlja. Ama evet, tüm perçinleme işlemlerini yapıyor, uçağın tüm farklı parçalarını inşa ediyor ve birleştiriyor. Todd: Wow! So when do you think he’s going to be finished. Kdaj mislite, da bo končal. Kerri: I don’t know. I got an e-mail from him recently that said he’s just putting the tail section on soon. Ich habe vor kurzem eine E-Mail von ihm bekommen, in der stand, dass er gerade das Heckteil anbringt. Pred kratkim sem od njega dobil e-pošto, v kateri je zapisal, da bo kmalu namestil repni del. But I haven’t seen a picture of that yet. Aber ich habe noch kein Bild davon gesehen. Toda slike tega še nisem videl. Todd: Wow. So are you going to go in this plane with your father as soon as it’s finished? Torej boš šel z očetom v to letalo, takoj ko bo končano? Kerri: I hope so. He’s having someone else test fly it which made me happy when I found out. Er lässt es von jemand anderem testen, was mich sehr gefreut hat, als ich es erfuhr. Nekdo drug ga bo preizkusil, kar me je razveselilo, ko sem to izvedel. Başka birine test uçuşu yaptırıyor ki bunu öğrendiğimde çok mutlu oldum. Although I trust his work cause he’s meticulous but it made me feel good that someone else is going to try it for the first time, but yeah, after it’s finished, when he’s ready to take up passengers. |||||||méticuleux|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich vertraue zwar auf seine Arbeit, weil er akribisch ist, aber es hat mir ein gutes Gefühl gegeben, dass jemand anderes es zum ersten Mal versuchen wird, aber ja, nachdem es fertig ist, wenn er bereit ist, Passagiere aufzunehmen. Čeprav zaupam njegovemu delu, ker je natančen, pa me je razveselilo, da bo to prvič poskusil še kdo drug, ampak ja, ko bo končano, ko bo pripravljen prevzeti potnike. Хоча я довіряю його роботі, тому що він педантичний, але мені було приємно, що хтось інший спробує його вперше, але так, після того, як він буде закінчений, коли він буде готовий приймати пасажирів. Todd: Cool. |Sympa Sounds fun. Звучить весело. Kerri: Yeah. I think so.